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S35.E07: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

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Tori believes that she is ready to earn her red skull; Nany's budding crush on one player causes tension in her friendship with Aneesa; two players face off in the dust-to-dust elimination.

Airs May 13, 2020.

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1) I'm sorry to see Tori go but I'm glad to see Jenna compete again like she used to. I wish Tori went against someone I didn't like, like Dee.

2) I said this last week and I'm going reiterate... Nelson sucks at this game. He's not winning EVER. He yells and lashes out at people , then apologizes and says it's not in his character... YES IT IS!!!

3) The first hour is an hour wasted. It looks like they're going back to the formal of bullshit, then challenge, then more bullshit, and then elimination... I'd much prefer that rather than the elimination being at the top of the episode or in the middle.

4) I'm disappointed there was no funny Aneesa confessional this week.

5) I hate to see Big T downplay herself, but at the same time, I like the hustle.

6) Every elimination is chancy, even if it's a seemingly win. Other than Jenn, I don't consider anyone else a layup. Everybody thought Jenna was gonna be such an easy win... but Tori's strategy was kinda stupid. The first few moments of the elimination challenge is what gave Jenna that slight lead over Tori.

An elimination like that, anybody could have won. There would be no "easy red skulls" in an elimination like that. The playing field is even.

Edited by AntFTW
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That was so stressful but I hope they never spend a whole episode on an elimination because it was too much.

Jordan looked like a stage mom up there yelling out instructions. And for all the crap he and Tori gave Cara Maria and Paulie about the challenge being their life, what the hell was that? He was breaking down like she was going off to war or he was going off to war or they were never going to see each other again. Dude. I'm happy Tori is gone because it'll drive Jordan crazy.

I hope Jenna comes to her senses and leaves Zach before the wedding happens. He's shit. He does this to her every time she's on a Challenge without him. I actually thought Jenna was going to throw the elimination and run home to him so that was a nice surprise.

Nelson sucks. Why does he care so much about Tori getting a free ride into the final? How does that effect him? What girl is on his list? He's only in an alliance with Corey. What girl is he trying to help? How does he go from apologizing to Aneesa to going off on Kailah who was just sticking up for her friend? I hate that I was so happy for Bear speaking up for Kailah because even if it was the bare minimum, on this show the guys rarely ever do even that so thanks Bear. I hope Nelson gets voted in next week.

Aneesa is better than me because I would be done with Nany. Drunk Nany is a mess.

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Yayyy Jenna!  I like Tori but I was happy to see Jenna win the elimination.  Jenna has always been an underrated player and has done really well in past elimination rounds.  It wouldn't surprise me if Jenna's elimination record was on par or even better than Tori's.  Definitely not a lay up (as long as trivia is not involved lol).

The good thing about the red skull requirement is that we are finally starting to see better and more interesting head-to-head match ups earlier in the season (vs forcing the rookies to take each other out).  Hopefully MTV keeps this "twist" going forward.  

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3 hours ago, AntFTW said:

3) The first hour is an hour wasted. It looks like they're going back to the formal of bullshit, then challenge, then more bullshit, and then elimination... I'd much prefer that rather than the elimination being at the top of the episode or in the middle.

Yeah they really stretched it out for the Jenna-Zach drama and then the drunken Nany and foot-in-mouth Nelson segments rather than have an actual challenge.

And really, they have to settle for cup of noodles?  Well not bad for a late-night snack, but these people are suppose to be training hardcore for some huge endurance finale.

Even the elimination was milked longer than usual.

Tori outwitted herself with the strategy to get the bricks first before smashing them.  Then trying to push through big chunks through the grates one by one.  Lot of time wasted there.

Jenna was right, she is good in endurance.  But if she keeps having to deal with Zach's BS, she's going to slip.

Dee is acting so entitled.

Kailah is self-sabotaging because she doesn't want to marry that guy back home.

Melissa is pretty mild mannered this challenge.

Kayleigh is really full of herself.

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This is the last week I DVR this show. With Survivor over, I can now watch The Challenge "live." Tonight's finale was a fun three hours. The ninety minutes on MTV? Made me feel as grimy as certain moments from the previous season of Survivor.

Zach Behr, ladies and gentlemen! The one man who can wreck Jenna in two different seasons without actually being there!

I don't get it. Is he well-endowed? Does he have control that borders on Jedi level? Does he give awesome head? Are his breakfasts in bed to die for? He is a fucking Neanderthal. I didn't feel too bad for him last season when he was on a collapsing team in the final mission because of shit like this. Demanding Jenna come home . . . fuck him. Seriously.

In the end, Jenna risks her toxic relationship by throwing herself into the Purgatory, and she upsets Tori. To be honest, I don't know if that makes Jenna the better player. It's hard to quantify skills with this show. Or maybe Tori would have won if Jordan hadn't kept yelling advice. I mean . . . I know he was trying to be supportive, but I fear for any child those two producer. Imagine Jordan screaming at his kid about hitting a pitch, then getting reminded that a hitting tee is involved.

The fucked up thing about Jordan's ranting is that it doesn't crack the top three worst things this week. Nelson apologizes to Aneesa for last week, then rips into Kailah. I think his remarks about her having sex in a Port-a-Potty was more about comparing Bear to a temporary bathroom, because he is disgusting. And then we get Nany getting drunk, her and Aneesa trading verbal blows, and she throws noodles at her. Even if they hash shit out the next day, it's still not a good look for Nany.

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I’m glad Jenna won this.  I hate that she’s so easily manipulated by Zach, so I’m glad she was able to win this one and not give Tori the easy win she thought she was going to get. They all assumed she was a layup and that they could use her abusive relationship against her.                                                             

Sometimes when you watch a show for too long, new seasons bring about new awful and annoying people. You get so annoyed with the newbies that you forget how much you hated the old people.  Nany was that person for me tonight. I suddenly remembered that I can’t stand her!

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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11 hours ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

I hope Jenna comes to her senses and leaves Zach before the wedding happens. He's shit. He does this to her every time she's on a Challenge without him. I actually thought Jenna was going to throw the elimination and run home to him so that was a nice surprise.

I wish she would watch this episode and the last and realize how bad it is. No person deserves to be treated the way he treats her. 

I did not love an hour and a half just to get to an elimination round. I like it better when it is challenge then elimination and then next episode. I can see keeping the drama for something like Jay's elimination because that was brutal, but this should not have taken an hour and a half. That's excessive.

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Bayleigh and Chris are growing on me.  Make it stahhhhhp.

”Everybody hurts” while the camera lingers on a sad pile of noodles on the floor slayed me.

Nelson is the worst apologizer ever.  He’s so hot but an absolute moron.

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Oh Nelson... dude has issues. And when he apologizes he always says some form of that’s not who I am. Well dude, since you do this sh&t on every season, I’m thinking it’s exactly who you are. 

Zach is the living worst. Jenna is in for a lifetime of everything being her fault. Sounds super fun. 

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How long did those noodles stay on the floor? Are they trying to entice the ants from the Big Brother house to also star on The Challenge? 

Reading this article on Stop Being Polite puts Nelson's whole dig about the port-a-potty in a whole new light. (TL;DR the potties in the bunker stopped working, so production brought in port-a-potties in rather than fix the plumbing.) 

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I was really pulling for Jenna. I’m glad she gave it her all and didn’t half-ass it with Zach on her mind. She seems like a genuinely sweet girl who tries not to rock the boat. But that, sadly, includes her relationship. I know they’re engaged now but I hope someone talks some sense into her before she walks down the aisle. She will be in for a lifetime of arguments and disappointment. Zach seemed legitimately insane (not to mention immature with his screaming demands) on the FaceTime call. Girl, there are better people out there who will treat you well. Honestly when she and Fessy were sitting together on the couch (when she was trying to reason with wasted Nany), they looked real cute together! Open your eyes, Jenna!

Why did it seem like Nany was the only one absolutely wasted? Everyone else seemed slightly buzzed at most  

It pains me to say this but Kailah and Bear were kind of cute together. 

Jordan. Get it together, man. I was getting secondhand embarrassment watching that display. I don’t think Tori is much better off with that control freak. Someone start a support group for her and Jenna. 

Please please please Challenge editors go back to challenge, voting, and an elimination in a NINETY MINUTE EPISODE. 

Edited by UGAmp
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16 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

I wish she would watch this episode and the last and realize how bad it is. No person deserves to be treated the way he treats her.

The thing is, and this is going by what I see of her on the television, Jenna seems like a total catch.  She's beautiful (I really like her with the darker hair), she seems like she's drama free, she comes across as being very sweet and kind.  Hell I would kill to get a woman like her.  Zach should thank his lucky stars that he has her as his girlfriend.

I was so happy to see Tori lose.  I don't really dislike her, but I find her obnoxious most of the time, she's seems cocky, and a little self-entitled.  There are times when she comes across as a really nice person as well.  I was just happy to see her lose because she felt like she was going to win and I loved to see Jordan bug out.

Is Nany bi?  Or is she one of those, Katy Perry "I kissed a girl" types, when she's drunk?

I love Josh talking about how it is not cool bullying people.  Dude people saw your season of Big Brother so there is evidence to the contrary in that regards.

I felt bad for Aneesa when she had no true friends there.  I have said it in the past but I think Aneesa would be a blast to hang out with.

Big T, you look so much prettier with your natural hair.  Ditch the wigs.

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I was so happy to see Jenna finally tip over into annoyed without guilt with regard to Zach’s ridiculous behavior and ultimatum. Even though I’m still horrified, I feel slightly less alarmed about her general power in the relationship when I saw she was willing to defy him even when he was withholding and threatening everything he could think of. He obviously didn’t end up following through, which is sort of a shame. He should be so embarrassed watching his immature toddler tantrum display. 

And the Challenge continues its theme of relationships that are unhealthy with Jordan screaming at and publicly berating Tori for not following his directions. While I understand his frustration, most people would be able to let go of it to console and comfort their significant other who just lost rather than absolutely needing to get in that “I told you so.” Even when Tori directly told him to knock it off, he couldn’t. Because, you guys, he TOLD HER SO. Nothing was more important in that moment than reminding to her that she lost because she wouldn’t listen to him. 

I agree that amidst all of this, Chris and Bayleigh are looking more stable and healthy, which really, really concerns me because I came into this strongly disliking them. 
How does Nelson even perform basic life functions?

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6 hours ago, BK1978 said:

The thing is, and this is going by what I see of her on the television, Jenna seems like a total catch.  She's beautiful (I really like her with the darker hair), she seems like she's drama free, she comes across as being very sweet and kind.  Hell I would kill to get a woman like her.  Zach should thank his lucky stars that he has her as his girlfriend.

This. I truly don't understand why she is holding on to Zach. I was slightly terrified of him when he was screaming about "his house!" and her shit being in a box when she got home. I wish she would realize she doesn't deserve any of that. I was so happy she won.

Yay Kaycee finally gets a storyline!

I still can't stand Dee and her attitude at the tribunal solidified that.

Cory being nice and supportive to Big T was actually sweet. Maybe fatherhood has mellowed him out.

Nelson is an idiot but I did chuckle at him walking in at the end of the Nany/Aneesa fight asking "why are there noodles on the ground?"


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1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

I agree that amidst all of this, Chris and Bayleigh are looking more stable and healthy, which really, really concerns me because I came into this strongly disliking them. 
How does Nelson even perform basic life functions?

My dislike for Chris & Bayleigh was at a 10 coming into the season.  They have been surprisingly likable, now at a 4-5 dislike for me.

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Zach is abusive. Like for real. How is no one saying that to Jenna? Why are they just kinda like, "Yea, Zach's a dick whatcha gonna do lol?" Scary.

Jordan was only like 1 rung below Zach with how he was treating Tori. It's so sad watching these women act like all this is just fine. 

I wanna meet Kaycee in person because everyone on BB loved her and now all these people do and like I just don't get it. She's so boring lol. I mean, I can see liking her but people act like she's the most amazing person they've ever met.

They need to do a mass elimination asap because I'm over there still being 200 people, especially since like 90% of them are truly terrible. A double elimination next week just ain't cutting it!

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Oh Zack, you utter fuckboy.  I SEE YOU.  "I have absolute proof you cheated!  You're caught redhanded! But if you think you didn't do anything wrong, you better come home right now and fix this or I'm done!"  I don't believe he has any proof, and I don't believe Jenna ever cheated.  He is just being a controlling, abusive, manipulative asshole.  It's absolutely stunning to see it play out, and if her family is seeing these episodes and not doing everything they can to get her out of that situation, I don't know what to say.  The kind of abuse she is experiencing is very rarely seen displayed in public like this, and it's just astonishing.  

Jordan?  He's just a run of the mill asshole who thinks he knows the best way to do everything and everyone should just listen to him because he's always right.  I can't stand him and surely wouldn't want to date him, but I don't put him in the same category as an abuser like Zack.  He's not manipulating her, not really putting her down, not making her doubt the stability of his love or their relationship, he's not questioning her character, he's not gaslighting her.  He's just a stage mom, and Tori can handle a stage mom.  And hopefully she can wrangle him in when/if they have kids, because while it's not a good look to be screaming at your girlfriend, it's far worse to be doing that shit on the sidelines of a little league game. 

The difference is that I have a feeling watching this back, Jordan probably apologized to Tori and realized outside of the heat of the moment, he was truly wrong, while Zack will probably break off their engagement because Jenna forced him to look bad on TV.

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Can we get back to challenges ... please? I didn't sign up for The Real World: Thirty-Something.

I can't tell if they had to drag this out because they thought this relationship drama was so compelling, or it was really necessary to "to be continued" last episode, only to find out Jay had a traumatic brain injury.

[/sarcasm only marginally more ridiculous than Cup-o-Noodles-Gate]

I did not realize Nany's tastes tended towards women also. I remember something about a video of Kaycee and Rachel from her season making out. Something about Aneesa's reaction made me wonder if she and Nany had something in the past? It was a bit Ex in the Bunker. Maybe my brain was fried from all the relationship drama.

Is "overconfident vet takes a fall" going to be a theme of the season? Jordan screaming at Tori was difficult to watch. Yeah, that'll make her go faster, you taking her head off. And was he wearing a woman's scarf? I was so distracted by his babushka-like neckwear the entire time.

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They should just let Jordan smoke weed during filming, because I’ve read he smokes a ton outside of it and is way mellower, to the point he is a different person. That could be total bullshit, but after seeing his freak out, I can see how he needs something to calm his ass down. 


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Can we have Aneesa just do commentary and talking heads for every Challenge season from here on out? Maybe it's because we are the same age, but she has the most perfect jaded attitude and I love her commentary. She really gets that this is reality TV and there is a much bigger world outside of the Challenge universe. 

Zack: eat a dick. That's all. 

Jordan: I think there was a time where I didn't hate you, but you are such an arrogant ass. Please also eat a dick. Thanks. 

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5 hours ago, lasu said:

It's absolutely stunning to see it play out, and if her family is seeing these episodes and not doing everything they can to get her out of that situation, I don't know what to say.  The kind of abuse she is experiencing is very rarely seen displayed in public like this, and it's just astonishing.

Thank you. The fact that they are now engaged tells me her family didn't do anything and I just find that so sad. In a way, I almost appreciate them showing this because, like, it is an amazing depiction of an abusive partner so maybe that will help somebody. Unfortunate that it didn't help Jenna herself.

5 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Can we get back to challenges ... please? I didn't sign up for The Real World: Thirty-Something.

I'm torn. I find like 90% of the challenges boring as hell, I actually fast forward through most of the elimination challenges, and I love drama. But also, I need people to be fucking eliminated already and "watch an abusive relationship play out" isn't really the drama I'm interested in seeing.

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On 5/15/2020 at 2:18 AM, BK1978 said:

Is Nany bi?  Or is she one of those, Katy Perry "I kissed a girl" types, when she's drunk?


On 5/15/2020 at 12:04 PM, Eolivet said:

I did not realize Nany's tastes tended towards women also.

On Nany's Real World season, she hooked up with Heather in the aftermath of Heather finding out that Dustin had done that sketchy all-male house video thing. Heather was upset and very drunk, I can't recall how drunk Nany was. Obviously they couldn't show everything, but it was pretty clear that it went WELL beyond kissing. Afterwards, Heather was embarrassed but Nany was not, so make of that what you will.

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Real World: Skeletons

15 hours ago, tracyscott76 said:


On Nany's Real World season, she hooked up with Heather in the aftermath of Heather finding out that Dustin had done that sketchy all-male house video thing. Heather was upset and very drunk, I can't recall how drunk Nany was. Obviously they couldn't show everything, but it was pretty clear that it went WELL beyond kissing. Afterwards, Heather was embarrassed but Nany was not, so make of that what you will.

I honestly did not know that Nany was on an actual season.  It must have been one of the many I did not watch.  I think Real World: Skeletons was the last one I saw, but there were a bunch of the more recent ones I did not watch.  Just by looking at the list I watched Brooklyn and then I stopped watching the show until Portland and I skipped Ex-Plosion and did not watch any after Skeletons.

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4 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I honestly did not know that Nany was on an actual season. 

Nany was on the 2011 Vegas season with Dustin, Heather, Leroy, and Michael. There were also a few more but those were the ones I remember. 

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1 hour ago, xfuse said:

Nany was on the 2011 Vegas season with Dustin, Heather, Leroy, and Michael. There were also a few more but those were the ones I remember. 

There was also Adam, who got kicked off early (but then outed Dustin's participation in the sketchy house thing, which led to the hookup as described above) and Cooke, his replacement, who tried to get in the middle of Dustin and Heather. And there was Naomi, who was hooking up with Leroy. It was a glorious mess XD

To tangentially get on topic, every single one of the cast appeared on at least one challenge, with Leroy and Nany in particular being regulars.

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On 5/15/2020 at 5:33 PM, peachmangosteen said:

Thank you. The fact that they are now engaged tells me her family didn't do anything and I just find that so sad.

This is just speculation, but I would be surprised to find out that the dynamics in her own family are significantly different from the relationship dynamics that she seems to repeat over and over again. We know her dad was in prison. I’m going to make a leap and say this isn’t the kind of family that can see past the charm I’m sure Zach dazzles them with in person to the unhealthy dynamic underneath, even when confronted with it in this way. I mean, look who she dated before Zach. Her friends likely have to choose between firmly coming out against Zach’s behavior and being cut out or hedging and still being her friend. One of the most common dynamics of abuse is that the abuser separates his partner from anyone who is threatening to him. Which leads us to...

There are rumors floating around that the reason Zach wanted her out of the house was that the DMs involved Cory. The rumors further state that Jenna hooked up with Cory, not two years ago, but way back before she even met Zach, and that Zach has been insecure and upset about it to the extent that when they got back together he made Jenna unfollow Cory (somewhere there’s video of a live where Cory confirms that Jenna reached out to him and basically asked him for permission to unfollow him, because Zach didn’t want her to). For challenge historians, you’ll recall that Jenna has been asked about hooking up with Cory in the past and has denied it. My guess is she hasn’t been honest or forthcoming to Zach about a lot of her romantic/sexual past because he freaks out, hence the Bruno coverup incident when they weren’t even together. In turn, Zach becomes more paranoid and convinced that she’s untrustworthy, when really it’s that she’s afraid of him, even if she’s not acknowledging that fully to herself. Then when he DOES find things out and flips she thinks it’s her fault for not being fully honest and forthcoming rather than his fault for being an abusive asshole. 

I wonder what her punishment was for staying against his wishes, or whether he realized that her staying was an indicator that his control was slipping and he went with the honeymoon act instead. 

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2 hours ago, Jillibean said:

I wonder what her punishment was for staying against his wishes, or whether he realized that her staying was an indicator that his control was slipping and he went with the honeymoon act instead. 


This is not based on anything I've read, but now I'm convinced she wins and makes enough money for him to forgive her.


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5 hours ago, Jillibean said:


This is just speculation, but I would be surprised to find out that the dynamics in her own family are significantly different from the relationship dynamics that she seems to repeat over and over again. We know her dad was in prison. I’m going to make a leap and say this isn’t the kind of family that can see past the charm I’m sure Zach dazzles them with in person to the unhealthy dynamic underneath, even when confronted with it in this way. 

I agree with your entire post, except that I believe it was Jenna's cousin's father who was in jail and it was Jenna's father who owned the bakery. That's why Briana (I think her name was Briana) didn't have a job, because her dad was in jail instead of owning a bakery like Jenna's dad hahaha. That was quite possibly the most hilarious fight in challenge history. I crack up thinking about it. 🤣🤣🤣

I was talking with a friend about this and she was also asking why Jenna's family doesn't intervene. My response was that 1. We don't know that they haven't. Maybe they tried but Jenna didn't listen. She is an adult after all. And 2. Maybe her parents have a similar relationship and she's just repeating the pattern. If that is the case they may see this as a normal relationship, which it is definitely not. Jenna could do soooo much better than this gaslighting jackass. I very much doubt that she's ever cheated on him. It just doesn't seem like her nature to do something like that. I also heard the rumor about Cory and totally believe that him being in the house with her would flare up Zack's rage if he really found 2 year old dms between them. (Side note-do dms really last that long? They don't expire or whatever?)

Edited by Treehugger9
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4 hours ago, Treehugger9 said:

I agree with your entire post, except that I believe it was Jenna's cousin's father who was in jail and it was Jenna's father who owned the bakery. That's why Briana (I think her name was Briana) didn't have a job, because her dad was in jail instead of owning a bakery like Jenna's dad hahaha. That was quite possibly the most hilarious fight in challenge history. I crack up thinking about it. 🤣🤣🤣

If I recall correctly, Jenna was the jobless one, and Jenna's dad was in jail and Brianna's dad owns a bakery. I think Jenna yelled to Brianna something to the effect of "the only reason you have a job is because your dad owns a bakery."

...and I agree, that has to be the most hilarious Challenge fight ever! It was ridiculously stupid. It kills me every time I watch it.

Nany and Aneesa's noodle fight may be there as far as most hilarious though.

Edited by AntFTW
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2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

If I recall correctly, Jenna was the jobless one, and Jenna's dad was in jail and Brianna's dad owns a bakery. I think Jenna yelled to Brianna something to the effect of "the only reason you have a job is because your dad owns a bakery."

...and I agree, that has to be the most hilarious Challenge fight ever! It was ridiculously stupid. It kills me every time I watch it.

Nany and Aneesa's noodle fight may be there as far as most hilarious though.

Oh man I must be remembering it incorrectly! Maybe I'll try to find it on youtube...it's my favorite challenge fight of all time! Though Nany drunkenly throwing noodles at Aneesa and then yelling at Jenna over it is pretty high up on that list too. Nany is just such a mess....she can't help herself. Every season she claims to be a new Nany, yet every season she keeps doing the same stuff and it is wildly entertaining. You keep doing you girl!

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2 hours ago, Treehugger9 said:

If I recall correctly, Jenna was the jobless one, and Jenna's dad was in jail and Brianna's dad owns a bakery.

Yes, it was Jenna's father who was in prison.

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My brother-in-law is not physically abusive, but is verbally abusive towards my sister (It may partly stem from the fact that she makes more money than he does).  There is really not much to be done about it as people have said above.  He always has to go out of his way to make snide comments about her intelligence (Even though she has a Masters and he dropped out of college.).  I never liked the dude but for some reason my sister sticks with him and they have been married for fifteen years.  It is tough because I would love to step in and say something to him (He also talks down to both my mother and I but never my father for some reason) but I do not for fear of alienating my sister.  If it was physical I would be more apt to try and step in but when it is mental I feel like there are less options for her to see what he is doing is wrong.

Okay well nobody wanted to read about my personal life, so lets get back to talking about show.

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5 hours ago, BK1978 said:

If it was physical I would be more apt to try and step in but when it is mental I feel like there are less options for her to see what he is doing is wrong.

I'm not saying you need to stage an intervention, but it might be more meaningful than you think to just simply say, "I see what's going on.  I don't like it and I don't think it's ok, and I love you and I'm here for you if you ever want to talk about it."  It was very powerful to me the first time someone (our couples therapist, no less) described my partner's behavior as abusive.  It was shocking and upsetting and very, very scary, but it was powerful to have someone see and label what was happening.

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On 5/14/2020 at 6:07 PM, mojoween said:

Bayleigh and Chris are growing on me.  Make it stahhhhhp.


I will give you Swaggy, I think he's a half decent dude. Maybe even more.  But Bayleigh? NOOOOOOO. That girl is a permanent victim in her own mind.  She's constantly ranting on twitter that people only put her down because she's black. No girl, it's because you're a psycho. 

On 5/15/2020 at 1:18 AM, BK1978 said:

The thing is, and this is going by what I see of her on the television, Jenna seems like a total catch.  She's beautiful (I really like her with the darker hair), she seems like she's drama free, she comes across as being very sweet and kind.  Hell I would kill to get a woman like her.  Zach should thank his lucky stars that he has her as his girlfriend.


She is the most patient person I've ever seen. 

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