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S35.E13: Victim of Love

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Fuck John.  “ONLY ROGAN CAN TALK!  Unless I feel like I need to give directions, and then only *I* can talk.”

On another note, slide puzzles are the devil’s instrument.

Kaycee, I am disappoint.

Bayleigh keeps saying she was close with Kaycee on BB and I don’t remember that?  Weren’t they on opposite sides almost from the jump?  And apparently Kaycee doesn’t remember this either, BWAH.  Any live feeders watch this show who can confirm?

Who is this nice Nelson and where was he earlier in the season?

And just like BB, Bayleigh completely loses her shit once Chris is gone.  WHERE IS THE BLOOD.  Also she is married now so who cares what happened last summer?

  • LOL 3
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4 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Bayleigh keeps saying she was close with Kaycee on BB and I don’t remember that?  Weren’t they on opposite sides almost from the jump?  And apparently Kaycee doesn’t remember this either, BWAH.  Any live feeders watch this show who can confirm?

Yes, they were in opposite alliances right pretty much from the begininig. Having said that, Kaycee is so laid back she's horizontal. That probably plus Bayleigh's crush on her (which wasn't apparent at the time), meant that they could hang out together without drama. Unlike say, Tyler, who had the insufferable audacity!!! to say good morning to Bay, thus infuriating her to the point of (literally, for those who don't watch BB) shrieking until she was spitting blood.

4 minutes ago, mojoween said:

And just like BB, Bayleigh completely loses her shit once Chris is gone.

One of his finer qualities is being the Bayleigh whisperer.

  • LOL 6
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I wasn’t sure who to believe in this she said, she said argument. Thank goodness for Fessy saying that the relationship was just a friendship for Kaycee. Now I want to know if Kaycee really told Bayleigh she wanted her in her bed after Swaggy left. Bay was definitely laying out which leads me to believe she’s just saying anything to keep herself in the game. I haven’t seen spoilers though so who knows.

  • Love 3

Here's the thing about Bayleigh losing her shit...

Remember when the house voted in Jenna because they thought she wasn't mentally in the game anymore? How did that same logic not apply to Bayleigh? Bayleigh's been losing her shit damn-near the entire episode... and before the house vote.

Why target Melissa who wants to go in and is mentally prepared to go in? Melissa was itching to go in. When they're itching to go in, keep them on edge. Make them anxious. Even though Bayleigh wanted to go in, she's has been off her rocker since Chris left. She also wanted to go and be with her man. This would have been the best time to strike. Kick her while she's down.

Edited by AntFTW
  • LOL 2
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"Linger!" The 90s throwback soundtrack continues.

When Bayleigh was going around painting that picture of her and Kaycee on Big Brother, all I could think of was, "yeah ... and you're with Swaggy now, so ..." It's not like she's been sitting, pining away for Kaycee all this time. "You used to have a thing for me before I moved on with someone else" isn't the best argument I've ever heard.

My biggest laugh of the night: stock footage of various empty rooms in the bunker. The (perpetual) Purgatory nominee was still Jay.

  • Love 3

I have to say that I thought this was the best episode out of the last 2 or 3 that we got.

I liked the daily challenge, it was some good drama, and I liked the elimination challenge.

Nany is just... never gonna win one of these things. She'll win when she stops playing a scared game (...and when it's not required that she goes into an elimination to get to a final). The people that play scared games don't win these things.

Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 5

I don't watch Big Brother, so I have to ask: how fucked up is Fessy? We've seen Christopher be an asshole, Bayleigh lost her got-damn mind tonight, and a helluva lot of shade is going to be thrown on Kaycee. I've been under the understand that all Hamsters are mentally damaged goods. Is Fessy the exception?

I actually remember the mission being used in Battle of the Seasons way back in 2002. I think the biggest difference was that the cars had to be pushed, as opposed to driven. As usual, both sides had to make it dramatic.

Bayleigh is insane. Josh is still a dumbass. Johnny is still causing trouble.

If any episode could have been scaled to sixty minutes, this would've been it. Once the result was announced, Nany was automatically going to Purgatory. After the others voted in Melissa, I don't see why we needed a Tribunal, aside from them picking Bayleigh, and her responding by ripping on Nany.

Purgatory was interesting, but poorly thought-out. We could have ended in a situation where Nany and Melissa grabbed each others skulls and placed them on their respective pedestals five times, and the winner would have been decided by who was faster with the final skull. Melissa gets the win here, but you have to be worried about her unborn daughter. I mean, she didn't know she was pregnant, so seeing her drink a shot and wrestle Nany was a bit nerve-wracking.

Looks like double elimination next week. The question is if it'll be guys/guys, or two final Purgatories with the men and women.

  • Love 1

Kaycee and Bayleigh were close at the beginning of Big Brother and were flirtatious at times. However, then they ended up in opposite alliances and weren't really close after that. Kaycee and her alliance then dispatched Swaggy, Bayleigh and Fessy on the way to Kaycee's win.

It should be noted that Bayleigh voted for Kaycee to win BB. Her vote was shown last, which broke a 4-4 tie and gave Kaycee the $500,000. Her vote was more of a vote against Tyler than it was for Kaycee, however.


Edited by Badlands
  • Useful 2
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29 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

I don't watch Big Brother, so I have to ask: how fucked up is Fessy? We've seen Christopher be an asshole, Bayleigh lost her got-damn mind tonight, and a helluva lot of shade is going to be thrown on Kaycee. I've been under the understand that all Hamsters are mentally damaged goods. Is Fessy the exception?

Fessy was mostly a clueless buffoon, who never had any idea what was happening. He was a decent enough guy until he was about to be evicted and had an assinine speech attacking Angela. (Angela and her boyfriend Tyler, would be very good competitively  on this show, but they likely already turned it down).

A lot of BB contestants are nuts, but the level of crazy is higher among the average Challenge competitor. Kaycee was actually very low drama on BB and seemingly too "normal" for this show.

Edited by Badlands
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

I just can't with Bayleigh. I don't understand why she and Swaggy think they're all that. They talk a big game but have not performed well in any challenge. And the pouting during the "who will go in" conversation - my God, grow up. 

Yeah they came into this season and Bayleigh was fierce and entitled from the start.

But tonight she was all whiney and psycho.

OK, so they had 14 players going in and 3 women who needed red skulls.  So they have a challenge with just two teams?  Why not 3 teams with each of the women on all the teams?

Because there's more drama, with the two women fighting for the house vote.

And isn't it convenient that the team with the two women loses so you have this voting drama and all the courting of the votes drama?

They said team 1 won by 13 seconds.  From the editing it looked like team 2 was quicker.  But how do we know, we didn't see the clock on screen.

This is where they can manipulate to maximize the drama.  It made too much sense for the team with the one woman to win and be in the tribunal of 7.

I'm not saying they did it for sure but we have no way of knowing.  If the results were the other way, Nany is automatically voted in and then you have tribunal drama with the 2 women deciding.

But that's essentially what we had though it was the same 7 people voting in nominations rather than in tribunal.  They could stretch out the nominations drama more easily since that was the meat of this episode.

Next week is double elimination with two guys and one woman left needing red skulls.

So both guys get into purgatory or only one does because they're both in tribunal and then they'd go against someone who already has a red skull?

Similarly, if Bayleigh goes in, it would be against someone with a red skull.  Or maybe they lock her out, deny her the chance and try to eliminate one of the stronger women with the red skull already.


  • Love 2
3 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Nany is just... never gonna win one of these things. She'll win when she stops playing a scared game (...and when it's not required that she goes into an elimination to get to a final). The people that play scared games don't win these things.

I often wonder why Nany, Leroy, Aneesa, Kyle, Jenna, Shane from Road Rules, Tony come on this show when they have to know they have little shot at winning.  I mean I get the free vacation and television exposure but come on from a competitive standpoint it has to suck losing year after year.

Also, I wonder what happened to Tony.  He was a regular for such a long stretch and now he has not been on in three seasons.

2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

FOREWORD: Fuck Nelson!

Chapter 1: He actually seemed like a decent human this episode

Chapter 2: ... but that's only because someone else out shined him in the stupid department this episode.

Something weird happened to me tonight.  When Nelson wore his hair out I was like, "When the hell did Nelson get all of that hair?  The guy had a close cut hair cut just last week." 

Then I realized I thought that because I had just been watching earlier seasons and I got confused.  I am too young to have a senior moment!

2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

 Melissa gets the win here, but you have to be worried about her unborn daughter. I mean, she didn't know she was pregnant, so seeing her drink a shot and wrestle Nany was a bit nerve-wracking.

Yeah that was a little tough to watch.  I am happy that nothing happened to her daughter.

2 hours ago, Badlands said:

Kaycee and Bayleigh were close at the beginning of Big Brother and were flirtatious at times. However, then they ended up in opposite alliances and weren't really close after that. Kaycee and her alliance then dispatched Swaggy, Bayleigh and Fessie on the way to Kaycee's win.

That is what I thought as well.  I thought I remember reading that before the feeds were on they were flirting with each other.  Though I could be very wrong.

The whole Bayleigh meltdown reminded me so much of her fight with Tyler.  All that was needed was the bleeding mouth.  I wonder if she is just doing it for television or if she is really like this in real life.  Because, and I cannot believe I am about to say this, I feel bad for Christopher if this is what he has to put up with when she is mad.

I love when she said Kaycee was making her look crazy.  I was like, "Nah, you've done that all by yourself.  It had nothing to do with Kaycee."

Also, there were a ton of Dee sightings in this show far more than the previous weeks. 

Edited by BK1978
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I don't watch Big Brother, so I have to ask: how fucked up is Fessy? We've seen Christopher be an asshole, Bayleigh lost her got-damn mind tonight, and a helluva lot of shade is going to be thrown on Kaycee. I've been under the understand that all Hamsters are mentally damaged goods. Is Fessy the exception?

I actually remember the mission being used in Battle of the Seasons way back in 2002. I think the biggest difference was that the cars had to be pushed, as opposed to driven. As usual, both sides had to make it dramatic.

Bayleigh is insane. Josh is still a dumbass. Johnny is still causing trouble.

If any episode could have been scaled to sixty minutes, this would've been it. Once the result was announced, Nany was automatically going to Purgatory. After the others voted in Melissa, I don't see why we needed a Tribunal, aside from them picking Bayleigh, and her responding by ripping on Nany.

Purgatory was interesting, but poorly thought-out. We could have ended in a situation where Nany and Melissa grabbed each others skulls and placed them on their respective pedestals five times, and the winner would have been decided by who was faster with the final skull. Melissa gets the win here, but you have to be worried about her unborn daughter. I mean, she didn't know she was pregnant, so seeing her drink a shot and wrestle Nany was a bit nerve-wracking.

Looks like double elimination next week. The question is if it'll be guys/guys, or two final Purgatories with the men and women.

The elimination challenge was interesting. I thought the idea of them getting a skull while being in bounds was not thought out well because what if they both got 5 skulls. I thought they should made the winner of each round the person that rips the skull off the other first or whoever gets their skull to the pedestal first.

39 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

They turned Dee into a bobblehead during the tribunal. I cracked the fucked up.

They showed more of Dee this week than they have in the previous 2 weeks. 😂

I thought they were gonna stick to the back of her head like they were doing in the challenge but no... you actually got to see her face and you got to see her name being slid into the window at Tribunal nominations 😂

  • LOL 2
56 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

I often wonder why Nany, Leroy, Aneesa, Kyle, Jenna, Shane from Road Rules, Tony come on this show when they have to know they have little shot at winning.  I mean I get the free vacation and television exposure but come on from a competitive standpoint it has to suck losing year after year.

Also, I wonder what happened to Tony.  He was a regular for such a long stretch and now he has not been on in three seasons.

All those people have terrible political games, and that’s why they lose.

Nany has the potential to have a good political game, but she refuses to be the driver. She’s always a passenger on someone else’s bus.

Leroy, same as Nany. Leroy’s likeable. No one dislikes him and people are willing to take him to the end. But that’s the problem, people always have to take him. He’s a backseat driver. 

Aneesa has no political game. She has the relationships to win but refuses to use them... and she’s stubborn. That doesn’t make for good politics. Her stubbornness is what gets her thrown into eliminations every time.

Kyle, in my opinion, has the greatest political potential of all the people listed. Kyle’s politics could be AMAZING, but he’s a floater. Nobody has any loyalty to a floater. Floaters don’t win.

Jenna doesn’t know how to politic. She’s the only person I can think of that can get by WITHOUT ANY POLITICKING! Jenna doesn’t ask for favors. She doesn’t ask for anything in return. Jenna isn’t having any secret conversations. Jenna isn’t plotting.

Shane is a shitty person IMO. He’s an explicit, in your face, shit starter that will always put a massive target on his own back. Shane makes himself an easy name to vote into eliminations.

Tony is a terrible politician and a shit starter. Like Shane, Tony makes it easy to say his name.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Remember when the house voted in Jenna because they thought she wasn't mentally in the game anymore? How did that same logic not apply to Bayleigh? Bayleigh's been losing her shit damn-near the entire episode... and before the house vote.

I’m almost certain, after seeing people's comments about that Jenna vote, that Jenna asked to be voted in and threw that elim to go home without making it obvious that she was quitting because her emotionally abusive boyfriend threw a tantrum. With Bayleigh versus Mel, it seemed to come down to personal loyalties. Melissa and Bayleigh both wanted to go in, so their allies voted accordingly. 

9 hours ago, Badlands said:

It should be noted that Bayleigh voted for Kaycee to win BB. Her vote was shown last, which broke a 4-4 tie and gave Kaycee the $500,000. Her vote was more of a vote against Tyler than it was for Kaycee, however.


Bayleigh is definitely someone who likes to punish what she considers to be bad behavior against her, and her vote for Kaycee was the clear result of still being angry weeks later over not being Tyler’s chosen person. I’m sure after the falling out with Kaycee she wishes she could go back in time and flip her vote. 

8 hours ago, scrb said:

And isn't it convenient that the team with the two women loses so you have this voting drama and all the courting of the votes drama?

There would have been drama either way, though, because with the opposite outcome you have two women in the tribunal who both want to go in against the house nominee. TJ probably would have had to do one of his infamous “new rules tiebreakers” while in Purgatory. 

7 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I often wonder why Nany, Leroy, Aneesa, Kyle, Jenna, Shane from Road Rules, Tony come on this show when they have to know they have little shot at winning.  I mean I get the free vacation and television exposure but come on from a competitive standpoint it has to suck losing year after year.

I’m sure the appearance fee is a huge factor here. Leroy and Tony could win, in my opinion, under the right set of circumstances. Everyone else is making good money just to get off the plane. 

Loved the callback to Rush Hour from the original BOTS! One of my favorites of all time. In that one they actually had to drive the cars to move them. Very interesting that they called attention to Aneesa and Jenny being shushed while Johnny took over for Rogan with no one calling him out. Why on earth would you put Rogan in charge of the puzzle? Wouldn’t basically anyone else on the team other than a Nany be a better choice? Aneesa, Jenny, and Johnny were ALL better at it than he was. 

I was really unpleasantly surprised by Kaycee’s behavior with Nany. I watched her live last night in which she insisted that she would never cheat and nothing happened, but even if she never kissed Nany, I think her actions are pretty emotionally unfaithful and had to be devastating for her girlfriend to watch. The extreme cuddling, flirting, and what seemed like pretty sincere devotion, all with or to a woman who had clearly stated several times that she had a crush on her and that she wanted her. And obviously, Kaycee was warned multiple times about how her behavior was going to be perceived. 

I’m also going to go ahead and say that while Bayleigh’s behavior was very...Bayleigh, I don’t blame her for how she felt. Imaginary relationship on BB aside, to come into the house with a group of BB people whom you know outside the house and game—and from your own season, no less—and to break the ranks and vote for what your new girl on the side wants instead of having the back of someone you have a relationship outside the show...I mean, that’s a Choice. 

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, AntFTW said:

All those people have terrible political games, and that’s why they lose.

Nany has the potential to have a good political game, but she refuses to be the driver. She’s always a passenger on someone else’s bus.

Leroy, same as Nany. Leroy’s likeable. No one dislikes him and people are willing to take him to the end. But that’s the problem, people always have to take him. He’s a backseat driver. 

Aneesa has no political game. She has the relationships to win but refuses to use them... and she’s stubborn. That doesn’t make for good politics. Her stubbornness is what gets her thrown into eliminations every time.

Kyle, in my opinion, has the greatest political potential of all the people listed. Kyle’s politics could be AMAZING, but he’s a floater. Nobody has any loyalty to a floater. Floaters don’t win.

Jenna doesn’t know how to politic. She’s the only person I can think of that can get by WITHOUT ANY POLITICKING! Jenna doesn’t ask for favors. She doesn’t ask for anything in return. Jenna isn’t having any secret conversations. Jenna isn’t plotting.

Shane is a shitty person IMO. He’s an explicit, in your face, shit starter that will always put a massive target on his own back. Shane makes himself an easy name to vote into eliminations.

Tony is a terrible politician and a shit starter. Like Shane, Tony makes it easy to say his name.

I'll point out that Leroy was not a backseat driver the last time he was on and worked his ass off to make to the end. Puzzles just knocked him out which could happen to anyone.

It's not really politics with any of those people now that I think about it. Most of them are just unlucky with eliminations that suit them or they are not strong enough players like Kyle.

  • Love 4

I never liked Kaycee and this episode solidified it. I will never understand why everyone on BB and everyone on The Challenge is so enamored with her. 

I do remember some flirty-ish behavior between Kaycee and Bayleigh early on in BB. But, in any case, here's the thing, Kaycee is denying it but she's also denying she ever did anything with Nany when we have video evidence she did so she lies lol.

I need Bayleigh to become a Challenge regular because her going batshit insane and everyone watching in amazement was the second best part of this entire season (the best obviously being Big T's foot situation).

Seeing Melissa drinking and then wrestling with Nany in the elimination was so cringey knowing that she was pregnant.

Jenny and Aneesa trying to tell everyone how to do that challenge and getting shot down only for Johnny to start talking and everyone follow him was rage-inducing to watch so I can only imagine how frustrating it was for Aneesa and Jenny.

  • LOL 2
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4 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I'll point out that Leroy was not a backseat driver the last time he was on and worked his ass off to make to the end. Puzzles just knocked him out which could happen to anyone.

It's not really politics with any of those people now that I think about it. Most of them are just unlucky with eliminations that suit them or they are not strong enough players like Kyle.

I thought Leroy was a backseat driver last season. He did what was necessary to get to the end. He went from the team where Johnny’s the quarterback to a team where Paulie was the quarterback. He had no real choice because Paulie had the numbers so he had to get on Paulie’s bus.

However, I’m not saying that it’s 100% politics that gets you to the end but it’s a majority of what gets you to the end. I don’t disagree that sometimes people are just unlucky. They get tossed into eliminations for others reasons like being last in a challenge, and then lose the elimination... or get purged out.

We watch the show and we know that the best strategy to get to the end is to keep yourself out of eliminations, even if you’re generally good at eliminations. My ultimate point is that good politics is generally what keeps people out of eliminations... not counting some function of the game that gets people automatically tossed in or purged out.

Edited by AntFTW
  • Love 1
12 hours ago, mojoween said:

Who is this nice Nelson and where was he earlier in the season?

I think it was the second, maybe, episode where he threw Bear into elimination because of Bear's antics with the fire extinguisher. I thought that was a classy call.  And then he devolved into an idiot. 

12 hours ago, mojoween said:

On another note, slide puzzles are the devil’s instrument

Weirdly, I can do those kind of slide puzzles, but the slide puzzles where you take a mixed up picture and make it a correct picture I can never do. 

11 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Melissa gets the win here, but you have to be worried about her unborn daughter. I mean, she didn't know she was pregnant, so seeing her drink a shot and wrestle Nany was a bit nerve-wracking.

I thought it was interesting that they showed her with the shot and making a toast with the shot but specifically did not show her actually drinking the shot. Obviously she did, but they cut away at the last second. 

21 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Jenny and Aneesa trying to tell everyone how to do that challenge and getting shot down only for Johnny to start talking and everyone follow him was rage-inducing to watch so I can only imagine how frustrating it was for Aneesa and Jenny.

I cannot remember a time when the men on the show were not complete and total misogynists. Some of them may have appeared to mellow with age (CT for example), but ultimately almost all of them are 100% 'men are the best at everything, you women go get in the kitchen.' 

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, joanne3482 said:

I cannot remember a time when the men on the show were not complete and total misogynists. Some of them may have appeared to mellow with age (CT for example), but ultimately almost all of them are 100% 'men are the best at everything, you women go get in the kitchen.' 

Absolutely. It's probably the biggest reason why I'm ashamed I watch this show.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I thought Leroy was a backseat driver last season. He did what was necessary to get to the end. He went from the team where Johnny’s the quarterback to a team where Paulie was the quarterback. He had no real choice because Paulie had the numbers so he had to get on Paulie’s bus.

However, I’m not saying that it’s 100% politics that gets you to the end but it’s a majority of what gets you to the end. I don’t disagree that sometimes people are just unlucky. They get tossed into eliminations for others reasons like being last in a challenge, and then lose the elimination... or get purged out.

We watch the show and we know that the best strategy to get to the end is to keep yourself out of eliminations, even if you’re generally good at eliminations. My ultimate point is that good politics is generally what keeps people out of eliminations... not counting some function of the game that gets people automatically tossed in or purged out.

He didn't backseat drive. He had to make major gameplay decisions and he did. And he didn't piss anyone off except Many but she was complaining while getting her way so whatever.

With Johnny gone he had to step up and did as leader with the people he teamed up with. Leroy's problem is he's not strong in certain elements like swimming and puzzles. You ain't winning with zero strength in either area.

There are multiple parts of the game that get you to end. You just need to excel at something. Keeping yourself safe by winning, intimidation, politics, etc. 

  • Love 2

As a side note, I can remember a time when the guys on the show were not complete and total mysogynists because that was never the case for every guy on the show at all times. I don't like speaking in hyperbole. 

There were far too many guys that didn't respect the women on this show as competitors. This is true. Every guy being that way is not.

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Racj82 said:

He didn't backseat drive. He had to make major gameplay decisions and he did. And he didn't piss anyone off except Many but she was complaining while getting her way so whatever.

With Johnny gone he had to step up and did as leader with the people he teamed up with. Leroy's problem is he's not strong in certain elements like swimming and puzzles. You ain't winning with zero strength in either area.

There are multiple parts of the game that get you to end. You just need to excel at something. Keeping yourself safe by winning, intimidation, politics, etc. 

But Leroy didn't lead. Leroy stepped up and went under Paulie's umbrella. Leroy had no clout. Leroy made major decisions that got Leroy to the end. He couldn't do much to save Nany. The whole team was against Nany. Leroy couldn't lead the charge away from Nany no matter how bad he wanted to.

Paulie led. Paulie got a good chunk of his alliance (which now included Leroy) to the end. Leroy got Leroy (and Leroy alone) to the end. Leroy made no decisions that really changed the direction of the game, like Paulie did.

Dang it! I'm sounding like a Paulie fan 🤢🤮

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I never liked Kaycee and this episode solidified it. I will never understand why everyone on BB and everyone on The Challenge is so enamored with her. 

I do remember some flirty-ish behavior between Kaycee and Bayleigh early on in BB. But, in any case, here's the thing, Kaycee is denying it but she's also denying she ever did anything with Nany when we have video evidence she did so she lies lol.

I need Bayleigh to become a Challenge regular because her going batshit insane and everyone watching in amazement was the second best part of this entire season (the best obviously being Big T's foot situation).

Seeing Melissa drinking and then wrestling with Nany in the elimination was so cringey knowing that she was pregnant.

Jenny and Aneesa trying to tell everyone how to do that challenge and getting shot down only for Johnny to start talking and everyone follow him was rage-inducing to watch so I can only imagine how frustrating it was for Aneesa and Jenny.

I don't get the whole "trust" thing that Kaycee spit out during the house vote. That rubs me the wrong way. Dee said the same thing about Ashley after working with Ashley all last season, and that's what got me on the "Fuck Dee" bandwagon. What has Bayleigh done for Kaycee to say "I can't trust you"?

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Then I realized I thought that because I had just been watching earlier seasons and I got confused.  I am too young to have a senior moment!

Ok, true story. Last summer I was watching some old seasons of Big Brother, and at one point, I was admiring someone's french braids and thinking about how ahead of her time she was to be rocking those braids before they were in fashion again. Then, I realized, oh...wait...this is the *current* season and braids are *currently* in style. I don't even have the excuse of it being the same cast member over different seasons. 

10 hours ago, Jillibean said:

I’m also going to go ahead and say that while Bayleigh’s behavior was very...Bayleigh, I don’t blame her for how she felt.

I don't disagree. Technically, I was on Bayleigh's side, but she is just so over the top and dramatic. Her eye rolling is an art though, it's like her whole face is having a seizure. And she wasn't wrong exactly about Nany. Kaycee absolutely voted the way she did because of Nany. The trust thing was bullshit and camouflage, and Bayleigh was right that Nany was the real reason. But Nany only did exactly what Bayleigh did: try to leverage her relationship to get a vote. Everyone does that, so where Bayleigh was wrong was to act like Nany did something wrong, like she was out of line to ask Kaycee to do something. She wasn't out of line and Kaycee made the choice she did. So Bayleigh Bayleighed herself out of being right. 

But after Kaycee came at her and called her a liar, she said, "I had a crush on Kaycee, I thought Kaycee had a crush on me. I'm finding out right now that wasn't the case." Y'all! I actually said "aw!" out loud. I believe that sentence was 100% truth. I also think Bayleigh had herself worked up to a completely disproportionate degree and "I feel betrayed because I thought we were loyal because we might have hooked up once if I hadn't hooked up with someone else instead" isn't the most compelling argument ever. But that one sentence? I think that was pure truth. 

Also, I enjoyed Aneesa as the Wise Lesbian Elder dispensing solid advice to Kaycee. It's a good look for her. 

  • Love 6

I think Bayleigh and Chris probably did the same thing they did in the Big Brother house- they isolated themselves from the rest of the cast because they were so wrapped up in each other.  Then, once Chris was gone, she expected people to welcome her back into their game with open arms and to help her win even to their own detriment.  Kaycee didn't handle it well, but I don't have a problem with her turning on that spoiled brat either.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Dmarie019 said:

she doesn’t even argue. She just rages. It was like deja vu of her rage session on big brother. 

I look at this above post and I wonder if the below applies to Bayleigh as well.

2 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

I usually start a season rooting for Nany and by the end, I’m rooting for her failure. She is just so entitled sometimes. I think she’s just used to getting by on her looks. She certainly wouldn’t be the first like that on this show. 


I don't think I am going out on a limb here by saying that Bayleigh is a beautiful woman and very charming as well, I think she was a former beauty queen.  I wonder if part of it is that she is used to getting what she wants because she is pretty and when things do not go her way she has a blind rage.

Edited by BK1978
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4 hours ago, AntFTW said:

But Leroy didn't lead. Leroy stepped up and went under Paulie's umbrella. Leroy had no clout. Leroy made major decisions that got Leroy to the end. He couldn't do much to save Nany. The whole team was against Nany. Leroy couldn't lead the charge away from Nany no matter how bad he wanted to.

Paulie led. Paulie got a good chunk of his alliance (which now included Leroy) to the end. Leroy got Leroy (and Leroy alone) to the end. Leroy made no decisions that really changed the direction of the game, like Paulie did.

Dang it! I'm sounding like a Paulie fan 🤢🤮

I don't know. Whatever. He stepped it up, played a good game, was respected and not crossed within his group and played the game he wanted to play. He did nothing wrong but suck at puzzles. Which goes back to my original point. Competition wise, there is a ceiling for a bunch of players because they have too many limitations. Whether they can politic or not.

20 minutes ago, BK1978 said:


I don't think I am going out on a limb here by saying that Bayleigh is a beautiful woman and very charming as well, I think she was a former beauty queen.  I wonder if part of it is that she is used to getting what she wants because she is pretty and when things do not go her way she has a blind rage.

If I remember correctly from BB, not only was she a foremer beauty queen, but she kind of sold herself as "spoiled princess" from the jump. She grew up very wealthy and I seem to recall some into scene of her walking through an airport saying that she's used to always getting her way or something along those lines. She was off the chain tonight. Good grief. 

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, lasu said:

But after Kaycee came at her and called her a liar, she said, "I had a crush on Kaycee, I thought Kaycee had a crush on me. I'm finding out right now that wasn't the case." Y'all! I actually said "aw!" out loud. I believe that sentence was 100% truth. I also think Bayleigh had herself worked up to a completely disproportionate degree and "I feel betrayed because I thought we were loyal because we might have hooked up once if I hadn't hooked up with someone else instead" isn't the most compelling argument ever. But that one sentence? I think that was pure truth. 

Also, I enjoyed Aneesa as the Wise Lesbian Elder dispensing solid advice to Kaycee. It's a good look for her. 

You’re so right. That was a very telling moment, and might explain why Bayleigh’s reaction was so over the top. She saw it as a betrayal not just by a friend but by someone with whom she thought she had once had a mutual understanding of liking each other as more than friends.

I will say, though, that any sympathy I had for Bayleigh was profoundly affected by the visual reminder of what her blanket looks like.

11 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

I usually start a season rooting for Nany and by the end, I’m rooting for her failure. She is just so entitled sometimes. I think she’s just used to getting by on her looks. She certainly wouldn’t be the first like that on this show. 


What a perfect description. I always start off wanting Nany to finally win before remembering why Nany drives me crazy about 3/4s of the way through the season. If this format of needing to win an elimination to get to a final is the new norm, Nany is probably never going to win. Her only move in this game is to slip by to the end. She’s terrible in elimination rounds, and she hasn’t won one since her comeback on WOTW. I was about to say that as soon as she found out the format, she should have rallied the trinity and Johnny/Wes and gotten herself sent in right away against an easier competitor—but honestly, the only real guaranteed win for her was probably Jenn.

i don’t suppose there’s any reason to believe that Jenna moving into Wes’ “quarantine project” means she’s reconsidering things with Zach? I know there isn’t, and yet a girl can dream. 

  • Love 1

I had to laugh at the peanut gallery all running towards the screaming and crowding into the hall to hear/see what was happening.

Rogan has no storyline without Dee and that was obvious this episode. The Bayleigh/Kaycee drama was front and center but I wonder if they added more scenes to make up for removing Dee drama. 

Huge LOL at Nany yelling at Bayleigh "you're scared!" when Nany was scared to in against her.

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14 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I don't get the whole "trust" thing that Kaycee spit out during the house vote. That rubs me the wrong way. Dee said the same thing about Ashley after working with Ashley all last season, and that's what got me on the "Fuck Dee" bandwagon. What has Bayleigh done for Kaycee to say "I can't trust you"?

Thank you. Kaycee was bullshitting hard in this ep. She would've looked much better if she'd just said, "I think Nany's pretty and I kinda wanna fuck her so I'm gonna just do what she wants." You know, the truth lol.

13 hours ago, lasu said:

And she wasn't wrong exactly about Nany. Kaycee absolutely voted the way she did because of Nany. The trust thing was bullshit and camouflage, and Bayleigh was right that Nany was the real reason. But Nany only did exactly what Bayleigh did: try to leverage her relationship to get a vote. Everyone does that, so where Bayleigh was wrong was to act like Nany did something wrong, like she was out of line to ask Kaycee to do something. She wasn't out of line and Kaycee made the choice she did. So Bayleigh Bayleighed herself out of being right. 

I didn't think she really was that ragey towards Nany until Nany started denying she had anything to do with it. After that bullshit, Bayleigh lost it. I mean, surely she would have lost it no matter what, but Nany trying to act like she had absolutely nothing to do with anything was annoying to me so I can see why Bayleigh would lose it over that.

51 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

Rogan has no storyline without Dee and that was obvious this episode. 

Another lovely perk of Dee getting booted!


Huge LOL at Nany yelling at Bayleigh "you're scared!" when Nany was scared to in against her.

Right! Oh, Nany, as others already said, I wanna like you but you always remind me that you suck lol.

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I look at this above post and I wonder if the below applies to Bayleigh as well.

I don't think I am going out on a limb here by saying that Bayleigh is a beautiful woman and very charming as well, I think she was a former beauty queen.  I wonder if part of it is that she is used to getting what she wants because she is pretty and when things do not go her way she has a blind rage.

My main problem with her is that she thinks people don't like her because she's an outspoken black woman.  No Bailey, it's because you're an entitled person with an anger problem. If any guy spoke to anyone that way they would be called scary and possibly verbally abusive. 

Even when they were voting on to vote in her or Melissa, she just shut down and couldn't look at anyone. Couldn't be bothered. Because she was having a freaking PITTY PARTY of ONE. 

Maybe she has a reason why she's so angry? If so, I truly hope she seeks help for it. I think she can be a great person.  I did not like Bailey or Swaggy on Big Brother, still wasn't a fan after some shenanigans of Swaggy for a 'fundraiser' he planned.  However after seeing Swaggy on the challenge I would not mind him coming back. And unfortunately Bailey makes for great tv so this probably won't be the end of her either. 

What also makes me laugh is these rookies thinking "oh look we made it so far this season - look how awesome we have played this game!!" no! it doesn't work like that when they changed the rules and people HAVE be voted in in order to get to the final. The whole game changed! They just managed to squeak by enough to where the vets didn't need to go against the rookies anymore and they had bigger agendas.

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1 hour ago, Dmarie019 said:

What also makes me laugh is these rookies thinking "oh look we made it so far this season - look how awesome we have played this game!!" no! it doesn't work like that when they changed the rules and people HAVE be voted in in order to get to the final. The whole game changed! They just managed to squeak by enough to where the vets didn't need to go against the rookies anymore and they had bigger agendas.

I think this is true for Bayleigh and Swaggy (and would have been true for Jay and Jenn if they'd made it any length of time). But I don't see anyone wanting to challenge Fessy if they didn't have to. I don't have the years of history some of you do, though - in previous seasons, did giant athletic rookies get thrown in repeatedly?

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On 6/25/2020 at 9:24 AM, Jillibean said:

I’m also going to go ahead and say that while Bayleigh’s behavior was very...Bayleigh, I don’t blame her for how she felt. Imaginary relationship on BB aside, to come into the house with a group of BB people whom you know outside the house and game—and from your own season, no less—and to break the ranks and vote for what your new girl on the side wants instead of having the back of someone you have a relationship outside the show...I mean, that’s a Choice. 

20 hours ago, lasu said:

But after Kaycee came at her and called her a liar, she said, "I had a crush on Kaycee, I thought Kaycee had a crush on me. I'm finding out right now that wasn't the case." Y'all! I actually said "aw!" out loud. I believe that sentence was 100% truth. I also think Bayleigh had herself worked up to a completely disproportionate degree and "I feel betrayed because I thought we were loyal because we might have hooked up once if I hadn't hooked up with someone else instead" isn't the most compelling argument ever. But that one sentence? I think that was pure truth. 

7 hours ago, Jillibean said:

You’re so right. That was a very telling moment, and might explain why Bayleigh’s reaction was so over the top. She saw it as a betrayal not just by a friend but by someone with whom she thought she had once had a mutual understanding of liking each other as more than friends.

I can't stand Bayleigh, but I think she was totally justified in her anger during this episode for the reasons you both mentioned.  She straight up felt betrayed by someone she considered a friend and at one point, a bit more than a friend.  

On 6/25/2020 at 10:16 AM, peachmangosteen said:

I do remember some flirty-ish behavior between Kaycee and Bayleigh early on in BB. But, in any case, here's the thing, Kaycee is denying it but she's also denying she ever did anything with Nany when we have video evidence she did so she lies lol.

Yup!  She talked about "vibing relationship" with Nany early in the episode and we all saw what that meant.  And then she used the same terminology to describe her relationship with Bayleigh.  That told me everything I needed to know about who was lying.  I also saw Kaycee pull out some real gaslighting behavior during this episode.  I can imagine her telling her girlfriend, "Nany was the one hitting on me the entire season. I told her we were just friends.  I never encouraged her...."

7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Thank you. Kaycee was bullshitting hard in this ep. She would've looked much better if she'd just said, "I think Nany's pretty and I kinda wanna fuck her so I'm gonna just do what she wants." You know, the truth lol.

That's exactly what she should have done, but then that would have messed up her "nice" image that she tried to portray. 

On 6/25/2020 at 10:16 AM, peachmangosteen said:

I need Bayleigh to become a Challenge regular because her going batshit insane and everyone watching in amazement was the second best part of this entire season (the best obviously being Big T's foot situation).

8 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I had to laugh at the peanut gallery all running towards the screaming and crowding into the hall to hear/see what was happening.

When the rest of the cast came running from the bowels of the bunker to watch what was happening, coupled with everyone's absolute looks of shock, I fucking died in laughter.  All of their reactions were great!

7 hours ago, Jillibean said:

I will say, though, that any sympathy I had for Bayleigh was profoundly affected by the visual reminder of what her blanket looks like.


For reals!  That blanket is so awful!

8 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Huge LOL at Nany yelling at Bayleigh "you're scared!" when Nany was scared to in against her.

Nany was feeling herself a bit too much after Kaycee's ass kissing at the bar when Kaycee told Nany that people are afraid of her.  Who??? Nobody is scared of Nany.


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13 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

I also saw Kaycee pull out some real gaslighting behavior during this episode.  I can imagine her telling her girlfriend, "Nany was the one hitting on me the entire season. I told her we were just friends.  I never encouraged her...."

YEP! And judging by the fact that her girlfriend was angry with her after seeing this ep, it's clear to me Kaycee did indeed try to bullshit her gf when she got home.

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Before this episode, I had no real opinion of Kaycee. Cory takes the words right out of my mouth. Kaycee has the makings of a player. She uses the words “friends” to lighten what really happens.

We cuddle but we’re just really good friends. We flirt but we’re friends. I wanna kiss you because we’re such amazing friends. We sleep in the same bed cuddled up because we have a really deep friendship.

Kaycee’s trifling and she knows it 😂


Edited by AntFTW
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On 6/24/2020 at 9:59 PM, esco1822 said:

I wasn’t sure who to believe in this she said, she said argument. Thank goodness for Fessy saying that the relationship was just a friendship for Kaycee. Now I want to know if Kaycee really told Bayleigh she wanted her in her bed after Swaggy left. Bay was definitely laying out which leads me to believe she’s just saying anything to keep herself in the game. I haven’t seen spoilers though so who knows.

I don't doubt it... only because in the kitchen when Kaycee, Jenny and Bayleigh were talking, Kaycee literally said that the type of relationship she has with Nany this season is the same type of relationship she had with Bayleigh on BB.

Apparently, this is Kaycee's version of "friendship."

Edited by AntFTW
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I honestly don't get why people are so down on Kaycee for this. No matter the status of the Bayleigh-Kaycee relationship during BB, they are clearly not a couple and Kaycee is supposed to make decisions that benefit her own game. Bayleigh certainly has been all about her own game and Swaggy's.

Kaycee would have been an idiot to put in probably the strongest competitor of the three women against Nany, who was sure to go in. While I'm sure feelings were involved, Nany won't be a threat during the finals and is Kaycee's biggest supporter. It's simply bad strategy to chance losing your strongest support but give stronger competition a way to the finals.

Bayleigh probably was genuinely hurt to some degree, but I also have absolutely no doubt that her meltdown and attack was part strategy. After she and Christopher did their twosome thing and had understandings going with Wes and Jordan and half the bunker, it came down to Kaycee's vote. And Bayleigh hadn't put the work in there because she was overconfident, and she realized she was screwed.

On a separate topic: Honest to God, I wondered if both teams were trying to throw the challenge (Rogan and Fessy?), but I didn't see the point. I mean, once you end up on the team with the two women without skulls, you're the loser. It doesn't really matter which team ends up as tribunal (unless someone goes completely rogue and challenges the single woman for the right to be thrown in. Which would probably be dumb...)

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On 6/28/2020 at 2:08 PM, simplyme said:

Kaycee would have been an idiot to put in probably the strongest competitor of the three women against Nany, who was sure to go in. While I'm sure feelings were involved, Nany won't be a threat during the finals and is Kaycee's biggest supporter. It's simply bad strategy to chance losing your strongest support but give stronger competition a way to the finals.

She should have said all that then lol. 

But also, I still think it was pretty much just because she kinda wants to fuck Nany.

Cory clocked her as a player. That is abundantly clear now. As much as I never liked her, I gotta say, I did not expect her to be like that.

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On 6/28/2020 at 2:08 PM, simplyme said:

Kaycee would have been an idiot to put in probably the strongest competitor of the three women against Nany, who was sure to go in. While I'm sure feelings were involved, Nany won't be a threat during the finals and is Kaycee's biggest supporter. It's simply bad strategy to chance losing your strongest support but give stronger competition a way to the finals.

Bayleigh probably was genuinely hurt to some degree, but I also have absolutely no doubt that her meltdown and attack was part strategy. After she and Christopher did their twosome thing and had understandings going with Wes and Jordan and half the bunker, it came down to Kaycee's vote. And Bayleigh hadn't put the work in there because she was overconfident, and she realized she was screwed.

Just so I’m clear... you’re saying Bayleigh is the stronger competitor out of her and Melissa?

I don’t think Bayleigh’s meltdown was strategy at all. I thought that was real raw emotions. Bayleigh was hurt. Kaycee admitted that she had a similar flirtatious and affectionate relationship with Bayleigh. Then, Kaycee made Bayleigh look like an idiot and a liar in the house by telling everyone that Bayleigh was lying. On top of that, Nany saying she had absolutely nothing to do with Kaycee voting for Melissa was absolute bullshit. Bayleigh correctly pointed out that Kaycee voted for Melissa to please Nany, who said she wanted to go against Melissa.

To Bayleigh, everyone around her is making her look like she’s lying when she isn’t. That’s maddening! That will make you lose your mind. I think any reasonable person would flip out as a result.

Edited by AntFTW
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26 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

She should have said all that then lol. 

I can see why you say that. My thought is that she did say several times that she had to do what was best for her game. That said, actually SAYING "I want the weakest competition in the finals" would be dumb, too. That would hand everyone else the ammunition to toss your ass in. (I mean, I kind of want someone to say that in front of Fessy, Rogan, Jenny, and Invisible Dee just to watch the shit hit the fan, but we already saw Rogan's reaction a bit.)

Better to be thought a fool for Nany than hand the herd ammunition. 

I'm certainly not claiming Kaycee's a saint. I mean, she's a hamster on a reality show. I was actually starting to worry since we weren't seeing questionable-to-vile behavior from her. This edit reassured me that she's a normal hamster, not secretly a serial murderer with excellent control.

Vaguely related, I used to not like Nany. Then I found out where she's from. She's originally from very near where I grew up. It explained a lot, and frankly since large sections of the population in that faded Rust Belt area now seem to either OD, commit suicide, and wander in and out of jail for drug offenses, all while spawning multiple children to continue the cycle of poverty... Well, she turned out pretty well. In addition, the area is racist as hell. (My earlier comments refer to all races, btw.)

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49 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

She should have said all that then lol. 

But also, I still think it was pretty much just because she kinda wants to fuck Nany.

Corey clocked her as a player. That is abundantly clear now. As much as I never liked her, I gotta say, I did not expect her to be like that.

She absolutely wanted to fuck Nany. Like 1 or 2 episodes back, Kaycee and Nany were at the bar and looking at each other and I was thinking “uh oh! Kaycee’s getting laid tonight”

Also... Kaycee bullshits like a player. She says all the stereotypical shit that a player would say 😂

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