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S35.E01: Mad World

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28 players face an intimidating first challenge, and then move into the most shocking living conditions in Challenge history. A new alliance threatens to topple the game while a stunning twist at elimination changes everyone's expectations.

Airs April 1, 2020.

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Oh man, this is the best time for this ridiculous ass show. Nothing about it matters and that is just want I need.

A lot of people I can't stand came back and a lot of newbies I don't really care about. So good mix. It was nice to see Aneesa again. She's not going to last long but whatever.

Bye bye cutie newbie. Better to leave now than to stay and be Nany's boytoy. I can't believe how fast Nany jumped on his ass. She made Bear look subdued. I think being with her painted a target on his back and proved that she has no pull whatsoever in this game. When the other newbie girl basically dared anyone to fuck with her man and made sure his name was never said? I was dying. Meanwhile Nany just sat there.

Wes & Johnny alliance? That's going to fall apart quick. It's a smart move but they will screw each other soon.

The tribunal should have listened to Jay and not put in two newbies. It's a dumb move every time.

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Excuse me while I go cry that Jay's C-level Survivor strategic game has become an A-level Challenge strategic game. Revealing you have a working brain doesn't seem like the best move on this show, but still. Great episode for him. #TeamRookies*

The skulls and the daggers, my goodness, this show is extra. But we're sort of all living "total madness" right now, so maybe it's fitting.

*except Bailey, who's clearly channeling Big Brother's Rachel Reilly: "Nobody comes between me and my man!"

Edited by Eolivet
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I love this show and I’m so glad it’s back. 

Asaf is very attractive (he actually looks a lot like Stephen Colleti from Laguna Beach but with a wig) but that attraction was short lived after seeing him stick his tongue down Nany’s throat. Plus I love Jay from Survivor so I’m glad he lives to see another week. 

I LOVE the twist that you have to win an elimination to make it to the final. As much as I love CT, he has skated through a few seasons because no one wanted to go against him. He’ll probably still win an elimination but it’s going to shake up strategy and I’m here for it. I’m also here for a Wes/Johnny partnership (however long it may last). 

Did Cory get some new teeth? They look too big for him (I noticed this on the new season of Teen Mom- that train wreck I just can’t walk away from- but no one else seemed to immediately notice in that forum so maybe I’m imagining it). If he did, I think he went to Nany’s doctor because those are also too big for her.

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I am irrationally happy that this show is back. Like the other posters mentioned, it’s a perfect distraction. I also love the new rule about eliminations. It was necessary. Looks like an interesting mix of characters and I’m glad we are Cara and Paulie free. 

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@TiffanyNichelle is right . . . this is comfort food for the reality TV junkie's soul, coming at a time where we need to be distracted for a few months. I am DVRing it, though; Survivor takes priority, and I don't know why MTV doesn't air the episodes at 9 p.m.

Asaf had the potential to fill Turbo's role, but he lost to dumbass Jay. If Nany remembers him at the Reunion, it'll be remarkable. BTW, I'm saying that more in terms of the fickle nature of showmances. I don't really have an opinion on Nany.

Bunker headquarters is a neat twist, and I'm guessing BMP made their psych tests a wee bit harder for everyone's sake. From what I heard (and I could be off-base), Cara Maria didn't pass . . . and that's what she's not on this season. Ditto for Paulie, but this will be the first time since Rivals III that we won't be seeing Cara. It's gonna be weird.

Back to the Bunker . . . I'm amazed Jordan wasn't the first one out, because he came SO HARD.

I did the research . . .  in the last fifteen seasons, there were only three seasons where more than half of the final players didn't go into elimination: War of the Worlds 2 (.667; basically two-thirds of the field), Rivals III (also .667), and Vendettas (.625). In other news, I probably would have gotten the math right in the first mission . . . but real talk? Teege would've run over my medical supplies on his first trip. Bright side: Rogan is REALLY uncomfortable now.

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They didn’t say where they were did they?  Looks like former Eastern Bloc country, either Czechoslovakia or Poland.  Why don’t they say?

Nany was so thirsty.  Maybe that’s why they keep having her back even though she’s no longer competitive, that she’s willing to be part of some drama.

Aneesa saying Kiss of death was funny but I don’t recall the previous guys she made out with or them losing.  Then again I didn’t remember who won last season either until Brogan called himself defending champ.

I saw Tory stare at her math problem for so long I can remember it, 26+89-63/2 or 26 is the answer.

Pure upper body strength, because nobody seemed to have any advantage with the puzzle or math.


Yeah everyone realized right away that you wanted to conserve strength and hang as long as they could.  Now if Asaf could have broken through the glass or turn it and directly kick Jay ...


Almost forgot, Wes and Johnny alliance.  This just confirms that the last two times they had rivalry was probably fake and played up for the show, like one time involved some secret slip of paper that Bananas somehow got a hold of.

Yeah the vets are going to look to go into elimination against opponents whom they believe are layups.



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Wasn't Asaf on a season of Are You the One?  Or am I just imagining that?  If so, why wasn't it mentioned on the episode? (seems kinda weird that MTV wouldn't want to plug its other show)

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I know Asaf from So You Think You Can Dance, he was a pretty good dancer with gymnastic-like moves. It’s really too bad that he was eliminated first, he was easy on the eyes and seems like he would put up a good fight.
I love the rule that everyone has to go into elimination, can’t believe they didn’t do this sooner. And Johnny and Wes working together can make the season interesting.

But I hate the bunker home. Watching them spend all the downtime inside a windowless gym doesn’t help me escape reality. I was hoping to see some lush tropical location just for a bit of escapism.

And love or hate him but Johnny always has good commentary. I laughed when he said Asaf is built like an ice sculpture.

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I kind of like the bunker like home. Between the common area looking like a big crossfit gym and everyone having to go in to eliminations (will people start throwing challenges to get put in?) it seems like MTV is tired of them basically just chilling throughout the challenge and then gassing out during the finale. This season they need to get in shape and do the work.

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13 hours ago, zenithwit said:

Wasn't Asaf on a season of Are You the One?  Or am I just imagining that?  If so, why wasn't it mentioned on the episode? (seems kinda weird that MTV wouldn't want to plug its other show)

He sure was!!! 

I didn't even realize no Cara or Paulie until it was mentioned by someone else here! 


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Ok so I am literally just starting now so I will read all later but...

Bayleigh and Chris (I did not call him that ridiculous name during BB and I will not start now).  What the fuck.  Also why.

Edited by mojoween
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17 hours ago, zenithwit said:

Wasn't Asaf on a season of Are You the One?  Or am I just imagining that?  If so, why wasn't it mentioned on the episode? (seems kinda weird that MTV wouldn't want to plug its other show)

Yes, he was on the 4th season of that show with Tori. This is the first challenge to feature another person from that season other than Tori

They didn’t say where they were did they?  Looks like former Eastern Bloc country, either Czechoslovakia or Poland.  Why don’t they say?

They're in Prague, Czech Republic

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I have no idea how these eliminations are going to work. How are they going to decide who goes in when everyone is going to want to go in now? Will they compete to be able to go in? Will they do blind voting? Will players try and ice out the strongest players like Jordan from competing in an elimination? 

In theory I like this twist. But I’m skeptical whether this will work. I have a feeling that players who have won eliminations may be sent in repeatedly, particularly if they aren’t seen as being intimidating, and the strongest competitors will be frozen out from appearing in an elimination. Why on Earth would anyone vote Jordan into an elimination? None of these guys can beat him in an individual final. 

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So I spent the whole episode frustrated they did the math wrong and MTV encouraged it. Order of operations says that you do the division problem first, then the addition and subtraction.  

CT is my favorite,  but these younger, new guys look tough. This is not the CT who carried Johnny Bananas like a backpack. 

I've not seen seasons since 29, so I dont know the ones with the English (Australian?) accents, but I could listen to them talk all day. 

They make these rules so complicated. I watch and get so confused. 

I'm oddly disappointed to see an Amazing Race competitor on this show. I would think the Amazing Race folks are better than this. 

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I saw Tory stare at her math problem for so long I can remember it, 26+89-63/2 or 26 is the answer.

Actually, the answer SHOULD have been 83.5, since, according to the math rules of operation, you should do the division before you do the addition.  So 63 divided by 2 is 31.5.  26 plus 89 is 115.  115-31.5 = 83.5.

When I saw the math problem on the black board, I figured they weren't going to do it correctly.  Then I noticed that they had different math problems on different boards.

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7 hours ago, mojoween said:

Ok so I am literally just starting now so I will read all later but...

Bayleigh and Chris (I did not call him that ridiculous name during BB and I will not start now).  What the fuck.  Also why.

I would have been happy to never see the two of these scumbags again.  Just by the watching the first episode I have a feeling that Chris is not long for the game.  All of the other rookie men were featured at least somewhat, whereas he seemed to be just an after thought.  At least we were not "treated" to a talking head segment of him boasting how great he is.  We get it from Bayleigh though, which leaves me to believe she might be in the game for the long haul.

And poor old Fessy is probably still wondering who flipped.

I wonder if Kaycee is good with the three of them.  I know they were not in the same alliance during that season but still the devil you know and all that.  Also, why could they not have brought Rockstar on the show?  Now that would have been hilarious to see.

5 hours ago, Aaron4102 said:

They're in Prague, Czech Republic

I had no clue it was Prague, but I kind of thought it was because it always seems dismal and depressing every time I see it featured in anything.  Every time I think of Prague I think of the video for that INXS song Never Tear Us Apart which was filmed there.

I found myself thinking Ashley looked pretty with the dark hair and then I was like what the hell is wrong with you man.

Why do they keep bringing Big Brother Josh back?  What do they think he adds to the show?  It is not like he is ever going to win.

At least with Bear I get it, he's the annoying asshole.  But Josh really adds nothing to the show.

Tori is still as annoying as ever.

One more random thing, was Melissa was on before or am I mixing her up with someone else?  I thought she was kicked off for fighting.


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I loved Jay on Survivor! I'm so happy to see him on my favorite trashy show! I was torn between him and Asaf in elimination.  Asaf is just so damn pretty with his hair and bod, but I do like Jay more. In the end, I'm glad that Jay won. Now, if only he would grow his hair out longer 😉 

Get it, Nany! If I was single, I would have done the same damn thing. 

Wes and John could indeed be interesting. 

I love Dee and Kailah, so I hope they go far in the game. Kailah never does though, so I don't have high hopes for her. Dee is a beast. Jenny too. I think Mattie has been partying too much with the Floribama people, and not training enough for this season. 

So happy the show is back!

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I’m so ready for this show to be back right now too! I’ve never missed a season. 
I love the true vets like Aneesa, Jenna, Wes, CT and even Bananas. I hope they all last long because the show is just more fun and interesting with them in it. I can’t stand Jordan, and i don’t think I’m going to miss Cara and Paulie at all. 
Ashley had some serious work done to her face and she is so young, so it’s like why?? That’s what she does with her winnings. 
Jenny is nice but i cannot look at her scary looking face and lips all season.

Cannot stand Kailah, and her stupid hot air balloon tattoo, i hope she goes soon, and nice to cheat on your boyfriend with Bear. 
Melissa was the one who did a cartwheel and cut her foot on a light and they made her leave.


Edited by Inga
Forgot about the tattoo
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On 4/1/2020 at 10:16 PM, Eolivet said:


*except Bailey, who's clearly channeling Big Brother's Rachel Reilly: "Nobody comes between me and my man!"

Same, but I'll even root for Bayleigh. I mean she annoyed the ever loving shit out of me already but I don't care, I want the people who haven't made this their lifelong career yet to beat out the vets lol.

On 4/2/2020 at 1:15 AM, zenithwit said:

Wasn't Asaf on a season of Are You the One?  Or am I just imagining that?  If so, why wasn't it mentioned on the episode? (seems kinda weird that MTV wouldn't want to plug its other show)

I was confused why they didn't mention AYTO as well. I guess they just want it to seem like they're going outside of their usual places to find people.

30 minutes ago, Inga said:

Melissa was the one who did a cartwheel and cut her foot on a light and they made her leave.

I vaguely remember that but I am with the person who thought she got kicked off for fighting at some point, too. 

I hate the bunker. It makes me claustrophobic just looking at it!

I hate both Johnny and Wes now but, for some reason, a part of me was excited about them working together. I hate myself!

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On 4/1/2020 at 10:32 PM, UGAmp said:

Did Cory get some new teeth? They look too big for him (I noticed this on the new season of Teen Mom- that train wreck I just can’t walk away from- but no one else seemed to immediately notice in that forum so maybe I’m imagining it). If he did, I think he went to Nany’s doctor because those are also too big for her.

Nany's teeth were so damn distracting!  I was paying more attention to those chompers than watching the actual show. 

I am so not here for the Wes/Johnny alliance.  I will enjoy the inevitable drama it will create, but I will not support it.  And I'll wait for Johnny to prove himself to be the snake he is. You in danger Wes!  Never forget what happened to Sarah.  


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11 hours ago, BK1978 said:

One more random thing, was Melissa was on before or am I mixing her up with someone else?  I thought she was kicked off for fighting.


Yes Melissa did two previous challenges: Vendettas & Final Reckoning, On the latter, she & Kailah were both kicked off for fighting each other, which led to their original partners (Kam for Melissa; Kayleigh for Kailah) being paired up for the rest of that season

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16 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

Will players try and ice out the strongest players like Jordan from competing in an elimination? 

That's interesting, I hadn't even thought about that angle, duh.  I hope this plays out in an interesting way, and it should, I think.  You've got to get into an elimination and win it yourself, and you also want to try to keep your biggest competitors stay out of it.  I think the alliances will really come into play when it comes to choosing when you go into elimination and who you go against.  I honestly hope a super strong competitor like Jordan gets iced out of elimination and can't go the final.  Why?  Because I'm the kind of asshole who would find that funny.  It's maddeningly unfair, and that makes me want it so badly!

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14 hours ago, Inga said:

I’m so ready for this show to be back right now too! I’ve never missed a season. 
I love the true vets like Aneesa, Jenna, Wes, CT and even Bananas.

Aneesa will always have a special part of my heart because she was on the first Real World season I watched all the way through. I saw part of seasons two and three and then I just stopped watching it until Aneesa's season. 

CT has always been one of my favorites even when he was a total asshole.   I think it was because he hated Adam during his season of the RW and I did as well.  Yes stupid reason but sometimes that is enough for me to be a fan.

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On 4/3/2020 at 1:16 AM, Zima said:

I loved Jay on Survivor! I'm so happy to see him on my favorite trashy show! I was torn between him and Asaf in elimination.  Asaf is just so damn pretty with his hair and bod, but I do like Jay more. In the end, I'm glad that Jay won. Now, if only he would grow his hair out longer 😉 

Get it, Nany! If I was single, I would have done the same damn thing. 

Wes and John could indeed be interesting. 

I love Dee and Kailah, so I hope they go far in the game. Kailah never does though, so I don't have high hopes for her. Dee is a beast. Jenny too. I think Mattie has been partying too much with the Floribama people, and not training enough for this season. 

So happy the show is back!

Kailah made it to the finals in Vendettas and to the elimination before the finals in Dirty 30! Her only early exits were Final Reckoning and Invasion of the Champions.

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On 4/3/2020 at 7:36 AM, peachmangosteen said:

I hate the bunker. It makes me claustrophobic just looking at it!

I hate both Johnny and Wes now but, for some reason, a part of me was excited about them working together. I hate myself!

Yes, and yes. I'm self isolating at home already, (week 5? week 25? who knows?) I don't need to watch a closed in bunker on TV! It's kind of fun watching them suffer a bit, but I was looking forward to beautiful scenery and a cool house. And the lack of windows is suffocating.

Still cannot stand Bayleigh or Swaggy. Kaycee laying low was smart. I'm curious to see how she does on these more extreme challenges.

Jay is very pretty and seems to be a smart competitor. So is Asaf but he seemed a bit gentle for this show. Like a puppy trying to act tough.

Jenny seems pretty badass but her lips just freak me out. Why, why, why.

Am I supposed to hate Kyle? Because he's actually pretty funny in his talking heads. Bear is too, and now I hate myself.

It's taken years, but the vets are starting to fade a bit from this show. I still love CT and Wes though. I'm not sorry, lol.

I love the elimination twist though it's probably going to knock out a couple of my favs.

T.J.'s absolute glee at eliminating the contestants was great. 

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On 4/2/2020 at 1:05 AM, scrb said:

They didn’t say where they were did they?  Looks like former Eastern Bloc country, either Czechoslovakia or Poland.  Why don’t they say?

Nany was so thirsty.  Maybe that’s why they keep having her back even though she’s no longer competitive, that she’s willing to be part of some drama.

Aneesa saying Kiss of death was funny but I don’t recall the previous guys she made out with or them losing.  Then again I didn’t remember who won last season either until Brogan called himself defending champ.

I saw Tory stare at her math problem for so long I can remember it, 26+89-63/2 or 26 is the answer.

Pure upper body strength, because nobody seemed to have any advantage with the puzzle or math.


Yeah everyone realized right away that you wanted to conserve strength and hang as long as they could.  Now if Asaf could have broken through the glass or turn it and directly kick Jay ...


Almost forgot, Wes and Johnny alliance.  This just confirms that the last two times they had rivalry was probably fake and played up for the show, like one time involved some secret slip of paper that Bananas somehow got a hold of.

Yeah the vets are going to look to go into elimination against opponents whom they believe are layups.



I looked at that thinking “ok, I guess they threw out the order of operations on math.”

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