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S01.E13: Book 27

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David, Kristen and Ben assess whether a pregnant woman is possessed when she claims one of the twins she’s carrying is evil. Their investigation leads to a fertility clinic where they discover a connection to all of their encounters throughout the season. Also, Kristen questions one of her daughters’ capacity for evil upon realizing that she also used that fertility clinic.

Season finale! Airing Thursday, January 30, 2020.

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Hmmmm. There's an interesting image and bit of news to end on. 

Man, between Leland proposing to Sheryl and, giving LeRoux Kristen's key, and now having a copy of that codex in his possession, I was yelling 'NO!" at the TV so much this episode. I'm trying to remind myself that Sheryl's decisions are very likely not of her own volition, 'cause Leland and all, but man, somebody desperately needs to knock some sense into her and FAST. I actually clapped when Kristen shut the door on her. 

The whole idea of the sixty trying to get followers as early as the womb is creepy as fuck and I'm rather intrigued to see where that plotline could go. Especially now that Lexis is potentially caught up in all of that as well. I feel for that poor woman (I gasped when all that blood spilled out at the church)-it's funny, when the season began I said this show had a very Omen-like feel to it, and now we may have a potential Damian on our hands. Interesting. And scary. 

(I also loved David pointing out the potential issues for the Church in regard to the abortion aspect when they were talking about whether or not the unborn can be possessed.)

Also liked the way they tied together so much of what we saw and heard throughout the season. The thought of a stuffed bear having that creepy song in it is...unnerving. 

"There's a lot of blood in your religion." LMAO, I love you, Ben :D. Also, on a completely shallow note, him wearing that toolbelt was working for me. 

So I'm guessing next season might involve a mystery of who exactly killed LeRoux, then? Perhaps that's tied to the burn on Kristen's hand? And I'm hoping whatever that vision was that David saw at the end will give him the clues he needs for the team to try and defeat all of this evil.

What a wild, fun, creepy season this was. Onward to season 2, then!

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5 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

So I'm guessing next season might involve a mystery of who exactly killed LeRoux,

I was pretty sure Kristen took care of LeRoux even before we found out she was possessed.

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Matilda has to be the worst babysitter ever.

I've thought all season that Kristen's kids were devil spawned.  I'm just surprised it was actually only one of them.

When pregnant lady said she could hear her daughter screaming, and Kristen began to tell her that she carried four daughters, I absolutely expected her to say that they were all screaming as well.

 I actually think it would be pretty gutsy for a show to have one of its leads just outright murder somebody.  I kind of hope that is the direction they go.

Nice job of tying in previous episodes (the song, the kid who tried to kill his sister).

Sheryl was again wearing red.

I'm no medical expert, but if the woman was only ten days from her due date, why not just go ahead and do a C-section.  Whether you believed she was possessed or not, she was clearly in distress and the baby would have certainly still been viable.

No idea what the fields of gold dream means, but looking forward to finding out next season.

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1 minute ago, Annber03 said:

That's what I'm thinking, too. But with this show, maybe it might not be quite as simple as that?

Yeah. The blood on her leg wasn't from Leroux (I hope). Although apparently just by having a devil baby in her years ago-unbeknownst to her- now she's allergic to rosaries, so maybe she's capable of beating somebody to death?

Also, not sure what kind of Catholic school she attended, but nobody teaches that blood will come out of the host if you bite it! We were told not to chew it, just swallow it whole, but that was a sign of respect.

I'm entertained by the nightmares-within-nightmares. (George the Demon is scarier to me than the Satanic Goat).

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Now that's a cliffhanger. All signs point to Kristen having murdered LeRoux: attacking him in her dream within a dream, then "stabbing" George, showing up to the hospital with blood on her leg, plus David's dream, and the burn on her hand. But then there could be any number of alternative explanations. If she is possessed in some way, is it a result of carrying a potentially demonic fetus years ago?

A few episodes back, when Kristen told the maybe-possessed woman that she'd also had a miscarriage, I knew that wasn't just a throwaway line. And sure enough, after the miscarriage, she used a fertility clinic that also produced other demonic children. Things are starting to come together, like the bear playing the creepy youtube earworm song, and the clinic having offices in NYC, D.C., and Chicago, the places that matched the coordinates in David's hallucination. 

Still not sure what the numbers in the episode titles mean, though. This episode title is "Book 27."

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Somebody in a discussion elsewhere suggested that since she was in the bathroom when she pulled out the crucifix, maybe it'd gotten some chemical on it that burned her hand. Which would fit the whole "rational explanation" thing.

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I cant fully explain why, but Ben hearing the stuffed animals playing that creepy song from the Christmas episode just really spooked me. Like, I kind of looked around the room for a second to make sure that Dr. Satan wasnt there. 

I am so excited to see what happens next, especially now that Kristen might have some demon stuff in her! So the next logical step in Lelands evil plan is to not only spread evil among regular people, but spread them among babies? Diabolical! And one of the daughters might be one of the Boys from Brazil babies? This is why you dont let strangers into the house kids, they might be Satan! 

So is Sheryl actually being this awful, or is she under Lelands evil influence? Or both? Lelands whole deal is influencing the worst behavior in people, taking people that might otherwise be harmless and nurturing their darkest and most selfish instincts, so maybe thats what he is doing here? This is pretty bad if she really is just being herself here, betraying her daughter and apparently just brushing off that tape of Leland cackling about a child being raped in prison, so maybe this really is some kind of evil influence. 

That true Ben, Catholicism does love its blood imadgry! At least David didnt have anything too horribly traumatic happen this week, after his last couple of weeks from actual Hell. And even on a good week, he has to help a woman losing her baby and the other one being demon possessed, his complicated thing with Kristen, AND the forces of evil just generally being dicks. 

This show has sometimes been hit or miss, but I have enjoyed the rides, and when the show landed a hit, it was a really good hit. I am excited to see what season two brings!

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28 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I cant fully explain why, but Ben hearing the stuffed animals playing that creepy song from the Christmas episode just really spooked me. Like, I kind of looked around the room for a second to make sure that Dr. Satan wasnt there. 

My mom, at the end of this episode, was actually sitting here on the couch with her hands over her eyes, because she was so sure something was going to pop up behind Kristen. 

Also, she thinks Kristen's house is really creepy. 

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Why are Kristen’s daughters so stupid? I understand they’re young but they’re written to all be the same level of stupid when their ages span many years apart and you would think if the younger ones are followers, at least the oldest, who is a teenager, should have some sense? Like to not allow anyone to force her little sister into a grave, perhaps. Or a hole in the basement wall. Or the other sister who heard a creepy man’s voice tell her to open the door in the middle of the night and she actually does it? The children are written to be annoying and infuriatingly stupid. I’m ok with Leland taking them into his side at this point. 

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 I actually think it would be pretty gutsy for a show to have one of its leads just outright murder somebody.  I kind of hope that is the direction they go.

Right? I love how ruthless she is, like when she cut Leland's neck. But I don't think I'm down for her letting his wife take the blame, and so yeah I think it's not what it appears to be.  Maybe she whacked him once and someone else finished him off.  I also assume her being burned by the cross/possessed is a false alley too.

I agree the episode was disjointed, trying to tie every thread of the season together wasn't really necessary, but I thought the song/fertility clinic/vision bit was reasonably scary way to to do so. I just didn't need to see Kristen facing down every antagonist in one episode, then not showing us her face down with Orson if she even did.  And we still don't know if that cute lil baby is the devil. I wold love to see a meme where it was Baby Yoda.

Loved seeing Dr. B.L. Zebub again and  hope that isn't the end of George. 

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I thought the scene where Kristen had blood on her leg was weirdly done- it looked more like a cut than smeared blood. I also think if a serial killer had made an appearance at my house, I wouldn’t leave my kids alone there babysitter or not.

I know Orson was released from jail, but he can’t just show up at the houses of the prosecution team can he? Then Kristen is accused of assaulting him but did he have bruises or any proof? Still don’t see how Kristen is supposed to accept him coming to her house and watching her daughters.

I thought the fertility clinic was deliciously creepy, the scene with the teddy bear was great. I think they need to do something more with Leland. He is not quite creepy enough nor does he seem normal enough that Kristen ‘s mom would be interested in marrying him. 



Edited by Madding crowd
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Bits and pieces:

Have we ever seen Matilda? And why did Kristen ignore her absence after finding the door open and her daughter unconscious?

Why was Lexi brushing her teeth so hard that she had blood trickling out of her mouth?

Are we going to have some tests done on the contents of Survivor/Devil Baby's stomach?

Kristen's mom hauled that fragile ancient manuscript to a Staples and made a copy, eh?

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11 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Somebody in a discussion elsewhere suggested that since she was in the bathroom when she pulled out the crucifix, maybe it'd gotten some chemical on it that burned her hand. Which would fit the whole "rational explanation" thing.

Who keeps a crucifix in a drawer in the bathroom anyway?

10 hours ago, Annber03 said:

My mom, at the end of this episode, was actually sitting here on the couch with her hands over her eyes, because she was so sure something was going to pop up behind Kristen. 

Also, she thinks Kristen's house is really creepy. 

I love Kristen’s house! I was just thinking there’s so many things in there I want, lots of beautiful old fixtures etc.

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Which girl opened the front door to Goat Guy? Was she #3, the one possibly altered by the fertility clinic?  (I don't know their names without a cheat sheet except that they might be in reverse alphabetical order. I wish the parents had named them Ann, Barbara, Cynthia, and Danielle, or 21st century equivalents.)

Legally, assault is an act that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent, harmful, or offensive contact. The act consists of a threat of harm accompanied by an apparent, present ability to carry out the threat. A harmful or offensive touching of another is battery, not assault, although assault and battery often go together.   So Kristen did not need to physically injure Released Bad Guy to commit assault; she was present and might have stepped over to hit him.

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Yes , Kristen was present at her own house but the guy was not invited there and Kristen didn’t go near him or touch him. Certainly arresting somehow for assault would have to involve more than the idea that she could potentially walk over to him. He could also have walked over to her or her daughtets

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11 hours ago, msrachelj said:

Who keeps a crucifix in a drawer in the bathroom anyway?


Kristen, obviously! 🤣


I was really torn about the show. It was often silly, sometimes boring, and sometimes brilliant. This last episode convinced me it's amazing. It's stupid sometimes,  but amazing anyway. The season finale was jaw-dropping. A fertility clinic plants demon's seeds in women? Chicago, NY and Washington are unholy cities? A priest on mushrooms? Psychiatry is devil's science? 

One can never tell wether Kings troll their audience or are serious.       

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8 hours ago, blixie said:

Right? I love how ruthless she is, like when she cut Leland's neck. But I don't think I'm down for her letting his wife take the blame, and so yeah I think it's not what it appears to be.  Maybe she whacked him once and someone else finished him off.  I also assume her being burned by the cross/possessed is a false alley too.

Yeah, looking back on it, there were moments throughout the season that seemed to be foreshadowing a moment like this. She was willing to do a deepfake with that recording of Leland to take him down in court, and then, as you mention, she cut his throat. She's not above taking the law into her own hands if need be in order to protect others, so it tracks she could potentially do something like this. 

If she did kill him, I'm guessing it was likely more that he confronted her somewhere and she attacked him, rather than her seeking him out on her own (though I wouldn't blame her if she did seek him out-she injured Leland and he still returned, so this time she would want to make sure that couldn't ever happen again with LeRoux). 

If she didn't, then I am curious as to how to explain the blood on her leg. I agree it kinda looked like a cut, too, though. 

5 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Have we ever seen Matilda? 

We never have, no. 

4 hours ago, msrachelj said:

I love Kristen’s house! I was just thinking there’s so many things in there I want, lots of beautiful old fixtures etc.

I like it, too! I'll sometimes find myself looking at the entire layout of the place when watching an episode. I like older houses like that, there's a bit of character to them, or something. 

2 hours ago, Driad said:

Which girl opened the front door to Goat Guy? Was she #3, the one possibly altered by the fertility clinic?  (I don't know their names without a cheat sheet except that they might be in reverse alphabetical order. I wish the parents had named them Ann, Barbara, Cynthia, and Danielle, or 21st century equivalents.)

Yeah, it was her. Lexis. 

I wonder if some of that scene was a dream, too, given the way she was laying on the floor when Kristen found her. Course, that wouldn't explain how LeRoux managed to get into the house...

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16 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

If she did kill him, I'm guessing it was likely more that he confronted her somewhere and she attacked him, rather than her seeking him out on her own

But if she didn't seek him out, why did they make such a big show of her getting the weapon from the closet (what was that, a grappling hook?).  I didn't look like the kind of thing you would just casually carry around for self defense.   

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21 minutes ago, Bulldog said:

But if she didn't seek him out, why did they make such a big show of her getting the weapon from the closet (what was that, a grappling hook?).  I didn't look like the kind of thing you would just casually carry around for self defense.   

Looked like one of the things mountain climber carry, yes. Ugh. I hate cliff hangers with an entire season in between!

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18 hours ago, Bulldog said:

Matilda has to be the worst babysitter ever.

Did she fall asleep? Was she supposed to be able to fall asleep?  I don't think the doorbell ringing actually happened.  I think the doorbell ringing was in Lexie's head.  So, maybe Kristen asked Matilda to come over and told her she could go to sleep in her room because she would be back late.  Then, Lexie snuck past her room and opened the door and Leroux very quietly left the gift.  Or, Matilda might have left after she put the kids to bed (with Kristen's permission).  I find it more odd that Kristen didn't check the house when she saw that the door was wide open instead of just sending her daughter back to bed.  I would have checked on the other girls personally.


6 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Why was Lexi brushing her teeth so hard that she had blood trickling out of her mouth?

gingivitis?  Or she made it up because she is a demon child?


6 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Kristen's mom hauled that fragile ancient manuscript to a Staples and made a copy, eh?

I'm sure Kristen has a copier in her office.


1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

Yes , Kristen was present at her own house but the guy was not invited there and Kristen didn’t go near him or touch him. Certainly arresting somehow for assault would have to involve more than the idea that she could potentially walk over to him. He could also have walked over to her or her daughtets

Actually what she did was make a false accusation to the police.  She said he was touching himself in front of her children which wasn't true.  One false accusation deserves another.


58 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Yeah, it was her. Lexis. 

I wonder if some of that scene was a dream, too, given the way she was laying on the floor when Kristen found her. Course, that wouldn't explain how LeRoux managed to get into the house...

Sleepwalking.  I had a nightmare when I was a kid and my mom woke me up as I was desperately trying to get a door open.

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11 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Sleepwalking.  I had a nightmare when I was a kid and my mom woke me up as I was desperately trying to get a door open.

There we go. 

54 minutes ago, Bulldog said:

But if she didn't seek him out, why did they make such a big show of her getting the weapon from the closet (what was that, a grappling hook?).  I didn't look like the kind of thing you would just casually carry around for self defense.   

Maybe that scene was just to set up the fact that she was seriously preparing to take him out if he came back to her house again,

But then she might've run into him somewhere else when she was out and about, and had to improvise as a result? Since we didn't see LeRoux's death, there's all sorts of ways he could've been killed off. 

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1 hour ago, Bulldog said:

But if she didn't seek him out, why did they make such a big show of her getting the weapon from the closet (what was that, a grappling hook?).  I didn't look like the kind of thing you would just casually carry around for self defense.  

But it would also be a super-obvious murder weapon, since as far as we know she was Orson's only mountain-climbing enemy...

10 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

Then Kristen is accused of assaulting him

I believe he accused her of "accosting" him. I thought it was way over-the-top that the detective lady was completely dismissive of Kristen's side of the story. I know that part of the show's "thing" is showing how evil triumphs in many everyday situations, but sometimes it can be annoying / unrealistic about it.

Overall, though, I did enjoy the episode and the season in general. Ben continues to be my far-and-away favorite-- loved how everyone kept forgetting his name in the beginning of the episode, and his help to Kristen.

Was Lexis the one who stayed behind during the graveyard excursion in the Halloween episode, or was that daughter #2? (I know it was one of the middle girls.)

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1 hour ago, Bulldog said:

But if she didn't seek him out, why did they make such a big show of her getting the weapon from the closet (what was that, a grappling hook?).  I didn't look like the kind of thing you would just casually carry around for self defense.   

It is a mountain climbing tool called an "ice axe", "ice pick", or "pick axe".

1 hour ago, Katy M said:
7 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Kristen's mom hauled that fragile ancient manuscript to a Staples and made a copy, eh?

I'm sure Kristen has a copier in her office.

She probably did have to go to Staples because if I remember correctly they were in color.

The Bouchard Children (oldest to youngest): Lynn, Lexis (spawn of the Devil), Lila, and Laura.

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15 minutes ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Was Lexis the one who stayed behind during the graveyard excursion in the Halloween episode, or was that daughter #2? (I know it was one of the middle girls.)

I THINK that was her.  I know she was the one that grandma told to hit the girl with a rock in her hand not to snitch.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

Did she fall asleep? Was she supposed to be able to fall asleep?  I don't think the doorbell ringing actually happened.  I think the doorbell ringing was in Lexie's head.  So, maybe Kristen asked Matilda to come over and told her she could go to sleep in her room because she would be back late.  Then, Lexie snuck past her room and opened the door and Leroux very quietly left the gift.  Or, Matilda might have left after she put the kids to bed (with Kristen's permission).  I find it more odd that Kristen didn't check the house when she saw that the door was wide open instead of just sending her daughter back to bed.  I would have checked on the other girls personally.


gingivitis?  Or she made it up because she is a demon child?


I'm sure Kristen has a copier in her office.


Actually what she did was make a false accusation to the police.  She said he was touching himself in front of her children which wasn't true.  One false accusation deserves another.


Sleepwalking.  I had a nightmare when I was a kid and my mom woke me up as I was desperately trying to get a door open.

The guy is a serial killer who had no business being at Kristen ‘s house. He was there to threaten her which was confirmed by the later phone call. I have zero sympathy for him.

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49 minutes ago, dargosmydaddy said:

But it would also be a super-obvious murder weapon, since as far as we know she was Orson's only mountain-climbing enemy...

I was reading a review of the episode elsewhere and in that, it said that Mira had told Kristen LeRoux was bludgeoned to death. I haven't had a chance to rewatch the episode yet, but if that's the case, then yeah, it doesn't seem the weapon she held was ultimately the one that killed him. She may well have planned to use it, but like stated above, plans may have changed. 


Was Lexis the one who stayed behind during the graveyard excursion in the Halloween episode, or was that daughter #2? (I know it was one of the middle girls.)

Yes.. We know Lynn's the oldest and Laura's the youngest, so this is the best way to remember the middle two girls: Lila is the one with the long reddish-hair, and she's the only one of the four girls we don't really know much else about, or who hasn't really been all that notably involved in or the focus of any of the stories, the way the others have. 

And Lexis is the one who often wears the braids. She's the one who: 1) stayed behind at Halloween; 2) had that scuffle with the girl at her school; 3) opened the door for the creepy goat demon; and 4) was the one Kristen got pregnant with through that fertility clinic. 

Edited by Annber03
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Did anyone else think that Kristen doing IVF seemed a bit contrived? I don't know if we ever leaned any of the exact ages of her daughters, but the consensus seems to be that they're fairly close in age, right? So maybe a 5-6 year age span, tops? Oldest daughter seems about 13 or 14; youngest about 7 or 8. Maybe they're every other year (14, 12, 10, 8), though to me it seems like there's a bit of a gap in the middle (which would make sense with the miscarriage), so maybe the older two are 13 and 12, and the younger two 9 and 8? Something like that?

So (assuming that potentially-demonic Lexis is girl #3, which Wikipedia confirms), Kristen has two fairly young/ toddler-age daughters when she suffers a miscarriage. I'm sure it was tragic for her, and I realize everyone reacts differently, but she immediately tries to conceive again, can't, and rushes to a fertility clinic? Despite the fact that this is a family we know doesn't have a ton of money? She needs a third baby right away, and doesn't care how much it costs? We already noted in the early episodes that her having so many kids seemed kind of odd considering her previous lifestyle; the fact that she apparently did so much to continue having kids so close together seems... odd. At one point I kind of wondered if she kept having babies because one or both of them (Kristen/ Andy) were hoping for a boy... IVF would have been the opportunity for gender selection, but apparently not.

Also, why was she suddenly "infertile"? I know secondary infertility can occur, but miscarriages in general are common enough and not usually a sign of future problems, particularly in someone who has previously had successful pregnancies. And don't most doctors suggest waiting at least a calendar year of unsuccessfully trying to conceive before they start investigating further? I mean, I get that the fertility clinic has already proven itself super shady by inseminating women with demon spawn, so maybe they're lying to all of their clients about IVF being necessary in the first place, but surely Kristen would have seen her own OBGYN first? And might have wondered about things when she (apparently) easily conceived again not long after Lexis's birth?

Maybe they'll explain the logistics of this more next season, but in the meantime this seems like another bit of less-than-wonderful writing.

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I was wondering about the story behind her decision to try IVF, too, yeah. Notably because, as you said, it seemed so at odds with a lot of other stuff we know about her. I hope we do get more about that part of things, because I think that could make for an interesting look into her earlier life and the history of her marriage and whatnot. 

I remember they celebrated Laura's birthday when the season started, and I think she mentioned in that same episode that she was seven. 

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It would have made so much more sense to me if the IVF had been with the oldest.  And, yes IVF is expensive. Although, that would help to explain why she's still having trouble paying back her student loans.

It also would have made more sense if the clinic did stuff other than just IVF, and so after her miscarriage she went for help staying pregnant. I think I know someone who took some kind of drug after getting pregnant so that she wouldn't lose the baby as she had already had a couple of miscarriages.  There could have been something funky with the drug that infiltrated the DNA, or whatever exactly they are doing.

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I had a really hard time getting through this episode. I made it through Creepy Virtual Girl, Creepy Psychopath Kid, Creepy Princess Girl, Creepy Exorcism Lady, Creepy Song, and Creepy Psycho Nurse, but I was pretty much undone by Creepy Pregnant Lady and Horrifying Childbirth Scene. That hit my very real phobia too hard and I pretty much couldn’t look at the tv for any of her scenes.

9 hours ago, msrachelj said:

Who keeps a crucifix in a drawer in the bathroom anyway?

Um....I do? I keep most of my jewelry in a drawer in the bathroom so it’s there too.

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Let's settle this Bouchard once and for all, here are the pictures of the little squealers, your decide what order they belong in and don't let any one convince you otherwise.






















Lexis (spawn of the Devil) 

























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On 1/30/2020 at 8:27 PM, Bulldog said:

No idea what the fields of gold dream means, but looking forward to finding out next season.

I really thought that was going to the tree Odin was hung from - Yggdrasil.

Which I guess is "basically the basis" Jesus crucifix story.

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On 1/30/2020 at 11:27 PM, Bulldog said:

No idea what the fields of gold dream means, but looking forward to finding out next season.

Something tells me it has something to do with Parable of the Tares where evil people seed a good person's wheat field with weeds that start out looking the same as wheat. This is the plot of this episode and we see the Devil harvesting his crop and Kristen appears to be part of his crop. Is this David getting an advanced warning that Kristen may have gone over to the other side.

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Wow! I just watched it tonight, and it was another roller coaster ride. I agree with the person upthread who wonders whether the Kings are trolling us.

My "huh" questions include: where was the pregnant woman's husband? (Were we told that she was a single mother?) Why was David at the birth?

Why did David no longer have his arm in a sling, and didn't he break his ankle last week?

Kristen's mother is beyond the pale: lying about continuing to see Leland, even when she heard the recording (well, the fake recording) of his psycho plans. I suspect she was always a narcissist bitch, but Leland has taken her to new levels.

Also, LeRoux keeps saying he's doing "steps" and making amends, and well, the people on Mom could correct him that that is AA.

There's a part of me that thinks (especially with the first few moments) that the entire episode will turn out to be a dream, especially when the dreams were retellings of things that Kristen had gone through but retold so that she "won." Did she kill LeRoux as part of this? In the first dream, she threw a chair at him to take him down.

I don't have a problem with the rosary in the bathroom drawer: it's probably the one David gave her, and she put it there at some point.

Also, one thread that wasn't picked up was who Kristen was yelling at in the first episode where someone was threatening her family for not paying a loan.

As for the big plan to plant some kind of tainted eggs in women who come to a fertility clinic, this is actually where the Church could fight back: they made it clear that you can't perform an an exorcism on a fetus, because the child does not have the ability to "invite" the demon in.

So, the newly born, with their brand-new souls, can be baptized, which cleanses them of original sin (it helps being a fallen-away Catholic). Whether this is divine protection, or the child/family believing in something enough to change (as Kristin's doctor witnessed), it is a thing that can ward off demons or "demons."

David's vision is, I think, his sensing that Kristen has, and is willing to, cross lines between good and bad behavior to protect her family. Does that make her complicit with the dark side because she does bad things for good reasons?

And if Leland is the creepy near-incel Kristen revealed when she ripped off his mask, how is he the Big Man in a covert conspiracy of 60 people (though that number seems to vary...between dead incels and sneaky doctors' assistants), he can't be THAT powerful. He's a creepy little man, who embraces fear and terror and controlling people. But he's not the mastermind behind some worldwide plan.

I keep thinking of the premise of the show The Mentalist (another show with a "truthteller" who debunked mystical/psychic phenomena, and got on the wrong side of a serial killer). The killer, "Red John," continued to torment the flawed hero, and after a couple of seasons there was a reveal that they finally caught Red John; and then it turned out the guy they thought was the serial killer was not, but the mastermind was a few levels up of another mysterious organization.

Good ol' CBS. 😉


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11 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Did anyone else think that Kristen doing IVF seemed a bit contrived? I don't know if we ever leaned any of the exact ages of her daughters, but the consensus seems to be that they're fairly close in age, right? So maybe a 5-6 year age span, tops? Oldest daughter seems about 13 or 14; youngest about 7 or 8. Maybe they're every other year (14, 12, 10, 8), though to me it seems like there's a bit of a gap in the middle (which would make sense with the miscarriage), so maybe the older two are 13 and 12, and the younger two 9 and 8? Something like that?

So (assuming that potentially-demonic Lexis is girl #3, which Wikipedia confirms), Kristen has two fairly young/ toddler-age daughters when she suffers a miscarriage. I'm sure it was tragic for her, and I realize everyone reacts differently, but she immediately tries to conceive again, can't, and rushes to a fertility clinic? Despite the fact that this is a family we know doesn't have a ton of money? She needs a third baby right away, and doesn't care how much it costs? We already noted in the early episodes that her having so many kids seemed kind of odd considering her previous lifestyle; the fact that she apparently did so much to continue having kids so close together seems... odd.

This had bugged me as well.  I initially just brushed it off as, like you said, everyone reacts to these situations differently. 

Now, I'm wondering if Kristen was already predisposed to going over to the dark side and something supernatural drew her to the clinic.

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6 hours ago, kwnyc said:

Also, LeRoux keeps saying he's doing "steps" and making amends, and well, the people on Mom could correct him that that is AA.

There are churches that also do the amends thing when you join.  I was part of a group that got a letter of apology from a person because of that, though I wasn't in the group when whatever happened happened, nor did I even know who he was.  I just kind of remembered, because like you, I was thinking, that's AA, right, not church?

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The idiot daughter that opended the door made me want to scream.


So, Kristen is possessed? WTF was that final scene?

The episode was a let down, and the goat with horns as the devil is simply ridiculous.

Edited by Norma Desmond
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11 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Let's settle this Bouchard once and for all, here are the pictures of the little squealers, your decide what order they belong in and don't let any one convince you otherwise.

The two middle ones are really a toss up to me, looks wise. A quick scroll through Google says the one who plays Lila is ten (and also apparently the niece of Modern Family actress Ariel Winters); I couldn't find an age for the Lexis actress. But I think I'm basing my assumption of their ages from the AR glasses episode? Didn't the older two kind of take over? I thought that was Lynn and Lila, but I could be wrong...

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....another thing that was a nice throwaway was that when Ben and David went into the fertility clinic, the associate assumed they were a gay couple looking to conceive a child (do they do surrogacy there?), and they just went with it. 

Also, could someone who is more familiar with Old Testament than I am tell me the Biblical implications/relationship between Benjamin and David?

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1 hour ago, kwnyc said:

Also, could someone who is more familiar with Old Testament than I am tell me the Biblical implications/relationship between Benjamin and David?

Benjamin is one of the houses of Israel (Benjamin--the person--was the youngest son Jacob, with Rachel).  Saul, the first king of Israel, belonged to the house of Benjamin, as did King David.

For some reason, I thought last week's episode was the last of the season so I was happily surprised to see this pop up in my CBS All Access app.  There was a lot to like about it--tying a bunch of the threads together, giving us meat for next season, etc.  However, I would find this show more menacing if Satan didn't look like a muppet.

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