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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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When Donny was explaining the task, he said that once they lock in two people, it had to be them, so I don't think trying for an Amber/Zach fight will work. Unless Donny misunderstood or they just flat out change the rules.

I read it as they were allowed to change targets for each ceremony.  So for nominations they were locked in, but they are allowed to change the targets for the veto ceremony.  Honestly, I am pretty sure they will lose this challenge.



This is gonna make me sounds callous, but it really sucks that now Derrick and Frankie are golden. I mean they most likely were to begin with, but there is almost no chance now that either of them will be targeted like ever. And if Derrick isn't handed HOH next week I'll be very surprised. Zach even said that Derrick and Frankie are the only people who have a chance of winning.

I don't know, I still think Donny would try and get one of them out.  He selected Frankie to compete in the last HoH immediately, so I don't think it will stop him. 


But, like I said in an earlier post, the BotB twist makes it long odds even if he does win HoH.  Assuming Jocasta goes this week, the only people he could even half work with are Victoria or Amber and I'm not even sure they'd agree to put up some of the boys when push comes to shove.  Production just needs to get some subtle rigging going on to make this season interesting.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation

Caleb was complaining last night that all the enriched flour he's been eating has enlarged his heart. He said he knows it has grown because he can feel it. Said that when he's on his stomach, it hurts because now that his heart is bigger, it's pressing against other stuff.


Please, please, please let all future contestants submit to an I.Q. test before being allowed on the show. 

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I think, or hope at least, that if they end the 2 HOH twist then there are actually people in there who would start making game moves.

It's very clear that Donny wants Derrick/Frankie gone, but I think TA will complicate that for him. He probably would rather influence someone else to do it. The thing is, he has zero influence on anyone.

Ugh, BB, just end the 2 HOH twist and TA and then maybe this season will be interesting!

Edited by peachmangosteen

Any guesses on whether or not there will be Pandora's Box this season? There wasn't one last season, I guess because CBS decided those repugnant HGs didn't deserve to be rewarded by anything nice which sometimes comes with that. Do you think they'd dare bringing Jessie back one more time? Or maybe Amanda as Bubby?

Edited by TimWil

I've been thinking that this group is ever so slightly smarter than last year's Mensa Gathering because they either aren't homophobes/racists or they are at least smart enough to know that rampant homophobia/racism gets you in trouble.  Certainly no one ever gets in trouble for sexism on this show.  


On the other hand, Caleb is definitely another nitwit who does nothing for the image of wife-beater wearing southern men.   Isn't he the one who thinks Thanksgiving is always on his brother's birthday?  

Edited by Thalia
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Caleb was complaining last night that all the enriched flour he's been eating has enlarged his heart. He said he knows it has grown because he can feel it. Said that when he's on his stomach, it hurts because now that his heart is bigger, it's pressing against other stuff.


     Wait, I thought he was talking about growing bitch tits, because he mentioned using an estrogen blocker and the problem going away after that.

I've never heard of flour making hearts nor tits bigger, in just over a month, especially to the point where you can feel them start pressing on other stuff, so no matter what body parts he was talking about, he's out of his mind.  Maybe it's another ploy for attention from Amber...he's setting up a whole, "You'll be sorry when I've died of eating flour and you never told me how much you really love me!" 14 year old girl emo thing.

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Is it just me or would Christine cheat on her husband with Cody in a second if he was at all inclined to do so?


As others have noted, it seems unlikely that she'd do it in the actual house, but she definitely seems to be the prototypical Big Brother contestant who finds themselves thrown into a circumstance where someone they would never have a shot with outside the house is at least a theoretical possibility due to the close quarters (like Eric and Jessica in Season 8). So I think her head is spinning from someone like Cody giving someone like her attention. 


We also sort of saw this with Michelle back in Season 11 with Jeff (in a similar situation, Jeff, like Cody, didn't even really seem to be into her), and that did not end well for the marriage, but obviously I have no idea what Christine's relationship is like with her husband or what she'll be like when she gets home. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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One evening about two weeks ago I watched Cody and Christine for about 10 minutes.   They were on the living room couch, he was reclining and she was running her fingers through his hair.  Again.  And again.  And again again.   There wasn't anything sexual about it, and they were surrounded by other hamsters, but all I could think was how uncomfortable that must make her husband.  

Edited by Thalia

One evening about two weeks ago I watched Cody and Christine for about 10 minutes.   They were on the living room couch, he was reclining and she was running her fingers through her hair.  Again.  And again.  And again again.   There wasn't anything sexual about it, and they were surrounded by other hamsters, but all I could think was how uncomfortable that must make her husband.  

Yeah, someone found a quote from her husband the other day on Twitter where it's clear that he's not pleased with it either. It's definitely way beyond flirting. She's doing just really intimate touching you simply do not do with other people when you're married (well, depending on the boundaries of your specific marriage, of course). 

Some of the houseguests were comparing stories that Brittany told them and they don't all match. She told Jocasta she lived in an apartment and others that she owned a house and how much her mortgage was, with different mortgage amounts. She told Derrick the first week that she didn't know if her bills were being paid and that her dad had been helping her with her bills but then told him later that she has a BMW and he asked her what year it was and she said it was brand new, that she had just recently bought it. Others chimed in and said they heard about the BMW as well. Caleb repeated a story about how she had to break into her child's piggy bank and use that money for something. Jocasta spoke up and said that was her story and that she had shared it with Brittany in terms of that's how she knew that her family had hit bottom financially because they were taking money from her kid's piggy bank to pay for stuff (Jocasta cried later because Brittany had used that story and it was such a painful experience in Jocasta's real life).


I knew Brittany was making some stuff up for pity like how she was worried that her ex could make a case for custody because she had left them for 3 months to be on the show and that she didn't know if her bills would be paid while she was gone (I mean what parent would actually take that risk?)  A couple of them mentioned how they called it very early on that she actually had money and her sob stories were all bullshit. I wonder if this is part of the reason some of them didn't care for her or trust her from the start.


Wait, I thought he was talking about growing bitch tits, because he mentioned using an estrogen blocker and the problem going away after that.

Maybe I misunderstood. I was only half listening to BBAD and heard him complaining about something growing because of the flour and how it hurt to lie on his stomach, etc. Wondered what he was talking about so checked Jokers and it said that he complained that the enriched flour was causing his heart to enlarge and that he could feel it. Didn't see anything on Jokers about his "tits" :-)


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The ratings are fine. I think by now it's one of those shows where people are going to watch it no matter what. They might watch it MORE if it is a particularly interesting season, but even the boring ones are going to get decent ratings (provided it airs during the summer, of course. It'd be destroyed if it aired during the fall, as seen by Season 9). 

Does anyone know what exactly BB's policy is re inappropriate touching because I think Caleb kissing Amber while she is sleeping should have gotten him kicked out of the house immediately. At the very least, she should have the right to request it once she found out about it. That seems like a serious violation and possible liability issues for the show.

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Has anyone ever seen Caleb laugh?  Or even really smile?  I've seen scenes where everyone was kidding around and laughing and he just sits there stone-faced. 


And last night when Hayden and Victoria were playing around throwing water or Gatorade at each other, and Caleb suddenly runs over and drenches Victoria, and she, stunned, says:  "Why is Caleb getting involved?"  Why, indeed, Victoria.  That was just weird.


Strange, strange guy.

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Hayden won POV. Plan seems to be to use it on Victoria and back door Amber however they will have a meeting tomorrow to discuss so watch King Derrick convince Hayden not to use it.


Amber is already in HOH, she's like a shark circling in the water.


Something tells me Derrick is not on board the back door plan and will try to convince everyone that Jacosta has to go.

Edited by kellog010

It really is just a ridiculous example of how uninformed these houseguests are that Hayden is thrilled with the idea of backdooring Amber (wow, talk about a suggestive phrase). 


That A. Those two aren't working together and B. Hayden doesn't realize that he's MUCH better off just leaving things as they are is just beyond me (shit, as I wrote B I realized that because Amber is a moron, too, this probably doesn't hurt him. It SHOULD hurt him, but it likely doesn't. So forget B. A is still very much true). 


Please, please let this be the end of Dual HoHs. Second worst Big Brother twist ever (America's Player still takes the cake for worst twist). 


EDITED TO ADD: Best twist, by the way, I think was the twins thing. Didn't really affect the game much and it was pretty neat how they pulled it off.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Without looking, I'm betting Derrick is one of the HGs acting most hurt/upset/mad about Brittany's 'lies'.  That's good (if so), because nobody's been lying about their occupation or something similar, from the very start, right Derrick??

LMAO! Frankie is also going on about how dare Brittany lie, too. Really asshole? These people have no self-awareness. Also, who gives a fuck about Brittany?! Like honestly, she's gone, guys, move on.

Poor Amber. There was a huge bitch fest about her in HOH a bit ago. Like she has done nothing to deserve this hatred. She doesn't owe Caleb anything. I don't care if everyone is just saying this stuff for game, it's still gross. Everyone last season was ignoring the racism for game too and they got shit for it, so these people should to. But no, sexism/misogyny is A-OK.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Caleb and Zach had a fake fight, and there is video here: http://obsessedwithbb.tumblr.com/post/92962598620/caleb-zachs-fake-fight-ahaha


I think my favorite part is Nicole saying to Cody, "oh my gosh, he just said Beastmode piece of shit". Well, that and Derrick and Cody sprinting upstairs in full panic.

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Out of curiosity, since I just read on Jokers that they revealed the HN food of the week and Christine being happy that the pizza crust is gluten free... is she eating a special kind of slop or is she eating the regular kind? I saw the other night that she was chowing down on some slop concoction that someone made and being quite happy about it. Then again, she was packing back the cookie dough in the early weeks, which definitely wasn't gluten free, and not complaining about it. I thought that was the whole reason behind no one wanting to make her a HN?

And speaking of HN, I thought at first that the fitness tracker was an excellent way of choosing HNs, rather than have the HOH point to the volunteers plus whoever they wanted to screw that week. But Zach said earlier that someone in the DR figured the reason why he wasn't at the bottom of the fitness list was because he uses his wrist so much while he is up, which upped his fitness tracking (oh, the jokes about the Jack Shack that one could make...). After that, the HNs were in the living room shaking their fitness trackers as fast as their fists could go. So it's based not so much on how much activity, but how often you talk with your hands? That's kinda shitty.


The slop has gluten or soy, I forget which, but Frankie has some kind of steel cut oats thing that they let Christine eat because supposedly it's just what slop is if it's sifted or something. The thing about Christine is she doesn't actually know if she has a gluten allergy/intolerance, she just thinks she does.

The fitness trackers track several different things including steps taken, calories burned, and activity levels (which I don't understand). So, I don't know what exactly they are using to determine the HNs. Also, on the website, they have a Best Day Leaderboard which ranks them based on each person's best day, so that could skew the results a bit too.

ETA: Nicole wants Victoria gone. I mean this girl is jealous of Victoria/Hayden. It's so embarrassing.

Christine was whining about Amber because "she always needs to clean everything." LOL!

These two are too much.

Also, Nicole/Christine/Derrick think that the HN food they got means that America loves them. LMAO!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Frankly, as creepy as Caleb is towards Amber, I'm a-okay with her being backdoored and out before jury.  Get her as far away from him as possible. 

I wanted him to go up because I don't think Amber's game (as shitty as it is) should be further damaged by Caleb's creepiness. The whole thing (Calab's obsession) seems like an extra penalty for Amber.    But I agree - they should not be in there together.  The simmering anger Calab displays when talking about how ungrateful Amber is or even how she didn't say hello in the hallway,  genuinely worries me. 


And speaking of HN, I thought at first that the fitness tracker was an excellent way of choosing HNs, rather than have the HOH point to the volunteers plus whoever they wanted to screw that week. But Zach said earlier that someone in the DR figured the reason why he wasn't at the bottom of the fitness list was because he uses his wrist so much while he is up, which upped his fitness tracking (oh, the jokes about the Jack Shack that one could make...). After that, the HNs were in the living room shaking their fitness trackers as fast as their fists could go. So it's based not so much on how much activity, but how often you talk with your hands? That's kinda shitty.

Last night Christine was lying on her side, shaking only her wrist for a long time.  Heh. 


On the gluten free thing with Christine packing down the cookies, they had gluten free cookie dough along with the regular.  Sad that I often pay so much attention to what these people are eating.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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