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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Geez, this guy.  If the Detonators don't figure out how to neutralize him before Thursday, I think we are in for an interesting week next week.  Do Frankie and Derrick really not realize that Amber going home is going to set Caleb off?  Caleb will either get super angry and stir shit up and possibly change up alliances (and scare everyone in the process), or he will just give up and wait to be sent home.  The latter will be too boring to watch (who wants to see a lovesick delusional fool pout and mope all week?), so I'm hoping for the former.  I really hope his anger at being lied to fires him up, especially because self-evicting won't get him alone in the jury house for a week. 

Part of me hopes that if Amber goes home, then Caleb freaks out so much during the live show that it postpones the HOH competition and messes up CBS schedule for the broadcast.


Would that happen?


If Caleb were to do something crazy after the vote, like say, "Don't send her home. I'll go in her place", would TPTB allow this?

Would that happen?


If Caleb were to do something crazy after the vote, like say, "Don't send her home. I'll go in her place", would TPTB allow this?

Doubt it - that would constitute allowing one person overruling the vote of the entire House. Might be an interesting future twist, but I doubt they'd allow it spur-of-the-moment.

By Thursday the guys will have convinced Caleb to be OK with Amber going. They won't blindside him because that would be fun and they don't want anything fun or interesting to happen.


I think maybe instead of talking to them about what daddy will think, they should ask Derrick how his daughter is gonna feel when she's a teenager and finds out how her dad acted.


The thing is, even if the women started asking them how they think America sees this, they'd just go in some room together and laugh about how dumb these bitches are because America loves this shit. Derrick brings up how much America loved Dick all the time.

  • Love 5

I don't think Caleb will go nuts if Amber leaves. He'll just get despondent.

I wish Amber would start telling him that Derdick and Frankie was disrespectful to her. A few well placed tears, good story and that should set BMBB off. I don't defend violence, but I wouldn't mind Caleb popping either one in the face. Heck, it might put Derdick in cop mode and blow his cover.

  • Love 5

By Thursday the guys will have convinced Caleb to be OK with Amber going. They won't blindside him because that would be fun and they don't want anything fun or interesting to happen.


I think maybe instead of talking to them about what daddy will think, they should ask Derrick how his daughter is gonna feel when she's a teenager and finds out how her dad acted.


The thing is, even if the women started asking them how they think America sees this, they'd just go in some room together and laugh about how dumb these bitches are because America loves this shit. Derrick brings up how much America loved Dick all the time.


Its a hail mary.  I didn't watch Dick's season (I started to watch season 13 and then got bored and annoyed for some reason), but I think the America angle is all Amber has at this point.  Especially coming off of Season 15, when Aaryn thought everyone would love her and laugh along with her "Sheniqua" impersonations and got a rude awakening when she left the house.  and everyone associated with her got a rude awakening.  and her family got a rude awakening.  and the cast seemed to generally be disliked.  Frankie, as image conscious as he is, is not going to want any part of America potentially hating him.  And I don't think Derrick wants that either.

Edited by RealityGal

Caleb will either get super angry and stir shit up and possibly change up alliances (and scare everyone in the process), or he will just give up and wait to be sent home.  The latter will be too boring to watch (who wants to see a lovesick delusional fool pout and mope all week?), so I'm hoping for the former.

Oh, I'd love to watch it - BMBB drew this shit bath, so I don't mind a bit him marinating in it a while. I just wouldn't want to hear him moan and bitch about it for an entire week.

One thing that's been bouncing around in the vast empty space of my skull the past couple of days... I'd say there's almost even odds he might want to self-evict after Amber goes out the door. But would this even be an option for him? If I'm counting right, isn't the next person after Thursday's evictee the first person in the Jury? How bad would that screw up the plans of TPTB? Would they scream in the DR and wave his performance contract in his face? Or let him walk, and quietly adapt the show plan to accommodate a seven-person Jury?

But they're not racist. They're sexist and they know that no one gives a shit about that.

True.  Because I remember an interview Julie Chen did and she said that they all though Aaryn was going to be "America's sweetheart" and they were shocked when her rampant racism came to light in the house.  So I get the feeling that if they were able to get away with it, they would not have shown any of her racist rants, but they knew the live feed watchers would have been in absolute revolt if they had attempted to cover it up so they had to show it.  I guess they figure no one will revolt over Caleb being a creepy mccreepster and everyone co-signing.

Oh, I'd love to watch it - BMBB drew this shit bath, so I don't mind a bit him marinating in it a while. I just wouldn't want to hear him moan and bitch about it for an entire week.

One thing that's been bouncing around in the vast empty space of my skull the past couple of days... I'd say there's almost even odds he might want to self-evict after Amber goes out the door. But would this even be an option for him? If I'm counting right, isn't the next person after Thursday's evictee the first person in the Jury? How bad would that screw up the plans of TPTB? Would they scream in the DR and wave his performance contract in his face? Or let him walk, and quietly adapt the show plan to accommodate a seven-person Jury?

I don't see what damages they could get out of any contract they had with him if he decided to self evict.  And wouldn't he just then go to the jury house if he self-evicted?

They started with a really large number of people, so they would have to be planning at least one of their Fast Forward double eviction weeks. Maybe just one though, since they started earlier this year. If Caleb bailed, he'd likely forfeit his stipend for sure, possibly not get invited to the finale, but they would probably just ditch the Fast Forward week.

Amber has threatened a few times today that the guys better not vote her out because her daddy is watching. This is why we can't have nice things, like strong women who can stand up for themselves or ones who aren't catty and take each other down. Is she 12? I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt by assuming she was trying to appeal to them on a human level, for the guys running the house to think of their sister or mom or daughter and that she's someone's daughter too. I know that's reaching though.

I agree that they are behaving like a bunch of 12 year olds. Nicole and Christine also said that their families were going to be so pissed at Zach for putting them on the block. Why do they think that this is any kind of an incentive to keep them in the house? It sounds like the old "my dad is going to tell your dad what you did and you'll be trouble" elementary school bullshit. It speaks volumes about the maturity level of the contestants this season.

Production better have a plan just in case Caleb loses it on the live show when she gets evicted. What if they have to rush security in live. I guess they would go to commercial. I think anything can happen. He's totally unstable.

I seriously wonder if he'd walk out after her. For Amber's sake I hope not but strictly based on entertainment value, I'd love it. It would be great to watch Julie handle it on the spot like that.

  • Love 4

I doubt that Caleb will ever figure things out because he is so invested in his fantasy of Amber throwing herself into his arms when she is "saved." Even now, he is beaming because she is talking with him alone. He's so happy.

Of course a lot can change between now and Thursday, but I don't think Caleb becoming smart is going to be one of them.

Kudos to Amber for trying to keep her story private. It probably has hurt her game because her guarding it has caused people to think she is keeping game secrets instead of personal ones.

  • Love 1

please, please, please let there be a twist this week, double eviction or back to single HOH, something to possibly flip this game. can't take another week of the usual noms, the "brilliant scheming"(insert heavy sarcasm).

A double eviction is probably impossible as long as the Dual HoH twist is in effect, but I'm guessing we'll have one as soon as it's over. As in, we'll have one more "normal" week, and then at next week's live show, Julie will tell them there's a double eviction, and that from that point on, there will only be one HoH each week. They can hype it up as the "most shocking live show in Big Brother history" or some such. 


If that were to happen, I guess Jacosta or Victoria are out next week, followed by who the hell knows as the first jury member.

Regarding the comments about female players especially bringing up their families, I agree that some of it is to try to shame the other person into behaving differently but I think they also intend a veiled physical threat when they bring up their dad/brother/husband/boyfriend. The women know they can't intimidate male players physically so they mention male family members. No matter how much strategic power a female player may have, she can never intimidate physically the way the male players can. I think it's one of the reasons people like Zach like to torture women in the house -- what are they going to do to him? I know part of it is that Zach thinks poorly of women in general and knows the women in the house aren't winning any HOHs,  but I think it makes him feel superior when he can rag on someone like Victoria to her face with no fear of repercussions. Victoria knows she can't do anything about it like getting aggressive with him or threatening to put him on the block (because she can't win anything), so she resorts to bringing up her father, a male who could, theoretically anyway, kick Zach's ass.

  • Love 1

When the feeds first started Derrick kept saying the word retard and then catching himself. He said he never used it before he entered the house.

Christine tried the family angle with Zach too. After telling him EVERYONE at her church is going to hate him (I bet that's a positive thing), she mentioned Zach's little brother getting called a fruit loop dingus at school now. Zach didn't fall for it. They also talk about what Zach's mother must be thinking. They are so out of touch with how generally harmless Zach's behavior is.

Edited by Morbs

If he self-evicted, he wouldn't go to the jury and would lose his stipend.

Not only that - if (as expected) the next person to go out after Amber is supposed to head to the JH, then a self-eviction would unbalance the Jury arrangement (8 jurors instead of 9).

Which creates the potential for a tied jury vote (4/4) at the finale - a scenario I expect TPTB would consider unacceptable.

Which means either:

1. They coax/threaten The King of Cling into staying in the House.

2. He is permitted to leave the House, but goes straight to the JH.

3. BMBB walks clean off the set - hopefully Amber has gotten a good couple of hours' head start - in which case:

3a. TPTB would probably have to transition on-the-fly to arrange for a seven-person jury instead of a nine-person jury.

3b. The next person to be evicted after Caleb strolls is getting screwed out of his/her Jury stipend.

Anybody have any notion what the penalties are for self-eviction? Are they different depending upon whether the SE is pre- or post-Jury? I'm wondering if the penalties for a post-Jury SE might be more severe, because of the greater impact on Production.

ETA: after Amber clarification, correcting autocorrect typos.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 1


By Thursday night the guy's will have convinced Caleb it's the smart thing to do to vote Amber out, Caleb is such an idiot, it'll be especially easy not only to convince him of this but also convince him it was his own idea.



I'm not so sure.  Last night Frankie, Zach, et al seemed giddy that Caleb was going to be blindsided just like Amber.   I noticed that Zach kept saying it will be 9-0, but it's going to be 8-1 with Caleb's vote.   It just bugs me that they can't even count right half the time.

I think though that it's still possible that Nicole might spill the beans to Amber. She's clearly uncomfortable lying to her that Amber has her vote.  Hayden was encouraging her to do it ever so cautiously.

Edited by vb68

It seems to me that the best thing to do if Amber gets evicted is to quietly send her to jury, just in case Caleb quits so he can go looking for her.  If Caleb doesn't DOR, get evicted, or forcibly removed by security, Amber can be sent home before the first jury member shows up. 


Also, if someone could be waiting outside the house to hand Caleb a restraining order on TV that would be great.  I'd pay good money to see that.

As of last night, the ants officially made their biggest pilgrimage ever and made their way up the stairs and into the HOH room. They were everywhere up there, kinda like Frankie. Is this the first year the ants have made it all the way upstairs? They usually stick to the lower levels, and usually in the kitchen. I joked earlier in the season that the ants were the 17th houseguest this year, like always, but now I'm rooting for them to win. Go ants! All the way to final 2, baby! Who else are we gonna root for?

  • Love 8

As of last night, the ants officially made their biggest pilgrimage ever and made their way up the stairs and into the HOH room. They were everywhere up there, kinda like Frankie. Is this the first year the ants have made it all the way upstairs? They usually stick to the lower levels, and usually in the kitchen. I joked earlier in the season that the ants were the 17th houseguest this year, like always, but now I'm rooting for them to win. Go ants! All the way to final 2, baby! Who else are we gonna root for?

The ants are the only HG's making big and bold game moves!

  • Love 10

LOL! I want the ants to win too. They are going to have to stop keeping food in the HOH room.

Swear to god - this was the first thing that went through my mind Thursday night during Zach and Frankie's "who wants to see my HOH room?" get-together, when Frankie was tossing around that monstrous pack of fig newton-ish cookies.

Are they going to continue to use the activity trackers to determine the Have Nots for the rest of the season ?


If it was a one-shot deal, they should have turned them in for good after last Thursday's live show, but  according to Jokers they are still wearing them today.

They were turned in yesterday for the majority of the afternoon. They got them back last night around 6-ish. I hope the shaking of the fitness tracker to make them seem active doesn't screw the people that are actually active. 



I don't think Caleb will go nuts if Amber leaves. He'll just get despondent.


I think Caleb will go nuts, get despondent, and within a week he will walk out the door. 


He talks about how he has done so much for her and he has received nothing in return. I think he is delusional. 



Edited by DakotaLavender

I think Caleb will go nuts, get despondent, and within a week he will walk out the door. 


He talks about how he has done so much for her and he has received nothing in return. I think he is delusional. 



My god.

Could NOT even watch that more than a few seconds.

He just drones on and on.

About ONE subject - Amber.

And on.


And ON.

Every conversation.


Every DAY.

AND ON...!!!


If I'd been Hayden last night, I'd have throttled his ass.

  • Love 2

The show is perfectly fine with using "America" as the final jury member, but yeah, I wouldn't be shocked if they did try to sequester Amber just in case Caleb really did self-evict. 


Also, they obviously let people back into the house (hell, just last season they let someone back into the house) so perhaps a Caleb self-eviction would also make them more willing to let someone back in the house. Of course, if "America" voted, I bet Amber wouldn't even win, because she's such a "cock tease." Ugh.

  • Love 1

I cannot believe I just watched that whole video.  Poor, POOR BRITTANY!  She just experienced the same trauma that wolves go through when they are caught in a trap and decide to gnaw their own foot off to escape.


I've never seen anything quite like that.  Watching him do this shit in snippets is one thing, but a solid 15 minutes of him barely taking a breath while he explains all the ways Amber is wrong for not constantly thanking him and telling him to his face that he is such a perfect, wonderful guy made me feel like bugs were crawling all over me. 


Of course, everything she has ever said he has twisted around in his own mind to either suit his fantasies, or to use as reasons to be mad at her.  Since it's not possible that she isn't in love with him, it's just so frustrating that she won't show it!  There are only 2 possibilities:  She's a sweet, shy girl who desperately wants to be with him but for some mysterious reason refuses to show it while they are in the house, or she's an ungrateful piece of shit who desperately wants to be with him but for some mysterious reason refuses to show it while they are in the house.

  • Love 3

Of course, everything she has ever said he has twisted around in his own mind to either suit his fantasies, or to use as reasons to be mad at her.  Since it's not possible that she isn't in love with him, it's just so frustrating that she won't show it!  There are only 2 possibilities:  She's a sweet, shy girl who desperately wants to be with him but for some mysterious reason refuses to show it while they are in the house, or she's an ungrateful piece of shit who desperately wants to be with him but for some mysterious reason refuses to show it while they are in the house.

In his mind, the whole thing could probably be boiled down to seven words:

"She's mine, but she don't act right."

  • Love 13

Add me to the very long list of people creeped out by BMBB. I get the feeling, from watching the feeds and reading on Jokers that some HG's would love him out as soon as possible, while others want to keep him around, because they think he'll be a vote in their favor. They seem to be oblivious to the fact that when they send Amber home, Caleb isn't just going to fall back in line with the group. He will probably become the biggest wildcard in the house, if he isn't already. It should make for some good TV though, and good feed-watching. 

My god.

Could NOT even watch that more than a few seconds.

He just drones on and on.

About ONE subject - Amber.

And on.


And ON.

Every conversation.


Every DAY.

AND ON...!!!


If I'd been Hayden last night, I'd have throttled his ass.

He did the same thing the VERY FIRST NIGHT. I remember switching on BB After Dark, and Caleb was going on and on about some girl in the house to Paola and how they had a instant connection and he would always catch her looking at him. It seriously went on the entire two hours and I had no idea who he was talking about (guessed it was Brittany) but even then he came off as a total nut case. You've known each other for a few hours and you've already determined she's the love of your life? Wow.

  • Love 2


Also, 'it is what it is' and 'at the end of the day'.

I watch BBAD & Caleb was droning on & on about Amber and every 5 seconds & was saying "at the end of the day" so much so  that I zipped forward on the dvr until  after the next commercial. I stopped to watch & the first thing that came on right after the commercial was him saying "at the end of the day"!!! I was all by myself yelling OMG at the tv! At first I thought this infatuation was cute, but now it seems like it will get downright dangerous either inside or outside the house. I bet his own parents can't even watch anymore!

Edited by burgerbitz
  • Love 1

Jokers 07/29/14 03:22 PM

Derrick comes over and steers Caleb/Zach talk to upcoming DE. Zach says his noms will be Jocasta/Victoria. Caleb: "Jocasta will be gone." Zach: "What? Oh yeah yeah yeah."


Caleb continues on undaunted.

And another BMBB-ism

Jokers 07/29/14 03:34 PM

Caleb re: Amber - "I told her, 'if you just trust me as much of a grain of salt, I promise you can turn it into a mountain.'" 

  • Love 2

If you think that talk to Britt was bad, just last night he captured Amber in the Beehive, and went on for no less than 3 hours, maybe even 4. When I went to sleep, he was talking, and woke up a few hours later and he was still talking! OMG. The only reason she put up with it, Im sure, was in the hopes of avoiding eviction. Seriously. Hours. HOURS. 


His voice also got a little shaky today when talking to Frankie. He was saying that taping the goodbye message was the hardest thing ever. I thought he was going to cry. At the end of the day, he pulled himself together because he knew it was all hypothetical (and, NO, he didn't use that word) and she wasn't really going home. Poor Caleb, sitting all alone in the crayon box.

Edited by sunsheyen
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