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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I don't get the live feeds and depend on y'all to tell me what's really going on (& I thank you for it).  


That said, what's up with all the ants and other bugs in the kitchen?  Did someone really use the broom they sweep the nasty floor with to swipe the bugs off the kitchen counter?  I would be sooooooooo skinny when I left that house.


Thank you kindly!

Edited by slasherboy

I don't get the live feeds and depend on y'all to tell me what's really going on (& I thank you for it).  


That said, what's up with all the ants and other bugs in the kitchen?  Did someone really use the broom they sweep the nasty floor with to swipe the bugs off the kitchen counter?  I would be sooooooooo skinny when I left that house.


Thank you kindly!

Hahaha!  I saw them doing that last night.  And not only did they use the floor broom on the countertop, first they sprayed bug spray all over the ant filled counter where a pile of wood cutting boards were stacked.  The broom was used to sweep the dead ants into the trash.   So not only the dirt from the broom but at least part of all the cutting boards all now have the overspray mist on them.  That can't be good. 

Edited by Cosmocrush

I think its the room thats the hardest for me to fathom.  No other HN room has seemed worse.  When they had the airplane seat room, that didn't even seem that awful because I know when I've been on a commercial flight and had the entire row to myself I was easily able to sleep when I was tired.  The padded room didn't seem that bad, even though the lights were always on and the beds were hard, if you got really tired I think you could put a towel over your eyes and fall asleep.  But I can't envision a situation where I could fall asleep in a room where the beds are basically blocks of ice.

The cold temperatures aren't that bad. It's not that difficult to layer clothes, and while at first it would be annoying, it doesn't seem like the end of the world. Those beds, though. Those look like torture devices. Giant hard blocks with divots and cracks in them? Being told they can't put anything down to cushion themselves? No, thank you. No wonder Brittany spent so much time "sun tanning" outside. I definitely couldn't sleep on something like that, and I'm unusually proud of my ability to sleep almost anywhere at any time, including standing up in the shower. I'm afraid of what they'll think up for next year's batch of HGs.


Everyone assumes that if Donny uses veto on Jacosta that Devin is an automatic vote for eviction. What if it's Devin/Caleb and Caleb goes home?

This is my hope. Between Caleb and Devin, I think Caleb is the more dangerous one to keep in the house. I think he has a better game than Devin. However, I also think Devin can win more challenges than Caleb. If they keep Devin past this week, he'll continue to be a target, but one that could potentially save himself. Caleb offered himself up to be on the block, and that should be rewarded properly. With an eviction. Caleb, I think, has the better social game, and can still convince a majority to vote a certain way. Devin doesn't seem to have much of a game left. Both would be hard to sway to vote a certain way, but Caleb has the potential to go further than Devin, so to me he would seem like the obvious target. Unfortunately, it sounds like Devin has maybe given up, and is ready to leave. 

Caleb would probably need to go nutso before the majority would vote him out, though. It seems every week a different HG is the conductor of the Crazy Train. I don't think being a HN would be enough to push him over the edge. If Cody keeps flirting with Amber, though... I thought Caleb was getting close with his betting on the pool game with Cody last night. Caleb, of course, figured the winner should go on a "hammock date" with Amber. I don't think Amber was ever consulted about the prize (I could be wrong, wasn't really paying close attention to the feeds).


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Hahaha!  I saw them doing that last night.  And not only did they use the floor broom on the countertop, first they sprayed bug spray all over the ant filled counter where a pile of wood cutting boards were stacked.  The broom was used to sweep the dead ants into the trash.   So not only the dirt from the broom but at least part of all the cutting boards all now have the overspray mist on them.  That can't be good. 


You can't possibly be telling me that after spraying bug spray all over a counter, and over cutting boards, and then using a floor broom to sweep the counter down that they didn't wipe the counters down with bleach or ammonia?  Or even a little dish soap and water?  Or wash down the cutting boards?  No wonder they cast young, healthy people, I would be an absolute mess in that house.

The cold temperatures aren't that bad. It's not that difficult to layer clothes, and while at first it would be annoying, it doesn't seem like the end of the world. Those beds, though. Those look like torture devices. Giant hard blocks with divots and cracks in them? Being told they can't put anything down to cushion themselves? No, thank you. No wonder Brittany spent so much time "sun tanning" outside. I definitely couldn't sleep on something like that, and I'm unusually proud of my ability to sleep almost anywhere at any time, including standing up in the shower. I'm afraid of what they'll think up for next year's batch of HGs.



I come from tropical people.  We can't handle the cold :)

Edited by RealityGal
  • Love 1

Derrick is in the HOH room with Victoria, Caleb and Amber. I don't have the volume on but his face looks likes he's contemplating self evicting.


ETA: Cody, Zach, Hayden and Frankie have been sleeping most of the day and it has been like crickets and so low energy. So quiet.

Edited by kellog010

It was funny during the conversation last night outside while Caleb slept in the have-not room, someone I think commented that he could sleep anywhere, and Donny said he could probably kill a pig with a stick and then climb up and sleep on it's back, then Frankie took it a step further and said Caleb could probably kill a pig with a stick and sleep in its entrails.   But then later, after Caleb woke up and came outside and the previous crowd had changed around a bit, Devin told Caleb that Donny was talking about him, and when Caleb asked what he said Devin told him "that you would kill a pig and sleep in its entrails", which...no, Devin, that was not even close to an accurate recap.  So Caleb pondered it silently for a few seconds before responding that he probably wouldn't do that, and then, AND THEN!!!!!  He had to ask Devin what entrails were.  I laughed so hard!  To be fair, he did ask right after if that meant "guts" and Devin said yes, so he sort of knew, but what kind of hunting guide doesn't know the word entrails as part of his daily vocabulary?  The whole thing was amusing, then annoying, then pathetic.

  • Love 3

You can't possibly be telling me that after spraying bug spray all over a counter, and over cutting boards, and then using a floor broom to sweep the counter down that they didn't wipe the counters down with bleach or ammonia?  Or even a little dish soap and water?  Or wash down the cutting boards?  No wonder they cast young, healthy people, I would be an absolute mess in that house.


@RealityGal, someone did then wipe the countertop off with a dishcloth.  And if it was the same dishcloth they use for the dishes, I wouldn't be surprised. Although come to think of it, I've seen more than one hg wash out their own dish with just a squirt of soap and their fingers so clearly no one is too worried about food safety here.


I wonder if Cody shaves his legs, they seem pretty bare for someone with dark hair.

Whenever I watch, I feel like Christine is the one starting it or encouraging people to talk shit. She always brings up people's names like, "What did you think of Cody when you first met him?" then speculated about his sexuality, then Frankie jumps in and says (I think) he wouldn't be surprised if Cody came out on the show, then Christine says, "Did you hear Brittany doesn't think drinking a whole bottle of wine is bad?" as if Frankie can't do the same and more. And it just strikes me as weird, since Christine has cried in the house about being bullied in high school, you'd think having gone through that she wouldn't want to make fun of people behind their backs.

Edited by Morbs

@Morbs, the "whole bottle of wine" comment cracked me up because, hello? that's only four glasses of wine.  Just another way this cast is so different from last year (and other recent casts) who used to FIGHT over the alcohol allotment.  This group doesn't seem to care if there is alcohol one way or another although I would certainly like to see some alcohol added to some of these situations.  For one thing, I think it would speed up whatever is going on with Zach and Frankie. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 2


Derrick is in the HOH room with Victoria, Caleb and Amber. I don't have the volume on but his face looks likes he's contemplating self evicting.



He can probably see his $5000 for the week is going up in smoke.



For one thing, I think it would speed up whatever is going on with Zach and Frankie.



Isn't Frankie avoiding alcohol, though?  I remember awhile ago he told someone how many days sober he was.

Edited by vb68

 I pray Amber/Donny win HOH this upcoming week and fuck their plans up.


This what I want now, too. It would work better if Caleb was the one to go this week though. But honestly Donny/Amber get so much damn hate that I need them to win so I can watch all these people kiss their asses.


Also, I agree that Brittany is ripe for a showmance.  She was talking about how much she hates being single.   Not that a showmance is a real relationship but put that together with all her  "I don't like to work with girls/women" remarks and I think I've got her number.


I see this so differently. I would expect Brittany would be up for a showmance, but she actually doesn't seem to be because she could have Cody in a heartbeat if she put a tiny bit of effort into it. He is so damn thirsty for her. And I actually think Brittany is the only woman who has given me any indication that she could actually work with the other women in the house.


Apparently Derrick had to remind Victoria again about the rumor thing for Team America...and he now has enlisted Caleb to ask Amber since this task is beyond her skills.


Maybe she just doesn't give a shit about spreading a really dumb rumor.


Whenever I watch, I feel like Christine is the one starting it or encouraging people to talk shit ... And it just strikes me as weird, since Christine has cried in the house about being bullied in high school, you'd think having gone through that she wouldn't want to make fun of people behind their backs.


This is why I can not stand Christine. It makes it even worse to me because she has spoke about being bullied and being an outsider. This bitch talks more shit than any of them! She's probably tied with Frankie and Derrick as my most hated.


ETA: Updated alliance chart. LMAO!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

Amber's make up looks like she thought she was taking pictures for a Vogue cover shot.  

 Is it Amber's makeup, or is it.....Victoria's?   Because you know she'll cut a bitch if she touches her makeup.


I would expect Brittany would be up for a showmance, but she actually doesn't seem to be because she could have Cody in a heartbeat if she put a tiny bit of effort into it. He is so damn thirsty for her. 

I am so confused.  I keep hearing Cody's hot for Britt (even from Cody himself) but also hear he's one of the biggest smack talkers about her and wants her out.  


Maybe she just doesn't give a shit about spreading a really dumb rumor.



Listen, as far as I can tell Victoria needs to do something.  She is not making interesting television IMO.  I only watch the show, but its no bueno when the only shot I see you in is voting.


 Is it Amber's makeup, or is it.....Victoria's?   Because you know she'll cut a bitch if she touches her makeup.


I am so confused.  I keep hearing Cody's hot for Britt (even from Cody himself) but also hear he's one of the biggest smack talkers about her and wants her out.  


I've cut a bitch for less :)  just kidding!

That alliance chart is hilarious. Basically everyone is in an allicance with each other.


I am sick of this "we have to vote as a house" thing. If I was in there I would tell people I was voting one way and then vote the other way. I actually secretly want Devin to stay because he makes for interesting tv. He doesn't have very good game and shoots himself in the leg all the time. But he's better than Caleb.


What other things has Christine said? I'm still mad at her for not telling Nicole about the bomb squad until she was forced to.


I'm also all for Donny and Amber being HOH next week. It would make for interesting tv.


Am I the only one who hates Frankie? How do the houseguests not see/realize what a snake he is?

  • Love 1

 The alliance chart is hilarious.  There are a couple of never heard of.  What is the  Feedsters Alliance?  I didn't think Nicole and Derrick even talked until they were HoH, and even then were wary of each other.  And Derrick and Victoria are in an alliance?  For reals?  I didn't think anyone realized she was on the show.  


 And Los Tres Amigos?  Seriously, they call themselves that?  And worse, "Rico", "Land Mine" and (ugh, can't believe I'm typing this) "Papa Bear"?  WTF is wrong with these people?


I see this so differently. I would expect Brittany would be up for a showmance, but she actually doesn't seem to be because she could have Cody in a heartbeat if she put a tiny bit of effort into it. He is so damn thirsty for her. And I actually think Brittany is the only woman who has given me any indication that she could actually work with the other women in the house.



I am so confused.  I keep hearing Cody's hot for Britt (even from Cody himself) but also hear he's one of the biggest smack talkers about her and wants her out.



It's both. These people!


If for nothing else, I wish they would start something just to shake things up some.  They all get along great - outside of game - but its boring without some spice or friction.  Especially would be interesting with Devin [and his supposed crush on Britt] still in the house - which might only be for another 4 days now.  I guess I am used to seeing - or hearing/reading about - at least one 'showmance' a season, and this cast seems to be avoiding it like the plague; either from one or both parties, of the would-be 'mance.  The only thing even remotely close to it is Nicole/Hayden.


And Brittany has got to know that Cody is hot for her.  Has to.  True, he might really have been not tired enough to sleep at the time(s), but staying up all night to watch a sunrise with her?  Constantly making comments about dates/dating to her, etc?  Other people see it; like saying they think Britt is Cody's 'type'. And she herself has said, on at least two occasions, that if she were forced to pick between a guy, and it was only any among the guys in the house, she'd choose Cody.  Either she really is hard set in her "I have a type" ways, or she's worried about how she'd look to family/friends if she were to start something up with Cody, or anyone.  Hard to figure out her mindset about it all.  Some (rare) times she seems kind of flirty with him, but other times she can be cold as ice.


I said it before, but I think Cody's bashing of Brittany is both lying to make the people he's talking to happy, and frustration that he can't seem to 'bag' her.  I have no way of knowing, but I'm guessing he hasn't experienced a lot of not getting what he wants, when it comes to girls/women; what with his looks and flirtatious demeanor.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

The showmances on the show are so messy. No doubt that Cody wants Brittany and of course he wants to throw her under the bus because of that. Same thing with the Zach and Frankie thing, Frankie was whispering to himself earlier he loved Zach so of course I expect him to throw under the bus again as well. The only good showmance so far seems to be Hayden and Nicole which is under the radar.

With the talk about a potential superfans vs. recruits line-up for this season, I was paying more attention to the splashy pose-intro of the show tonight and seemed to notice that many of the pairs are in the order recruit-fan (ex. Paola, Joey, Victoria, Caleb are all firsts; Donnie, Hayden, Christine, and Nicole are all seconds - if I'm remembering correctly). Has anyone else noticed this? I don't know if we have a good handle on who are the recruits vs. fans, but it feels like maybe more than coincidence. I've always wondered how they choose the order of hamsters in the intro!


And Brittany has got to know that Cody is hot for her. Has to. True, he might really have been not tired enough to sleep at the time(s), but staying up all night to watch a sunrise with her? Constantly making comments about dates/dating to her, etc? Other people see it; like saying they think Britt is Cody's 'type'. And she herself has said, on at least two occasions, that if she were forced to pick between a guy, and it was only any among the guys in the house, she's choose Cody. Either she really is hard set in her "I have a type" ways, or she's worried about how she'd look to family/friends if she were to start something up with Cody, or anyone. Hard to figure out her mindset about it all. Some (rare) times she seems kind of flirty with him, but other times she can be cold as ice.

I seem to recall in the past Brit saying she might be getting into some child custody tussles with her ex. If this is the case, she may be (justifiably) concerned about displaying any activity on-air or on-feed which her ex could use as ammo, to call her morals or ability to make good decisions into question.

I said it before, but I think Cody's bashing of Brittany is both lying to make the people he's talking to happy, and frustration that he can't seem to 'bag' her. I have no way of knowing, but I'm guessing he hasn't experienced a lot of not getting what he wants, when it comes to girls/women; what with his looks and flirtatious demeanor.

Not meaning to trash on a brother, but Cody strikes me as the kind of guy who hasn't had to work real hard for girls in his life. :) I get the impression he's used to dropping a few hints about interest in a girl, then waiting for her to respond. FYI, dude: that might work in high school - and even on into college, in situations involving relatively heavy alcohol consumption - but not so much on adult women. Unless a LOT of alcohol is involved.

I also think Brit's lack of response to Cody's "let her know I'm interested and wait for her to drop in my lap" approach may be confusing Cody, and getting him a little grumpy as well - hence his occasional tendencies to trash-talk about her.

ETA: the "lack of response" bit.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 2

Early on in the season one of the other guys suggested Cody seduce Brittany to...can't remember the exact phrase but the idea was to keep her in line.  And he responded:  'Her kids are watching.  I'm not that guy."  Don't know if that is the real reason, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.  I remember thinking how low my expectations of male HGs has fallen that basic human decency seems chivalrous.


Re: superfans in the house, according to Frankie they are Christine, Nicole, Derrick, Cody, Donnie, Amber, (unbelievably) Devin, and of course himself.


Early on in the season one of the other guys suggested Cody seduce Brittany to...can't remember the exact phrase but the idea was to keep her in line.  And he responded:  'Her kids are watching.  I'm not that guy."  Don't know if that is the real reason, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.  I remember thinking how low my expectations of male HGs has fallen that basic human decency seems chivalrous.


Re: superfans in the house, according to Frankie they are Christine, Nicole, Derrick, Cody, Donnie, Amber, (unbelievably) Devin, and of course himself.


I think Cody is the anti-Zach; ie, not a genuine douche in gerneral, especially to women.  But I think that may have been a cover, of sorts, too.  So if something does happen between him & Brittany, at some point, he can say it happened because they both like each other, that he's not just using her for game play reasons.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


If what was alluded to up-thread has any basis in fact; I remember for sure - without checking - that Christine, Nicole, Cody, Devin and Frankie are all highlighted 2nd in their individual splash-intros.  So the 1st=Recruit/2nd=Superfan thing could very well be the case, in terms of order on the intros.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36


I seem to recall in the past Brit saying she might be getting into some child custody tussles with her ex. If this is the case, she may be (justifiably) concerned about displaying any activity on-air or on-feed which her ex could use as ammo, to call her morals or ability to make good decisions into question.

If that's the case leaving her kids with somebody else for the summer certainly wouldn't help much in a custody battle either. 

  • Love 5

If that's the case leaving her kids with somebody else for the summer certainly wouldn't help much in a custody battle either. 

Yeah, but thats for a 1 in 16 shot at half a million buckaroos!  What judge wouldn't understand that!?!??  Just kidding.


But seriously, her smarter move may be to a) string a bunch of guys along hoping that they will do her bidding thinking they have a shot at her or b) wait and have a showmance with a really strong competitor which might mean that she campaign to keep Devin around.  He may be an asshole, but he can win competitions and has shown he can be swayed with personal stories.  If she had his protection it might help her get farther, especially if she can help him to mend fences with everyone else.


I don't watch the live feeds, whats her type and how is it not Cody?

Edited by RealityGal

Yeah, but thats for a 1 in 16 shot at half a million buckaroos!  What judge wouldn't understand that!?!??  Just kidding.


But seriously, her smarter move may be to a) string a bunch of guys along hoping that they will do her bidding thinking they have a shot at her or b) wait and have a showmance with a really strong competitor which might mean that she campaign to keep Devin around.  He may be an asshole, but he can win competitions and has shown he can be swayed with personal stories.  If she had his protection it might help her get farther, especially if she can help him to mend fences with everyone else.


I don't watch the live feeds, whats her type and how is it not Cody?


She continually professes that she's into older guys - most likely as she wants stability and such for her kids.  She told Christine/Nicole she goes by the "6-7-8 rule" when it comes to potential dates/partners.  "6 feet tall (or above), 7 figure income/bank account, and 8 years older than her (so 36/37, as she's 29)".  Cody is 23.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


And I was mistaken earlier - Devin is shown first in the intros, but I think it was because he was with Donny or another supposed Superfan.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 1


She continually professes that she's into older guys - most likely as she wants stability and such for her kids.  She told Christine/Nicole she goes by the "6-7-8 rule" when it comes to potential dates/partners.  "6 feet tall (or above), 7 figure income/back account, and 8 years older than her (so 36, as she's 29)".  Cody is 23.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


And I was mistaken earlier - Devin is shown first in the intros, but I think it was because he was with Donny or another supposed Superfan.


Yikes.  I'm not about anyone lowering their standards in life, but she may want to think that through.  She is a pretty girl, but I would imagine guys making a 7 figure income are either going to want you to be 22, or as educated as they are.  I know some pretty successful people, but I think what she is looking for is a whole different kettle of fish.  Unless she was joking..maybe she was just joking.

ETA: Also, last night Victoria/Nicole/Christine/Hayden/Amber were bashing Donny and talking about him being weird/perverted basically. I swear this season is so frustrating. I will really enjoy these people and then 10 minutes later that boys talk will happen or this and it's like I wanna punch them all in the face.


What has he done in the house that's considered pervy? Or are they just making shit up? 


@Morbs, the "whole bottle of wine" comment cracked me up because, hello? that's only four glasses of wine.  Just another way this cast is so different from last year (and other recent casts) who used to FIGHT over the alcohol allotment.  This group doesn't seem to care if there is alcohol one way or another although I would certainly like to see some alcohol added to some of these situations.  For one thing, I think it would speed up whatever is going on with Zach and Frankie. 


I knew something was different other than no one was smoking! I couldn't put my finger on it, but I have yet to see anyone swilling liquor. Is it even being provided?

Yikes.  I'm not about anyone lowering their standards in life, but she may want to think that through.  She is a pretty girl, but I would imagine guys making a 7 figure income are either going to want you to be 22, or as educated as they are.  I know some pretty successful people, but I think what she is looking for is a whole different kettle of fish.  Unless she was joking..maybe she was just joking.


I would hope she was mostly joking about the 7-figures, but maybe she really is that out of touch with reality on some things.  Because immediately after she told them that, Christine was like laughing while saying "wait!  7-figures is millions of dollars! ... I'd be happy with 6-figures!".

I think it's understandable if she sees Cody as a kid.  Brittany actually does seem like a fairly serious minded person to me, especially for someone on BB.  


I can agree with this somewhat.  Not so much as seeing him as a kid just because of age difference, but also because if I remember hearing/reading right, she said she married the soon-to-be-ex when she was 17/had the 3 kids/ and is now 29; so that is 12 years of marriage and raising kids.  I would hope that would mature a person and whatnot.


But I would definitely agree that in terms of what her life has been like, compared to the carefree & non-committed to someone kind of life that Cody has had; he is (still) a kid in that sense, compared to her.

  • Love 1


What has he done in the house that's considered pervy? Or are they just making shit up?



I think Christine is stirring stuff up.   When Donny and Nicole were talking in the beehive about who to put up, Donny mentioned that Christine hadn't said anything to him in the house until the bomb squad got revealed, like she couldn't be bothered with him before then.


Nicole mentions that to her bff Christine who then has gone on tear to bash Donny whenever.  The other sheep (amber, Victoria, etc) all nod their heads and then spread stuff as if it were fact.


Unless someone else has noticed anything on the feeds, I think Donny is just a victim of marching to the beat of his own drum.  And the others don't "get" him so it's easier to bash him.


Hope I'm not wrong about him (like I was wrong about Derrick who I liked in the beginning but his game play and all the F2's he has made has turned me off).

  • Love 1

Am I the only one who hates Frankie? How do the houseguests not see/realize what a snake he is?


Absolutely not. I hate Frankie and have since day 1 basically. I thought I'd like him, but he is just insufferable on the feeds. Luckily, pretty much everyone knows Frankie is a snake. Zach is probably the only one left that wants to believe Frankie isn't a lying rat.


What is the  Feedsters Alliance?  I didn't think Nicole and Derrick even talked until they were HoH, and even then were wary of each other.  And Derrick and Victoria are in an alliance?  For reals?  I didn't think anyone realized she was on the show. 


Derrick and Nicole made a (fake IMO) alliance this week while they were both HOH. Derrick mentioned them both being feed watchers. Now, Derrick and Victoria have always been close and Derrick has defended Victoria to others on multiple occasions, but I wouldn't say they're really an alliance. More like Derrick thinks Victoria will do everything he wants and then he'll cut her when she isn't useful to him anymore. Victoria's thoughts on it I don't really know.


I said it before, but I think Cody's bashing of Brittany is both lying to make the people he's talking to happy, and frustration that he can't seem to 'bag' her.  I have no way of knowing, but I'm guessing he hasn't experienced a lot of not getting what he wants, when it comes to girls/women; what with his looks and flirtatious demeanor.


Yea, I think that's definitely part of it. I think also Derrick riles Cody up about it. If Derrick weren't so damn paranoid about Brittany I don't think Cody would be.


Re: superfans in the house, according to Frankie they are Christine, Nicole, Derrick, Cody, Donnie, Amber, (unbelievably) Devin, and of course himself.


Amber is in no way, shape, or form a super fan. She didn't even know it was Rachel who was interviewing her pre-season! Even with how they describe super fans (i.e. someone who's seen an ep of the show before they were cast), she wouldn't be considered one. Zach would replace her in that list.


What has he done in the house that's considered pervy? Or are they just making shit up?


Well, Amber asked him to give her a massage once and he did and now Christine has started the rumor that he's super weird. I think that, and @njbarmaid mentioned this, Christine knows now that Donny is on to her, so she is trying to get people to think he's gross so they'll evict him. I hate that kind of game play.


I knew something was different other than no one was smoking! I couldn't put my finger on it, but I have yet to see anyone swilling liquor. Is it even being provided?

They haven't really been giving them any alcohol. In recent seasons they've really cut down on it. Probably because they continually cast people who are unhinged.


And likewise Victoria couldn't care less as far as I know.

This is why I love Victoria. She just doesn't give a fuck and it's so hilarious. I also adore the Hayden/Victoria friendship. It's probably my fave relationship on the show and I really wish Hayden would bring Victoria into an alliance with Nicole since they seem to be the only two people there who genuinely like her. Well, I think Derrick does too, but he's arrogant and gross and I don't want Victoria to prove him right about how much power he has over her.

Edited by peachmangosteen


What has he done in the house that's considered pervy? Or are they just making shit up?



For long-time watchers, that's starting to remind me of how Gerry was treated way back in season three.  It started with people complaining that he never washed "his nasty hands" and then they started making up crap that he was pervy around young women knowing full well he was a teacher in real life.  It was disgusting.

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