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Season 19 Spoiler Thread

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I can't see many guys lining up to date her tbh.

Aren't most of the guys that come on this show just looking for their 15 minutes and if you're lucky you'll find some that are genuinely interested in you? I don't think they would have trouble casting any guys for her.

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I love Carly as the narrator.  A producer prods for gossip and she is willing to give it.  It enhances my viewing pleasure!  


Best episode, ever!  Kelsey had a viewing party for this.  Oh my.  She had/has no idea of how she comes across.  I didn't read her sisters live blog during this event but I heard that it was in full defense of her tragic, amazing sister.  How she can claim editing is beyond me. 


Chris, oh good god, get a spine and step up, for fuck sake.   I was not fond of him as the choice but I never thought he would be such a wimp. 

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Aren't most of the guys that come on this show just looking for their 15 minutes and if you're lucky you'll find some that are genuinely interested in you? I don't think they would have trouble casting any guys for [Carly].


They could cast Eva Braun's corpse and still come up with 25 guys. The problem is that the guys would have to hide their disappointment they're not competing for Britt. At least TBette has a Plan B: if the guys aren't interested in the lead, they can always drink and bro-out at the mansion.

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I agree Carly is insecure and catty, but she's being heavily featured, she's sympathetic, she's make over able , and she comes off very down to earth. I think after the last one, they want a girl the audience can relate better to.

I hope not. I think Carly is a girl women can relate to (like Ashley was during her season). But if guys aren't ga-ga over her (think: Emily, Trista, even Andi), the season is a dud. Ashley was lucky because she did find wonderful J.P. eventually, but those horrible scenes TPTB played up with Bentley were just every woman's nightmare (falling for a d-bag--and on television, no less).  I think they need a bachelorette that has the guys wrapped up with her, otherwise it's just not much fun to watch.


And ITA about Britt. She's like a gold digger full of "love" but really just into the guy for his money--only outta there when she finds out he has none. In this case, I think she was looking forward to world travel and maybe becoming the next TB. Now that it's clearly "The Bachelor: Small Town, USA", she's probably panicking about making herself the frontrunner and is going to beat a hasty retreat ASAP.  No more boring Midwestern towns, hokey performances, and insincere make out sessions. But CH is not going to be easy on her at TWTA, especially with Kelsey in hiding (uh, in France.)

Edited by Padma
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They could cast Eva Braun's corpse and still come up with 25 guys. The problem is that the guys would have to hide their disappointment they're not competing for Britt. At least TBette has a Plan B: if the guys aren't interested in the lead, they can always drink and bro-out at the mansion.


Well, Carly gives me DeAnna vibes so the guys won't even be able to do that without her melting down.

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I think they need a bachelorette that has the guys wrapped up with her, otherwise it's just not much fun to watch.

Thinking this means you totally do not understand Fleiss' MO. While I agree with you, TPTB never listen to me or my suggestions for this show. It's all about creating drahmah and crushing self-esteem and fragile woman egos. Which makes Carly perfect for b-ette. (Sorry Bugs.) I'd prefer to have actress Britt be next. She is great to look at and says what every guy wants to hear. She's the ideal woman! Men only want to hear how great they are and how PERFECT their woman thinks they are.


Even if it is a bunch of acting and lies. *bitter sarcasm* Best fake-out WINS!

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According to Reality Steve, while Britt & Chris were at their concert date, the other girls & some minions were sitting in a bar down the street, eating.  He's got photos.  So the other girls didn't actually sit alone in a hotel suite waiting for them for an hour.  They knew Britt & Chris were together for a reason, and they would be gone long enough for the rest of them to have a meal. 


Also, he said that Megan's real boyfriend back home is a singer, and Megan "wrote" part of one of his songs and claimed it as her own during the Big & Rich songwriting date.  A fan of the guy, Dakota something sent along a video of him singing the same song. 


Shenanigans abound!  *LOL*

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Great spoiler bit, leighdear. So only the editing made the waiting women look like a bunch of losers. 


Exactly my point about this show! Gotta love the editing monkeys. What a great job ... you rule the snark and get paid for it.

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I wonder how RS knows the time of the photos? In any case, the girls all looked genuinely mad about the date, whether or not someone in production told them what happened and advised them to get some food.


If Britt leaves next week after seeing the farm as reported, "because other girls here are a better match for Chris", it's kind of sad (or funny, depending on your feelings about Chris) that was exactly what he told Carly his fear was--that he wasn't good enough. Britt is the kind of woman he'd never have a relationship with outside of this show and she finally dumps him when she realizes (1) there are no overseas trips ahead, (2) she has no desire to be "Mrs. Soules of Arlington" and (3) she's a frontrunner. Even worse than Brooks, since it really does seem that she led him on (including the "nap") for her own purposes, not because she really was interested (sorry, "right reasons"). Whitney seems like a nice person (and -also- too good for him). It must be very hard to watch your current bf obviously wanting someone else more than you. (I never thought Des got over Brooks, but hopefully, since she's married to her "winner", she did.)

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If Britt DOES leave because she can't see herself living in Iowa, then I think that means that she's Here for the Right Reasons. Otherwise she could have stuck it out for a few more weeks and then in the Fantasy suite--off camera--given Chris all kinds of reasons to dump her, which would secure her place as the next Bachelorette. On the other hand, I guess she could reasonably play up her departure as so desperately There for the Right Reasons that she needs to make the heartwrenching decision that she can't continue on this Journey...but tune into her own Journey to find Love Mondays at 8:00 ET/PT after the conclusion of Dancing with the Stars...

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Oh, here's another great tidbit from RS. A letter he got that explains something interesting...


“Hi Steve! Been reading your site for many years and since I think this is my first email to you, let’s start off with thank you for the laughs and the spoilers!

I am a psychologist and thought I would mention that it’s actually impossible to faint during a panic attack (As Kelsey claims to have). During a panic attack, your sympathetic nervous system is activated and your blood pressure rises. This actually makes it impossible to faint, as fainting is caused by a drop in blood pressure.”


This really made me wonder about her education in Psychology.  Don't people at the Masters Level have to study things like Pharmacology and Physiology in case they counsel people with chemical dependencies?  I mean, we KNOW all that blather was bullshit, but still more shenanigans!. 

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Britt is in serious ugly face cry in the preview.  Why the sadness?  She is taking herself out.  I know that emotions will accompany such a decision but full frontal cry? 

Maybe it's part of her master plan to land a show on the CW opposite Daniel Di Tomosso?   Bah, she's been one long audition, and I think it's time to extend the casting call to see other prospects. 

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During a panic attack, your sympathetic nervous system is activated and your blood pressure rises. This actually makes it impossible to faint, as fainting is caused by a drop in blood pressure.”

It's quite possible Kelsey passed out from lack of oxygen at the highest-ever level at which she resides. You know, she's so high up she has to look way, way down at the miscreants on those sub-par, below-her levels. Air's gotta be thin up there.

Edited by saber5055
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it’s actually impossible to faint during a panic attack (As Kelsey claims to have). During a panic attack, your sympathetic nervous system is activated and your blood pressure rises. This actually makes it impossible to faint, as fainting is caused by a drop in blood pressure.



This! I called BS on her fainting claim in the episode thread. Even a paradox creator like Kelsey can't faint and have a panic attack at the same time.

Edited by chocolatine
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Oh, here's another great tidbit from RS. A letter he got that explains something interesting...


“Hi Steve! Been reading your site for many years and since I think this is my first email to you, let’s start off with thank you for the laughs and the spoilers!

I am a psychologist and thought I would mention that it’s actually impossible to faint during a panic attack (As Kelsey claims to have). During a panic attack, your sympathetic nervous system is activated and your blood pressure rises. This actually makes it impossible to faint, as fainting is caused by a drop in blood pressure.”


This really made me wonder about her education in Psychology.  Don't people at the Masters Level have to study things like Pharmacology and Physiology in case they counsel people with chemical dependencies?  I mean, we KNOW all that blather was bullshit, but still more shenanigans!. 

Her MA is in guidance counseling and those master's programs don't typically have such coursework (at my university that was housed within the Educational Psychology department). So she ought to have known better in the sense of not faking a panic attack, not because of any coursework.

Edited by lulee
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Thanks lulee.  I do know that even a non-science B.S. usually requires at least a basic biology class with lab. (mine did.) I know I don't remember enough from mine to have caught her physiological paradox, but I would think she would!  And nope, I'm not cutting her a single break!  *LOL*

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I was interested that she told the girls she'd "never had a panic attack before". That seems odd to me, since (if it wasn't fake, as I believe it was) the whole body reaction was so extreme and intense over, kind of, nothing. You'd think if Chris' comment triggered anxiety like that, she'd have had one some other time in her life.


I was also interested how she directed the EMT? Crew person? to "go get me the stuff in my yellow bag". What stuff? Medicine or ...? She had me curious about what she was sending for so authoritatively, esp. if this was all so unfamiliar to her.

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I was also interested how she directed the EMT? Crew person? to "go get me the stuff in my yellow bag". What stuff? Medicine or ...? She had me curious about what she was sending for so authoritatively, esp. if this was all so unfamiliar to her.



I'm pretty sure it was the EMT who was asking someone outside of the frame to get her the stuff from her yellow bag.

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Yeah, the EMT asked for the bag. And how could Kelsey have never had a panic attack before? She was more freaked out about the rose ceremony than getting news of her husbands death? Sorry, she is full of it. I've had panic attacks, that was nothing like what I've ever exerienced. Granted, maybe it's a different kind of panic attack, but still, everything about it, and her, seems totally staged.

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She was more freaked out about the rose ceremony than getting news of her husbands death?

That's exactly what I was going to say.  It should be called what it was...not a panic attack but a full-blown tantrum.

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When the paramedic asked if there was anyone they should call, and Kelsey said Chris, I immediately thought Chris HARRISON.  As somebody in charge, he jumped in my mind.  Then I realized "ahhhh, she's asking for Bachelor Chris...sneaky, lying girl". *LOL*

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I wonder how RS knows the time of the photos?

I wondered that too, but today RS said in his column that the time on the photos of the girls eating was the time Britt & Chris were on stage with Big & Rich.  So that doesn't mean Britt was just in the bathroom or out of the photo for some reason.  No shenanigans other than ditching the rest of the girls. 

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Has RS come up with Chris' ex-fiancee? I can't believe she hasn't surfaced anywhere given this age of social media. I'd love to hear her story.


I haven't seen RS really talk about the ex so if he has any info, he hasn't shared.  


He did tease that he has some scoop that he's going to release the day after the final cause if he released it now, it would cause speculation through the roof.  Or something like that. 

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He did tease that he has some scoop that he's going to release the day after the final cause if he released it now, it would cause speculation through the roof.  Or something like that.

Oh, too cool! Now I'm speculating through the roof myself. Heh.

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I think Britt stuck around just long enough to realize that, no, she wasn't going to The Maldives or Bali but, instead, was going to Iowa.



Too bad they didn't tease the ladies about going to Paris, only to take them to Paris, Texas.


If I had to bet money now, I'd probably bet on Britt for the next Bachelorette, although I wouldn't bet a whole lot.  Giving so much air time to the not-showering somewhat goes against that.  But I thought this week they set her up as being a little ganged-up on or somewhat ostracized from the group. (those terms are all relative.  IMO these ladies enjoy each other's company much more than they do Chris').


hope the extra sit-down with Kelsey even before the WTA doesn't portend her selection.  I'm hoping that's more a function of Chris being so boring that they need filler, especially for a "two night event".


I think Fleiss casts 3 or 4 potential future "Stars" and waits to see how they play out (and, of course, at a certain point, starts editing the episodes in the direction he wants the fan-zeitgeist to move.  I think the way that Britt leaves will tell the tale on whether she's the next 'Ette.

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Re the sit-down with Kelsey, has there ever been a mid-season sit-down with a contestant? Sure, we had A Very Special Jake and Vienna Break-Up and A Very Special Andi Pretends That Eric Was a Cherished Member of the Bachelor Family and That She Didn't Have a Fit and Toss Him for Calling her an Actress. But a CONTESTANT during the current season?! This is unorthodox. Why not just wait until The Women Tell All?! Is it because Kelsey is such a special snowflake or because she's going to Paris and won't be at TWTA?

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I grew up near Vienna, Ohio. Let them imagine Old World charm, music, and coffee and pastries.



The sad part is, I don't think those idiots would even know what to expect from Vienna, Austria. Meghan would probably confuse Austria with Australia.

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Note to self: don't smile at a dude in a coffee shop!


LMAO Britt's acting reminds me of the acting in those bad holiday movies. She should contact Lifetime or the Hallmark channel. She'll be perfect for those roles!


Edit: uhhhh what happened to that youtube post I responded to??

Edited by looksee
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I think RS did post information about Chris's former fiancé. I recall she had dark hair and was very pretty. My memory also says she currently runs a paddle board business. He had at least one picture of them together at some holiday celebration in Chicago (I think)

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I love the idea of taking them to places like Paris, Texas;  Vienna, Ohio and  Dublin, California. Mean? Maybe so, especially when they're stuck with such a dud of a bachelor. Even Sharleen Joynt felt sorry for them in her blog this week, noting that by this time on her (JP's) season, they'd been in Europe for a few weeks and for the 6th episode were filming in New Zealand (on the bright side, Chris seems unlikely to throw cow dung at Britt, Whitney, Jade, Carly and Kaitlyn when they visit his farm in  Arlington. But I guess you never know with this show, do you?) 

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I just read the 2/23 US magazine. There's a couple of interesting things. One is that Kaitlynn is there to further her acting career and she's not interested in Chris at all. The second is that Becca isn't that interested in Chris either, which, if Whitney is #1, makes me wonder if Chris keeps Becca because there are no sexual expectations and then Whitney wouldn't be sharing him with anyone during the Fantasy Suite scenario. There's stuff about Jade's Playboy history, too, but that's old news for those of us who read this thread.

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Not sure if I read this (here possibly) or what, but this season may not be traveling out of the country due to Chris Soules' multiple DUI's. For example, In my hubby's line of business, if a pilot gets an DUI, he can't pilot a plane into into Canada. I think I'd seen something to the effect that CS doesn't like to travel, that's one way to try to cover it up. 

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Well we know that Chris clearly has no issues flying out of the U.S. because he was originally on Andi's season where he made it to the Final 3 and by that point they'd flown to Belgium, Italy, Dominican Republic and I'm sure I'm forgetting somewhere else. 

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Ok, apparently I didn't read that about idea about Chris here, I hate I got this thread off-topic. My comment was not about airline passengers not being about to fly out of the country due to having one or more DUI's, but about pilots (and I know Chris isn't any kind of pilot) can't fly airplanes into other countries when they've been convicted of an DUI. It was an example, that's all. Dropping this train of thought now...

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I think Chris may be on a no fly list due to explosive and uncontrollable gassiness.    He always looks miserable, like he's holding a fart, or twelve.


I suspected Kaitlin was here for the wrong reasons (!!!!)    Think she's angling for the Bachelorette,  but her attitude and mouth are sinking her.


Whitney won't last with him.    She has to be the conversationalist, the one who does all the social planning, and maybe the designated driver.   However, it could work with her in a dominant role, but what's the payoff?   A schlub of a man with a couple of shekels to rub together?     She likely has a comfortable income, and a hospital is a great place to find a mate who is also in a financially comfortable position.        

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Lamb18, I saw the article too but had a slightly different interpretation :)


It seemed from the article that Chris was initially taken aback by Jade's confession, but they watched the video together and he came around, because he really liked Jade. It was his MOM who really had a problem with Jade's past.


Maybe Chris liked Whitney better than Becca and Jade all along, but I can't help but wonder if Whitney was just the only one left of the Final Four who a) was not there to promote herself (i.e. Kaitlyn), b) was into Chris (unlike Becca), c) was willing to move to Iowa, and d) got the stamp of approval from his mom (unlike Jade). Maybe I'm looking at the tea leaves wrong and Chris would pick Whitney regardless of whether she was the only one who had a check mark next to all four of those things.

Edited by archer1267
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I guess the upside of the likely temporary arrangement for Whitney could be the 15 minutes of fame, getting to travel to NY and LA and get treated like reality-grade celebrity.


I do agree that Whitney seems like she'd be carrying the relationship. So many of these Bach' relationships make me think that U2 line, "You give it all, but I want more."

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