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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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7 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Jen looks like a damn Parisian tourist with that cheap looking hat.

It should have ”Jenn” embroidered on it like the tacky berets in “National Lampoon’s European Vacation”  

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1 minute ago, kacesq said:

Good things the US has eradicated racism and poverty, Tania!

Right? Its like a Star Trek episode! 

Just now, LucyEth said:

Syngin shoveling it in like he never saw food before, Tania too!

they're hunkered over their plates like someone's going to take their food away. 

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Oh, Tania. There are people from all over the world, All. Over. The. World. Thinking that the US has a monopoly on multiculturalism is such small minded thinking and a sign she really hasn’t travelled.

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1 minute ago, Grifter Lives said:

How do you"do" ambulances?

They stick all the cool decals on. 

This is the most painfully awkward dinner ever. Everyone talking about Singing like he's a) not there, and b) like he's sustained some significant brain damage. 

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3 minutes ago, KelseyNikki614 said:

I like the ones with built in bras so you don't have to wear a bra. This probably only works if you have smaller boobs though

Yup.  Strapless bra is my other go-to.

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16 minutes ago, Mercolleen said:

My Blue Apron delivery took 40 minutes longer than expected to make and my kitchen is now a sauna and I am a disheveled mess, but I am here! I am not done!!!!!!!!

But, how did it taste?

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Just now, Toodleoo said:

Who the frick starts a fight like this in front of your in-laws when you barely know them??

A boorish self centred person like Tania. Hubby and I had issues and I never talked shit about him to his family, in fact I defended him. 

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11 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

This is not a paid commercial: I kept waking up with a terrible back ache for weeks now and decided to buy a My Pillow. Wow! Problem solved.

My friend is raving about the new “Advil Dual Action” tablets that contain acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Supposed to be a miracle cure for any kind of body aches 

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Here comes another ugly American...Tania goes to a family dinner in Syngin’s parents’ home and cusses, runs down their son, and screams herself purple.  Good grief...when this franchise can make Coltee the best American on this version of 90DF, it’s officially sunk below the lowest of the low.

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4 minutes ago, hula-la said:

Oh, Tania. There are people from all over the world, All. Over. The. World. Thinking that the US has a monopoly on multiculturalism is such small minded thinking and a sign she really hasn’t travelled.

Right? My eyes rolled so hard I saw my own brain. Really, Tania? In suburban Connecticut you met "all kinds of people"? Somehow I doubt. 

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Just now, Auntie Anxiety said:

Just in case you didn’t despise Tania before this, enough said.

I think that the producers are using this trip just to show how much everyone dislikes Tania.  The brus said it.  Syngin's mother tells Tania repeatedly to let Syngin be.  His stepfather is forecasting doom upon their marriage as is.  And they don't flinch when she's wailing how victimized she is.  They don't even react to her declaring that she's trying to save their son.

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1 minute ago, KelseyNikki614 said:

The Tania we know and don't love is back! I thought she had mostly disappeared but here she is in fine form. Also I laughed at tania saying "I had a great bringign up" instead of upbringing

Yes, with her hard drinking mother and the sister that can’t stand Tania. Storybook life.

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1 minute ago, magemaud said:

My friend is raving about the new “Advil Dual Action” tablets that contain acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Supposed to be a miracle cure for any kind of body aches 

When I had a dental infection I was given a prescription for a narcotic (don't remember the name).  It did NOTHING.  I looked up combining aspirin and Tylenol and turns out...it's a real thing!  And man oh man...it worked really well.  For severe pain that's the way to go (IMO). 

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1 minute ago, magemaud said:

My friend is raving about the new “Advil Dual Action” tablets that contain acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Supposed to be a miracle cure for any kind of body aches 

Bet its not as good as the paracetomol(tylenol) with codeine that i by in Boots in the Uk and bring back to America

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Tania says that at no time since she's known him has Sinjin shown any initiative. But she married him any way. She projected her own 'dreams' and ambitions on him, and, since he's a complete slacker, he just went along with it. But now they have reached a breaking point, primarily, it seems, because she can't work, they need money, and he's struggling to find a job, especially one that will satisfy her vision of/for him. He just needs to stay in SA when she goes home.

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