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S10.E04: Jamaican Jailbait

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20 hours ago, kicksave said:

I would like to know why we have to go through this IVF thing with Melissa and Joe...especially Joe behind closed doors jerking off to porn...OMG! How low will Bravo go? What happened to the "I want to find my long lost sibling" storyline that Melissa was trying to pursue last season? Remember that? 

Yes omg it is DISGUSTING! 

And what did happen with the "fourth sister" or whatever?  Or, remember when she was going to be a popstar?  Joe heard her singing from another room, and he was like, "listen to mommy sing!"  All of her storylines are bullshit.

If she is not fighting with Teresa, I want her gone.

21 hours ago, kicksave said:

I agree...if you don't like throwing kids parties then go to a venue that specializes in this and let them do all the work! There are so many places like this all over the country and they are great! She really showed what a lard ass she is. That was the worst party ever...especially when she came out to the driveway with the Amazon box and threw it down and said "party favors!" good grief...

Why though?  I have 2 little boys, and all they want is: to eat pizza, eat cake, drink gatorade and run around.  She had the perfect party.  I have done the home party, and the big trampoline party and the kids enjoyed both.  Maybe she could have hired a game truck to come or something, but seriously, young boys do not GAF. 

The amazon box, I believe was filled with toys as a "gift bag," I don't think she just found an amazon box of stuff to pass out.  I usually buy gift bag stuff from amazon, and I keep it in the box until it is handed out - is that bad?

Edited by heatherchandler
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5 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

I agree.  Jackie's twins looked like they loved the party and all the other kids, with the exception of Jennifer's, were having a blast.  I appreciate that Jackie was secure enough to have a normal party for her kids on camera, instead of dropping thousands to show off how much they can go into debt.  It's kinda refreshing.  

Yup. The kids were fine, except for the few with entitlement issues. Your kid isn’t gonna be scarred for life because they didn’t have a party at a trampoline park or because mommy only had pizza, cake, non-artisanal favors and friends over for a birthday party.

As far as the kids on this show over the years, Jackie’s are the only ones who seem well adjusted. And maybe Dolores’s daughter who tapped out early on.

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18 hours ago, kicksave said:

While I agree that the over the top five figure birthday bashes for privileged children is not only ostentatious but also a pissing contest between parents, I think that Jackie could have done a little more. Come on..at least decorate with some streamers and balloons or have more than a basketball hoop to keep them entertained. As I said in another thread there are some great venues for kids parties that allow the parents to relax and let other people do the work. And they aren't pricey...my three kids went to plenty of ice skating parties, swimming pool parties, bowling parties, trampoline/gym venue parties, etc. etc...and we don't live in a multi million dollar neighborhood. Just a regular middle class town with average incomes and jobs. Jackie didn't have her heart in it.

Is it possible they did a different party off camera? For all their friends and family? And when Bravo wanted to film one, Jackie just couldn't be bothered to put up much of an effort?

Either way, all that matters is that the kids enjoyed it. Save the spoiled Aydens, it looked like they did. My oldest is 11 and he's way past the point of wanting a theme or decorations. He just wants to hang out with his friends and eat good food. 

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22 hours ago, brillia79 said:

There really was nothing wrong with the birthday party Jackie had for her kids. This is what birthday parties used to look like before parents started using them to keep up with the Joneses and everyone started stressing out over making everything Pinterest/Instagram perfect.

This is HW.  Viewers want to see lavish.  And she put like minimal effort into this.   Jackie doesn't come off as a very fun or nurturing person.  She's humorless and rigid - her own parents have to call before they can drop by???  The others are right - she gets easily offended and takes herself too serious.  She blew the IG impersonation way out of proportion.   And she kept harping about what Frank said - which just proves his point.

Edited by escape
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30 minutes ago, escape said:

This is HW.  Viewers want to see lavish.  And she put like minimal effort into this.   Jackie doesn't come off as a very fun or nurturing person.  She's humorless and rigid - her own parents have to call before they can drop by???  The others are right - she gets easily offended and takes herself too serious.  She blew the IG impersonation way out of proportion.   And she kept harping about what Frank said - which just proves his point.

And viewers got lavish: Melissa just had a 40th birthday party and this episode had everyone going to Jamaica.

Everyone on this show gets easily offended, and their displays of joy are fake as fuck:

Tre has a hair trigger violent temper and holds grudges for decades. She’s been pissed ever since her brother didn’t marry someone she hand picked for him. She also instigated the whole Jennifer mocking Jackie thing as payback for Jackie calling her out on her ridiculous “wives control the husbands” commentary.

Dolores was offended by Margaret on behalf of Soggy Flicker. She’s so empty, she doesn’t have a stand-alone reason to be offended.

Siggy... spent an entire season being offended about a cake, being called Soggy Flicker, and tried to launch that whole “Margaret is an antisemite” campaign.

Jennifer: Still offended at that article Jackie wrote. An article where she complimented Jennifer’s kids.

It isn’t just Jackie. The problem is, none of these ladies has any self awareness. The flaws they see in others are their very own.

Frank doesn’t seem to respect “females.” Not lawyers, wives or mistresses.

Edited by brillia79
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Yeah, seeing Joe's sperm made me insecure about my intelligence. Thanks for fucking with me head Bravo. Don't do that again. No one likes Joe. He's a total douche. He's short and dumb. Keep him off of the screen. Thanks.

Jackie is such a bitch. She thinks she is so much better than everyone, and she doesn't come off as smart as she thinks she does. Marge is the same way, she's a total snob and is putting up with the likes of Teresa to keep her job, but she can only hold it in so long. Marge is broke as well. SO much.

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The kids looked happy at the party.  It wasn't about the parents or cameras.    This wasn't even a special birthday, was it?  It wasn't a sweet sixteen,  or a five year old, or even a thirteen year old  becoming a teen  party.  Do people really have big parties every year for their kids?  I should have married George Clooney.  He once said that his idea of a party was playing basketball and just hanging with his friends.   Sounds like most men I know...lol.   Props to Jackie for doing her own thing.   

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7 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

And what did happen with the "fourth sister" or whatever?  Or, remember when she was going to be a popstar?  Joe heard her singing from another room, and he was like, "listen to mommy sing!"  All of her storylines are bullshit.

If she is not fighting with Teresa, I want her gone.

2 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

No one likes Joe. He's a total douche. He's short and dumb. Keep him off of the screen. Thanks.

Wow, you all nailed my feelings about Melissa and her husband! They manage to embody everything that's wrong with society. 

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How old did the boys turn?  11?  It is entirely possible that they said that they wanted to play basketball, have cake and pizza with their friends.  And that is fine.

What Jackie failed to do was consider her full audience.  Put out a table and chairs for other guests, consider that there may be kids that don't want to do basketball and offer other options.  As far as the goodie bags and the table cloth, okay, yes, it was a bit underwhelming, but I say that as a person who puts takeout chinese on the table in real serving dishes instead of takeout containers, so I might have a bit of a higher bar for presentation than some.

I do agree that there is a bit of reverse snobbery going on.  She really has no idea what it is like to raise kids and work a 9-5 job, day after day, and have a modest birthday party because to you that modest party IS special.  She is saying all the right things on paper, but I firmly believe that if the boys said they wanted to go to Mexico for the weekend for their birthday, for example, they would go to Mexico.  

That said it is clear she is odd man out this season and that she is very uncomfortable.  To me, her extreme control of her food intake on that trip is to compensate for feeling out of control, out of the inner circle, and out of touch with the others.  So instead she controls her food.  People with eating disorders battle those issues forever and will have tough periods.  I suspect we are seeing Jackie in a bit of a rocky time.  I've long said that I bet Jackie was queen bee in her local circle, and I bet she assumed that's what would happen on the show, especially considering that she is close to Melissa.  But it isn't happening that way this season and I suspect it has thrown her off and she is just trying to feel in control.  

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22 hours ago, brillia79 said:

The only kids I saw complaining were Jennifer’s kids, who were being rude. The other kids were playing and having a good time. Was more heart needed? For who?

Throwing the unopened box of favors on the driveway was tacky. Nuff said.

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15 hours ago, Higgins said:

I don't think 11 year old boys care about streamers.

Probably not, but a little celebratory decorating from someone who prances around in Gucci and Chanel duds wouldn't have been so outrageous. 

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12 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Yes omg it is DISGUSTING! 

And what did happen with the "fourth sister" or whatever?  Or, remember when she was going to be a popstar?  Joe heard her singing from another room, and he was like, "listen to mommy sing!"  All of her storylines are bullshit.

If she is not fighting with Teresa, I want her gone.

Why though?  I have 2 little boys, and all they want is: to eat pizza, eat cake, drink gatorade and run around.  She had the perfect party.  I have done the home party, and the big trampoline party and the kids enjoyed both.  Maybe she could have hired a game truck to come or something, but seriously, young boys do not GAF. 

The amazon box, I believe was filled with toys as a "gift bag," I don't think she just found an amazon box of stuff to pass out.  I usually buy gift bag stuff from amazon, and I keep it in the box until it is handed out - is that bad?

The way she threw it down on the ground and yelled "favors" just seemed lard assy to me...I have two boys that went to a lot of parties growing up...most of them when they were younger at peoples homes. Nothing elaborate, just playing games and doing kid stuff...but most of the moms and dads seemed like they really enjoyed throwing them...Jackie seemed like it was a drag for her to do it at all...am I the only one that sensed her boredom?

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10 hours ago, escape said:

This is HW.  Viewers want to see lavish.  And she put like minimal effort into this.   Jackie doesn't come off as a very fun or nurturing person.  She's humorless and rigid - her own parents have to call before they can drop by???  The others are right - she gets easily offended and takes herself too serious.  She blew the IG impersonation way out of proportion.   And she kept harping about what Frank said - which just proves his point.

That was my point...Jackie seems very self involved and self absorbed. I've been attacked on here by people that are very defensive about the kids party Jackie threw. I am not saying that the party itself was bad or cheap or anything like that...I just felt she didn't care. She seemed ambivalent about it. That's all...

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2 minutes ago, kicksave said:

The way she threw it down on the ground and yelled "favors" just seemed lard assy to me...I have two boys that went to a lot of parties growing up...most of them when they were younger at peoples homes. Nothing elaborate, just playing games and doing kid stuff...but most of the moms and dads seemed like they really enjoyed throwing them...Jackie seemed like it was a drag for her to do it at all...am I the only one that sensed her boredom?

Do you have boys?  I only ask because as much as I love mine, and I of course want them to be happy, I enjoy NO PART of their parties.  I’m usually thoroughly exhausted  and counting down the minutes by the end.  Boys, in groups are a LOT!  

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29 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Do you have boys?  I only ask because as much as I love mine, and I of course want them to be happy, I enjoy NO PART of their parties.  I’m usually thoroughly exhausted  and counting down the minutes by the end.  Boys, in groups are a LOT!  

I have two boys, a girl and a grandson...I had many parties for all of my kids when they were growing up...after the age nine, I didn't have them at the house anymore. The boy parties were exhausting. Their energy level, even for an outdoor party, could be overwhelming. From 10 until 13 I would rent a bowling lane or two and have parties there, or rent a private room for the pizza and cake at a skating rink. Summer birthdays would be smaller pool parties at our neighborhood pool and we would bring pizza and cake there also. My daughter had some small slumber parties with three or four girls and/or trampoline/gym place parties. Girls were easier to wrangle up and generally not as hyper! And yes...in my experience, boys, in groups, are wild! Glad those days are behind me now.

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My thought was Jackie purposely made the party underwhelming to make a point to the plastic surgery lady that she didn't care about parties and to sort of stand her ground and well, be stubborn. She seems petty and dog headed about making her point that she isn't impressed by Jennifer's showy wealth. She's also probably pretty intimidated by Jennifer who has more money than her. Jackie seems like someone that always wants to be the queen bee in her friend circle and have the best life in comparison to others. She also thinks she is smarter than everyone, and to be honest, I don't think she's really demonstrated that. 

She doesn't seem very nice and really really into herself. 

Edited by bravofan27
had to add more stuff that bugs me bout Jackie
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Delores is right, Jackie needs to lighten up.  Everything with her IS so serious and personal.  And she just proved Frank right about her, too.  She does have to have the last word and she does have to be “right.”  I feel like she is such a grumpy cat this season, all of her scenes circle back to Teresa, even when Teresa isn’t present.  Why is that???  Keep her name out of your mouth like you said you would, but nope.  

I’m coming around to Jennifer this season (so far).  I can’t explain it, but she seems a lot lighter and less pretentious, she actually has made me laugh a few times.  I don’t mind her kids, though, either.  I think they may be a little dramatic at times, but they don’t seem horrible.  I did feel bad for the little girl who wanted to go inside the house at the party.  I don’t blame her!  I wouldn’t have wanted to stand out on the black top driveway in the blaring sun watching boys play basketball, either.  Plus, she was wearing a party dress.  So let her go in and play dolls or whatever.  What’s the big deal?  I don’t even mind her husband that much this season.  I would have never thought this based on them last year.  I could not stand her after the OK trip.

Yay, no Beverly!  

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On 11/29/2019 at 11:38 AM, escape said:

This is HW.  Viewers want to see lavish.  And she put like minimal effort into this.   Jackie doesn't come off as a very fun or nurturing person.  She's humorless and rigid - her own parents have to call before they can drop by???  The others are right - she gets easily offended and takes herself too serious.  She blew the IG impersonation way out of proportion.   And she kept harping about what Frank said - which just proves his point.

My mom is my best friend, but she better call before she comes by. I don't do unexpected visits. Jesus, himself, would have to give my a head's up. 

The video I'm in the middle on. I would be offended if someone I'm having play dates with did that to me. But it was more about her audience. Jennifer was totally using poking fun at Jackie to get in good with Teresa. If she had just done the impression to Margaret it would have been different. But Jennifer knows that Teresa can't stand Jackie. THAT was the part that would bother me. I do think Jackie went on about it for too long, but I also think she was just wanting a simple acknowledgement and apology from Jennifer. 

But ya, the Frank thing - I agree. That comment was totally benign. And Dolores had no obligation to jump to Jackie's defense. 

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6 hours ago, Hiyo said:

Jackie and Jennifer are both assholes, so it is kinda hard for me to pick a side.

Jackie and Jennifer bring out the worst in each other. By trying to show the other one up, they are both showing their true selves. There is no side to take, IMO. 

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3 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

I don't think it is terrible to want even your parents to give you a heads up before coming by.  It is not a fault, it is a preference.  I'm the same way.  I would like to make sure everybody is fully dressed (ex. Not have mr.walsh laying in his boxers and a tshirt watching football) and the house at least moderately presentable.  Some people are not naturally neat and so that means - and yes, even with your own parents- that you want a bit of leeway before anybody comes into your home, rather an an always open door.  To me that's just an issue of respect of ones home life, not a lack of closeness of family.  Dolores was incredibly bitchy this episode and her trying to flip it to something wrong or different about Jackie wasn't cutting it.  She should have just owned her shit.  

My mom wants me to give her a heads up that I'm coming by. She would get upset if I just showed up and yell at me for not calling first. I also don't get along with my mom and I'm always upset by how cold and uncaring she is. 

Anyhoo, I sort of am feeling that Jackie's MO this season is to show her superiority by countering everything the women do. Doroles has an open house that everyone is welcome to come by-- she will greet with open arms. Jackie has to say the opposite. Jennifer gets lipo to lose weight. Jackie has to show her that she loses weight by controlling her food and not eating. Jennifer has a lavish home and buys tons of shit for her kids. Jackie has to write an article mocking her a bit and labeling her kids as spoiled. Jackie also has to show as little interest in parties as possible, and prove that as long as the kids are having fun presentation doesn't matter. Her throwing the party favors on the sidewalk and then insisting that that kids only care with the favor is, is well, wrong. The kids are smart enough to know they are picking someone out of a box and it's not that exciting. They put the Happy Meal toy in a gifty/ kid friendly bag for a reason.

She's purposely being difficult. I think if Dolores said that she was making her parents call before coming now, Jackie would say, "Oh, well, I just started asking my parents to surprise us, and we love it!"

I am beyond thrilled she is not my mom. I'd definitely have issues with someone that I have to constantly compete with. 

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3 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I didn't see anyone mention the shade Jennifer threw at Tre! When talking about Marge's "she likes them 21" comment, she said, "..and then I was like, 'Maybe it went over Teresa's head,' 'cause you know that happens." 

Oh yeah, good catch!  This is why I have liked Jen--because she says what's on her mind.  Now...let's see her say something like that to Teresa's face!  it doesn't have to be rude; just tell her what time it is (and, also, literally tell her what time it is, because she might not know).

What I found interesting about that scene was Teresa's non-reaction.  This is her MO.  She has a delayed reaction to being angry.  After Margaret said "21" and "jailbait," Teresa immediately just said, "wus that suppose ta mean?" in response, and then she let it drop for the moment--but it's totally coming up again.


Previews for next episode show Teresa vs Margaret, Dolores vs Jackie

I dunno--sometimes it takes me a long time--and by a long time, I mean seconds, but seconds can be very long in a social setting--whether I'm going to let something slide or take umbrage with it, but I don't feel like Teresa is coming from a place of keeping the peace vs standing up for herself.  Instead, she's just lets her army lather her up.  She's been like that since season one, when Danielle told Juicy not to call the dance instructor "gay," and Teresa was all slack-jawed, saying "wut did dat bitch just say?," but not really mounting an offense, because she knew Caroline and Dina would fight her battles for her.

I have a simple rule that I live by: I won't fight your battles harder than you fight them.  It eliminates so much bullshit in my life.

Of course the worst foot soldier of them all--Melissa--had to give Margaret a full dressing-down on camera, which I found appalling. It's one thing to kind of elbow your friend and say "girl!" But Melissa took Margaret aside and told her that Margaret shouldn't drink, and that her comment was out of line like three separate times. 

Hunnuh, that remark was "Classic Marge," not drunken Marge, and Melissa has no room to tell anyone how to drink (which she did twice this episode) after the ass she made of herself at her 40th birthday, which was just last episode.

If Teresa didn't have her words at the moment...oh well. Let her fight her own battles. You can support her, but it's her fight.  No one was talking behind Teresa's back.  She had every opportunity to say what she wanted to say.  She shouldn't need handlers, my God.  

Melissa isn't doing this defense of Teresa out of the kindness of her heart.  She was on the chopping block for worst room at the resort, and she survived, because she does Teresa's dirty work like this.

If Melissa is the worst foot-soldier because she's only in it for personal gain, Dolores is close on Melissa's heals for being worst.  Teresa loves Dolores because Dolores finishes Teresa's sentences for her?!?  What grown person needs help finishing their sentences?!?!?!  It begs the question, how is Teresa doing on the fork and knife front? She tying her shoestrings alright?

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18 hours ago, kicksave said:

Throwing the unopened box of favors on the driveway was tacky. Nuff said.

So is throwing lavish parties for your kids when you’ve committed bankruptcy fraud. Or flashing a money clip to impress others at a kids birthday party. Or pretending you threw a lavish vacation, knowing Bravo footed the bill.

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19 hours ago, kicksave said:

The way she threw it down on the ground and yelled "favors" just seemed lard assy to me...I have two boys that went to a lot of parties growing up...most of them when they were younger at peoples homes. Nothing elaborate, just playing games and doing kid stuff...but most of the moms and dads seemed like they really enjoyed throwing them...Jackie seemed like it was a drag for her to do it at all...am I the only one that sensed her boredom?

She was so over the top in her “anti” party that it was RUDE.  Let me just throw this box on the ground and let them have at it.  It’s not just tacky it’s rude behavior. For all the pearl clutching over Jennifer’s son and his cash (which he flashed at home, not at the party.  The money did not leave his parents house. Sure he was being an obnoxious show off, but some kids just are.  My son sure knows how to push my buttons in front of company at times), I would be just as appalled if one of Jackie’s kids threw anything down like that and said “have at it.”  Neither is appropriate behavior, both are bad manners.  

I guess I’m weird, tho.  I love making my kids bday all about him, and making him feel super special.  These elementary school years go way too fast, I’m trying to enjoy every minute of it because you can’t get it back.   😢

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11 hours ago, Hiyo said:

Jackie and Jennifer are both assholes, so it is kinda hard for me to pick a side.

It's so true. But, Jackie is such a fucking drag, that I end up picking a side. I can't imagine having to spend an hour with her.

I do think there is some acting going on with that whole bday party thing. Also, I'd be really grossed out by someone doing what she did with those party favors. It's bad to teach your kids to expect lavish parties all the time (especially if you can't afford them), but it's also bad to teach them to treat things you paid for like trash. And, maybe teach them to want to give the people who came to their parties something nice instead of acting like they're cattle at a feeding trough? Honestly, I can't fucking stand this bitch. She seems completely full of it, to me.

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4 hours ago, brillia79 said:

So is throwing lavish parties for your kids when you’ve committed bankruptcy fraud. Or flashing a money clip to impress others at a kids birthday party. Or pretending you threw a lavish vacation, knowing Bravo footed the bill.

You're right...they're all tacky.

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2 hours ago, geauxaway said:

I would be just as appalled if one of Jackie’s kids threw anything down like that and said “have at it.”  Neither is appropriate behavior, both are bad manners.  

But Jackie’s kids didn’t do that. Jennifer’s kid did flash his money clip. It was in poor taste.

Jackie’s getting the “bitch eating crackers” treatment. People don’t like her so everything she does is automatically the worst kind of wrong. We have no indication that her sons didn’t feel special at their party or that she’s “reverse-partyist” for not using stolen money to pay for a Super Sweet 11th party.

We’ve got parents teaching their kids that it’s ok to steal from people and that when caught, they are the real victims. We’ve got an overindulgent mom who teaches her kids that they can buy friends, and that money/gifts replace quality time. Jackie dropping an Amazon box on the ground doesn’t even rank in the Top 10 Parenting Fails on this show. The Giudices and Aydens are cleaning up in that category. Jackie’s kids won’t become serial killers because mommy doesn’t love them enough to handcraft gift bags, order a 4 tiered basketball cake, and rent out a venue to host a party. Like her house isn’t nicer than the pink eye infested party room at Chuck E. Cheese. 

At the end of the day, Jackie’s kids aren’t behaving like brats on tv, and her boundaries work for her family. No one else on this show can say the same. Maybe if some of the other cast mates established healthy boundaries, we wouldn’t see so many poorly behaved kids who are overly involved in their parents drama.

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14 hours ago, geauxaway said:

 I love making my kids bday all about him, and making him feel super special.  These elementary school years go way too fast, I’m trying to enjoy every minute of it because you can’t get it back.

When my son turned 5 I had pony rides at my house, today (he is 30) he is quite the horseman and rides very well...I'd like to think I had some sort of influence on his love of horses, elementary years are impressionable.  The bowling parties did nothing to spur a career in bowling and I am ok with that, lol.

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So Delores has no problem with Jennifer outing her at the table with the comment she made about Jackie? What kind of a friend is Jennifer and what the hell Delores? She wouldn't let Melissa get away with that. Also, Tre had no reaction to Marge's "21" comment? New Jersey you are slipping! That was some good shit stirring there gone to waste.                               

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On 11/29/2019 at 10:13 PM, heatherchandler said:

Do you have boys?  I only ask because as much as I love mine, and I of course want them to be happy, I enjoy NO PART of their parties.  I’m usually thoroughly exhausted  and counting down the minutes by the end.  Boys, in groups are a LOT!  

Exactly! I have 2 boys that I love more than anything in the world, and I absolutely hated throwing birthday parties for them. I did it every single year, and everyone had a great time. But, I did not enjoy them and was beyond relieved when it was all over. And I put on a good show so am sure my kids had no idea how I felt (and I'm sure they could not have cared less!). 

Kids just want to have fun with their friends, eat, and get lots of presents. They don't care if mom and dad are "having fun" throwing them parties.

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On 11/27/2019 at 9:45 PM, Dance4Life said:

When Marge and Jackie showed up to Rum Tasting they looked like road kill!

hahahahahaa!  WTF...were they wearing?

Melissa looks fab as usual.

Omg!  How dreamy was Marge’s property!  It was like a secret garden. 

SOLD!!!!  Oh wait....Jersey.......ya say....never mind.  

Marge went in  her friggin slip!

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1 hour ago, msrachelj said:

Marge went in  her friggin slip!

She looked SO rough when they went out. Not only did her dress look like an undergarment, it was not a flattering fit at all. And her hair was a hot mess.

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7 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

She looked SO rough when they went out. Not only did her dress look like an undergarment, it was not a flattering fit at all. And her hair was a hot mess.

She’s looking kind of old and rough around the edges.  I like her a lot but she doesn’t really fit in with this gang.  Dragging her elderly mom around doesn’t help her cause.

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I have girls, not boys, and I don't think they've had a single birthday party that I've enjoyed at all. It's for them and their friends as far as I'm concerned. I mostly can't wait for it to be over. Thankfully, we're moving out of that stage. All that said, I do try to make sure that there are accommodations and food and drink for the adults. It's not like they want to be there either - they're doing it for their kids and for mine and I'm grateful that they brought their kids to help mine celebrate.

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She is in her early 50s.  The other HWs are in their 40s.  

She would probably look better if she didn't fry her hair, lightened up on the makeup and dressed a bit better for her body.  She falls into the "just because it is trendy, it doesn't mean it looks good on everybody" camp.  

A dumb question.  We are seeing Jennifer slim down this season and get some plastic surgery.  From her husband.  Isn't that considered a big no-no in the medical world?  

Jackie posted a thanksgiving family photo on her instagram - which is beautiful - but she is looking REALLY thin.  Maybe it is just the angle?  With the focus on the rigidity of her life this past episode it kind of concerns me.  There has definitely been a weight loss since season 1.  Or maybe I'm just crazy.  

Edited by BrindaWalsh
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On 11/30/2019 at 4:29 PM, brillia79 said:

So is throwing lavish parties for your kids when you’ve committed bankruptcy fraud. Or flashing a money clip to impress others at a kids birthday party. Or pretending you threw a lavish vacation, knowing Bravo footed the bill.

Both of these can be gross at the same time.

The way Jackie brought it up repearedly showed, to me, that she made such a point of it for a reason; which was the same reason, at its core, as to why the other women do their over-the-top monstrous parties: to show everyone else she was better than them. The outward expression may be different, but the motivation? It's the same.

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On 11/27/2019 at 9:55 PM, ichbin said:

Add Marge and growing up with Marge, Sr. to that mix and the answer is the same for all...they need a storyline.

Considering Jenn's daughter said something about wanting to go in and see Jennifer's house, it would appear so.  


I guess people will see the party different.  I think this depends on your kids’ friends and their parties.  If all the kids have parties like this....then I guess it is cool.

But, if your kids are always attending well organized parties (whether normal or lavish) and then it is your turn to throw a birthday party for the same guests.....I guess the same standards are expected.

Last season, Jennifer’s daughter was acting very materialistic and manipulative. Jennifer thought it was really cute, made her look like an awesome mom  and filmed a bunch of scenes with her.

I wonder if it all went to her daughter’s  head and she started acting like a Diva around her own friends. Jennifer is not teaching her any boundaries. 

I know the Giudice girls were portrayed this way, but sisters are built-in friends. At least they have each other.

I say this because I noticed that Jennifer is copying Teresa’s housewife character and she is starting from season 1.  Motherly, feisty with the other housewives, and new money bragger.

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I agree that Jackie is making a point about her no frills party.  I totally get the old school b-day party, I've done a few for my kids.  BUT, if parents are staying, I would have sent up a tent for them so they're not out in the blazing sun, had some soft drinks and snacky foods for them.  Having them just stand in the hot sun and not letting/encouraging/inviting them inside is ridiculous and rude.   

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On 11/27/2019 at 9:03 PM, TexasGal said:

And, she may not get mad immediately but she’ll stew on it, explode and then never let it go.  

Or at least "spew on it," as Melissa said.  Ah, the median IQ on this show... 

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17 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

Jackie posted a thanksgiving family photo on her instagram - which is beautiful - but she is looking REALLY thin.  Maybe it is just the angle?  With the focus on the rigidity of her life this past episode it kind of concerns me.  There has definitely been a weight loss since season 1.  Or maybe I'm just crazy.  

All the talking head comments about her eating habits (or lack thereof) seemed to be foreshadowing some kind of story along these lines.  But, then she ruined it by eating dinner just fine. 

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per the party NONE of the kids seemed to be having less of a good time because of some missing streamers or bags full of crap instead of getting it out of the box... at the end of the day as long as the kids who the party was for were having fun with their friends who cares 

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On ‎11‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 4:08 PM, bravofan27 said:

My mom wants me to give her a heads up that I'm coming by. She would get upset if I just showed up and yell at me for not calling first. I also don't get along with my mom and I'm always upset by how cold and uncaring she is. 

Anyhoo, I sort of am feeling that Jackie's MO this season is to show her superiority by countering everything the women do. Doroles has an open house that everyone is welcome to come by-- she will greet with open arms. Jackie has to say the opposite. Jennifer gets lipo to lose weight. Jackie has to show her that she loses weight by controlling her food and not eating. Jennifer has a lavish home and buys tons of shit for her kids. Jackie has to write an article mocking her a bit and labeling her kids as spoiled. Jackie also has to show as little interest in parties as possible, and prove that as long as the kids are having fun presentation doesn't matter. Her throwing the party favors on the sidewalk and then insisting that that kids only care with the favor is, is well, wrong. The kids are smart enough to know they are picking someone out of a box and it's not that exciting. They put the Happy Meal toy in a gifty/ kid friendly bag for a reason.

She's purposely being difficult. I think if Dolores said that she was making her parents call before coming now, Jackie would say, "Oh, well, I just started asking my parents to surprise us, and we love it!"

I am beyond thrilled she is not my mom. I'd definitely have issues with someone that I have to constantly compete with. 

Kids are spoiled now. Geez...somehow we survived very little parental interference. In fact often there was a family only party for me. I never felt neglected or unloved.

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OMG.  Such discussion over a birthday party.

First of all, Jackie did not fling or throw the Amazon box with the party favors.  She walked out with it and dropped it down.  I highly doubt there was anything breakable in it.  And Mel kidded around imitated her doing it.  She didn't fling or throw it.  WTF is the big deal?  Heck, I've dropped a big box a time or two instead of carefully bending down and placing it on the ground. 

If Jackie's boys love playing basketball and baseball at their house, why is it wrong for them to have that as a theme for their birthday?

If the parents want to sit down, Jackie did do a set up for the parents inside in the kitchen.  And there probably was outdoor furniture in the back.  These kids are old enough to not have their parents supervise them personally.

Birthday parties are about the person whose birthday it is.  The kids who attended seemed to have a great time.  Well, except for Jenn and her kids.  But let's face it.  They're hard to please and more about being impressed and impressing others.  Nuff said.

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