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S35.E09: Backstabber

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I love having a challenge where the hamsters lounge around in parkas.

I made a macro.  It’s called “shut UP, Josh”.

I have no idea why he thinks he’s all that, he wasn’t even all that on the show he WON.  He should never ever forget he got the most votes because his name was not Paul.

Faysal is so much better when he is on his own and not tangled up in lust.

Has Jenna had work done on her face, or was she just really young when she started and now her features are maturing?  I laughed so hard at her “I complain all the time and I’m going to keep on complaining and that’s just how it is.”

I bet TJ loves Kaycee.  I don’t blame him, I do too.  I have from the beginning.

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Kaycee gets her Skull by beating Kailah. Jenna's second Purgatory match ends with her defeat at Aneesa's hands. Yet, my biggest takeaway is the utter uselessness of Josh.

Seriously, Josh is so very extra. Sniping at Chris, insisting Wes is thinking about him . . . ugh. It's so sad. I think it would be better if the edits dubbed over his voice with the trumpet sounds the adults made in the Peanuts cartoons. Once again: he's so very extra "extra."

Fun mission. Big T gets a foot in her Average A from last week. Also, I think it's not enough to learn how to swim. They have to learn to swim in cold water. You know why the guys can't breathe when they hit the water? It's their testicles jumping in their throats.

Purgatory seemed a little too basic. Kaycee's win was a bit of a surprise. With the increased number of interviews, I thought she was doomed, but she took out Kailah, sending her home to the crappiest love triangle imaginable. Jenna gets thrown into Purgatory again, but she tried her best to win. Sadly, Aneesa sends her home to her dumbass/meanass/crapass boyfriend.

Seriously, though, why are Jenna & Zach a thing? There is no reasonable explanation how those two are still together without Jenna being a tragic, pathetic cookie. The best wild guess I got is that they fake the drama for the cameras . . . that the last few years has basically been performance art. That maybe Cara Maria & Paulie's fake breakup was done in an attempt to try and one-up them. Dumb, right?

And there was crap between Dee, Jenny and Rogan. Over my head, I'm afraid.

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For old time's sake: Let's go!

Big Brother alums have acquitted themselves well here (well, not all of them, although Josh certainly gives the producers the drama they want), either by being good competitors or providing maximum drama. Kaycee is a literal Challenge beast, and I'm not surprised she smoked Kailah.

I'm also still loving the 90s soundtrack. Last week, "Machinehead," this week "Closing Time." I don't know why they decided 90s music goes well with Prague, but I'm loving it. Reminds me of what the original purpose of MTV used to be.

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1) I couldn't help but feel like Nany was being a shitty friend. Her entire Unholy Trinity went home.

2) I love Jenna but I'm glad Aneesa won. I wish it didn't have to be Jenna that went in against her. On the other hand, I'm glad the Jenna-Zach soap opera is over.

3) I REALLY want Dee to go home.

4) Nany said that she's not throwing herself into an elimination that she's not 100% confident in. My response to that was "well then, you're never gonna throw yourself in." You can never be 100% confident about any elimination. No matter how good you are, eliminations are chancy.

5) I really didn't like how they were coming down on Jenny how she got her red skull. She went in against a player everyone thought was weak... AND. SO. WHAT?

Jenny's not doing anything that all of them aren't trying to do, which is go into an elimination against someone you think you can beat. Don't hate the player.

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16 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Yet, my biggest takeaway is the utter uselessness of Josh.

Seriously, Josh is so very extra. Sniping at Chris, insisting Wes is thinking about him . . . ugh. It's so sad. I think it would be better if the edits dubbed over his voice with the trumpet sounds the adults made in the Peanuts cartoons. Once again: he's so very extra "extra."

The whole "Josh and Wes" thing is so annoying. I don't see Josh having the political capital to pull of any moves against Wes, or anybody else for that matter. Josh can't do shit!

The "if you're with Wes, then you're against me" thing is ridiculous! Nobody is paying him any attention.

16 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

And there was crap between Dee, Jenny and Rogan. Over my head, I'm afraid.

I loved it... because I want Dee to go home. She won season 34 but in my opinion, she was carried to the win. She said she learned the game from Wes... but does Wes try to backstab his closest alliance members?

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1 hour ago, Eolivet said:

For old time's sake: Let's go!

Big Brother alums have acquitted themselves well here (well, not all of them, although Josh certainly gives the producers the drama they want), either by being good competitors or providing maximum drama. Kaycee is a literal Challenge beast, and I'm not surprised she smoked Kailah.

Why would Kailah think she had a chance, Kaycee is a legit athlete. 

I wonder how Tyler from BB20 would do on here.  Or better yet Blockstar...

I wonder if Josh acts the way he does because he knows it will get him airtime.  Seeing him vs. Christopher...well I had no dog in that fight.  I wanted them to make contact so that both of them could be eliminated. 


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I liked the challenge.  But I guess the 5 player teams had a slight advantage because each player could get 1 puzzle piece.

Design was good use of the unique facilities.

The elimination was basic, though I didn’t realize the different bomb weights.  With the number of bombs, it could have been more of a speed competition, which might give the smaller challengers more of an advantage.

But it was more about upper body strength and endurance.

So hope the elimination designs are better, more speed and puzzles would be good.

It would be good to see Aneesa finally won big money but if the Final involves long distances on land or water, it would be tough.  Kaycee may be able to outrun all  though puzzles can trip up anyone.


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3 hours ago, lilabennet said:

Fresh Meat 2

Yeah, but he was backed into a corner in that one.  Kenny and Laurel were basically unstoppable, winning almost every challenge, so Wes and Ev's alliance had no choice but to start eating each other.  

I like the challenge in this episode, but I hated that elimination. It was so basic and boring. After 125 seasons, this was all they could think of?

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I haven't watched prior seasons with Dee, so maybe I'm missing something positive about her, but based on this season alone, I just can't like her. 

It seemed like Nany was not being much of a friend or at least not thinking through her game. It appeared she made no effort to keep Jenna out of the interrogation part. Even if Jenna was getting annoying (and I get that), having her around was better than not in that she's an ally and can at least help Nany out. 

I want to like this Josh person simply because I like people not being blind followers of Wes but he is so unlikeable. 

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9 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I wonder how Tyler from BB20 would do on here.  Or better yet Blockstar...

Rockstar would get voted in first, cry, and lose. Tyler would either be like Jay or, because he is inexplicably loved by people immediately, he might skate through for a bit like Kaycee.

42 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I want to like this Josh person simply because I like people not being blind followers of Wes but he is so unlikeable. 

This is the only reason I'm holding onto rooting for Josh but it's getting harder lol. I've thankfully given up on rooting for Swaggy and Bayleigh since they're up Wes' ass.

I was beginning to like Jenna, I think solely out of sympathy since she's obviously such a weak-minded person, but I'm super glad she's gone. All she did was complain about how her piece-of-shit boyfriend might leave her. Bye!

There's still like, what, 18 people left? Fucking hell, please do a mass elimination asap!

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51 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Tyler would either be like Jay or, because he is inexplicably loved by people immediately, he might skate through for a bit like Kaycee.

So funny you say this because I always thought Tyler and Jay (on Survivor, not necessarily here) had a lot in common (besides the hair). The laid-back attitude masking a decent competitor, among other things.

Which brings me to my next question: is this the most hookup-free season of the Challenge ever? I feel like more than half of these folks have preexisting relationships (or preexisting relationships they're not willing to cheat on). Other than Bear/Kailah, everyone's seemingly kept their hands to themselves. Unless this is a kind of a "stars get special treatment and their cheating gets hidden" (like the Will and Janelle rumor in Big Brother All Stars).

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:
1 hour ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I want to like this Josh person simply because I like people not being blind followers of Wes but he is so unlikeable. 

This is the only reason I'm holding onto rooting for Josh but it's getting harder lol. I've thankfully given up on rooting for Swaggy and Bayleigh since they're up Wes' ass.

Agreed! I like that Josh isn't up Wes' ass. My problem with Josh is that he doesn't use that anger and frustration to play the fucking game. He bitches and complains. He doesn't strategize; he doesn't play politics; he just doesn't play hard enough.

If Wes is his enemy, hatch a plan, take the shot and try not to miss. Don't just talk about taking the shot.

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I also want to address the concept of "putting a target on someone's back." I don't know if I'm over-analyzing this but I think no one this season seems to understand the idea of "putting a target on someone's back."

We've heard this constantly through out the season when the cast members choose not to vote someone into an elimination. All of these people, with the exception of Wes and Johnny, seem to lack the skill of building a coalition or a voting bloc.

In the older seasons, people often built these overwhelming alliances that actually could put a target on someone. Think of Paulie building his alliance last season; Johnny, Evan, Kenny, Dunbar, and Paula on just about any season they appeared on together; the UK alliance on season 33.

Nobody this season, again with the exception of Wes and Johnny, seem to have the ability to put a target on anyone. Nobody seems to have built any sort of political capital to put a target on anyone.

Every week, someone says "if you vote me in and I come back..." and my response is "so what? You can't do anything! You don't have enough people to back you up."

Every week, someone says "I'm not voting for this person because they are likely to come back and I don't want a target on my back" and my response is "take the risk. Throw them in. That ONE lone individual doesn't have enough influence to put a target on you."

Not one "alliance" this season seems to go beyond three people.

Edited by AntFTW
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The women’s eliminations this season, with the exception of Jenna vs Tori, have been garbage.  
A visual tally of how many balls were left would have helped in this elimination, but even then it was just not exciting. 

All the setup of Josh and Wes has to be leading up to a h2h elimination or one of them being responsible for getting rid of the other.  Otherwise it is totally useless footage. Wes has the upper hand being aligned with Johnny,Swaggy,Beyleigh, and Dee. But would he nominate himself to face Josh? If it’s a puzzle or strategy elimination, I’d say yes. 


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1 hour ago, AntFTW said:

Every week, someone says "I'm not voting for this person because they are likely to come back and I don't want a target on my back" and my response is "take the risk. Throw them in. That ONE lone individual have enough influence to put a target on you."

Especially since, they need to win an elimination to get a red skull and "run my final" as TJ would say. I appreciated that Aneesa and Kaycee both said, we got to get this done.  TJ keeps saying they have no idea at what point will the final come up, I hope so much that when it does there are at least 3 - 4 who don't have skulls. That would be awesome. 

1 hour ago, AntFTW said:

Nobody this season, again with the exception of Wes and Bananas, seem to have the ability to put a target on anyone. Nobody seems to have built any sort of political capital to put a target on anyone.

I think I'm okay with that because it would get boring after awhile to watch these power alliances vote everybody else out while the non-power alliance would run around like chickens with their heads cut off because they were never smart enough to come together and vote. They were always trying to curry favor with one of the alliance members. Which was so frustrating to watch. By the time they figured out to vote together there would be like 3 of them left and 7 of the alliance. That used to frustrate the heck about me and could be why I have a bit of a soft spot for Wes since he was regularly going after the alliance (until he became the alliance). 

I've missed probably the last 6 seasons so I don't have the Wes hatred that some of you have so I'm in team Wes right now. Josh is just a fool. 

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It's been so long since I watched I can't recall if I ever liked Wes and there may be things about him I would like. I don't hate him but they keep portraying him and Bananas as in charge and everyone fears them--and as a person who tends to root underdog (unless I hate the underdog), I find myself cheering against them. But I could be convinced otherwise.


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4 hours ago, mojoween said:

Ha!  I HAVE watched this show since there were literal Road Rulers on it plus Wes’s RW season in Austin or wherever he oozed out from, and I adore him.

Did I root for CT when he berated Wes for a day and a half straight?  I did.  But there is something about Wes I just can’t hate.

The first season of RW I ever watched was RW: San Diego with Zach, Frank, Ashley, Sam and other people who I do not remember. The first Challenge I ever watched was Battle of the Season, which the San Diego cast won.

After watching Battle of the Season, I went back and watched every Challenge season I could find, which was only back to maybe Fresh Meat 2 at the time. That was my introduction to Wes, and he just seemed like a total dick. What stuck out to me was how he bullied Cara on Rivals.

Now, I like Wes. He's matured and doesn't do the same kind of fuckery he did then.

Edited by AntFTW

New to posting in this forum but just want to say I also inexplicably love Wes. I watched his original RW season, where he was mildly obnoxious but definitely not the worst cast member. I've also been an avid Challenge viewer since I think Battle of the Sexes. Wes' first challenge season was the original Fresh Meat, a season I really liked watching where Wes and his partner Casey somehow inexplicably won 5 or so elimination rounds. 

I have to say I'm sad to see Big T go, she's one of the few I like this season. She also is stunningly gorgeous with a bald head, it's impressive. 

Josh is utterly obnoxious. Good riddance to Kailah, have fun with Bear. I do like Jenna but it was nice to see old timer Aneesa pull out a win. Kaycee killed that elimination round. 

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18 hours ago, mojoween said:

It may be because of all the slo-mo shots, but it looked like a detriment to Jenna and Kailah to have their ponytails flying around during the comp.  Bun-wearing Kaycee and Aneesa didn’t have that extra hampering.

This is a thing.  I was talking about this on another site but for the last twenty years or so I have had my head shaved.  I have really crappy hair and I just like it better shaved, well I have not been able to get a hair cut since Covid-19 started, so I went from having the Telly Savalas look to now having my hair look like Robert Smith from the Cure.  Since my hair is longer now I have noticed that I sweat more.  Granted it is not the same but hair does matter with stuff like this.

3 hours ago, KelseyNikki614 said:


I have to say I'm sad to see Big T go, she's one of the few I like this season. She also is stunningly gorgeous with a bald head, it's impressive. 


Yes!  I am not sure if I said this last week or the week before but she is really pretty with her natural hair.  She has such a nice smile. 

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19 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I also want to address the concept of "putting a target on someone's back." I don't know if I'm over-analyzing this but I think no one this season seems to understand the idea of "putting a target on someone's back."

Every week, someone says "if you vote me in and I come back..." and my response is "so what? You can't do anything! You don't have enough people to back you up."

This was really annoying to me the past couple of episodes also. I was glad that they shut down Jenny’s threats in the tribunal, but last week we heard the same nonsense from Fessy and Nelson. They’re coming back, and they’re coming after EVERYBODY who voted for them. No, you’re not, you idiots. 

18 hours ago, mojoween said:

Did I root for CT when he berated Wes for a day and a half straight?  I did.  But there is something about Wes I just can’t hate.

I agree. I think it’s because he’s actually intelligent (compared to the rest of the cast) and self aware. He knows exactly how to entertain, and I am almost always entertained by him. 

22 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I haven't watched prior seasons with Dee, so maybe I'm missing something positive about her, but based on this season alone, I just can't like her. 

It seemed like Nany was not being much of a friend or at least not thinking through her game. It appeared she made no effort to keep Jenna out of the interrogation part. Even if Jenna was getting annoying (and I get that), having her around was better than not in that she's an ally and can at least help Nany out. 


Dee has been getting progressively worse each season she’s on, IMO. As she gains “confidence,” she becomes more and more insufferable. She might be my least favorite this season. 

It wasn’t bright of Nany to allow a situation where all three of her closest female alliance members were in Purgatory. She should have talked Kailah out of facing Kaycee and argued harder to throw in Melissa and not Jenna no matter how frustrated she was with Jenna. Without her numbers, Nany is going to be forced in against someone she can’t beat except on a fluke, which is almost every woman there. Nany is not great at eliminations and yet remains eternally smug. It’s quite a quality. 

On 5/28/2020 at 12:31 AM, BK1978 said:

Why would Kailah think she had a chance, Kaycee is a legit athlete. 


I’m surprised that more of the challengers don’t watch BB, or at least keep somewhat up to date on it, since so many of the contestants now end up on their show. They keep saying Jenny is the strongest, but I think Kaycee could match Jenny physically and is also smarter. Also, Kailah is pretty delusional about how good she is at challenges, so I’m sure that was a factor. 

Jenna must have been super annoying with the Zach moping to get unanimously voted in there by everyone who isn’t her best friend. And even Nany seemed done with her. Jenna, you had it right the first time. He doesn’t get to hold your relationship over your head. It was awful to see her continuously say that she felt bad and guilty that he was “going crazy” while in the same breath sort of confusedly noting that she hadn’t given him permission to go through her things so that was “weird.” Gotta say, not the word I would use. i worry for her. 

I saw Josh on BB, so while I would love to say he’s putting this all on for TV, I know he’s not. 

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12 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

Dee has been getting progressively worse each season she’s on, IMO. As she gains “confidence,” she becomes more and more insufferable. She might be my least favorite this season.

She really is starting to think she is the greatest challenger to ever challenge. And that is just from one win that she had a lot of help with. Does she think it's a good thing to after her "Number 1 girl"? Also, why is she complaining that Jenny got her skull handed to her with an easy elimination when she pushed for Jenny to into that elimination? 

Dee tells Rogan not to say anything about her targeting Jenny

My face when Rogan runs to Jenny to tell her everything

Hilary Duff Laughing GIF by YoungerTV

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12 hours ago, KelseyNikki614 said:


I have to say I'm sad to see Big T go, she's one of the few I like this season. She also is stunningly gorgeous with a bald head, it's impressive. 


Hard disagree on this part of your post. She does have a great smile and she seems like lovely person. She also not a woman that I personally think pulls off a bald head. 

On 5/28/2020 at 6:49 AM, Zima said:

Yeah, but he was backed into a corner in that one.  Kenny and Laurel were basically unstoppable, winning almost every challenge, so Wes and Ev's alliance had no choice but to start eating each other.  

I like the challenge in this episode, but I hated that elimination. It was so basic and boring. After 125 seasons, this was all they could think of?

If I recall, Wes and Evelyn’s alliance was way too big.

It only took like 2 or 3 eliminations into the season (I think) to get to the point where had to start sacrificing their own.

All of this red skull, tribunal nonsense makes me yearn for the days where their individual challenge scores were tallied and maintained on a board and the bottom two were up for elimination.  Then again, I also liked when the challenges were funny and entertaining vs. hypothermia & concussions.  Yep, I'm old. 

The quarantine brought me out of retirement and I was entertained the first few episodes just learning all the new people.  Now, the novelty has worn off and I remember why I finally stopped watching.  Would love less politics and more silly challenges & hook-ups. 

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On 5/27/2020 at 10:02 PM, mojoween said:

Has Jenna had work done on her face, or was she just really young when she started and now her features are maturing?  

I just watched Exes II, and a lot of it is how much thinner she is now.  I'm sure she's also maturing, but by TV STANDARDS (not real life standards), she was nearly pudgy on that season.  Still gorgeous and a smoking body, but there is a serious weight difference between now and then.

On 5/27/2020 at 10:27 PM, Eolivet said:

For old time's sake: Let's go!

Someone said it!  I didn't catch who it was, but I assumed one of the BBers.

Dee is stupid.  I can't believe she keeps saying she learned everything from Wes, because her moves are so stupid, especially if you plan on coming back for later seasons.  She's doing a good job of making sure she could be cast again, but she is burning EVERYONE.  First, she pissed off Tori and Jordan by giving Jenny the lay up.  Now, she has pissed off Rogan and Jenny because she wants to get rid of Jenny.  She gained all that trust with Jenny, just to turn around and burn it, and lose Rogan's trust at the same time.  She's not going to have anyone to work with on future seasons - she better hope for a team situation where she can piggyback on someone else's goodwill.

I'm always surprised at how much I've grown to like Wes.  I loathed him on his Real World season.  I mean, loathed.  So I'm not sure exactly when I turned the corner with him.  I think the first moment was when he was self aware and laughing at himself for getting himself into the situation where CT worked him over for an entire night and woke up the next morning ready to keep going.  Wes knew he brought it on himself and had no one to blame.  I don't know, but I would say he is unquestionable my Most Improved cast member.

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21 hours ago, mojoween said:

But there is something about Wes I just can’t hate.

There's somehow something about Wes that I just can't hate and something about him I just can't like. My feelings on Wes are very weird lol.

1 hour ago, snarts said:

I was entertained the first few episodes just learning all the new people.  Now, the novelty has worn off and I remember why I finally stopped watching.  

This is me every season now. I finally gave up for a few seasons but then I came back and every season since, about 5 eps in, I'm reminded why I stopped watching. But then I keep watching. Fucking hell!

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The women on this show make me so sad. First with Jenna saying she’s sorry and is in the wrong with Zach “but it’s weird that he went through my messages”. Um yea lady, that’s not something he should be allowed to do! How are you in the wrong?!

And then Kailah observing the Purge game and saying “makes sense, it’s a dumpster because I’m trash”. Who says that about themselves? No self-respect at all.

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14 hours ago, Jillibean said:

I saw Josh on BB, so while I would love to say he’s putting this all on for TV, I know he’s not. 

I was always under the impression that he banged the pots and the pans because he thought the fans would find it entertaining.   Sort of like Evil Dick when he acted like an asshole (they even did give him his own theme song).

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I feel like Dee is assuming that the final will be gender-specific, meaning it will be men against men and women against women as they used to have it. The final challenges since season 31 have been gender neutral, any individual that comes in first place wins the top prize. Dee says she has to think strategically if she wants to give her the best chance of winning but that should include everyone, and not only Jenny.

Edited by AntFTW
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I am really curious as to where Dee will end up this season. The show has been dropping little scenes about her, whether or not relevant to the episodes. For example, in one episode, Wes states that Dee used to learn from him and now he goes to her for advice. Or in a later episode Wes says he is now scared of Dee’s moves. And now with Dee calling herself a “psychopath” - it really makes me wonder. 

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On 5/29/2020 at 9:55 AM, snarts said:

All of this red skull, tribunal nonsense makes me yearn for the days where their individual challenge scores were tallied and maintained on a board and the bottom two were up for elimination.  Then again, I also liked when the challenges were funny and entertaining vs. hypothermia & concussions.  Yep, I'm old.


This show was always about politics. I present to you a clip from my favorite challenge ever:


  • Love 2

Josh is trying so hard to make himself relevant it is almost painful to watch. It's like watching the weird kid in a classroom actually try and make friends with the cool/mean kids who are just going to make fun of him when he walks away. Josh, just stop, for everyone's sake. 

I loved Kaycee on BB and I am so glad that so far, this show is not taking away everything good about her. 

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16 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I feel like Dee is assuming that the final will be gender-specific, meaning it will be men against men and women against women as they used to have it. The final challenges since season 31 have been gender neutral, any individual that comes in first place wins the top prize. Dee says she has to think strategically if she wants to give her the best chance of winning but that should include everyone, and not only Jenny.

I think it is a gender neutral finals, I did not read spoilers or anything but I think I remember seeing somewhere.  Though I could be talking out of my ass and confusing this season with one from the past.

10 hours ago, UniqBlue69 said:


This show was always about politics. I present to you a clip from my favorite challenge ever:


That was the first season I ever watched!

4 hours ago, sara416 said:

Josh is trying so hard to make himself relevant it is almost painful to watch. It's like watching the weird kid in a classroom actually try and make friends with the cool/mean kids who are just going to make fun of him when he walks away. Josh, just stop, for everyone's sake. 

I loved Kaycee on BB and I am so glad that so far, this show is not taking away everything good about her. 

That may very well be the best description I have ever read about him.  It would also explain his season of BB, where the "cool kids" Paul and Christmas took the class clown/class idiot under their wing and he was happy to be viewed as cool so he did not care that he was making a horses ass out of himself.  Now he is looking for validation from Wes, or at least that is what it seems to me, and Wes knows he a fool and it frustrates Josh that he is not getting the validation he thinks he should be getting.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I think it is a gender neutral finals, I did not read spoilers or anything but I think I remember seeing somewhere.  Though I could be talking out of my ass and confusing this season with one from the past.

That was the first season I ever watched!

That may very well be the best description I have ever read about him.  It would also explain his season of BB, where the "cool kids" Paul and Christmas took the class clown/class idiot under their wing and he was happy to be viewed as cool so he did not care that he was making a horses ass out of himself.  Now he is looking for validation from Wes, or at least that is what it seems to me, and Wes knows he a fool and it frustrates Josh that he is not getting the validation he thinks he should be getting.

Kaycee is awesome! I really liked her on BB and she is a rare one that I don't mind seeing here. 

Josh can go away anytime. 

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24 minutes ago, scrb said:

They're playing up the million dollar prize so it's likely one winner takes all or takes most of the total prize money.

That means it can't be really too much to do with strength, upper body.

It can't be too much endurance with a lot of swimming or uphill climbs.

So probably several puzzles and eating challenges.



I’m guessing it’s winner takes most rather than winner takes all.

Speaking of puzzles, this has really been a season of puzzles. Just about every challenge has been puzzles.

Edited by AntFTW

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