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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Liked the scenes between Elizabeth and Finn, two mature adults talking through the raising of their children and the melding of their families.  It would be nice if the show would remember that she is the biological tie to the founding family, and allow her a stable relationship.  Liked the scenes with Alexis and Danny as well.

Carly/Drew and Carly/Jason require the same amount of fast-forwarding, so I don't much care where it goes.  

Overall, I can feel the change in the air, as the characters acquire depth to their relationships, and the interactions are more varied and interesting.  Not sure we've seen any particular personal growth for any of the characters yet, but I hope it is coming.  It feels a lot like the difference between the writers seeing them as people and seeing them as caricatures. 

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18 minutes ago, Grinaldi said:

I buy that Carly would reject any notion of Jason trying to kill Sonny or Dante. Finding it interesting that they are writing Sonny as more willing to consider it.

When Sonny is threatened, insecure or off his meds (all of which I suspect he is atm - I can't remember if Ava actively hid his pills or not in 2014, but he was off them) he's been there before with Jason. There's also the lingering Carly issue from just before Greece. Guza came close to stuff like this near the end of his run when Sonny was clearly falling out of favor for him, but he never pushed it over the edge. I don't think Sonny and Jason will come to major blows here either (and I would need a lot more, or serious indications he is off his meds and really unstable to buy it from Sonny) but I'd love to see it. Everyone knows Jason has always been the power in that organization.

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47 minutes ago, Artsda said:

So we see Danny because he's Jason's son. He gets to escape to see Dante but not Rocco?

Carly of course didn't seem to care about Sonny being at the hospital for 2 bullets in his son.  Defend and coddling if Jason always priority. 

A) The writers are showing that criminal Jason's son is so attached to father figure/police officer Dante that he snuck out to check up on him. You know that Danny will somehow find out that his dad was there when Dante got shot. B) Rocco told Grandma Laura he wanted to stay at the Q mansion to be a support for Scout because that's what his dad would want. Also, last week Jake just insinuated to Danny that he's a bad big brother for vaping during Scout's birthday party. Getting away to the hospital is temporarily 'escaping the guilt.'

Carly knows that Sonny shot Dante years ago and she's never really cared for Dante because he A) replaced Michael as Sonny's first child and B) she blamed (well-intentioned) Dante for young Michael going to prison, where he was raped. She tracked down Brooklyn Ashton/Quartermaine (the OG actress) to seduce Dante and destroy the Lante relationship because she considered both Dante and Lulu to be traitors to the family. Ironically, Dante and BL ended up as step siblings. Olivia should think her "good friend" Carly is trash because she knows that history. 

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I think the whole water under the bridge mentality that infects so many characters today (like Carly and Olivia) really began with FV and RC in 2012, when Sam and Carly and then Liz began making up, etc.

I can buy it to a point with maturity, time and losses - I could see Sam and Carly finding common cause after losing Jason that same year. They'd been doing the same dance for almost a decade. And I can see Olivia and Carly eventually calling it even given that whole endless drama and what all parties did to each other. But when Carly and Liz and Sam are all super friendly today (to say nothing of Ava's inexplicable relationships with Carly or Nina, or Olivia giving Ava the time of day - Ava murdered her cousin) it all becomes too same-y after a certain point.

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I'm still not over Carly stealing that picture when Liz was burning her family photos and Liz later being grateful to Carly for doing it. There are characters I can buy Liz thanking - her sons, Laura, Kevin, Finn, even Nik - but Carly is not one of them. 

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I'm a sucker for old enemies teaming up or putting differences aside for the common good (Dorian being there when Viki was sick, a dying Margo asking Emily to watch over her children, etc) but I agree a lot of folks in PC have been way too chummy of late. Except when it comes to Nina of course. And those moments lose their power when the only interactions say Liz and Carly have are them being ther for each other over Bobbie or Cam and Joss. They need to be sniping at each other the rest of the time to make those moments land.

Hopefully we are headed for a rift with Ava and Nina. In that case I would love to see Carly and Nina team up against Ava and then go back to hating each other.

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I have never bought T.J. Version IDK let alone Cyborg Jordan, and today is no exception. Tajh Bellow is a decent actor but it is too late for me to care about this character again. And Jordan, who I've never had much use for, cannot vanish fast enough for me with this terrible actress. Both of them can dip, along with Molly and Sasha and many others. Anything that writes this crew out works for me.

My boy Jake's latest hairstyle needs work, but at least he isn't rocking the Jason Morgan 'do anymore. I liked the brownstone set detail in the background across the street outside Liz's entryway, it at least makes you a bit more inclined to believe this set which bears almost no resemblance really is Thee Brownstone like they expect us to. Jake looks as enthused at Michael Easton appearing on the scene as I am at this point. But the scenes with that group were mature and nice enough at least.

I love the various adults mixing it up with different kids and how they're carefully re-threading the family/friend relationships in ways this show just generally has not bothered with - Carly, Alexis and Liz with Danny, even Easton with Jake is all smart stuff other people wouldn't think of. They did the same at Scout's party with Alexis and Drew, Jason's boys with Kristina and Blaze and Willow, etc. As I said before they've already taken pains to start delineating Danny and Rocco as different personalities, which is huge and something this show almost never does anymore. The kid playing Danny is green but has some presence, he's not a walking nightmare like that twink who played Oscar. Hudson West is still the only younger player who comes anywhere close to Kimberly or JJ to me, but his material is not as strong as the other boys atm. Regardless there's no time like the present with this stuff, and it's intelligently done and adds community texture. And we've all discussed how nice it is to see Anna competent and knowing exactly where Jason would go.

Kirsten Storms is having a good time being here for the first time in a long while, and for the first time in a long while I'm feeling the same watching her. The Spixie stuff is consistently fun to watch for me, which is a weird thing to say as someone who stopped being able to tolerate them around 2010.

They are never going to convince me milquetoast Sasha is the Face of Deception, especially not when she keeps turning up in this 1996 Harriet the Spy minidress ensemble.

Starting to think again this is tied into the WSB and/or government. That two-man team on the roof didn't seem like the mob, and why would Jason not just come in when Anna asked? And no, I didn't see anything in the dialogue suggesting Anna prioritizing Carly and Jason re: the bridge vs. Robin. She doesn't even mention Carly in connection to the bridge, just Robin and Stone. The one thing I don't buy is Sonny turning on Jason this fast, not unless he's off his meds as I mentioned or still harboring resentment re: Jason/Carly 2021, or preferably both.

Edited by jsbt
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11 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Maybe the show's writers were trying to downplay the relationship, but I think her line really demonstrated that she only ever heard about - never witnessed - Robin and Jason's relationship. She has, in fact, been mostly an absentee mother to Robin for most of Robin's life. Not to mention that John/Jagger just called her out a few episodes ago for how she has handled herself with Jason's former boss/best bud due to guilt over not being there for Robin. She may also be concerned that John/Jagger would have disdain for Robin's long ago romantic feelings for Jason the criminal.

@GHScorpiosRule I think of Elizabeth as Jason's second love.  They had phenomenal chemistry, and she was not inherently connected to his Sonny/ S&C caretaker life as his ex-wives have been. As far as I know, defending Elizabeth was the only time he ever screamed at Carly to shut up. 

Anna wasn't absent for most of Robin's life--she raised her until Robin was a teenager and then Anna had amnesia from the explosion Faison set.  Anna regained her memories when Robin was in college and then they were close again.  So maybe Anna was gone for about five years?  

That being said, I think Anna deliberately downplayed Robin and Jason's connection because she simply didn't want Cates to know.  He already blames Robin for Sonny's acceptance has Port Charles' godfather,  he'd lose his mind if he knew Jason and Robin loved each other.  

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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11 hours ago, Mirabelle said:

and I couldn't tell if he was in pain or if he needed to really use the bathroom. 

Both.  Being constipated is painful stuff!!


10 hours ago, Sake614 said:

And didn’t Sam fall off that bridge and land in the dirt? Where she proceeded to give birth through her pants?

Same set, but apparently a different bridge.  That birth will never not be funny.  


10 hours ago, Desperado said:

Not sure who will help him at the boathouse but hope it’ll be someone that will make it fun.

The only possibilities are Danny (out for a vape) or Willow/kids.  i'm putting money on Danny.  

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We all know Soap World is weird and incestuous, but this is a little like knowing water is going to be cold and still being jolted when you immerse yourself in it. While watching one of the most recent episodes, following Dante's shooting, I was sitting there thinking about how many of Sonny's baby mamas were in the episode, most of them hanging out at the hospital, and how many of them got hugs from him.   

The scorecard:  

  • Ava: Baby mama, at the hospital, got a hug. 
  • Olivia: Baby mama, at the hospital, got a hug. 
  • Sam: Baby mama (stillborn), at the hospital, got a hug.  
  • Alexis: Baby mama, at the hospital, did not get a hug.  
  • Nina: Not a baby mama, at the hospital, did not get a hug.  
  • Carly: Baby mama, not at the hospital, did not get a hug. 
7 hours ago, jsbt said:

Kirsten Storms is having a good time being here for the first time in a long while, and for the first time in a long while I'm feeling the same watching her. The Spixie stuff is consistently fun to watch for me, which is a weird thing to say as someone who stopped being able to tolerate them around 2010.

I think they're a good fit. I don't agree with comments that KSt is so far our of his league and the re-pairing is a punishment for her.

Maybe one reason you're finding them fun to watch now is that her pairings in the interim have been mostly terrible. The reviled Levi Dunkleman, easy-on-the-eyes but granitic Nathan, Parking Lot Pete, and The Artist Formerly Known as Todd Manning.

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2 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

Anna wasn't absent for most of Robin's life--she raised her until Robin was a teenager and then Anna had amnesia from the explosion Faison set.  Anna regained her memories when Robin was in college and then they were close again.  So maybe Anna was gone for about five years?  

We can agree to disagree. From what I know, Anna had others raising little Robin and was a visitor in Robin's life known as "Love." Once Anna and Robert told Robin when she was around age 6 that they were her parents, Anna raised Robin 'til she was about 12, at which point the explosion happened. The next time Robin saw Anna, she was an adult (missed out on seeing the Stone and Jason relationships). They have seen each other from time to time, but I don't consider that to mean she was always there for/close to Robin. I always got the impression that motherhood came second to spy life. She felt that with Mac around, Robin was in good hands.  Anna came back to Port Charles when Robin was in her 30s and discovered Robin had fallen in love with Patrick. Anna did not react well to the news of Robin's pregnancy, even though Robin was really happy. Anna also found out about Patrick's affair with Lisa and all Lisa had done to Robin, well after the fact.

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10 hours ago, Grinaldi said:

They need to be sniping at each other the rest of the time to make those moments land.

The sniping gets very old very quickly for me, especially because on GH it's always repetitive. And the temporary detente is just as badly written. There's the obligatory "I know we've had our differences..." and then things get way too matey and warm. There still should be prickliness and conflict! Well, maybe not so much when it comes to shared grief, but if the characters need to work together on something, definitely.

9 hours ago, jsbt said:

The one thing I don't buy is Sonny turning on Jason this fast, not unless he's off his meds as I mentioned or still harboring resentment re: Jason/Carly 2021, or preferably both.

I buy it more than you do, @jsbt, because they've done a decent job of showing how Sonny is isolated and can't trust anyone. He's become paranoid about who to trust, and he doesn't need to be off his meds for that, IMO. Ava is doing a masterful job of playing devil's advocate and pushing him subtly toward that paranoia. I don't know about resenting Jason/Carly, but that's not unreasonable to me, either.

2 hours ago, perkie1968 said:
12 hours ago, Desperado said:

Not sure who will help him at the boathouse but hope it’ll be someone that will make it fun.

The only possibilities are Danny (out for a vape) or Willow/kids.  i'm putting money on Danny.  

It could be Cody, if he's taking a break from his GH vigil. And he doesn't know Jason, so that could be interesting.


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59 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

buy it more than you do, @jsbt, because they've done a decent job of showing how Sonny is isolated and can't trust anyone. He's become paranoid about who to trust, and he doesn't need to be off his meds for that, IMO. Ava is doing a masterful job of playing devil's advocate and pushing him subtly toward that paranoia. I don't know about resenting Jason/Carly, but that's not unreasonable to me, either.

I tend to feel the same way. I don’t think Sonny has the same unwavering faith in Jason that Carly does nor do I think Carly’s belief in Jason comes from a rational place. They’ve had times where Jason has lied to him or been against him in the past. Granted, it’s been a long time since they’ve played that beat between them but the precedence is there. 

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Jason: "Don't call Bobbie."

Carly: "She died."

Jason: "How about Epiphany?  She'd help me."

Carly: "Dead."

Jason: "Britt's a doctor, she'll help."

Carly: "Dead."

Jason: "Take me Brando's Garage to hide out."

Carly: "Dead."

Jason: "Spoon Island?"

Carly: "Spencer's dead."

Jason: "Well, I'll just wait until Sonny comes home."

Carly: "We divorced.  He married Nina and is divorcing her."

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I have been out of the loop for weeks and tuned back in on Friday for the big Jason reveal.  I guess I’m a glutton for punishment.  Anyway, I have to say the Carly and Jason reunion was the most I’ve seen Jason emote in a long, long time.  I was surprisingly impressed.  Steve must have needed a massive nap after that.

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4 hours ago, Asp Burger said:
12 hours ago, jsbt said:

Kirsten Storms is having a good time being here for the first time in a long while, and for the first time in a long while I'm feeling the same watching her. The Spixie stuff is consistently fun to watch for me, which is a weird thing to say as someone who stopped being able to tolerate them around 2010.

I think they're a good fit. I don't agree with comments that KSt is so far our of his league and the re-pairing is a punishment for her.

Agree.  I liked them as a couple.  Spinelli is the type of character that needs to be consumed in small doses because he’s ALOT, but I mostly like him (unpopular, I know).  Why would anyone think Maxie is too good for him?  She lied to him about being preggo with his baby, then ended up pretty much abandoning said baby leaving him to raise her alone (with Ellie who I still miss).  Yeah, he works for mobsters but she’s not exactly a model citizen or anything.  As I’m writing this, I’m realizing I like both of them better when they’re a couple.

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4 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

After being forced to leave Carly's, why did Jason go the bridge? Why not go to Elizabeth's? You know...she's a nurse...the mother of his eldest son...

Because when Franco was murdered, she blamed him for killing him, and they had a falling out. One which they've never recovered from, if I recall correctly.

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I refuse to believe what Dan/Chris had planned for Jason’s return was worse than this lackluster mess. Also, Jason teaching Danny how to handle a gun is not the cute father/son bonding moment the show thinks it is. 

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Michael calls Dante and Sam's relationship "inspirational." Alrightey then.

First five minutes of Jason parenting his younger teenage son involved explaining gun safety (with a bloody hand, no less) and asking him to lie to his mother.  Figures.

I love GF doing the wide eyes of horror at Heather's obsession with Ace.  There was no need to make Heather get more unhinged by announcing that she and Kevin are adopting him. Oh, Laura.

Molly, maybe pause and realize Kristina has good reasons to think you're constantly judging her. 


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29 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Also, Jason teaching Danny how to handle a gun is not the cute father/son bonding moment the show thinks it is. 

Wow, that's...pretty gross.  Are we supposed to think this is endearing?

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34 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Also, Jason teaching Danny how to handle a gun is not the cute father/son bonding moment the show thinks it is. 

Yeah, because gun violence (especially concerning children) isn't a problem in this country at all.*

Shame on this show.

*extreme sarcasm  

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40 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

There was no need to make Heather get more unhinged by announcing that she and Kevin are adopting him.

Seriously. Did Laura think Heather would take the news calmly? Here's hoping Heather does go to women's federal prison at San Quentin and we don't see her for a couple of real-life years. I'm so tired of her.

"What are you thinking really loud and not saying?" I will have to remember that. It's a great line.

I'm a little surprised at how many people are so blasé about Jason coming back from the dead.

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29 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Wow, that's...pretty gross.  Are we supposed to think this is endearing?

It is gross.  And then telling him to lie to his mother.  What a guy huh?

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Alley Mills has been a fine recast but Heather yowling away at max volume for the umpteenth day about the injustice of Esme's brief, deranged life is not for me. It's time for Heather to take a long nap.

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So the absentee father returns with a bullet wound and the first thing he tells his son to do is lie and how to basically use a gun. Like, come on, Show! And him swearing on Danny's life? Dude, do get fucked, won't you. Thanks.

I'm shocked he even knew what Danny looks like.

Jason's return thus far has been a complete mess. 

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20 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm a little surprised at how many people are so blasé about Jason coming back from the dead.

Wellll, if it didn't happen so often, it would be more surprising.

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18 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm shocked [Jason] even knew what Danny looks like.

He should have said, "Which one are you again? Jake? Rocco? Aidan? Or...the other one. What's his name?"

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Based on what's been floating around D&C's alleged planned story was far worse. I've been pretty pleased with the return storyline so far, qualifying that I detest Jason and don't want him on the show so I feel no need for said return storyline to exist. But I don't have a say in that so I focus on whether I find it watchable. They've thankfully moved quickly past the 'OMG Jason is alive?!' stage since this is at least the third or fourth time he's had a return to the show (not counting Drew/NuJason, which we should under these circumstances), they've focused largely on good character stuff, the performers (including Steve so far) are showing up for work, they've dispensed with a lot of the typical bullshit fakeouts and stall tactics and nobody is getting their brain reformatted with USB drives or fighting off supervillains yet.

Do I 'like' Jason involving Danny? No, because I hate Jason and I think his moral compass is inverted. Do I think it makes sense that the character would do this? Yes, that's just who Jason is. And if it builds drama and conflict with Sam or their son more, so much the better.

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4 minutes ago, ciarra said:
25 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm a little surprised at how many people are so blasé about Jason coming back from the dead.

Wellll, if it didn't happen so often, it would be more surprising.

For most returns everyone does act as if it's the last thing they'd expect. And I'd have thought Sam and Michael might have some sort of exchange along the lines of "Jason's back, huh? When did you find out?" Something.

On the other hand, Jason's return is completely unnecessary, so whatever, Show.

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22 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

On the other hand, Jason's return is completely unnecessary, so whatever, Show.

I don't understand why they keep bringing him back. 

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4 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I don't understand why they keep bringing him back. 

Because he remains popular with a lot of the audience. If it was me I'd have cut the cord in 2012 and weaned them off him for good, but here we are.

Sonny, Jason and to a lesser extent Carly are a fact of life or nature for me on this show at this point. It then becomes a question of how you use or marginalize them. There are ways to make that tolerable, it's been done before.

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9 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I don't understand why they keep bringing him back. 

At least the actor(s) playing Drew don't have to suffer for it. 

Wait a minute. 

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Well, today was anticlimactic. I would have preferred Jason stay with Carly (or anyone, really) rather than involve his son.

And yeah, as Danny said, at this point a bathroom first aid kit won’t help.

Heather Killer of Britt and future kidnapper of Ace (writing on the wall in bright lights) has overstayed her welcome.

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2 hours ago, ffwbe said:

I refuse to believe what Dan/Chris had planned for Jason’s return was worse than this lackluster mess. Also, Jason teaching Danny how to handle a gun is not the cute father/son bonding moment the show thinks it is. 

Definitely not a cute moment.  But I wouldn't mind if Danny handling a gun actually went somewhere story-wise, ended in some sort of tragedy (but only a small one and NO guns at school) and culminated with Jason feeling true remorse for what a crap father he is.  And other characters also acknowledging and shaming him for being a crap father.  And Danny facing real consequences for his actions too if it is warranted.  The way they basically glossed over Michael shooting Kate was despicable.  That could be revisited and done properly.

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Jason is really father of the year. The fact that he doesn’t seem at all phased about making his son an accessory is revolting. The correct response to Danny finding him should have been to call an ambulance so he could get medical attention. If he didn’t shoot Dante then he shouldn’t have anything to worry about. A decent parent would want to prove their innocence to their kid and show them how to not be a criminal and all around douche bag.

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Doesn't matter if Jason is doing all this to protect his favorite mobster, or even if he's doing it for some greater purpose, he is still a piece of shit for dragging Danny into it. He should have given it up right there and then, not pressured his young son to get involved in his crimes and violence. His kids are better off without him.

Okay, now I never thought I would say this.. EVER.. but for the slenderest of moments, when Drew was grilling Carly and calling out her all consuming Jason love, I was Team Drew!  

Edited by TVbitch
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The Danny actor was carrying SBu today because he was giving nothing. Aside from that one episode with LW, he’s been pretty flat. It’s early in the game even for him to be checked out. 

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1 hour ago, jqdeco said:

Jason is really father of the year. The fact that he doesn’t seem at all phased about making his son an accessory is revolting. The correct response to Danny finding him should have been to call an ambulance so he could get medical attention. If he didn’t shoot Dante then he shouldn’t have anything to worry about. A decent parent would want to prove their innocence to their kid and show them how to not be a criminal and all around douche bag.

The worst part in all of this is that the writing has always been about how good Jason is. I really hope Sam isn't a doormat on this.

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For now I am going to have faith they are going somewhere with giving Danny the gun. If nothing else it should be the final nail in the JaSam coffin.

And yeah from what I have heard the original story was all brainwashing and trigger words so Jason had no agency. This is much better from a character perspective.

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20 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Carly knows that Sonny shot Dante years ago and she's never really cared for Dante because he A) replaced Michael as Sonny's first child and B) she blamed (well-intentioned) Dante for young Michael going to prison, where he was raped. She tracked down Brooklyn Ashton/Quartermaine (the OG actress) to seduce Dante and destroy the Lante relationship because she considered both Dante and Lulu to be traitors to the family. Ironically, Dante and BL ended up as step siblings. Olivia should think her "good friend" Carly is trash because she knows that history. 

Yeah, but Carly has been a straight up bitch to everyone woman on the canvas, and she has done the least amount to Olivia. However, I wonder if Olivia would be so pro Carly if she knew in addition to hiring Brooklynn, she and Spinelli were going to frame Dante as a dirty cop. 

20 hours ago, jsbt said:

I think the whole water under the bridge mentality that infects so many characters today (like Carly and Olivia) really began with FV and RC in 2012, when Sam and Carly and then Liz began making up, etc.

I can buy it to a point with maturity, time and losses - I could see Sam and Carly finding common cause after losing Jason that same year. They'd been doing the same dance for almost a decade. And I can see Olivia and Carly eventually calling it even given that whole endless drama and what all parties did to each other. But when Carly and Liz and Sam are all super friendly today (to say nothing of Ava's inexplicable relationships with Carly or Nina, or Olivia giving Ava the time of day - Ava murdered her cousin) it all becomes too same-y after a certain point.

The show is weird. It manufactures rivals that don't exist but ignore ones that should. Of course, one rivalry the show should have put to bed, Bobbie vs Lucy, they temporary reignited. I remember that during the cut scene from the Nurse Ball, they had Bobbie and Lucy final bury the hatchet, so I really hated it. 


On 3/10/2024 at 9:58 PM, JMO said:

The Jax version of Carly was the only one I liked, and I think he drew out aspects of her character that we don't really see any more.  I do think it would be nice for Joss to have her father back in town, and I suspect he'd have some thoughts about Dex---but given that we currently have Sonny, Drew, newly-returned Jason and possible even Jagger and/or Brennan there to interact with Carly, I think it's unlikely we'll see the Aussie.

I hated Jax and Carly together because I thought that after everything Carly did to AJ, she didn't deserve to a rich, kind handsome billionaire. However, I got the attraction from Jax is that Jax like to save the damsel, and Carly is a woman that perpetually needs to be saved.

On 3/10/2024 at 10:57 PM, jsbt said:

Carly letting Sonny do Jax the way he did to win that custody fight was a huge black mark on her character and something they never fully dealt with IMO. I agree it was a whole new paradigm for her as a character for a while, and Jax was a loving and devoted father to her sons. Unfortunately you can't really go back and deal with that now (and I'm not talking about a romantic reunion at this point, I think that ship has sailed) as Ingo has made himself persona non grata, and a recast would not click the same.

It sucks they never dealt with, but it seemed to be pretty true to character to have the men in her life take care of her "problems" (ie, other men she antagonized). 

On 3/10/2024 at 10:57 PM, Winston Wolfe said:

True. I remember when Carly generously gave their original wedding date to Luke and Laura ahead of their ill-fated third (?) marriage. It still stands out in my mind because it was so uncharacteristic of Carly and I felt Jasper had something to do with that.

The did it to shove Laura Wright into Genie Francis' return to GH. The show couldn't even be assed to do a reunion between Robert Scorpio and Laura, because she went into her catatonic state, she thought Robert was dead. Particularly weird since Robin got her out of that state, however temporarily. 

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31 minutes ago, Grinaldi said:

And yeah from what I have heard the original story was all brainwashing and trigger words so Jason had no agency. This is much better from a character perspective.

And an undead Susan Moore or something, lol.

But yes, it does feel like they're explicitly turning the page from Sam and Jason which makes sense for Sam, who was evolving past Jason once she had Danny. She made it clear once he 'died' that she was done with that life because of her son. Going back to him (and leaving Drew) was a regression in character, but one that didn't last for the same reasons. She did actually evolve and I've admired it, even I find most of her stories over the last decade boring and think Sam as a character (like many others) has run her course.

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Well, Jason still isn't going to be winning a Father-of-the-Year award.

I know this is from yesterday's episode, but I really hate the fact that they are still going with Aiden-the-baker is gay. It just seems so stereotypical, and in this day and age should not be the story they are telling.

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1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

Okay, now I never thought I would say this.. EVER.. but for the slenderest of moments, when Drew was grilling Carly and calling out her all consuming Jason love, I was Team Drew!  

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

I can't with the show already going to the tired, dried-up, semi-boarded up, the girl from The Ring hangs out down there, well of "what Jason and I have has no name."  Maybe this time around Carly will actually get back in his pants.

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48 minutes ago, jsbt said:

And an undead Susan Moore or something, lol.

Oh my God, they were going to do The Two Todds again. Yikes. I did not watch wrongly-arrested Scotty sit in a jail cell for three months while "Behind Blue Eyes" played for them to bring her back 40 years later.

As a gay who bakes I have no issues with Aiden being gay. At least one of that generation should be. Sure it's stereotypical but it's not offensive.

Edited by Grinaldi
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I was thinking who it is Danny should accidentally shoot and here is my thought process:

Jake or Aiden: NO!

Charlotte: Already been shot. Too soon to get shot again

Violet: Never happen

Kids still in elementary school: Never happen

Jason: Yes. He should be the one to take the bullet accidentally fired by his son


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