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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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19 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

I can't believe Shaun looks that good at 59. Angela should take notes from Shaun and Kenny.

I’m sure that Shaun doesn’t drink or chain smoke. She is also not full of shit or related to Jabba the Hut.



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1 minute ago, greekmom said:

WTF!? Everyone was STANDING UP FOR MIKE that he had a female best friend. Now they are ganging up on Natalie for having a male best friend.


Julia. Shut up.

And nobody questions her female best friend, Juliana.

Julia's all over Natalie's cashflow, because she's planning her escape.

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Just now, Pepper Mostly said:

Cut to Tiffany, who's thinking "God, I hope I can get out of this chair without making a noise like a champagne cork popping".


I am laughing way harder than I should be. 

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I hate all of these people. I find every single one of them repulsive. I guess the only one I wouldn’t feed to sharks would be maybe Kalani, but that’s because she hasn’t said anything yet.

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1 minute ago, Suzywriter said:

Natalie looks like she hates Mike. Hates.  

Like any sensible woman. 

The double standard is appalling. Why is everyone acting so shocked that Natalie reached out to a Russian immigrant community in search of friends? Was she supposed to go to a convent or something? Meanwhile, Mike arguably had sex with his "best friend" the night before her wedding and was just "get over it". 

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1 minute ago, charmed1 said:

I hate all of these people. I find every single one of them repulsive. I guess the only one I wouldn’t feed to sharks would be maybe Kalani, but that’s because she hasn’t said anything yet.

And because they're afraid that Asuelo will throw them out and her family will join in the fight (including the in-laws).

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Like any sensible woman. 

The double standard is appalling. Why is everyone acting so shocked that Natalie reached out to a Russian immigrant community in search of friends? Was she supposed to go to a convent or something? Meanwhile, Mike arguably had sex with his "best friend" the night before her wedding and was just "get over it". 

Mike was not married. Natali is married to Mike.  

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5 minutes ago, greekmom said:

WTF!? Everyone was STANDING UP FOR MIKE that he had a female best friend. Now they are ganging up on Natalie for having a male best friend.


Julia. Shut up.

Yeah, I am struggling with all of the assholes on this show. It's really not fun anymore. They think that they are all celebrities, or something..

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3 minutes ago, Suzywriter said:

Shaun needs to shut down the attacking of Natalie. Who the hell are these pricks to suggest that Mike take away the bank card. 

Tbh, I’m surprised he didn’t cut her off. He has a very vindictive streak

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