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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Yep, I remember pretty early on a discussion around the pool table about BMCB shirts.   I think it was Zach that said someone out there has probably already had a bunch made up, and when Caleb was all, "Ya think so?" you could practically watch his ego swelling as the poor, exhausted gerbil in his head tried to turn that rusty wheel so he could think more thoughts about what Beast Mode's fans were out there doing to celebrate him. 


I don't like Zach as a person, but I do LOVE the way he winds up Caleb like a little toy just to watch him go.  He's great at throwing huge, OTT compliments at him with a straight face just to encourage Caleb to brag some more or do something stupid.  And when Caleb tells one of his hundreds of stories of awesomeness, Zach will egg him on with stuff like, "Dude, that's SICK!" which Caleb just soaks up like sunshine. 


I watched Donny and Nicole get their HoH stuff, and there was a photo of Nicole with her best friend Mariah, who is apparently very attractive based on everyone's reactions.  Caleb instantly started talking about Mariah, then said "she needs to know me" (because to know Caleb is to love him), and after he had made a handful of comments about Mariah that everyone in the room completely ignored, Nicole said something about how Mariah was probably at home saying, "Nicole, you're an idiot for not trying to hook up with Cody" but since she didn't, that means she can introduce Cody to Mariah, which I'm sure chapped Caleb's ass so hard.  Caleb asked what kind of guys Mariah likes and Nicole said she's into athletes, and he said, "Well, then she's into me."  UH OH.  Mariah...run.  You in danger, girl. 


I noticed that zoom-in of Cody rubbing Christine's hair/head, too, and it was WAY too familiar.  Last night she was stroking and petting his arm and when she got to his hand they did this thing with their fingers that felt icky and intimate to me, too.   I really like the theory that Cody has a condition that compels him to touch people, almost like a tactile form of Tourette Syndrome!


LOL @ the "poor exhausted gerbil"....I love that visual.


I'm wondering if Caleb is pointing out how attractive another girl is in some effort to convince the house he is over Amber and he is still the marquis of the house or whatever.  By the way, who the hell brought a crown into the house?  Zach has been wearing the same damn tee shirt every time I see him to the point where I'm starting to smell it through the TV, but someone had the presence of mind to bring a crown?  Or was it a prop from some game.  Yeah, I suggest Mariah file the TRO now, because I'm sure Caleb is thinking that if he just meets Mariah, and "convinces" her to date him (with ether, or a gun, I'm sure) then it will make Amber super jealous.  


Is Cody straight?  Something about the way Amber talked about him, like she was very clear that he was her best friend, just gave me the impression, he might not be so straight, especially combined with all the man touching going on in the house (not that theres anything wrong with that)

Caleb is now thinking what his strategery is going to be going forward.  Lord help us all.



What strategy?  He is king of the house, or does he think someone else is coming for his title, lands and stolen bunny slippers?

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Everyone is in HOH room looking at Donny and Nicole's stuff and some people are lying on the bed, including Cody and Christine and the camera zooms in on Cody playing with Christine's hair in a VERY tender way. I'm sorry, but I do not play with any of my friend's hair like that. It was almost sexual. What is going on?!? Perhaps he should go ahead and make a visit to the wack shack, because this guy's pent up sexual energy is palpable lol.


I am in absolutely no way condoning what was just described.... but looking at it from Cody's POV, its sort of inevitable.   Paola would have been all over him in a heartbeat, but he didn't like her and was already smitten with Brittany.  His best and only chance for something with a (female) HG was Britt, but he was too "morally" weak to really try and do anything about it.  Amber was the next best option, but she just left.  Even though she's married, Christine is the last available 'option' left; if he considers Hayden's "friendship/game alliance" too much to make a move on Nicole.  Victoria isn't interested, even if he liked her in any way.  Jocasta is a priest, so that's way over the line.


Again, I do not condone homewrecking - despise even the thought of it, really - but Christine is the only woman left in the house that's ever shown anything like true reciprocation to his flirtacious 'advances'.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36


Zach has been wearing the same damn tee shirt every time I see him to the point where I'm starting to smell it through the TV, but someone had the presence of mind to bring a crown?  Or was it a prop from some game.


I suspect it came from the Battle of the Block with the chess board, where Cody and Frankie were dressed in a cape, a crown and shorts.



Is Cody straight?  Something about the way Amber talked about him, like she was very clear that he was her best friend, just gave me the impression, he might not be so straight, especially combined with all the man touching going on in the house (not that theres anything wrong with that)


I think I read that Jocasta said he sets off her gaydar.

Is Cody straight?  Something about the way Amber talked about him, like she was very clear that he was her best friend, just gave me the impression, he might not be so straight, especially combined with all the man touching going on in the house (not that theres anything wrong with that)



I think I read that Jocasta said he sets off her gaydar.


Frankie's too.  They discussed it a while back.

I wonder if Donny realizes that he has no actual allies and that everyone would easily vote him out? I feel like he must because he seems so over this shit show!

I don't think he's over it. If he was he would have thrown that weird vote and collected 5k. Instead he was worried about his long term game. Since it seems he has no shot at winning, I'm surprised he isn't trying to get all the TA paychecks.

I suspect it came from the Battle of the Block with the chess board, where Cody and Frankie were dressed in a cape, a crown and shorts.



I think I read that Jocasta said he sets off her gaydar.


Ahh, Battle of the Block makes sense.  Maybe someone else had mentioned Jocasta said something, and then it just really hit me again hearing Amber talk about him and not so much that she was insistent on them just being friends, but how she said it...

Caleb said last night that he speaks Arabic. He is one multi-talented guy (hunter; hog slayer; recording artist; cowboy, song writer; pro football, soccer, and baseball prospect; speaks a second language; and the best looking guy in his town).


He said it during a story he told about when he just returned from Iraq and a table of "Hajis" were seated next to him in a bar. They were speaking Arabic and it pissed him off so he got up and flipped their table.

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From Joker's:

Fri 2:31 AM BBT Caleb: I'll give it 2her in Nashville. Frank: OR WE can give it to Production & THEY can give it 2 her TONIGHT?! Caleb: nah. - Poopie

& tell her in order to get it I will have to meet her in Nashville and give it to her. Then we can have a date or something. But I can just hold on to it until i see her in nashville or finale.

Zak and all the other guys laughing because Caleb saying he will hold the brushes hostage until he sees Amber and doesnt want production to give them to her. He wants to make sure he can see her. He says he has her slippers and the brushes are worth 500.00 maybe so she will WANT to see him to get them back.

Oh, shit. He's coming _here_.

I am pretty sure Donny and his girlfriend are engaged.

I knew that boy had some brains.
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Fri 2:44 AM BBT Nicole went to sleep said GNIGHT. Zak: "PleASE dont put me up Nicole" Nicole: did the count dracula laugh. Zak: im F'd (laughs) NT

I've been sort of hot and cold on Nichole this season, but now I think I'm starting to re-like her a little more. :)

Edited by Nashville
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how much do you want to bet Caleb is thinking about coming out with a line of tee shirts with "Beast Mode Cowboy" on them.


I promised myself that I wouldn't go through the humiliation of applying to be on "Big Brother Canada" again, but now I want to try out just so I can wear a T-shirt that says "BEAST MODE ASTROLOGER" on it.

From Jokers 3:21 AM: Derrick explains what a pawn is to Victoria.

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I heard a rumor somewhere that the producers told Victoria not to spill the beans on Ari and Frankie. Anyone know if there's truth to that?


 It seems pretty clear to me that Victoria knows Frankie's sister is Ariana and I have been wondering why she doesn't say anything, since she's not a real strategic thinker, so I could easily believe this.


I just can't figure out how Derrick has managed to stay in everyone's blind spot.


Sadly, Derrick is the smartest person there so he has all these idiots snowed. He's honestly not even that good. He's very transparent and he actually isn't a very good liar, but everyone else is just really dumb/naive/gullible.


I've never heard one of Frankie's sister's songs or seen her perform, but that's simply a matter of taste rather than age.


I was about to say it has nothing to do with age. Some people, even *gasp* old people, like pop music and others don't. Some people like country music and I would rather listen to anything else. It's just about personal preferences. 


At the end of the day (am I supposed to trademark that?), you put up four guys together, replace them with a guy when one of the guys wins  POV or wave goodbye to another girl.  The only question is whether I'm waving goodbye to Jocasta or Veronica (sp?:))


LOL but exactly. I just pray it's Jocatsa since she brings absolutely nothing to the table, except extreme crying and then DRs where she hypocritically puts down Victoria for crying. Oh, and Bible reading. Which, no thanks.


A very sweet letter, a little Norman Rockwell, but very sweet and charming.  although I notice she didn't say she misses the beard, which supports someones theory that the beard was a recent development to get him cast and play into the "country bumpkin" role.


Donny himself said that the show wanted him to keep the beard. He's also said that Christine (his gf) really hates it.


Is Cody straight?


Jocasta sure doesn't think so!


Since it seems he has no shot at winning, I'm surprised he isn't trying to get all the TA paychecks.

This is what makes me worry that Donny doesn't truly see how screwed he is. I wish he did because then I imagine he'd actually try to do something. And he seems very over these people, IMO. Last night he said something along the lines of wasting his whole summer with a bunch of juveniles. LOL!

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Well, she absolutely does know who Ariana Grande is. She has a discussion with Frankie about her once and this was after she was questioning him a lot about his sister, so i just think it seemed pretty clear she knows. She should use it, but she isn't a strategic player. ETA: I forgot to mention, Victoria actually follows Ariana Grande on twitter, so it's very possible she's seen a pic of Frankie and/or seen Ariana talk about Frankie.


Apparently the noms with most likely be Caleb/Victoria by Donny and Zach/Jocasta by Nicole. Nicole is saying she wants to BD Frankie, but I'll believe it when I see it and he wouldn't go home against either Zach or Jocasta anyway so. Apparently if Donny stays HOH and veto is used, he'll put up Christine. Now I hate Christine, but still, how boring. I believed in you Donny! Dammit!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Caleb said last night that he speaks Arabic. He is one multi-talented guy (hunter; hog slayer; recording artist; cowboy, song writer; pro football, soccer, and baseball prospect; speaks a second language; and the best looking guy in his town).


You forgot soldier, pirate-in-waiting and tattooed, banana-wrapped pickle.

  • Love 7

Nicole and Hayden's wish is to get Zach and Frankie on the block together to guarantee one of them going home, preferably Frankie. Donny won't outright put up Frankie but he'll vote him out. If Donny's HOH he'll either try to get out Caleb or if veto used put up Christine. It would be interesting if Zach and Frankie were put on together by Frankie getting back doored. I wonder how Zach would react. Who knows what's going to happen by Monday as this group can't stick to a plan without drama.


ETA: I think it's double eviction next week as well.

Edited by kellog010


Well, she absolutely does know who Ariana Grande is. She has a discussion with Frankie about her once and this was after she was questioning him a lot about his sister, so i just think it seemed pretty clear she knows. She should use it, but she isn't a strategic player. ETA: I forgot to mention, Victoria actually follows Ariana Grande on twitter, so it's very possible she's seen a pic of Frankie and/or seen Ariana talk about Frankie.


I was just coming here to ask how Victoria could possibly NOT know. They know his last name is Grande - he's been referring to his grandpa Franke Grande all week, and he talks about his sister "Ari" to the others. Now, I probably wouldn't put it together as she's not really in my consciousness, but a self-proclaimed big fan of hers like Victoria would have to be able to put that together, right??


I think it's double eviction next week as well.


 It is. Julie said it last night.

Edited by VioletMarx

I'm positive that what happened a few weeks ago was Victoria asked someone in the DR if Ariana Grande was Frankie's sister and was informed that she was. She was then called back into the DR and told that whoever confirmed her suspicion was in big trouble and she was NOT to tell the others. So she left the DR in tears, Zach asked her what was wrong and she couldn't tell him. Victoria knows.

I'd love it if Zingbot spilled the beans, maybe using a song title as a clue.

Edited by TimWil

Who knows what's going to happen by Monday as this group can't stick to a plan without drama.


I feel like all they've done is stick to the plan without drama. 


I'm positive that what happened a few weeks ago was Victoria asked someone in the DR if Ariana Grande was Frankie's sister and was informed that she was. She was then called back into the DR and told that whoever confirmed her suspicion was in big trouble and she was NOT to tell the others. So she left the DR in tears, Zach asked her what was wrong and she couldn't tell him. Victoria knows.


Oh wow. That is a great theory for that Victoria drama from a couple weeks ago.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Reading the discussion on Jokers between Nicole and Derrick last night makes me think they are sincerely working together. They want Hayden and Cody to round out the 4 in their group. It sounds like Nicole may put up Zach and Jocasta, and Donny may put up Victoria and Caleb. They also talked about back-dooring Frankie. It sounds like they would be happy with Zach, Caleb or Frankie going home. Of course they could change their mind any minute and probably will. Here's the link to their lengthy discussion:



ETA: Donny also might put up Christine instead of Caleb.

Edited by TexasChic

Y'all are going to hate me for unleashing this earworm, but all morning "like a Beast Mode Cowboy" to the tune of "like a Rhinestone Cowboy" has been running through my head. Dear god, please make it stop!

You should send that diddy to Weird Al. It could be his next hit. Caleb could be in the video.

I'd really love to see both Derdick and Frankie on the block. Christine and Frankie would be funny. If they are smart and all goes well, use the veto on Victoria or Jo, and put up another guy or Christine so they have the votes to pick off who they want.

Edited by LGGirl
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So, I assume that everyone in the house is now eligable for jury, correct? There's 11 people in the house left, and there has to be an odd number of jurors. I know Julie didn't announce that everyone was now in jury, maybe because of time, but I just want to be sure because then, really, whoever leaves this week will be in jury, so it won't be that bad if it's Zach. It's just a shame Caleb didn't go this week and Amber didn't get to be in jury.

I'm positive that what happened a few weeks ago was Victoria asked someone in the DR if Ariana Grande was Frankie's sister and was informed that she was. She was then called back into the DR and told that whoever confirmed her suspicion was in big trouble and she was NOT to tell the others. So she left the DR in tears, Zach asked her what was wrong and she couldn't tell him. Victoria knows.

I'd love it if Zingbot spilled the beans, maybe using a song title as a clue.


I've read on the interwebs that Victoria subscribes to Arianna's Instagram, and Arianna routinely posts pictures of her and Frankie on her Instagram, so I don't see how she cannot know.  Your theory sounds the most plausible to me.


On another note, I wouldn't put it past Zach to know about Frankie/Arianna and I've been wondering if he started his bromance with Frankie in order to get in good with somebody famous like Arianna after the show.  I have no evidence for this, but he seems like the type of guy who'd do it.

At the very end of BBAD, Hayden was doing a count of the votes they'd need to get either Frankie, Zach or Caleb out, but it seemed to me he was counting votes they don't necessarily have.  For one thing, he counted both Jocasta's and Victoria's votes, but if one of them are still on the block, they will only have one of those.  He also counted Cody.  Would any of the Dets break ranks now if they didn't have to?  If it's V/J up against Z/F/Ca, wouldn't Co, Ch, De,and whichever two of Z/F/Ca aren't on the block vote to keep their alliance member?  It wouldn't be in their interest to do anything else, and Derrick and Frankie at least are smart enough to know that and can easily persuade the other guys.  The wild card would be Christine, I guess, if she wants to keep both possible alliances open to her.  Thinking out loud here.  Thoughts, anyone?


Y'all are going to hate me for unleashing this earworm, but all morning "like a Beast Mode Cowboy" to the tune of "like a Rhinestone Cowboy" has been running through my head. Dear god, please make it stop!



Speaking of earworms, for days now I have had these songs lyrics "at the end of the day" running through my head (Thanks, Caleb!), and I thought it was from Les Miz, so I googled it and it is, but I was reading the lyrics and some of them are oddly appropriate to the Caleb/Amber situation.


Have you seen how the foreman is fuming today?

With his terrible breath and his wandering hands?

It's because little Fantine won't give him his way'

Take a look at his trousers, you'll see where he stands.

And the boss he never knows that the foreman is always in heat.

If Fantine doesn't look out, watch how she goes, she'll be out on the street.

She's been laughing at you while she's having her men.

She'll be nothing but trouble again and again.

You must sack her today.  Sack the girl today.

Right, my girl, on your way.


Weird coincidence.



I'm positive that what happened a few weeks ago was Victoria asked someone in the DR if Ariana Grande was Frankie's sister and was informed that she was. She was then called back into the DR and told that whoever confirmed her suspicion was in big trouble and she was NOT to tell the others. So she left the DR in tears, Zach asked her what was wrong and she couldn't tell him. Victoria knows.


Not doubting your theory, but why would that have made her cry?  It would be strange for them to go off on her about something that was completely innocent on her part.

Caleb said last night that he speaks Arabic. He is one multi-talented guy (hunter; hog slayer; recording artist; cowboy, song writer; pro football, soccer, and baseball prospect; speaks a second language; and the best looking guy in his town).


He said it during a story he told about when he just returned from Iraq and a table of "Hajis" were seated next to him in a bar. They were speaking Arabic and it pissed him off so he got up and flipped their table.

Well...that sounds like a well reasoned response.  I see an ambassadorship in his future if this whole country music singing career doesn't work out.....or maybe he can be a famous country music singer AND an ambassador


I promised myself that I wouldn't go through the humiliation of applying to be on "Big Brother Canada" again, but now I want to try out just so I can wear a T-shirt that says "BEAST MODE ASTROLOGER" on it.

From Jokers 3:21 AM: Derrick explains what a pawn is to Victoria.

 You should TOTALLY do that!



 It seems pretty clear to me that Victoria knows Frankie's sister is Ariana and I have been wondering why she doesn't say anything, since she's not a real strategic thinker, so I could easily believe this.



Sadly, Derrick is the smartest person there so he has all these idiots snowed. He's honestly not even that good. He's very transparent and he actually isn't a very good liar, but everyone else is just really dumb/naive/gullible.



I was about to say it has nothing to do with age. Some people, even *gasp* old people, like pop music and others don't. Some people like country music and I would rather listen to anything else. It's just about personal preferences. 


Donny himself said that the show wanted him to keep the beard. He's also said that Christine (his gf) really hates it.



Jocasta sure doesn't think so!



Okay, now the Donny beard makes sense.


I really am on board with Jocasta.  How far did things go with Brittney.  I wonder if he only went after her because he knew she wouldn't pursue him?


I think I like pop music, but its older pop music.....Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam, Duran Duran, Flock of Seagulls, Milli Vanilli, Tears for Fears, Wham, George Michael, Samantha Fox, Taylor Dane.....OMG, I think I just came up with the playlist for if I ever have a BBQ!  I actually heard one of my favorite songs the other day...on the oldies station....it was a moment....


You know, I think the genius of Derrick is this.....I think he mostly sits around and waits for someone to have an idea that is either what he wants to do, or can be easily turned into what he wants to do, and then he just tells them that their idea is great, and he will advocate the idea to everyone else.  So the person who originally came up with the idea is the one that is "on the radar" and Derrick just appears to be a background player going with the flow.



Apparently the noms with most likely be Caleb/Victoria by Donny and Zach/Jocasta by Nicole. Nicole is saying she wants to BD Frankie, but I'll believe it when I see it and he wouldn't go home against either Zach or Jocasta anyway so. Apparently if Donny stays HOH and veto is used, he'll put up Christine. Now I hate Christine, but still, how boring. I believed in you Donny! Dammit!

While it stinks that another female will be put up, it will take a number away from the Detonators.


Y'all are going to hate me for unleashing this earworm, but all morning "like a Beast Mode Cowboy" to the tune of "like a Rhinestone Cowboy" has been running through my head. Dear god, please make it stop!


Now that its stuck in my head, I do indeed hate you...just kidding....but it is stuck in my head.

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Well, the nominations are as expected. Here's my dream scenario for the week: Caleb/Vic beat Zach/Jacosta in the BoB, leaving Nicole as HOH. Hayden once again gets picked for POV, pulls down Jacosta and up goes Frankie. I do think at this point Frankie would stay over Zach, but the detonators are one man down, and that whole Zankie nonsense is off my TV. While I'd prefer Frankie leaving for entertainment purposes, I'd be fine losing that jack hole Zach.

And hey, I've had more far fetched wish lists than this come true over the years. It could happen people! And at least this week I DO have a wish list. The last few weeks have been way too predictable with no hope for a shakeup.

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Yeah, so Donny put up Caleb/Vic and Nicole put up Zach/Jocasta. I think my own ideal scenario (actually I have two but here's one): Jocasta/Zach win, Donny remains HOH. Caleb doesn't win POV, it's not used, he goes home/to jury. Now, if Caleb does win POV in this case, I think Donny would put up Christine and Vic may be the one going home. Honestly, that's still fine with me.


Now, if Vic/Caleb somehow win, Nicole stays HOH, Zach for me needs to win HOH because I do want him to stay. Then Nicole puts up Frankie and Jocasta probably would go, although Frankie may go too. The least ideal scenario is if Zach doesn't win, Jocasta does and Frankie's put up and Zach leaves. I like Zach, I think he's entertaining and Frankie's a more powerful player to stay in the game so if we had to lose one of them, I'd much rather lose Frankie.


Really, the only way I'll feel comfortable with this week is if Donny stays HOH. Nicole says she doesn't trust Christine, and neither does Hayden, but I still think she has an allegiance to Christine and she'll probably end up spilling a lot to her, which will get back to the Detonators. Plus, Caleb may be a good thing to keep in the house due to people being able to manipulate him, he's a vote, etc, but he's also my least favourite, he scares me and I don't know who he'll 'target' next with his obsessions. It seems like Nicole's friend Mariah is someone he's interested but seeing as she's not in the house, he may choose Nicole and that...well, worries me. So, please, Beast Mode Bunny Boiler, please go home or to jury or wherever. 


ETA: Whoops, put Donny instead of Nicole in the backdoor Frankie situation!

Edited by jessied112

I think Nicole would be more likely than Donny to put up Frankie, due to the TA thing. I think I would rather Nicole stay HOH, so that Donny would have two chances to be HOH during the double eviction, rather than the one, if he stayed HOH this week.

I was thinking the same thing. Donny needs to play in the next HOH. I've got a feeling he's a goner during DE. I want him to have every chance to stay.

Since she's on the block (again), how long do you all figure it'll be before Jocasta is hurt or sick again? I see she's been talking about her problems pooping again. My Jocasta Poop radar is still working good, I guess.

How long till she cries about the nomination? Pretty sure that has happened all ready. BB can just keep looping the same footage of her and Vic crying each week. It's all the same.

Pretty sure Jo will injure herself during the next comp. I was surprised she didn't hurt herself last night during the HOH while walking to her seat of shame. If the comp doesn't take some brain power, my money is on Caleb and Vic.

Did anyone see Jo crying about losing HOH last night? Gave me flash backs of Amanda.

Edited by LGGirl
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