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S11.E07: Why Not One Home?

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5 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

That's true but at least get someone who will ask the tough questions.  Then when the Clowns refuse to answer or blatantly lie, it shows them for what they are.  The soft-pedaling "interviewers" so far  have just played right into the sham.

If real feelings were expressed, it would be more like a RHOBH tell-all (which would be fantastic). Let's see some f-bombs fly and a few in-your-face screaming matches topped off with someone storming out, never to return. 

Hey TLC, if you're reading here, could you arrange that instead of the fake-fake boring shit you've been serving us?

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I’m not entirely sure I even finished this episode, as it blended into the last 6 of them. Big house, ooh no, , filings, wishy washy, new rental, where is all the fucking money coming from...

So, so, so much money dumped into multiple multiple rentals and now several purchased houses with land and the Plyg Prairie Plague Pine Paradise and Putrid Protozoa Pond to boot. Add in 4 only recently sold LV houses and my brain stops functioning. Who does this?? Who does real estate this way?? How?? A normally functioning human would either sell their houses first then buy the land and either find a way to live off it or frugality rent or buy A (as in ONE, shared 😧) house or live in their current house whilst building on land. Ooh, but here come those pesky balloon payments coming due. Gotta r-u-n-n-o-f-t and make one poor decision after another. Even with tlc money and creative financing, I am incapable of understanding how the everloving fuck they are doing this. 

And that’s all I can focus on when I watch this. Also, how every reason and excuse they give not to live in one house basically proves why polygamy does not work. 

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18 minutes ago, b2H said:

I don't think he'll do any better.  TLC knows what the family will talk about and what they won't.  It wouldn't matter who was doing the tell-nothing.

Not so sure about that - Robyn was going to lose her kids to her ex, unless Kody could make an honest woman out of her.  It wouldn't have mattered how Meri was.  She saw her influence dying a slow, painful death and the adoption was the last nail in that coffin.  Kody wasn't going to allow Robyn one second of distress and this was the answer - the divorce.

I think it was also a matter of tax deductions. Robyn has 5 dependents running around. Kody wanted the benefits of a giant tax refund annually. 

Sadly, I think Dayton will be induced to stay as long as they can continue to claim him as a dependant.  He should be getting out and establishing his independence. 

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1 hour ago, Roslyn said:

Actually...the Mormons (LDS) have their own food pantries, like bulk food stores.  Part of their religious teachings is to always be prepared for the end times when they will need to survive after "the end of the world as we know it".  Long before people started calling themselves "preppers" or "survivalists" the Mormons were requiring members to have several years of basic foods stocked in pantries.  They have online calculators where you can determine exactly what you need on hand depending on the size of the family.  Some of these pantries are open to non-church members or you just need to have a church member shopping with you. More than likely in Utah, Christine shopped at her local Mormon bulk pantry, that's what the labels on the #10 cans looked like to me. I believe this is how the FLDS also got into food stamp fraud since the members would just turn in their food stamps to the church market and then only get a ration of food. 

These days you can just order from websites and have palettes of #10 cans of all kinds of bulk foods brought to your door.

There was a woman I worked with at least 15 years ago.  She was a Mormon, and one time I asked her about the food storage thing.  

Me:  "I've heard that every Morman family has to have a years supply of food.  How do you do that?  How do you know what a years supply amounts to and what if you don't have enough space to keep all that food?"

Her:  "Well, that's how it works in theory, but sometimes it can't be done.  There's charts that tell you how much each person in a house would need, and you're constantly adjusting according to their age and stuff like that.  But there are a lot of ways to get around it.  You can keep a can of tomato paste and a bag of noodles and call it a meal.  Things like that.  No one checks on you.  But if you're really trying, you can shove cans of food under beds and in closets and stuff like that.  It's more like a guideline.  You try and if you can't do it no one bothers you about it."

Me:  "Is it true that Mormon churches have to have 7 years of food stocked up?"  

Her:  "Yes, the church tries to stock enough food to support their people for x number (I can't remember if she said it was for 6 or 12) of months.  They try to keep some frozen things, but it's mostly canned and powdered goods.  It's nice that if you run out of food you could go to the church and they'll help you out."

Me:  "I've heard that in Utah there are no Mormons on food stamps, because the church will feed them."

Her:  "I've heard that, too, but I've never lived in Utah.  Here, we help people who need it, but if they need to get food stamps to get fresh fruits and vegetables and stuff like that, we help them and try to find ways to get them back on their feet.  But people can't expect the church to feed them forever.  If it's a short term problem, like if they're having medical problems, the church will help with stuff from their storage, but if someone can't feed themselves at all, we take turns taking meals over and stuff like that.  Sometimes we pay their rent or other bills, but if it goes on too long we look for other ways, like getting them in a nursing home or on other kinds of public assistance.  It's why we pay taxes."

Me:  "So there's no 'bleeding of the beast' going on?"

Her:  "No.  It's not something we do in my church, or most Mormon churches.  You're talking about a sect that calls themselves Mormons and we don't want anything to do with them."

She left and avoided me after that.

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19 hours ago, MakingBacon said:

I think polygamy is becoming harder to justify and, even harder to want to be part of it, when the kids are almost all out of the house. It’s easier when there are a dozen kids running around. The Browns had to all work together to raise, clothe and feed them and didn’t get much time to think about the individual time each wife is spending with Kody as he runs around trying to put out Kody fires. . 

And when you are on the thick of things with multiple young children, you don’t have the ability to reflect or focus on anything other than making sure these tiny humans don’t die. (Although, apparently they sucked at even that letting Madison go a year as seemingly neglectful failure to thrive). Now, 3 women are or nearly are empty nesters. That a massively different experience than taking care of young children. For all that they hate each other and all the early discord between the original 3 wives, perhaps Kody did a good thing by marrying them all so close and producing so many children so closely together. If it had been more staggered, more Robyn’s being added, it would have created even more turmoil by constantly having wives at different stages in life. Who’s to say. 

But I do wonder what they would have done had tlc not come along. Added on to the Lehi house? Moved to some other plyg friendly area? Slapped 4 trailers on a patch of scrub land, with the pines a mere shadow along the horizon?

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9 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

Ick. I tried eating that survival grub once and I would have to be literally starving to be able to stomach it! I'm so picky. 

I volunteered at a food pantry and we received several cases of Patriot food packs, like Military MRIs. I "took one for the team" and tried two of the meals. They were pretty good. I felt confident giving them to our clients.

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2 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

Do you think they actually eat that stuff though, or just save it for Armageddon and toss it when it reaches it's expiration date? 

Patriot meals can last for twenty five years in a pantry, less time if stored in a garage or shed. The variety of the meals is impressive. The breakfast are decent and all meals come with condiments, utensils desert and drink and cleaning supplies.For people living in areas of extreme weather, the meal kits are a good idea. Some can be made warm with a heart source. Those were good for our homeless clients.

Edited by neh
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3 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I don't think so.  The rationale they gave was if Robyn died, if the kids were adopted they could stay with Kody and their new family.  Robyn had the kids and there was nothing from her ex trying to revisit the custody arrangement.  In fact the whole adoption we saw on TV looked fake and staged. 

Granted it's one of many articles on the topic, but this one specifically calls out needing the legal marriage for the adoption.


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55 minutes ago, Zahdii said:

There was a woman I worked with at least 15 years ago.  She was a Mormon, and one time I asked her about the food storage thing. 

Everything in your post is right on. There are very few members in good standing receiving food stamps or what used to be called Welfare. The church also runs a job service for members called LDS Employment. 

Those who are in need due to death of a spouse or parent or ongoing illness or divorce or job loss receive food and household basics from the bishop's storehouse in return for volunteering at church canneries and farms. That sounds pretty outdated but Utah is a rural state and food is produced and processed close to every population center

Utah has low cost/no cost health insurance for kids, I think it's called CHIP. That's one of the few things the church can't provide and is usually the only government assistance that members in good standing need.

As long as you tithe you are viewed favorably and can ask for and usually will get help. I knew a (single) mom who was all the time getting her furniture moved and a frig or washer or dryer or a car tune-up when she needed it. She spent more in bars than she tithed but she did tithe in full and attended regularly and she was never turned down AFAIK. Which was pretty cool. It changed after her girls grew up but their childhoods were good ones. Mom worked full time and didn't earn a lot but her girls were never deprived.

It really is an amazing and efficient system. You should see them in emergencies like house fires or annual flooding. It's like watching an ant hill. Giving credit where it's due I was very proud when my daughter spent three days sandbagging an icy cold river. She said she was in it for the pizza and hot cider and donuts (which were donated and served by members).

She had a fire that started in the garage and partially went into the house. She and her husband were first responders at the time and got called out to their own house. The ward phone tree got busy and, no shit, about 20 pickup trucks were there within 15 minutes. They emptied her house onto the front lawn right quick and then went back to what was left of their lunch hour.

So, yeah, gotta love all that. But if my house was on fire: LOL ::: crickets :::

Edited by suomi
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23 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

How do 4 grown adults who don't really work, other than getting TLC money, afford to buy all these properties? Plus, they have all  those kids to support. I didn't think TLC paid that well. 


That's the grifting way. Scratch up enough money to buy, but then don't make all the payments, saving what you do make to go towards the next place. When time's up at the place you haven't been paying for, either in a balloon payment or you finally get kicked out, you have money for the next grift. 

16 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I don't think so.  The rationale they gave was if Robyn died, if the kids were adopted they could stay with Kody and their new family.  Robyn had the kids and there was nothing from her ex trying to revisit the custody arrangement.  In fact the whole adoption we saw on TV looked fake and staged. 

I'm too lazy to check, but wouldn't her ex have to give up all his parental rights in court for an adoption to happen? Did they cover this in the show? I wasn't really watching then. 

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13 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Robyn is such a sap - can she never speak without crying?  I'm not really sure what effect the tears are supposed to have on other people.   I think she's so invested in the fact that they were one family in Las Vegas because that situation is really her only experience with the family.  Contrary to what she'd like to pretend (that they shoulda all been together from the beginning), she wasn't part of the Lehi home where they were actually all together under one roof.

Maybe she can commission another fake pichur of all of them together in the Lehi house with her new kids in the mix as if they always were together from the beginning. 

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1 hour ago, Sandy W said:

It has always been my contention that if Meri had acted in a more compassionate, responsible manner in her role as first and legal wife, Kody would never have entertained the concept of divorce to adopt Robyn's kids.  

I don't think so.  He was TOTALLY infatuated with Robyn - she could have demanded the moon and he would have died trying to get it for her.  He was slobbering and disgusting as he "mooned" over her. It was all he ever talked about - even during Truely's birth.  

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Janelle's job in Lehi was owning a company called E Z Pantry.  Specialized in bulk food storage systems - and some bulk foods.   It was pretty successful.   In one of the early episodes, I remember Christine telling Janelle they were out of something, so she would get it at work.    That could be the reason for the types of meals Christine cooked.  Janelle was in charge of what food was purchased and would go the furthest to feed everyone.  

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8 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I don't think so.  He was TOTALLY infatuated with Robyn - she could have demanded the moon and he would have died trying to get it for her.  He was slobbering and disgusting as he "mooned" over her. It was all he ever talked about - even during Truely's birth.  

You could very well be right.  The way I see it though, is that Meri had 20 years to entrench herself as the revered first wife and mentor to Janelle and Christine and she did not fulfill that role, she let her jealousy and ego prevail.  If Meri had set the tone for a harmonious, smoothly functioning plural marriage, Kody may well have been over the moon with Robyn, but common sense may have prevailed and Janelle and Christine may have risen in defense of Meri.

On second thought, scratch the common sense aspect, Kody let his "harmones" dictate his dick.

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45 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

I'm too lazy to check, but wouldn't her ex have to give up all his parental rights in court for an adoption to happen? Did they cover this in the show? I wasn't really watching then. 

Yeah, we had all that discussion at the time.  Oddly enough the kids went to visit their dad who Robyn had talked about horribly just a week or two after the "adoption."

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1 minute ago, Sandy W said:

You could very well be right.  The way I see it though, is that Meri had 20 years to entrench herself as the revered first wife and mentor to Janelle and Christine and she did not fulfill that role, she let her jealousy and ego prevail.  If Meri had set the tone for a harmonious, smoothly functioning plural marriage, Kody may well have been over the moon with Robyn, but common sense may have prevailed and Janelle and Christine may have risen in defense of Meri.

On second thought, scratch the common sense aspect, Kody let his "harmones" dictate his dick.

Oh yes - I see what you mean now and totally agree!   Although until you are actually living in this situation, you can't imagine how awful it is.  Emotions are tricky.  But since both Janelle and Christine seem to be kind women, it certainly could have been done.

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25 minutes ago, suomi said:

If you watch it again don't take your eyes off Meri's face when Robyn is cry-talking. I can't decide if she falls for it or if she totally doesn't and is gobsmacked by what she's seeing/hearing. 

Do you mean in the most recent episode?  If you're talking about Robyn crying, you're going to have to narrow it down to episode, section, segment, hour and minute.

I kid (mostly). But I know the scene of which you speak because for a hot second, it did look like Meri was staring at Robyn with concern, but Meri might have been playing that up for Kody.  I can't imagine that these women aren't as over Robyn's frequent sob-fests as we are.

Which begs the question - does Robyn cry-talk in her daily life or does she just turn it on for the cameras?

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1 hour ago, dreadfulLeigh said:

But I do wonder what they would have done had tlc not come along. Added on to the Lehi house? Moved to some other plyg friendly area? Slapped 4 trailers on a patch of scrub land, with the pines a mere shadow along the horizon?

If TLC hadn't come along, Kody would not have looked for a fourth wife. They would still be living in the Lehi house, most of the kids would have moved out (but I bet more would have stayed in the area) and Kody would still be on the road, escaping three bitter women.

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15 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

Janelle's job in Lehi was owning a company called E Z Pantry.  Specialized in bulk food storage systems - and some bulk foods.   It was pretty successful.   In one of the early episodes, I remember Christine telling Janelle they were out of something, so she would get it at work.    That could be the reason for the types of meals Christine cooked.  Janelle was in charge of what food was purchased and would go the furthest to feed everyone.  

I thought Janelle had a government job.

She "owned" a company?

It's been a while since I remember being knee deep in the Brown's food grifting details but I don't think I've heard of EZ Pantry before.

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2 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

I thought Janelle had a government job.

She "owned" a company?

It's been a while since I remember being knee deep in the Brown's food grifting details but I don't think I've heard of EZ Pantry before.

As I recall Janelle's food storage business was touched on in the first few episodes.  I'm not sure if it was an MLM but it wouldn't surprise me if it was.

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48 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

You could very well be right.  The way I see it though, is that Meri had 20 years to entrench herself as the revered first wife and mentor to Janelle and Christine and she did not fulfill that role, she let her jealousy and ego prevail.  If Meri had set the tone for a harmonious, smoothly functioning plural marriage, Kody may well have been over the moon with Robyn, but common sense may have prevailed and Janelle and Christine may have risen in defense of Meri.

But the other problem with this is that Kody allowed Meri to reign unchecked for 20 years.  I recall from their "best-selling" book that Janelle talked about how Meri would frequently accompany Kody on work trips (snerk), but because Janelle worked full-time she couldn't go with Kody on those trips.  Also Janelle talked about how the three of them would sit on the couch watching tv and Meri and Kody would hold hands under a blanket, like they were trying to get away with something.  So if Kody professes to be the "headship" in this religious family of his own making, he did a craptastic job of making sure that Janelle felt included.

Of course, he was also horrible to Christine in more ways than I can count - more proof, IMO, that he was in this for his own horndog tendencies and not his religious calling.

Edited by laurakaye
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5 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

But the other problem with this is that Kody allowed Meri to reign unchecked for 20 years.  I recall from their "best-selling" book that Janelle talked about how Meri would frequently accompany Kody on work trips (snerk), but because Janelle worked full-time she couldn't go with Kody on those trips.  Also Janelle talked about how the three of them would sit on the couch watching tv and Meri and Kody would hold hands under a blanket, like they were trying to get away with something.  So if Kody professes to be the "headship" in this religious family of his own making, he did a craptastic job of making sure that Janelle felt included.

Of course, he was also horrible to Christine in more ways than I can count - more proof, IMO, that he was in this for his own horndog tendencies and not his religious calling.

I HIGHLY doubt that everyone is ever really happy in plural marriages.  Ever.  I believe that someone is always going to be unhappy, if not downright miserable.

But Kody totally lacks the necessary components to even make it POSSIBLE to work.  He doesn't take his place as head of the household and he shows favoritism.  

I agree with you.  He could "cheat" and justify it.

4 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Ohhhh yes we've noticed it and snarked it.... I think we should give it a name. 😂

I am going to make an assumption here... but I would be willing to bet I am right.  I doubt ANY of the Brown children have ever been to a dentist unless they had pain and needed to be seen.  No doubt the thought of seeing a dentist for her tooth has never even crossed Meri's mind.  She certainly could afford it from her Lularoe.

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30 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

I thought Janelle had a government job.

She "owned" a company?

It's been a while since I remember being knee deep in the Brown's food grifting details but I don't think I've heard of EZ Pantry before.

She did have a job with the state of Utah. EZ Pantry was never mentioned on the show, but did make it into some investigative tabloid articles. 

Other than a DBA and a Mail Boxes Etc mailing address, there was never any evidence of it's existence. It's like Kody's supposed gun store, or their "Fundamental Fitness" they were going to have back in 2011-12. Other than setting up a DBA, which from what I've heard is pretty easy to do, no evidence exists. Maybe she just set it up to sell survival rations to Christine and get some sort of tax write-off.

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1 hour ago, b2H said:

Granted it's one of many articles on the topic, but this one specifically calls out needing the legal marriage for the adoption.


Word on the street that the "ex" did not want to give up his rights at first and the only reason he did was so that they would drop the overdue child support payments - supposedly  

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1 hour ago, b2H said:

Granted it's one of many articles on the topic, but this one specifically calls out needing the legal marriage for the adoption.


Ahh. I love the line "Everyone loved getting to watch the actual court hearing happen on television."


1 hour ago, Fostersmom said:

I'm too lazy to check, but wouldn't her ex have to give up all his parental rights in court for an adoption to happen? Did they cover this in the show? I wasn't really watching then. 

I do not believe for one hot minute what we saw on the show was ANY kind of real life court proceeding. What they covered on the show was that Robyn's Ex kept running away when they tried to serve him papers.  Then Robyn on the phone with her lawyer who lived in the same town as the Ex saying that he was in her office to sign the papers.  What I do remember in the discussions at the time that the show was on the air was how it is NOT that easy to just sign away your parental rights.  But that is how the show made it seem.  Then the "court room" scenes were just off.  It felt fake and staged. Speculation at the time was that Robyn's Ex gave Kody a guardianship...maybe. As Absolom mentioned upthread, right after the papers were signed the kids were whisked off to visit Dad for 2 weeks.

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On 2/18/2020 at 11:45 AM, Absolom said:

Janelle perhaps got to pick which unit was going to be hers or maybe she had the most children at that point.



Janelle had the biggest unit, because according to what they wrote in their book, she used the inheritance from her father and withdrew money from her 401K to purchase the house.  However, she added Kody and Meri to the Deed.  

Edited by Adeejay
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On 2/17/2020 at 9:35 AM, Onceafan said:

Having worked as a counselor for many years, I have strong opinions on what I heard from the Brown family on last night's episode. My two cents on what I heard.

Christine's main problem with the one house is with Robyn and her children.

Christine is being semi-truthful in her explanations on the why nots. What I hear and see is that Christine was not happy in the Lehi house. She watched all of Janelle's children as well as her own. She told us last night it was too much. and because of the children always being there with her, they could walk in at anytime, so she and Kody could only be affectionate in the bedroom. 

Back in Lehi Kody worked outside of the home, and so he had to use the evening time to spend with all of the children, cause that was important to him to see them all and tell them all good night.

When Christine kept saying in the one house there would be no privacy, and one of the wives or anyone could walk in, while she is with Kody, she really is referring to Robyn's children. They are the youngest and actively seek out their father.

Christine is worried that on "her" day in the one house, she will have to share Kody with Robyn's children. That they will go where their father goes, and he will welcome them, because Kody identifies as a father, and one can see he is building a stronger more present presence with Robyn's younger children, which is not uncommon with the last of the children.

She wants Kody to herself in the evenings cuddling with her on the couch, without one of Robyn's children in his lap.

As for jealousy and seeing Kody with another wife, it is well established that he and Meri have no romantic relationship for the last five years. Janelle never shows PDA and her relationship with Kody is more business. The only other wife that leaves is Robyn. Christine does not want to see Robyn and Kody together. It's all about Robyn.

Make no mistake it was a very aggressive move from Christine last night, when Kody was crossing off her mom mojo on the board, and she piped up, if he want to push her  buttons, I can go up there, and cross off never moving again, knowing that was Robyn's "button." to cause tension between Robyn and Kody. She has some real resentment and jealousy there with Robyn and Kody.

I'm jumping on this wagon!  It makes total sense - if I recall correctly (and I do) Christine has said throughout multiple seasons (older seasons) that she really struggled with Robyn joining the family initally because she wanted to be the last wife, and she said that it had been her plan to be the last wife in any family she joined because she claimed it was the best position to be within a polyg family. 

Had Robyn had not come along, Christine would still be the favorite (more often than not) and all the quality time Robyn and her kids are getting with Kody would have all been spent with Christine. 



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On 2/17/2020 at 12:17 PM, Joan of Argh said:

I wish the other wives would call Robyn out on her BS

If they did I guess she'd turn on the tears so what's the use... they all tippytoe around Robyn cause they know she's Kooties favorite.

She came to the fambly with a bunch of kids, a mountain of debt and shitty credit rating yet now she's running the show... Wtf did she ever contribute to the family other than King Sol and Arreola?

Now she has a million dollar home and surrounding property, easy money from TLC, a nice new vehicle to drive and the entire family has pulled up roots for her kid to go to school where she wants.

I'm flabbergasted by the shit they put up with from her. 🙄

I think all of this stuff she and the others have should be in the FOR NOW column. None of these people were setting the world on fire with their skills/jobs/whathaveyou.  There will be another large family (or whatever the flavor will be) who is a bigger oddity/nightmare/of lower intelligence/etc that will take their place.  Then is it back to food stamps?  None of them have any marketable skills.  Except for MAYBE Meri.  Frankly, I am here for the What Happened To VH1 series that you KNOW will happen.  

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2 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I've been re-watching the whole series but I guess I haven't gotten to it yet...  👍

I completely missed that.  I thought Janelle only worked for the city or state, and I don't remember her having a side-gig.  

One would think! that if Meri only worked part-time, she should have been the one to do the pantry thingk.  It looks like she's been an entitled slacker, at least while she was HBIC.  No wonder Snowflake is the way she is.  

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8 hours ago, neh said:

I just watched this episode. Three wives at the end of the table, looking comfortable, talking, laughing.....Meri separated from them by the table and the counter, not talking and with a dreadfully sour face. Meri looked so different from the pictures on her SM . Is Meri acting on the show, because this is her assigned role?  

Also, did you notice that Meri has a brown\grey tooth on the bottom role?

Yes. That scene played out really funny to me too. They all talked incessantly about the “big house” and when they asked Meri what she thought she was like “on the big house?” as If they were maybe asking her if she liked pineapple and cottage cheese- she needed the clarification. 

Every second Robyn is onscreen she has a furrowed brow or is crying. This isn’t a woman who is happy. Yet is such a stealth bitch as said here. Her (not dis) pleasure at having her house sold - we see you!

I think they all felt their oft used “autonomy” in Vegas and realized things ain’t too bad on their own. And Meri has shown you can find love outside of the lifestyle- but it may end in you giving a BJ reference to a carrot Catfish. So that’s less than ideal. 

Let’s be real- as Robyn begged during vision board- women can take of themselves without a man. Kody (I hate to admit) was decent back in the day. Now he’s just a hyper selfish weird hair motherfucker. 

They’re saying “we are fine!”  We don’t need this. 

But it’s also boring for viewers to be into this season and his stupid PowerPoint still drives the drama. 

We don’t care about anyone birthing babies, we don’t care about the big house- we need you adults to own up to real feelings and have some knock down yell fights. 

We need “I don’t want to raise Robyns kids!”  “I don’t really ever want to sleep with you again!”  

This one from Robyn-“My first husbands dick was way better!”


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On 2/18/2020 at 6:35 AM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Is this somewhat of the timeline I get ?

Three hags and a douche in a mobile home. Janelle gets an inheritance and they purchase the Lehi house. They all go off to work leaving Christine to raise all kids. TLC ( or whatever production company answers mail plea) and they come knocking, not sure on what door . Meri finds Sobyn to piss the other wives off. They flee Vegas in fear of being persecuted for food stamp fraud  polygamy with Sean "Sticks" Larkin hot on their trail. The find various rentals throughout Vegas that don't do backround checks for a year until they can beg borrow or steal some money and cash the TLC checks. Sobyn cries to Meri that her kids can be ripped from her breast because the asshole that stole her purity may come calling and she cant run far in those super duper long legs carrying the king. Then D'yun decides to go to NAU and Robyn cries and pleads with Kody to move to Flagstaff so she can still breastfeed be close to D'yun. Janelle stomps foot but follows, Christine goes as well as she has lost 50lbs and now wanting more of Kody's peen, Meri, after slapping on some orange tanning lotion comes as well, dragging her tail and a shitload of awful clothing. Janelle is in her what 3rd rental and still lugging the stationary bike all over Flagstaff, never to be used. Meri finds her 2nd rental with a stream full of tadpoles and algae in her living room. Christine finds some money and buys a house, Robyn cries and Kody buys her a house. Kody wants them all under one roof which is never gonna happen...

That's my cliff-note version  To be continued ?

Not used??!!!  What do you think is holding her clothes she cannot find the strength to put in her closet??

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