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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Or how she does not realize this is Brigade 2.0 and she is Britney Hayes without the funny DRs.


What's worse is that she specifically DOES compare herself to Britney to point out that her relationship with Cody is no different than Britney's with Lane and yet doesn't dream of putting the extra five seconds of thought to think of what ELSE she has in common with Britney.

  • Love 5

What's worse is that she specifically DOES compare herself to Britney to point out that her relationship with Cody is no different than Britney's with Lane and yet doesn't dream of putting the extra five seconds of thought to think of what ELSE she has in common with Britney.


She tries not to think about it too much, because that's soooo scary!!!

  • Love 8

Poor Donny has the worst luck:


08/20/14 12:04 AM   At the pool table Caleb went to hit a ball and ended up hitting Donny right in the private area with it. Donny covered himself after being hit and said "I'm alright" and headed inside. - per Jokers


That, or it was literally an actual demonstration towards the treatment he's received from the vast majority of the house, since the game started.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 2

What's worse is that she specifically DOES compare herself to Britney to point out that her relationship with Cody is no different than Britney's with Lane and yet doesn't dream of putting the extra five seconds of thought to think of what ELSE she has in common with Britney.

Oh, I'm sure she's thought about it - for all of 3-4 seconds. Then she brushes that troubling thought away with a flip of the hair and a mental "Oh, well, this time it will be different, because I'M different!"

And I'm tempted to agree - she definitely is different.

But I don't think she and I are thinking the same way.

  • Love 2

Oh, I'm sure she's thought about it - for all of 3-4 seconds. Then she brushes that troubling thought away with a flip of the hair and a mental "Oh, well, this time it will be different, because I'M different!"

And I'm tempted to agree - she definitely is different.

But I don't think she and I are thinking the same way.


Luckily we can snark like crazy on them without them knowing... cause you just know she'd get all crazy mad. 


"I'll get you!!  And your little dog too!"  (to follow up on that hilarious screengrab comparison to tWoOz a couple of nights ago).

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 3

I've come to the conclusion that watching so many hours of these masticating cows who cannot eat anything without smacking loudly, especially Victoria and Frankie, has caused me to develop Misophonia - a condition that fills me with rage, disgust, hatred and panic when I hear normal, everyday sounds such as people eating.  Frankie was crinkling a bag of popcorn while he smacked away at every damn kernel for either 5 minutes or 5 hours, I'm not sure which, and I started to feel genuinely homicidal.


Now I'm thinking I want the America's Choice money to be divided up evenly among all of the people who are forced to listen to these infuriating sounds all day, every day, right in their ears through headphones, and then have to listen again during general editing, and then have to listen again during sound editing....I mean, my god, can you IMAGINE?  They must get home from work and destroy all their furniture with their bare hands, Hulk style.  Seriously, I would go completely and utterly insane.  They should get hazard pay, sedatives, deep tissue massages AND counseling.

  • Love 10

I've come to the conclusion that watching so many hours of these masticating cows who cannot eat anything without smacking loudly, especially Victoria and Frankie, has caused me to develop Misophonia - a condition that fills me with rage, disgust, hatred and panic when I hear normal, everyday sounds such as people eating.  Frankie was crinkling a bag of popcorn while he smacked away at every damn kernel for either 5 minutes or 5 hours, I'm not sure which, and I started to feel genuinely homicidal.


Now I'm thinking I want the America's Choice money to be divided up evenly among all of the people who are forced to listen to these infuriating sounds all day, every day, right in their ears through headphones, and then have to listen again during general editing, and then have to listen again during sound editing....I mean, my god, can you IMAGINE?  They must get home from work and destroy all their furniture with their bare hands, Hulk style.  Seriously, I would go completely and utterly insane.  They should get hazard pay, sedatives, deep tissue massages AND counseling.


Agreed with your assessment.


I think another reason I haven't missed the feeds (for about a month now) is that every time Victoria reaches that supersonic pitch when she gets over-excited is worse for the actual viewers because that eardrum destroying sound goes directly into her mic and straight out of our speakers or headphones.  I swear I want to stop watching the episodes on my TV because I'm afraid that ungodly high pitch will crack my TV screen, and its not even a glass surface! 

Although I haven't been there in a few years, I used to have friends who worked on the same studio lot as the BB house. Although it's owned by CBS, other production companies and networks' shows also film there - Will & Grace used to be one of them. Also Seinfeld. It's a relatively small lot, I think it's all TV and no film.

Anyway, as a BB fan, I had friends walk me by "the house." It's just a giant studio, imagine a big warehouse-like every other one, that they've built the house into. You can't really tell from the outside, aside from a sign. I assume the backyard is on the roof. You can't see it - at all- so the yellers would have to have access to the feeds to know when the house guests were outside. They'd also have to either be yelling super loud or using a bullhorn.

While visitors to the lot, including people going to a taping (if they were savvy enough to figure out a way to sneak away from their handlers) could feasibly be the ones yelling at the house guests, due to the fact that they are monitoring when they are on the roof, I'm guessing it's someone who is working on the lot on another show.

Hope this helps.

Edited by Cramps
  • Love 3

Hey Christine?  Pot, meet Kettle:


08/20/14 04:09 AM

Christine: I don't miss Jocosta at all. All she did was laugh extremely loud at everything that wasn't even funny. - per Jokers

Nice segue into my favorite Christine-isms:


- "That's soooo funny!"; said Christine, unknowingly laughing at herself.


- "That's soooo scary!", exclaimed Christine, upon seeing her reflection in a reflective surface.


- "HONK", sound-effected Christine, when introducing her nostrils to a kleenex.

  • Love 1

I've heard people say before that in the hierarchy of vegetables that onions, peppers, and cucumbers aren't very nutritious. Victoria was asking for the health benefits of onions and using "You eat an orange to boost your immune system," as an example. She could have been clearer, except Frankie did understand her so she made her point, but I don't see the big deal.



As someone who works in the vegetable industry, I can assure you peppers are very nutritious.


OK, none of you care, but it was on topic and I *never* get to start a sentence that way.  Woot, vegetables!


I am completely uninterested in house happenings now, but Thursday's episode should be fun regardless.  None of the remaining HG even remotely sort of want any of the evicted people out, so happy times for viewers.  And Zingbot tomorrow? Yay.  I think the network show is still pretty decent this year.  The last two BoBs were exciting.

Onions have 20% of a days required vitamin C, peppers have 200% of a days required vitamin C. A cucumber has 11% of your daily vitamin C. The comparison to an orange is actually not a bad one. All three have smaller amounts of Vitamin A, calcium, and iron. The pepper is the most vitamin packed.


Yes, I pop in at random times and post random stuff.


Thanks to all of you following the feeds and posting. This season has been pretty boring so I am not paying as much attention.

  • Love 5

Derrick is starting to play a sloppy jury game by blowing smoke up Caleb's ass. He is telling Caleb if he makes the jury he will vote on who wins more physical competitions. This could backfire because Derrick has not won a lot of competitions. I could easily see Caleb using this against him.


I think its hilarious how all these 'macho' guys are head-up-ass stuck on who's best at physical comps.  Derrick has won 0 truly physical comps [barely tapping a ball and hoping it rolls where you want doesn't count (in my book)], Cody [more like 0, but I'll give him .5 since it was a two-person effort and not real physical about moving eggs through a fence], Caleb 1 (a strength endurance), Zach won 1 physical veto comp, can't remember about Hayden,  Devin won at least 1 HOH [the one he finished 2nd, but Cody disqualified, so ended up winning on review].  But the guys who are considered 'inferior' have won numerous physical comps; that being Donny & Frankie.


But yeah, you go ahead and get in people's heads to vote on who did best in winning comps that were mainly physical, Derrick.  Better idea; vote for who complained most and loudest about not winning a comp.  You and Cody are F2 locks, by that voting logic!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

He is telling Caleb if he makes the jury he will vote on who wins more physical competitions.

He's talked to Caleb about F3 being Caleb/Derrick/Frankie and he's trying to make a case for Caleb to take him to F2 rather than Frankie, no?  I don't think it matters if Caleb is in jury and doesn't vote for Derrick because of lack of comp wins because Derrick will likely still have the votes. And I would imagine that Derrick could sway him with his F2 speech anyway. I find it kind of fascinating to see how easy it is for Derrick to manipulate Caleb. Caleb's mother was right about the crayon thing. 


Saw the following on another forum


  • Love 1

I hope they show some of the horror that has gone on in the past 2 days on the shows this week.  They showed Aaryn, why not this crew?  Whitewashing things for the TV show is changing.  There is no reason to air a "lite" version of what is going on.  They want more to order the feeds and more viewers, this is the way to do that.  The TV episodes should be 90 minutes so more house action is shown.

Maybe they know if they show TOO much stuff that puts Frankie in a bad light, Ariana won't show up on their show again.

Oh I agree Caleb will do whatever Derrick says, but  I could totally see Caleb preaching that in the jury house if he gets outed before the final 3. And it could start planting seeds in other house guests minds. It's really hard to predict placements right now until we know who makes it back in the house. Remember this time last year the final 4 was looking Aaryn, Andy, Amanda and McCrae with Amanda most likely winning. This is coming from someone who thought the possibility of Judd making it back in the house would make the house dynamic change the least.

Maybe they know if they show TOO much stuff that puts Frankie in a bad light, Ariana won't show up on their show again.



What do you mean "again?"   This does give me reason to think her PR people may have contacted the show though.  Not that BB would comply to their concern about painting him in a good light on TV but I bet they have. 


I have a feeling there will be a dismissive "I was playing the villain role!  You don't honestly think that that was the real me, do you?   You must not understand the business.   I'm a social media mogul -- I knew what production wanted, so I provided it, week after week.  The goal was never to win, but to make amazing television, which was a complete success!


Yep, you are so right.  He will gloss over any negative feedback with a disclaimer that he was acting a part.  Let us all gather and bet the lives our first born on this prediction.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

I'm am fully on board with Derrick winning. I know everyone is hoping someone turns on him, but to what end? A Caleb win? Christine? Cody?!? No, no, no. That just won't do. Donny has no shot, and I hate Frankie, so Derrick is by far my best option. They do not deserve to win, as boring as it may be to have Derrick run the table.


i agree, can't stand Frankie and Donny has no chance without an alliance.  If anyone :"deserves" the win, it's Derrick and he would be stupid to take anyone but Victoria to the end.  The only other houseguest I could accept winning would be Caleb.  He has been on everyone's radar all season and somehow is still in this game.

Edited by JerseyGirl
  • Love 1

What do you mean "again?"   This does give me reason to think her PR people may have contacted the show though.  Not that BB would comply to their concern about painting him in a good light on TV but I bet they have. 

She was in the audience a few weeks ago.  Now, this was before he got all 'dildo murdery' and 'baby-blood-bathy'...but that's probably the appearance that was being referenced.


How did you miss the Ariana/Julie selfie! 


I can say that if I were her PR person...I would keep her as far away from Frankie as I could for a while - if she's getting VMA's and shit - i.e. heavy press - , the last thing I want is 'Ariana Grande's poses with her brother, Big Brother contestant Frankie, who wants to stab his housemate with a dildo'...  You don't want your little princess pop star in pics where her brother's fantasies of murder via sex toy or baby-blood spa treatments are likely to be mentioned.


Unless they think they wanna go the Miley Cyrus route with her image....

  • Love 3

I really do think that he's had the best BB luck I've seen for a player where production wasn't actively rigging things for them.


I agree. Although as @choclatechip45 said, Ian is up there in terms of luck, too. Coincidentally I also hate Ian! But anyway, I think Derrick was very lucky that his style of game play worked so well with the twists this season. I wonder if he'd been able to adapt well if his strategy hadn't been working? I personally believe he wouldn't, but who knows.


I know this isn't the first time they've talked about Donny like this, but I still just don't understand it. Who are they trying to fool here? Is this targeting those hordes of viewers who stay away from all BB-related media and then sign up for the live feeds on day 62 to catch this conversation? Because everyone else knows that these two are full of shit.


I still don't understand why Derrick continues to bullshit Donny hardcore in every convo they have. He knows Donny doesn't buy it. It's just embarrassing and awkward to watch them together.


I'm am fully on board with Derrick winning. I know everyone is hoping someone turns on him, but to what end? A Caleb win? Christine? Cody?!? No, no, no.


Unless Donny wins, I'm not gonna be happy with the winner, so I just want to be entertained until then. Derrick getting fucked over and targeted would entertain me, so that's what I'm rooting for. Although if it lead to a Frankie win that would truly suck.


Like you said, what do these people think happens once Donny goes? I don't think I've even read or seen anything regarding the game after Donny goes from anybody other than Derrick. And even then, what's his ideal boot order and what's Derrick thinking in terms of how he'll get there?


I think Cody and Victoria pretty much know Derrick is running the game and believe that they are the person he's gonna take to the end, so they have no real incentive to do anything honestly. Caleb and Frankie believe they are the ones running the game. And honestly, Derrick has nothing to do with that. Sure, he definitely plays into it, but Frankie and Caleb would be this delusional without Derrick and Victoria would be this naive and Cody would be this cowardly. Derrick didn't mastermind them to be that way, he just got lucky they were. As for Christine, I don't know. I think she just let her crush on Cody blind her and now she knows she's fucked but is too scared to do anything.


Has anyone ever witnessed a miracle, as in Victoria doing dishes???


 I have. Jocasta even mentions during the Feed Highlights that's Victoria's helped with dishes a few times. Of course, she sucks at it, but they literally (tm Cody) all do so! The only person left who I've never actually seen doing something with the dishes is Derrick. But that might be because I generally avoid the feed he's on.


What do you mean "again?"   This does give me reason to think her PR people may have contacted the show though.  Not that BB would comply to their concern about painting him in a good light on TV but I bet they have.


As @BeatrixK said, she was in the audience for the live show a few weeks back, looking like she wanted to be anywhere else lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

I'm catching up on updates from last night now and there are some doozies!


- Christine talking about the creepy things that Donny has done. "I almost grabbed him by his hair and threw him to the ground." (She's lost her mind IMO.)


- Zach tried pleading with Frankie to keep him and Frankie said, "You're hurting my chances of feeding kids in Africa!" (I thought he was building schools in Africa. Frankie, your lies are slipping!)


- Zach tells Derrick that he will tell Donny before he leaves to trust Derrick. (See, this is why Zach absolutely can not be the returning juror. Luckily though there isn't a chance in hell Donny will listen to Zach!)


- Zach asking Derrick if he should threaten Christine of putting her on blast asking her husband to get the divorce papers ready in his speech. (I hate Christine, but this here is why I can't give a fuck about how Zach's being treated. He's such a little shit!)

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 9


- Zach asking Derrick if he should threaten Christine of putting her on blast asking her husband to get the divorce papers ready in his speech. (I hate Christine, but this here is why I can't give a fuck about how Zach's being treated. He's such a little shit!)

Yeah, stuff like this is why I could never understand or get behind the idea that Zach should win fan favorite. Yes, he has sympathetic moments, but so did GinaMarie, and she was still horrible. I would feel terrible for Donny if Zach wins fan favorite with the way he's acted.

  • Love 8
I still don't understand why Derrick continues to bullshit Donny hardcore in every convo they have. He knows Donny doesn't buy it. It's just embarrassing and awkward to watch them together.

Derrick's strategy is pretty one note- he just bullshits everyone, telling them what he thinks they want to hear. He even bullshits "America" in his DRs. When someone (well, Donny) isn't buying it, he doesn't have an alternate strategy. That's why I think he isn't a great BB player and wouldn't have done nearly as well in a season where all the stars didn't align for him as they have.



Unless Donny wins, I'm not gonna be happy with the winner, so I just want to be entertained until then. Derrick getting fucked over and targeted would entertain me, so that's what I'm rooting for. Although if it lead to a Frankie win that would truly suck.

This is how I feel. I made my peace with Frankie putting Zach up instead of Derrick because at least it meant Frankie was fucking his own game and he's the one I'm rooting to lose the most. However, I really don't want Derrick to win either because that will mean that this season will continue to be completely boring and predictable. I definitely don't want Christine to win and I'm really looking forward to seeing her get Britneyed like she said she wants to. I don't want Cody to win because he's just SO USELESS and I hate it when dumb, jocky, blandly pretty guys like him do way better than they should (which he already has). I would love to see most of the cast humiliated by a Victoria/Caleb F2, so I'd be ok with one of them (preferably Victoria) winning I guess. I loathe Caleb, so it's really sad that I'm sort of hoping for him to come in second and it's insane in every way that I'm sort of rooting for Victoria to win (which I don't even think is possible). Sigh. This fucking show.

  • Love 9

Anyway, as a BB fan, I had friends walk me by "the house." It's just a giant studio, imagine a big warehouse-like every other one, that they've built the house into. You can't really tell from the outside, aside from a sign. I assume the backyard is on the roof. You can't see it - at all- so the yellers would have to have access to the feeds to know when the house guests were outside. They'd also have to either be yelling super loud or using a bullhorn.

While visitors to the lot, including people going to a taping (if they were savvy enough to figure out a way to sneak away from their handlers) could feasibly be the ones yelling at the house guests, due to the fact that they are monitoring when they are on the roof, I'm guessing it's someone who is working on the lot on another show.

Hope this helps.

If you go to Google Maps and search for "CBS Studios Los Angeles" you can pull up the CBS lot. The BB "House" is on the eastern edge of the compound, bordering the Los Angeles River (look for three white warehouse-type buildings jammed up side-by-side). The BY is attached to the NW end of the northernmost building.

There's one access road which runs directly behind the House, but it looks to be security controlled. The Los Angeles River on the other side of the road...? Not so much, I'm guessing. :)

I'm surprised I'm not reading much about Zach shenanigans. Is he subdued?

I think at this point Zach is employing his fiendishly clever "sleep until Thursday" campaigning strategy. Hey, it's worked for him before....

ETA: removed url which didn't work. Damn Google Maps.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 2

Derrick's strategy is pretty one note- he just bullshits everyone, telling them what he thinks they want to hear. He even bullshits "America" in his DRs. When someone (well, Donny) isn't buying it, he doesn't have an alternate strategy.

Yep and I think that was the main purpose of TA: to keep Derrick from ousting either Donny or Frankie weeks ago. Frankie probably still would have been protected by production in one way or another but Donny would never have lasted this long. I really wonder why they cast Donny unless they thought his Duck Dynasty look would be popular.

Yep and I think that was the main purpose of TA: to keep Derrick from ousting either Donny or Frankie weeks ago. Frankie probably still would have been protected by production in one way or another but Donny would never have lasted this long. I really wonder why they cast Donny unless they thought his Duck Dynasty look would be popular.

Maybe that look has appealed to a lot of people. I don't like it at all although it's not sooooo scary or weird or perverse. I like Donny despite the way he looks. For one thing he doesn't have a lot of mannerisms that annoy me besides speaking very slowly and that is minor. He appears to have good character, and it's hard to maintain that in the BB house.

ETA: I've been meaning to say for some time that Frankie's constant use "I love you" devalues the meaning of that phrase. He says it to everyone. So when he says it to Donny (as he just did), is that the same as when he says it to his family? Clearly not. So it becomes as meaningless as "have a good day" or "good morning." It's a little thing, but it irritates me like nails in a blackboard.

Edited by Stinamaia
  • Love 7


There's one access road which runs directly behind the House, but it looks to be security controlled. The Los Angeles River on the other side of the road...? Not so much, I'm guessing. :)


I've walked by the house on the way out from that lot before (I only live a few miles away).  If you were there enough, it wouldn't be that difficult to figure out how to do it.  In fact, I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often, actually.  And yeah, the "river" is not so much a river, as a concrete indentation where rain could safely be stored, if we ever had any.  Mostly though... just concrete.



ETA: I've been meaning to say for some time that Frankie's constant use "I love you" devalues the meaning of that phrase.


I was going to mention that, too.  It's not only that he uses it as a throwaway phrase; he also seems to say it to people he's doing shitty things to.  I wonder what he thinks it means?

Edited by LADreamr
  • Love 2

It's a symptom of Frankie's narcissism - I think he truly believes that the viewing audience and production love him, and that he really is running the game.  That, or he doesn't care if he actually wins, but is just trying to milk this experience for as much exposure as possible.  Or maybe it's both.



I agree here.  I think Frankie thinks that he is adored by the viewing audience.  I want Frankie to suffer the same fate as Aaryn and Amanda from last season who thought they must have been well liked by America until they were sent packing and walked out to meet Julie to a see of boos.  I'd pay good money for that to happen to Frankie and to see his face.  I'd also like that because it would mean Frankie was evitced and HE'S THE WORST.  

  • Love 4

So here's my .02 cents. Derrick always had an unfair advantage over anyone in that house just by the nature of his job. He's been trained for years under the most stressful of situations to blend in and go undercover and be believable to criminals. He should never have been allowed to compete in this house because of that. None of the house guests really stood a chance. The only two house guests who even came close to figuring out Derrick is Donny and Frankie. Say what you will about Frankie but Frankie flat out asked Derrick if he was a cop a couple times so those two are no fools.


Team America in my opinion killed this season because the three smartest house guests were on the same team and as a result never made moves against each other. Also, what happened with Frankie and Zach, in my opinion, was an inability to separate game from personal feelings. Frankie has been saying hurtful things because he was told that Zach has been faking it with him on a personal level. They have both said some pretty awful things about each other behind their backs and I'm not going to debate who owes who more of an apology because that's between them to figure out after the game if they want to. When the house guests watch the season back they will see that Derrick pretty much manipulated every situation in the game.


If there is a buyback the only option for anything to change is for Hayden to come back and not fall back into the Derrick trap. Perhaps he teams back up with Donny and they recruit in Frankie's help as the lesser of two evils. Love or hate him Frankie has the most competition wins this entire season along with Donny. They have the brains and the physical, add in Hayden and there is little stopping them from winning week to week HOH or POV's until the end. That is the only way Derrick will be dethroned in my opinion.

Edited by kellog010
  • Love 5

She was in the audience a few weeks ago.  Now, this was before he got all 'dildo murdery' and 'baby-blood-bathy'...but that's probably the appearance that was being referenced.


How did you miss the Ariana/Julie selfie! 


I can say that if I were her PR person...I would keep her as far away from Frankie as I could for a while - if she's getting VMA's and shit - i.e. heavy press - , the last thing I want is 'Ariana Grande's poses with her brother, Big Brother contestant Frankie, who wants to stab his housemate with a dildo'...  You don't want your little princess pop star in pics where her brother's fantasies of murder via sex toy or baby-blood spa treatments are likely to be mentioned.


Unless they think they wanna go the Miley Cyrus route with her image....


It must have happened in the 1st two weeks of July. I was on vacation and didn't bother watch the TV shows after catching up on the feeds. 


And yeah, she will not be coming back! 

Edited by wings707

Donny may look "Duck Dynasty", but he doesn't behave anything like them. That may have made it easier for the "brain trust" to conjure up all those ex-military, etc. fantasies early in the game.

Donny is just a kind, polite southern guy who seems totally happy in his own skin.

Not sure how Donny's behavior is not anything like the DD guys. I like Donny. I love listening to the way he talks. And what he says.

  • Love 3

To clarify, I wasn't suggesting that Donny is anything like the DD guys other than he has a similar beard and the down home Southern drawl. I thought I heard that he wanted to shave it off before going into the BB house but production told him not to. Sounds to me like they were banking on the look and what viewers might be pulled in by it.

  • Love 3


Derrick always had an unfair advantage over anyone in that house just by the nature of his job. He's been trained for years under the most stressful of situations to blend in and go undercover and be believable to criminals. He should never have been allowed to compete in this house because of that.


 He said he was a cop, not an undercover detective.  He could be on traffic duty for all we know.  And even if he was I see no problem, Dr Will is a physician, Brendan has a masters in physics. Brains should be a qualifier. 


The ones who should never be able to compete are those who have not watched the feeds and have a questionable IQ.  Tests should be given.  I am not talking Mensa here but maybe a spot quiz on vegetables would be a good place to start.

Edited by wings707
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