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Just popping in to say that it looks like Vicki's daughter had her son, Owen.  Interestingly enough, her brother hasn't posted anything about it on FB.  You think he'd say a generic "congratulations" or some such.  Guess not. 


I'm so over this conversation about Heather and her dogs.  I think that Terri really called her out when he said that she wanted to donate to a rescue and then get a purebred.  I'm certain she wasn't planning on ever rescuing.  Frankly, I'm in support of responsible breeders and responsible rescue organizations.  She doesn't owe it to anyone to rescue, and as others have said, she would have been better off without even mentioning the possibility of rescuing in the first place. 

So that means that Briana's son's initials are OC.  Owen Culbertson.  Perfect.

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Rescuing is for the little people because she has money so is entitled to have whatever she wants when she wants it.

 And she wants to make sure everyone knows this. "I'm too special to have a "used" dog from a rescue or an inexpensive dog from a shelter that just anyone can obtain" seems to be her mentality. Had SHE not brought up the rescue vs breeder dog conversation no one would have though a thing about it. I doubt most people would have even know they were a type of breed rather than shelter dogs  when they showed them on the episode. To me they just loooked like cute little furballs. But Heather had to make certain that the viewers know she has SPECIAL dogs.


Didn't Vicki and Donn have a couple of purebred dogs, bulldogs maybe? No one made a contoversy out of that because Vicki didn't make it a big deal.

Edited by happykitteh
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Vicki had pugs which were in fashion and now goldendoodles are a thing. In the past week I've heard several people say that they were looking into gdoodles so its a popular dog. In fact "papered" mixes are kind of the thing to have for the last several years. I had a basset beagle pound dog that I called a bagel and for a lark I looked it up and that mix is being done by a few breeders too. Who knew.

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The thing I found interesting about dog-gate.......is once again Terry purposely made his wife look foolish on camera. What a "penis".



As far as I can see, this ability to make Heather look foolish is Terry's only redeeming quality.  ;-)

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And she wants to make sure everyone knows this. "I'm too special to have a "used" dog from a rescue or an inexpensive dog from a shelter that just anyone can obtain" seems to be her mentality. Had SHE not brought up the rescue vs breeder dog conversation no one would have though a thing about it. I doubt most people would have even know they were a type of breed rather than shelter dogs when they showed them on the episode. To me they just loooked like cute little furballs. But Heather had to make certain that the viewers know she has SPECIAL dogs.

Didn't Vicki and Donn have a couple of purebred dogs, bulldogs maybe? No one made a contoversy out of that because Vicki didn't make it a big deal.

I find this hilarious because I just realized I have a used husband ( married before 20 years ago, a starter marriage if you will) my daughter is adopted and my two dogs are rescues. I am the anti-Heather!

Edited to add I have two step children that I adore but they are also second hand. Edited by Lisin
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I find this hilarious because I just realized I have a used husband ( married before 20 years ago, a starter marriage if you will) my daughter is adopted and my two dogs are rescues. I am the anti-Heather!

Edited to add I have two step children that I adore but they are also second hand.

This gave me a good laugh, thank you for that nc socialworker.
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I'm not saying that he doesn't enjoy it.  I just think he is probably hoping that this will give her a life beyond just him.

Unfortunately, she is hell bent on living her life totally focused on David.  He tried to lay some wisdom on her during their discussion about happiness and she just was not having any of it.  I don't think she knows what will make her happy.  If everyone did everything the way she wanted them to do it, she would still be unhappy.

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Yes she would. She has nothing else to focus her energy on but David and what he is or isn't doing. If I had nothing else to do but think of all the dumb shit my husband does daily,I'd hate him to!

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The article states that David is 58. I wonder if that is correct. He's looking good in those pics. I think she looks good too, but would look better in a one piece. Though I think most women look better in a one piece. Leave the bikinis for yungins.

Eta: The woman in the black bikini in one of the pics, most definitely should switch to a one piece.

Edited by Grneyedldy
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Does she need to switch to a one piece? I wonder if she's from Europe. When I went to Jamaica most of the European women wore two pieces. Older, younger, in shape, out of shape, it didn't matter. They did not give one single solitary fuck. They were having a good time and cuddled up with their men. It was quite refreshing to see.


Read any magazine or watch any commercial in America and you would believe there's no hope for any woman to have happiness unless she's a wrinkle free size 00.


Shannon is almost 50, had 3 kids and looks fine. Hopefully this will not send her running to the surgeon's office for her season 2 appearance.

Edited by charming
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Does she need to switch to a one piece? I wonder if she's from Europe. When I went to Jamaica most of the European women wore two pieces. Older, younger, in shape, out of shape, it didn't matter. They did not give one single solitary fuck. They were having a good time and cuddled up with their men. It was quite refreshing to see.


Read any magazine or watch any commercial in America and you would believe there's no hope for any woman to have happiness unless she's a wrinkle free size 00.


Shannon is almost 50, had 3 kids and looks fine. Hopefully this will not send her running to the surgeon's office for her season 2 appearance.


She looks good but she just looks much older than her husband, IMO.   


And personally i think *most* women young and old would look better in a one piece.  A 2 piece really shows off any figure flaws you have.  And there are plenty of sexy one piece bathing suits.  So yes, I agree with the other poster -- retire the bikini.

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I live in South Florida.   Most of the overweight women I see in bikinis are the younger set, and most of them are obese or bordering on it.    The older ones tend to be slimmer and fitter.


Please, enough of the rescue dog stuff.   Heather can have the dog, or dogs, she wants.    Those who are outraged can surely adopt a dog to make up for her. 

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Chiming in late on this topic, but regarding CUT Fitness and the outrageous monthly prices, it's true. My curiosity got the best of me. The gym is two minutes from my dentist's office, so I went in there specifically to ask about personal training and received a personal tour of the place with none other than Eddie himself. (Who was extremely courteous and nice, BTW, but I assume he was trying to solicit a sale.)


Eddie said they're just now getting into personal training, which I took to mean the answer to my question was actually no, we don't do personal training yet. He seemed pretty intent on getting me to do classes instead, and threw a lot of stuff in there about how the instructors watch you carefully during class to see what you might need assistance with, so it's LIKE personal training.


Except it's not, so.


No idea if they ever got new floors, but walking on them felt exactly how Tamra described it. Wood floors with foam or something underneath, so it felt springy.


The amusing part was when he tried to sell me on indoor cycling classes and proclaimed it "his passion." I had to make the O RLY THIS IS ALL NEW INFORMATION face.

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Does she need to switch to a one piece? I wonder if she's from Europe. When I went to Jamaica most of the European women wore two pieces. Older, younger, in shape, out of shape, it didn't matter. They did not give one single solitary fuck. They were having a good time and cuddled up with their men. It was quite refreshing to see.


Read any magazine or watch any commercial in America and you would believe there's no hope for any woman to have happiness unless she's a wrinkle free size 00.


Shannon is almost 50, had 3 kids and looks fine. Hopefully this will not send her running to the surgeon's office for her season 2 appearance.


I think she looks great for any age.

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Shannon looked better in Mexico with the one piece. It made her looks slimmer. Then again, she was standing next to Vicki, so by comparison.............. At least Shannon doesn't have the old lady looking wrinkled sagging skin on her legs like Tamra who is 10 yrs younger. Or the cellulite like Vicki. I think the link/site that said David is 58 must be wrong. No way is he that old.

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Shannon has given birth to three children, and two of them were twins! Give her a break. She looks just fine. David would not look quite so studly if he had been the one to give birth to all of their children. Just sayin'.


No one tells men to cover up their big bellies on the beach. Well, not that I've heard, anyway.


No wonder women have such a hard time loving themselves and their bodies. 

Edited by jennylauren123
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Shannon has given birth to three children, and two of them were twins! Give her a break. She looks just fine. David would not look quite so studly if he had been the one to give birth to all of their children. Just sayin'.


No one tells men to cover up their big bellies on the beach. Well, not that I've heard, anyway.


No wonder women have such a hard time loving themselves and their bodies. 

Actually, lots of people do tell men to cover up their big bellies on the beach.  They just don't listen. 


I think Shannon does look great, especially if she is being honest in the fact that she doesn't work out at all. I would say she lucked out in the gene lottery pool if she can look like that at 50 with no exercise.  The fact is, however, that David looks amazing.  Shannon would look much better if she had on a one piece. Not only would it make her look slimmer, she would look younger as well.  It might suck to high heaven, but it's just the truth.  

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David looks ok. Kind of scrawny to me. I prefer a bigger guy a little more heft. Shannon looks great too. She needed a little tan and she would look fabulous. Other than a little extra skin in which any woman would have after 3 pregnancies, she is very trim. I applaud her for minimal surgery and I hope all the comments about her looking 80, don't make her more self conscious about aging gracefully because they are making me self conscious about doing so. Unfortunately, with some exceptions, men age better. They tend to improve in middle age. Especially the dorky ones from high school.


I have cellulite and sagging skin on my thighs from weight loss and I dare to go to the beach and wear a swimsuit and quite enjoy it. In fact it is my favorite vacation stretch marks, extra skin and a bikini top with a skirt bottom.

Edited by psychnurse
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Sorry -- I should not have contributed to body shaming.  But we've talked before about how Shannon has the posture and actions of a much older woman than David in addition to the problems in their marriage which is why I posted that pic.

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But we've talked before about how Shannon has the posture and actions of a much older woman than DavidBut we've talked before about how Shannon has the posture and actions of a much older woman than David



Yeah, I agree.  Plus,  I don't think her wardrobe (including the swimsuit / bikini)  doesn't her any favors.  

Add on the nag factor and yeah............. she's about 80. 

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I agree that Shannen looks good, but she would look better if she went to yoga and toned up. it would have the added benefit of making her feel better on the inside, too. She also needs a serious wardrobe makeover because she dresses like somebody's grandma.

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I actually think Shannon is pretty. It was wonderful that she was so forthcoming about her nose job, and did not stand behind the usual HW "I have had no work done" ruse.  I appreciate how open she has been about her life.  Most new HW's pretend they have a perfect life.  Compare this to Lizzie... with her lamenting about how such an intellectual brain trust such as herself, who is pretty enough to win beauty contests, is wasted being an excellent mother to her kids.  Meanwhile, her kids seem miserable and she considers getting a 100k loan from her father "as doing everything herself".   Not to mention getting irked because her mother can not move across the country to take care of her phantom "third baby".  As far as acting, she can not even claim the modest success of Heather.


Shannon has let us into her life warts and all.  Lizzie's story is just a love letter to herself about her awesomeness and totally feels disingenuous.

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I actually think Shannon is pretty. It was wonderful that she was so forthcoming about her nose job, and did not stand behind the usual HW "I have had no work done" ruse.  I appreciate how open she has been about her life.  Most new HW's pretend they have a perfect life.  Compare this to Lizzie... with her lamenting about how such an intellectual brain trust such as herself, who is pretty enough to win beauty contests, is wasted being an excellent mother to her kids.  Meanwhile, her kids seem miserable and she considers getting a 100k loan from her father "as doing everything herself".   Not to mention getting irked because her mother can not move across the country to take care of her phantom "third baby".  As far as acting, she can not even claim the modest success of Heather.


Shannon has let us into her life warts and all.  Lizzie's story is just a love letter to herself about her awesomeness and totally feels disingenuous.


I agree which is why despite her eccentricities, I can't help but really like her.  

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My post had nothing to do with how Shannon looked in her bikini (though I did post she looks good).........my post was my opinion only that I think ALL mature women look better in a one piece swimsuits. Period. Even mature women with banging bodies. If a woman feels great in a bikini at any age, weight, shape, etc......good on her.

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Sorry -- I should not have contributed to body shaming.  But we've talked before about how Shannon has the posture and actions of a much older woman than David in addition to the problems in their marriage which is why I posted that pic.

IMHO, Shannon definitely looks and acts older than 49 - and that's one fugly bikini she's wearing.

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I can't imagine a more unfit family to adopt puppies than the HiBrows. They aren't even capable of teaching their own children how to eat properly. The girls are always chewing with their mouths open, and often have so much food stuffed in their mouths that it looks ready to fall out. Yech.  The discussion of Heather wanting pedigreed dogs over rescue dogs will be a moot point in a few months when, I predict, the pedigreed dogs will become rescue dogs.


I really hope Robobaby has ended the discussion of Tamra wanting a child with Eddy. Lady, your eggs are dry and dusty. Move on.


Wow, WTF did Lizzie do with $100,000? I hope it was a gift and not a loan because her father is never going to see a nickel return on that investment. I've never seen a swimsuit line yet that didn't look like every other swimsuit line. Including Lizzie's line.

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Wow, WTF did Lizzie do with $100,000? I hope it was a gift and not a loan because her father is never going to see a nickel return on that investment. I've never seen a swimsuit line yet that didn't look like every other swimsuit line. Including Lizzie's line.


I agree, for the most part. But, I will say that I do like the bottoms. One thing that I have always hated about bikinis is the droopy ass look they get the second you get out of the water. I think she probably would have been better served to partner with a manufacturer to improve an existing line.  

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