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I agree with this. I don't think that Shannon/Sharon expected for Heather to not engage in the conversation when she was seeking info about Tamra. I think she assumed that Heather would confirm that she had heard the information from Tamra. After all, Shannon had heard Tamra speak ill of Heather on more than one occasion. She probably assumed that Heather would be willing to do treat Tamra as poorly as Tamra had treated Heather, and she was wrong. Mother to mother, she assumed Heather would be embarrassed at being caught gossiping, and immediately throw her source under the bus. Isn't that what most of these broads generally do? I think she assumed she would appear distraught and that Heather would just tell her what she wanted to know. Maybe that is how folks deal with Shannon.

I think that Shannon is use to being the fragile one. The one who needs to be accommodated. I don't dislike her at all - I actually like many things about her, but I do think that she has been extremely sheltered and taken care of. David's comment when she was driving home from the Dubrow's (are you OK to drive), his concern that she would not be able to sleep in Vicki's guest room. It just seems to me that he, and maybe others around them, feel the need to tread lightly around her so that she doesn't fall apart. From the very first moment she met these gals she stressed to them that David didn't plan vacations for them. Well, she is a SAHM and has plenty of money, why wouldn't she plan vacations? It seems like she needs others to take care of her.

I have wondered in the past, but does anyone know what Shannon was doing with her life between when she graduated from USC and when she married David in her mid-30's? That is a long time - 12 years or so - where she has never mentioned having a job or a career of any kind. She doesn't talk about traveling, doing volunteer work, etc. I've looked on-line and I can find nothing that points to her doing anything before she married David and started having kids. That is a long time, and the prime time of your life, to just be doing nothing.

How does the quote go, you cannot make homes of people? Yes, I don't think she's ever tried to tap into her own inner resources, fell in love, and slowly lost who she was in her marriage. How lonely, such misery to have found no passions in life, or to have buried them. Her husband seems an absolute treasure. His gentleness with her tells a deeper story, one I'll probably not get to know.

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But Shannon hadn't spent those ten minutes beating around the bush (I started to say bush beating to shorten, but sometimes you gotta take the long way), she'd spent them unnecessarily apologizing for *yelling* at Heather....again.   I think what she was looking for exceeded confirmation and once Heather knew that Shannon was also owed some attrition, she was like oh bitch you gotta go.    Heather was perfectly okay when the impression was that all she'd done was simply and innocently repeat comments made by Tamra.  But blame for passing on gossip?  N'uh uh.


Word. I rewatched the great Shannon/Heather kick-out scene today and it really stood out to me how Shannon completely heard Heather's grievances - Shannon explained that she was livid when told by Tamra that Heather had been talking about "picking sides," and when Heather explained she never said that, Shannon promptly apologized and acknowledged how terrible it would be to be accused of something you did not do. As far as I'm concerned, Shannon cleaned up her side of the street at that point. The situation would then seem to dictate that Heather would then come forward with her piece of self-responsibility and/or contrition. But, no, that is where Heather decided to step up her bitchiness and indignantly complain about how "floored" she was that Shannon would think they were close enough to come over in this way. And that is when Shannon started to get tense. Heather really was like a dog with a bone. She should be so embarrassed by her behavior.

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Has anyone else noticed the flash backs they are using on this particular show this year?

Why do I for some reason get the sense that all of those flashbacks are staged/re-enacted?

Tamra is finally - finally! - getting the shaft this season.

Is she, though, so far?  All I see is multiple people realizing that she's being untruthful/shit-stirring and no one really calling her out on it.  I reserve judgment until the infamous barefoot running scene, of course.

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Hey gang, just to keep us on topic I moved a bunch of posts regarding Trooper York and the reality show stuff over to the Small Talk topic. Thank you!

Thanks. It was beginning to sound like sour grapes.IMO 

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Word. I rewatched the great Shannon/Heather kick-out scene today and it really stood out to me how Shannon completely heard Heather's grievances - Shannon explained that she was livid when told by Tamra that Heather had been talking about "picking sides," and when Heather explained she never said that, Shannon promptly apologized and acknowledged how terrible it would be to be accused of something you did not do. As far as I'm concerned, Shannon cleaned up her side of the street at that point. The situation would then seem to dictate that Heather would then come forward with her piece of self-responsibility and/or contrition. But, no, that is where Heather decided to step up her bitchiness and indignantly complain about how "floored" she was that Shannon would think they were close enough to come over in this way. And that is when Shannon started to get tense. Heather really was like a dog with a bone. She should be so embarrassed by her behavior.


Yes, this is exactly how it went down and I'm not sure why it has been stated that it occured in some other way as Shannon beating around the bush.


In fact, she went in with the right attitude. She was pleasant and friendly before going into her issue and made it clear that she knew Heather was made privy to some information and that she wanted to know where the information orginally came from. She didn't accuse or get on Heather about talking about her at the lunch until well after Heather started acting all evasive and being a sarcastic wise-ass.


And if Heather didn't want to throw Tamra under the bus, she could have simply said something along the lines of "I don't want to make trouble for that person and throw their name out there". But seriously, all her dramatics was un-called for and the kicking out of the house was just too over the top. Just like her behavior with the chair-gate and late-gate at the groundbreaking party.


But the best part of the episode that I haven't seen anyone mention was while at Lizzie's party and everyone was discussing things on the balcony....Shannon sat back quietly while Heather told her version of events and Shannon gave a sigh at one point and Tamra interjects telling Shannon that if she has something to say to say it now. And Shannon says that she will just wait for her turn and of course when she goes to speak, Heather interrupts her and when Shannon raises her hand and says 'Wait, is it my turn now??'


and Heather responds with the "NO, IT'S NOT" as if she was a mother scolding her child.


Now THAT's when I would have gone bonkers too. First, you're trying to convince me that the sky is green when I know damn well it's blue, then you're going to tell me I can't say what's on my mind? Hellll No.


I think Shannon is right to be annoyed and frustrated with both Heather and Tamra. Heather has been nipping at Shannon's heels ever since she showed up and Tamra and Vicky took to her so quickly. Heather felt threatened by the other wealthy girl and she got uber-possessive of her already shaky territory with the other ladies. Notice how Heather always says "But you're my friend..." whenever she is discussing Shannon with the other ladies. And Tamra is just trying to stir up drama and protect her own behind.


I first coudn't understand how Heather could be friends with that hateful Tamra, but I fully see now it's because they are both hateful heifas and they feed off each other's negative energies.


I didn't like Heather and Tamra's nastiness with Alexis and I don't like it now with Shannon. 


And I must say David's stock went way up with me. I normally find his personality to be a bit weird on the show, but he did ALL of the right things a husband should do at that dinner party. He handled Heather, Terry, and Tamra and the situation as a whole like a champ.

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Just saw this epi and without wading through ten pages of comments, I just have to say that I really like Shannon and David. And I hope she does not do another season of this shit show. I was struck when watching the Beador family how nice and normal they are, all things considered. The parents obviously love their kids, and the kids seem like respectful, well mannered children. Not to mention they have table manners, and know how to eat with their mouthes closed.


The Hibrows on the other hand and too busy congratulating each other on how fabulous they are to teach their children manners. Or pay much attention to them at all, particuarily in the restaurants they frequent. But then the kids mirror their parents, so it is no surprise that the Hibrow kids do not seem particularily likeable.


I would say it is a 50-50 toss up as to whether Tamra made up the taking down comment, or Terry actually said it. They are both disgusting human beings, so either is quite in the realm of possibility. What I don't understand is why Heather and Terry do this show. It can't be good for either his business or her (almost non existent) career to be seen week after week as such narcissistic assholes.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I would say it is a 50-50 toss up as to whether Tamra made up the taking down comment, or Terry actually said it. They are both disgusting human beings, so either is quite in the realm of possibility. What I don't understand is why Heather and Terry do this show. It can't be good for either his business or her (almost non existent) career to be seen week after week as such narcissistic assholes.


I'm with you.  But some people actualy believe any publicity is good.  Maybe Terry thinks it's a numbers game & given the show gets out to nearly 2 million viewers, there are still lots of idiots out there who will seek him out for his supposed surgical skills.  Look, I think he's coming off here like an unprofessional whiny bitch, but hey, that's me.  I'm sure there are plenty of viewers who might think -- he's on TV, so he must be a trustworthy surgeon to go to if ya wanna rearrange your face and/or body.  Dumb?  Hell yeah.  But there are plenty of idiots out there -- as can be seen on Botched.  And Terry is counting on that, so he can build his house bigger than Shannon's.  And that's what it's all about anyway to the whiny bitch, right?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I'm with you.  But some people actualy believe any publicity is good.  Maybe Terry thinks it's a numbers game & given the show gets out to nearly 2 million viewers, there are still lots of idiots out there who will seek him out for his supposed surgical skills.  Look, I think he's coming off here like an unprofessional whiny bitch, but hey, that's me.  I'm sure there are plenty of viewers who might think -- he's on TV, so he must be a trustworthy surgeon to go to if ya wanna rearrange your face and/or body.  Dumb?  Hell yeah.  But there are plenty of idiots out there -- as can be seen on Botched.  And Terry is counting on that, so he can build his house bigger than Shannon's.  And that's what it's all about anyway to the whiny bitch, right?

Perfect.  Terry and Heather made a boatload of money of the sale of their home.  As he said-he wanted to work less.


Patients Terry used on "Botched" are starting to come out of the woodwork.  One wasn't pleased with Terry's results so they did not use her in the show.  She is now speaking out.  I don't think Terry was all that gifted of a plastic surgeon.  I think his focus is below the neck, although he claims to be an expert head to toe. 


I think Terry is going to feel very one-upped when the Beadors get a seaside home instead of one with a mile away ocean view.

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I'm with you.  But some people actualy believe any publicity is good.  Maybe Terry thinks it's a numbers game & given the show gets out to nearly 2 million viewers, there are still lots of idiots out there who will seek him out for his supposed surgical skills.  Look, I think he's coming off here like an unprofessional whiny bitch, but hey, that's me.  I'm sure there are plenty of viewers who might think -- he's on TV, so he must be a trustworthy surgeon to go to if ya wanna rearrange your face and/or body.  Dumb?  Hell yeah.  But there are plenty of idiots out there -- as can be seen on Botched.  And Terry is counting on that, so he can build his house bigger than Shannon's.  And that's what it's all about anyway to the whiny bitch, right?


I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out just why the fresh hell the Beadors are on this show.


So far neither is pitching anything to sell or promoting anything.  David's business apparently does quite well.  Shannon apparently comes from money.  So it's not as if they appear to need the cash (although with these housewives literally anything financial is possible).


They just seem, for all intents and purposes, like a relatively normal yet slightly dysfunctional married couple with seemingly great, well-mannered kids.


Neither strike me as particularly fame-whorish.  


Comparing them to the Taekmans on RHONYC, it's clear why they're on there, he wants to promote his EBoost, and she wanted to jump start her modeling career.  


But the Beadors?  I dunno...like I said, total head-scratcher so far for me.

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But the Beadors?  I dunno...like I said, total head-scratcher so far for me.


Well, I think you'd have to get into the mind of a very rich, spoiled, sheltered, vapid, self-involved, self-absorbed woman who lives in her own little bubble world.  Not an easy thing to do.  Was she convinced to do the show?  Maybe.  Possibly she doesn't realize how much of a loon she's coming off here.  Maybe she's starved for the attention she never has received in her life.  And this to her is finally her opportunity to shine.  But no, they're clearly not pushing anything -- which is extremely unusual.


I suspect she's the one who wanted to do the show & David begrudgingly went along with it.  My hunch on their marriage is she calls the shots on everything.  There's gotta be a good reason why this extremely attractive man with a successful business stays with this unpleasant woman who constantly nags him.  He can hook up with a nice & beautiful & younger woman in a second.  I'm still finding it difficult to believe he stays with her cuz of the kids altho that is possible, I'm just really doubting it.  I think she holds all the purse strings.  Maybe she even owns his business.  Whatever it is, they're hiding plenty from us, so her tagline is absolutely untrue.

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Well, I think you'd have to get into the mind of a very rich, spoiled, sheltered, vapid, self-involved, self-absorbed woman who lives in her own little bubble world.  Not an easy thing to do.  Was she convinced to do the show?  Maybe.  Possibly she doesn't realize how much of a loon she's coming off here.  Maybe she's starved for the attention she never has received in her life.  And this to her is finally her opportunity to shine.  But no, they're clearly not pushing anything -- which is extremely unusual.


I suspect she's the one who wanted to do the show & David begrudgingly went along with it.  My hunch on their marriage is she calls the shots on everything.  There's gotta be a good reason why this extremely attractive man with a successful business stays with this unpleasant woman who constantly nags him.  He can hook up with a nice & beautiful & younger woman in a second.  I'm still finding it difficult to believe he stays with her cuz of the kids altho that is possible, I'm just really doubting it.  I think she holds all the purse strings.  Maybe she even owns his business.  Whatever it is, they're hiding plenty from us, so her tagline is absolutely untrue.

I think Shannon felt undervalued and needed something to boost her importance in the family.  I think the Beadors have learned a valuable lesson-their "banter" isn't funny to outsiders.  I do think many couples do it and don't realize how awful it sounds to outsiders.

I remember David throwing a bitch her way about the inside of her car being dirty and of course her needing new boobs.


Some people, probably very few who go onto reality shows, stay in their marriage because they made a commitment and honestly do believe in the 'for better or worse'.


I read somewhere that Beador Construction was awarded something like $50 million in freeway construction contracts.  So I don't know that Shannon controls the purse strings or that she runs a business.  Her family is still alive so maybe something comes her way via a family trust?  I hope through the Reunion we hear what she did prior to be married to David.  My guess is something in the family business or third grade teacher.  I have always wondered what Tamra did prior to marrying Simon and I am pretty convinced it was something in the adult entertainment arena.

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Whether or not Terry really said the 'taking down' comment, I do believe Tamra communicated it to Shannon. What an annoying little shit-stirrer chihuahua Tamra is.


I loved when Heather's husband told David he was not going to yell at Shannon across a dinner table. Money truly doesn't buy class.


I actually like Vicki's reunion dress, boobs and all.

Edited by trimthatfat
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I loved when Heather's husband told Terry he was not going to yell at Shannon across a dinner table. Money truly doesn't buy class.

He went from zero to hero with that statement as far as I'm concerned. Reminded me of my hub!! I'm not like Shannon, though. "That's not ME!" lol.

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I loved when Heather's husband told Terry he was not going to yell at Shannon across a dinner table. Money truly doesn't buy class.


Heather's husband is Terry.  Do you mean Shannon's husband David defending her against Terry's bullshit?

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He went from zero to hero with that statement as far as I'm concerned. Reminded me of my hub!! I'm not like Shannon, though. "That's not ME!" lol.


I wrote too quickly. I meant David.

I didn't even notice, lol. I read the words and saw David's face.  He's my hero. Terry's a zero.

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Whether or not Terry really said the 'taking down' comment, I do believe Tamra communicated it to Shannon. What an annoying little shit-stirrer chihuahua Tamra is.


Yep, Tamra definitely communicated the comment to Shannon - because she also said it to Vicki. Which is why I think it is just as possible that Terry said it as Tamra made it up. Maybe even more so, as Tamra would have no reason tell a complete lie to Vicki about something that doesn't involve her in the least.

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I would say it is a 50-50 toss up as to whether Tamra made up the taking down comment, or Terry actually said it. They are both disgusting human beings, so either is quite in the realm of possibility. 

…What I think happened…I bet Terry or Heather made a joke about the taking the Beador's down…and Tamra turned it into a thing…I think Tamra and the Dubrows both have a part in it…and this is the only way I think it makes sense…unless Tamra's making shit up…which makes sense too…this is Tamra we're talking about….


stewedsquash beat me to it…

Edited by CyberJawa1986
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…What I think happened…I bet Terry or Heather made a joke about the taking the Beador's down…and Tamra turned it into a thing…I think Tamra and the Dubrows both have a part in it…and this is the only way I think it makes sense…unless Tamra's making shit up…which makes sense too…this is Tamra we're talking about….

stewedsquash beat me to it…

So far I'm with you on this. I think it was one of those exaggerated nuggets of truth jokes. I think the Dubrows did go on the show with the intent of taking down the Bellinos and I think Tamara figured this out. So when the Bellinos were out and the Beadors were in Terry probably made some joke about taking them down too. I think it was a total joke, but sort of referring to something that did happen with the Bellinos. Tamara took what was a joke and twisted it when she needed some ammunition. She's done this before so I'm not surprised. I really don't think that the Dubrows went in intending to take the Beadors down though. Heather was friendly toward Shannon in the very beginning. things weren't bad between them until the lunch when Heather laughed at Shannon's crystal teeth and told Tamara not to have a baby. Shannon took offense to both of these statements, things got tense, and all hell broke lose during the musical chair débâcle.

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Didn't Heather say something along the lines of "looking down on the Beadors" from her new lot?  I don't really think it is much of a stretch that Terry would make such a comment, "take down the Beadors".  What confused me and I believe David Beador as well, is Terry made it sound as if it was about taking someone down physically.  I just assumed it was more of a putting someone in their place statement.

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Tamra aging and hates it. All she had was being "hot" . That is the beginning and end of her. Well that and she's a nasty bitch. She is no longer hot and is completely freaking out. Hates all younger prettier women who come on the show for no other. Reason than she can't stand anyone who is more attractive than she is.

Heather is jealous of Shannon because she is wealthier than the Dubrows and probably because her husband is better looking than Terry.

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Tamra is disturbing to watch. She is a true sociopath. I thought it was incredibly creepy how she would not leave Shannon alone. Shannon was begging Tamra to get away from her and to stop touching her, but Tamra refused to let Shannon be. Tamra followed her from room to room.

I am totally on Shannon's side here. Tamra and Heather want viewers to believe that Shannon is the crazy, overly sensitive instigator but the video speaks for itself. Next weeks preview is even more disgusting with Tamra insinuating that the Beadors don't have sex. Just because a couple does not sleep in the same room does not mean that they do not have sex. Based on my own experience, those who talk the most about sex are the ones who are not having it. Tamra will never convince me that Eddie is straight and that they fuck 17 times a week.

I like how David stood up for Shannon. Eddie was like, "fuck this shit, I'm not getting involved."

Shannon should never speak about her marriage woes on camera ever again. I think she learned that lesson.

Lizzie needs to shut the fuck up. So annoying.

Danielle and her husband are non factors. Go away.

Late to the party as usual, but I had to comment on the way Tamra was acting toward Shannon. She really was disturbing with the screaming in Shannon's face to stop it, grabbing her face and trying to restrain her. After Shannon asked to be left alone and had to appeal to David to get Tamra away from her, Tamra was still trying to get in Shannon's face and grab her arms all the while having an angry "I've got to shut this bitch up" scary look on her face. You would have thought Tamra was afraid Shannon's talking was going to attract the attention of zombies or something. I definitely would have swung at her if she did that to me.

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Late to the party as usual, but I had to comment on the way Tamra was acting toward Shannon. She really was disturbing with the screaming in Shannon's face to stop it, grabbing her face and trying to restrain her. After Shannon asked to be left alone and had to appeal to David to get Tamra away from her, Tamra was still trying to get in Shannon's face and grab her arms all the while having an angry "I've got to shut this bitch up" scary look on her face. You would have thought Tamra was afraid Shannon's talking was going to attract the attention of zombies or something. I definitely would have swung at her if she did that to me.

Shannon must have some kind of saintly restraint because yeah, I would have done several things on instinct that I think are natural, and wouldn't have held any of it against her. I think that was what Tamra was hoping for, to get Shannon off the show by provoking violence, but I consider what Tamra did first to be assault, not to mention holding someone against their will, and I'll confess, the darker part of me would have clapped to see that little worm smacked down in the dirt right then, wiggling and writhing about dramatically. A rare sighting of the Tamra creature in its natural habitat.

Edited by Souvlaki
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I missed something!!!!  Please do explain!  Quote me so I can find the response.  Give me the tea.

...Hey Lablover,


Maybe I misunderstood the topic...I was responding to the Tamra in Shannon's face at Lizzie's party.  After the Take Down The Beador's, I felt Tamra's behavior was making sure Shannon didn't spill anything else.


I'm sorry to wet your appetite and leave you disappointed.

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