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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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33 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Nothing is open and shut when it comes to the shooting of an unarmed minor, trespassing or not.  And, yeah, while it's a bad look that everyone is close to Anna, surely there is another detective who is not the victim's stepfather.

I don't know if that is true. I agree with Perkie. It is common knowledge that someone has been terrorizing Anna for some time now, and her response to coming home and finding someone inside, in the dark, with something in their hands pointed at her is a natural one. She had no way of knowing it was a child. I also don't know whether the fact that Charlotte was trespassing and intended to commit vandalism is beside the point or not.

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5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Riiiight, someone from ESPN will want to work at two-bit Aurora Media—as a step up.

LOL, yes, someone would want to go from a nationwide media outlet to a PC-centric one.  Keep dreaming, dweeb.

5 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Michael: "Alexis played her part but my mom, she got the leverage over Judge Kim."

His mommy-worship is creepy.  And of course the pit bull still NEEDS TO KNOW who turned them in.  Zero self-reflection and accountability with that one.

5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

It makes sense that Bobbie would help Tracy close out Luke's estate, but it's also kind of weird given we know JZ isn't around anymore. Is Bobbie going to die in Amsterdam?

I was getting that vibe.

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I so like seeing Sasha well and happy, and I get that she wanted Maxie and Brook Lynn to make up, but she was wrong about Brook Lynn's making only a "bad choice." Not being honest with Chase in the first place was a bad choice. What she did at Deception was corporate theft, which is a crime, and it was her choice to commit it, Tracy or no Tracy. No one reported it. I can't imagine how anyone would think that it would be okay for someone first stealing company information would then control the company, or that it would all look aboveboard, including for the other owners?

I don't know how far out taping schedules go, but JZ passed away months ago. It doesn't make sense that Bobbie would be in Amsterdam at all, I doubt Tracy would need her help to settle her husband's affairs, and since Bobbie lived in PC, it would make sense that she would pass there.

God only knows what the rigmarole with Eddie and the pool and the siren is about. Is Olivia going to save Eddie from drowning and when he comes to he will be Ned again? Why was there someone with long black hair in the pool?

Will Charlotte actually tell the truth tomorrow? These and many other questions will probably not be answered.

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13 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Riiiight, someone from ESPN will want to work at two-bit Aurora Media—as a step up. Keep talking, Michael. And

When he said, "There must be someone at ESPN just itching for a chance to shine," I thought to myself, well, that is how Frank filled the role of Brick.

Edited by Asp Burger
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Geez Michael, your mother was HANDED the info about the judge from the guy in Kelly’s. She took it to Alexis who did the digging and confronted the judge with Gregory’s help. How about Alexis getting the praise and not your mother. 
Plus, the dumbass “forgets” that Carly and Drew were actually guilty. It doesn’t matter who turned them in. 

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2 hours ago, PatsyandEddie said:

Geez Michael, your mother was HANDED the info about the judge from the guy in Kelly’s. She took it to Alexis who did the digging and confronted the judge with Gregory’s help. How about Alexis getting the praise and not your mother. 
Plus, the dumbass “forgets” that Carly and Drew were actually guilty. It doesn’t matter who turned them in. 

Yeah, what did Carly even do? Didn’t the pilot just happen to come into Kelly’s and randomly tell her about it? It’s not like she was researching the judge or following him around and found out that info.  Hell, she didn’t even ask Alexis to help, Sonny did. 

Edited by ffwbe
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3 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Yeah, what did Carly even do? Didn’t the pilot just happen to come into Kelly’s and randomly tell her about it? It’s not like she was researching the judge or following him around and found out that info.  Hell, she didn’t even ask Alexis to help, Sonny did. 

She asked Sonny to ask Alexis.  So, so far Carly has found out about an FBI raid and a corrupt judge just hanging out at Kelly's.  And Cameron caught a fugitive (Heather) there.  This is clearly the place to be for anything important.    

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Does Ned have lungs fit for the Guinness Book of Records? He was down in the water for a very long time.

So Charlotte is going to lie and try to get Anna in trouble? No surprise there. I hope that Valentin doesn't fall for it although Nina certainly has.

Good for Laura telling Spencer that Esme is right to move out with Ace. Now  I expect Spencer try to sabotage it.

Pleasant filler scenes with Sasha/Maxie/Cody/photographer.

2 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Yeah, what did Carly even do? Didn’t the pilot just happen to come into Kelly’s and randomly tell her about it? It’s not like she was researching the judge or following him around and found out that info.  Hell, she didn’t even ask Alexis to help, Sonny did. 

She and Michael are so beautifully written as narcissists (Curtis and Portia too). It doesn't matter what they actually did, they and their tribe get all the priase.

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Monday's show: Congrats Charlotte - you've probably achieved your objective of breaking up Valentin and Anna. TBH, I think when Anna looks back on this*, she may feel that it is for the best because dealing with someone else's troubled kid is a lot of work, especially if you are the focus of her animosity. 

In the meantime, of course, there will be a lot of self-recrimination. Anna, of course, and also Valentin, who really should have shared the information about Charlotte's vandalism with Anna before this. 

Anna shouldn't keep acting as if she could possibly know it was Charlotte or that she did it with deliberate intent to kill "a child". An intruder in your house after you've been threatened with violence (by some unknown person) is a reasonable cause for action.


* Assuming Charlotte makes it, which I think she will. It should be a learning experience for other kids, though - you may put yourself in harm's way when you go places that you shouldn't. 

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I wish, just once, Olivia would take a breath and not immediately go to Defcon 1. I know, she saves Neddie.

Felicia blames herself for Charlotte getting shot because Anna is living in Maxie's old apartment? I can't with all of this idiotic misplaced guilt. 

32 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Good for Laura telling Spencer that Esme is right to move out with Ace. Now  I expect Spencer try to sabotage it.

I also liked Esmé standing her ground. And yes, I'm sure Spencer will sabotage it. He's creepily invested in Ace's life.

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I'm probably the only one here who wishes Ned would drown. 

Charlotte is quite the little sociopath. I actually don't care that Victor has been influencing her from beyond the grave or that he brain washed her. Charlotte has always been like this, from the moment she showed up on screen. For me, this is more of the same with her. At least Valentin knows she's lying. And it seems like other people are wising up to her.

I didn't hate Sasha's photoshoot. Interestingly enough, it's the first time I see some romantic chemistry between them. Also, you can't go wrong with that fluffy alpaca. 

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🫤  😆  😂 ... ... what the??? ... ... 😂  🤣 Oh my gosh, I cannot believe they rented a water tank set and an alpaca for this dreck!!!! 🤣 

Pretty sure it would be a lot darker underwater in the lake at night. And why is Sasha such a terrible model when the actress is a successful model?! Sasha would not even make the cut to get into the model house if Tyra and Miss J had anything to say about it! 😁 ...Kudos to the actors for giving it their all, though.  

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Olivia and Eddie both seem to have lungs of steel, since they both have been underwater for quite some time. Also, as said, how could anyone be found in a lake at night?

I loathe Charlotte, the little lying psychopath, and I loathe Spencer more. Laura needs to realize the depth of his obsession with Ace and Esme. Don't know who he thinks he is to tell Esme anything about where she can live or anything. I hope Laura has a hard come to Jesus meeting with him soon, and not treat him like he is made of glass. I loved Esme's standing up to him.

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Laura c@n talk until she’s blue in the face. Spencer won’t hear it. He’s laser focused on Ace and seems to believe he and he alone can and should protect Ace. Spencer refuses to acknowledge that he is not aces father and has no legal rights. He’ll probably dig up Victor’s ‘evidence’ to show Esme is an unfit mother. I hope Laura stands up for her and then esme and ace move far, far away .

Edited by Sake614
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So Valentin, Nina, and tomorrow Laura will all know Charlotte is lying.  Too bad none of them will do anything with that info to help Anna.  The only hope here is Kevin.

LOL at the absurdity of those lake scenes.  Can they both drown?  Maybe then Monica will come back and say it's all her fault since her house is on a lake.  The show is big on misplaced guilt this year, after all.

Literally loathed the Spencer/Laura/Esme scenes.  Stand down, Spence, he ain't your kid.

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Indeed Eddie should have drowned by now and Olivia too. I wonder how Felicia would make that out to be her fault. That came out of nowhere and was completely illogical. Yeah Charlotte's going to go on lying and no one will do anything to stop her. Anna will go on crying and no one will do anything to help her. Spencer will go on being a jerk and I hope Esme takes the baby to Iceland! Also, how extremely annoying was Maxie, telling the photographer to do this and don't do that?

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That photo shoot was pathetic, but I appreciate everyone keeping a straight face. The backdrop was peel-and-stick wallpaper with a huge seam in the center, so naturally that's where the genius photographer placed them. And I kept expecting the final photos to not have the obvious, bright blue muzzle on the alpaca. Kind of takes away from the "Eden" fantasy.

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While it is not moss-level appealing optically, I appreciate that shower curtain (replete with mold) hanging in Michael's office.  It helped my mind dim the cognitive dissonance of Carly's rationale for her criminal behavior diminishing of her crimes as 'cutting corners'.  

I also appreciated being able to focus on the decapitated statue/head in Sonny's living room instead of trying to process how the male lead in this soap opera doesn't express regret for shooting a law enforcement officer - well except for the fact that the cop was his own blood and flesh.

Can Lois stay?  She elevates her partners in scenes.  Not only did she have me 'enjoying' scenes with both Sonny and Olivia - but her scene with Tracy at the door was the jam.  At this point, I think that I would enjoy watching scenes with Lois and Tracy watching paint drying than another Carly/Drew scene or another Sonny scene claiming  that he prays/goes to church so he is morally absolved for his portion of the violence strewn across the PC-verse. 

Who knew that not having Dante/Sam kissing passionately in every one of their episodes would bode well for the growth and likeability for both of their characters.  Less is more sometimes.  

Edited by sunnyface
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Yesterday's episode: What a crock story Charlotte told. She found the key, went to the apartment, let herself in to return it? Who does that? Even if you decide to let yourself in, you don't turn on any lights? You don't sit down on the couch and wait for the person to return? More obviously, you don't call them to tell them you found the keys? At least Valentin doesn't believe her; he knows she's lying. Question is, will anyone else be skeptical? 


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I feel so sorry for Anna in the midst of my absolute fury at Valentin and Laura. They have coddled Charlotte over and over which has created this situation. 
I was so happy to see Anna lose it on Valentin and give him a good smack for not giving her a head’s up. Her guilt at shooting a young girl is overwhelming her yet no one gives a shit. Tell them all to go to hell Anna 

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The ending of the Eddie Maine storyline was as anti-climactic as this show can write. It was just really bad. Maybe they should shove Esme off the parapet so that she can get her memory back since a dive in the lake seems to have restored Ned's memory.

That felt like a whole lot of Anna gaslighting at the end of the episode. Charlotte is finally asleep and she's terrified of you. Geez, Laura, Charlotte just got done telling you exactly why she did the things she did, but instead of taking Anna and Valentin aside and tell them how Victor has manipulated his granddaughter, the answer is to pile the guilt on? 

The writers are irredeemable. The only good thing was Anna taking a good swing at Valentin.

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How long was Eddiie/Ned under water?  Anna had time to travel to the hospital, be weepy, and talk to Valentin. But at least the Eddie Maine story is wrapped up. Are we taking bets whether he squeals on Nina?

I liked the Alexis/Blaze/Kristina convo about how easy it is to be manipulated when you think that's the way it should be. Important stuff.

9 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

I was so happy to see Anna lose it on Valentin and give him a good smack for not giving her a head’s up. Her guilt at shooting a young girl is overwhelming her yet no one gives a shit. Tell them all to go to hell Anna 

A very satisfactory moment. Between them, Valentin/Nina/Laura really blew it. I'm glad to see everything out in the open at last.

But at least they are taking responsibility for their actions. Something Michael and the other Carlys rarely do.

Speaking of Laura, it's interesting how many storylines she can fit in naturally: mayor stuff; Charlotte' Spencer/Esme/Ace; brothers Martin and Evil Cyrus; her relationship with Kevin. When the showrunners want it of course. There is no need to make her a wig-on-a-stick.

Trina: "You know what the solution if for that."  Me: Therapy to talk about this unhealthy obsession. He is approaching Controlling Partner levels re Ace.

Today it was Drew's turn to tell Curtis how BraveandStrong he is.  An otherwise good episode crashed to a screeching halt every Curtis scene. The writing wasn't so bad but the delivery made me want to smack him.

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I hope that water was warm, because WK and LiLoC were in it for a long time. I also have some schadenfreude that Ned is back and Olivia had clearly started thinking he was the more fun persona. Ha!

"Is Lois the reason you came back to us?" OMG, Olivia. Again, think before you go to Defcon 1.

Spencer is acting as if Esmé were moving Ace to New Zealand or something. The new apartment is probably three blocks away from Laura and Kevin's. FFS. 

42 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

The only good thing was Anna taking a good swing at Valentin.

She should have pushed him down the stairs.

22 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Today it was Drew's turn to tell Curtis how BraveandStrong he is.

I just rolled my eyes. Someone else Curtis can whine to about how life is so terrible for him. And for him to presume his gym buddy's life is worse was one of the grossest things he's said. Fuck off and die, Curtis. And how was Alexis trying to fix anything? She stopped by to say hello. 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Spencer is acting as if Esmé were moving Ace to New Zealand or something. The new apartment is probably three blocks away from Laura and Kevin's. FFS

And OMG, will the horrors never cease? Spencer would actually have to get permission from the baby's mother, like a VISITOR 😠 before traveling those three whole blocks! Had two great smackdowns today, Anna to Valentin and Trina to Spencer. "No you will not go for shared custody. You are not his father!" I personally think that Spencer is perfectly capable of abducting Ace. He doesn't love him, he is obsessed with controlling him and Esme.

Unless I missed something, didn't Laura just recently find out what Charlotte had been up to? Not sure why people are blaming her. What could she have done, even if she had known longer? She had no proof. Anna wouldn't believe her. Charlotte would deny it. I am still not clear as to how Liz's son showed up at Anna's apartment, and Liz needs to shut her yap about something she knows nothing about.

All the Neddie/Olivia stuff was cringe, they had been drowning for days, but I loved those towels!

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18 minutes ago, susannah said:

I am still not clear as to how Liz's son showed up at Anna's apartment,

He thought that he saw Charlotte head that way. Then he would have heard to gunshot and followed it.

Laura knew for a few days that Charlotte had trashed Anna's apartment. She had plenty of time to tell Anna that Charlotte was stalking h but chose not to.

2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Spencer is acting as if Esmé were moving Ace to New Zealand or something. The new apartment is probably three blocks away from Laura and Kevin's. FFS.

I doubt that the show will go there, it's not that kind of show, but I'm fascinated fanwanking why Spencer is so obsessed with being responsible for Ace. It's the Cassadines. so many possibilities.

2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

 Fuck off and die, Curtis. And how was Alexis trying to fix anything? She stopped by to say hello. 

Me! Me! Me!

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4 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Maybe they should shove Esme off the parapet so that she can get her memory back since a dive in the lake seems to have restored Ned's memory.

I am mildly interested in how long they're going to maintain this. It seems the GH rule is that amnesia/personality changes are reversible if the previous version of the character is something the writers want to go back to. If not, then no. No amount of new accidents and traumas ever turned Jason Morgan back into Jason Quartermaine, because the mob assassin version of Jason was popular with the audience. I think the softer Esme has also caught on (surely not with everyone, but with a lot of people), so it's possible she'll remain this way.

I do think Avery Kristen Pohl is doing a great job with more sympathetic writing. I'll give the writers this one thing: they've done a better job with her than they did with Chloe Lanier's Nelle, a similar character.

Edited by Asp Burger
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It's possible Ned won't remember what happened right before he went into the Metro Court pool. (In "real life" people sometimes never recover the memories from right before an injury.) But if he does, it's comforting to know that Michael might catch a microsecond or two of heat for not revealing what he knew about Nina -- not to mention blackmailing her. 

I loved that Anna snapped so hard that she almost sent *herself* down the stairs when she lunged at Valentine.

Edited by Auntie Velvet
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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

He thought that he saw Charlotte head that way. Then he would have heard to gunshot and followed it.

Laura knew for a few days that Charlotte had trashed Anna's apartment. She had plenty of time to tell Anna that Charlotte was stalking h but chose not to.

He saw a kid in the tarot robe but IMO no one seemed to know who it was exactly. Yes Laura knew that, but as I said, I doubt Anna would have believed her. She didn't believe Valentin, until he said he had video proof.

I also saw that Monday's previews was a repeat from the other day. Not sure why.


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Spencer's anger and behavior was over the top.  Trina will probably take him back but she shouldn't.  He isn't Aces father and I glad she pointed out Esme doesn't need to give him custody.

He's horrible and he's done nothing to show he's better as Trina thinks he is. She was better with the cop. 

Interesting Dex kinda stood up to Spencer and his side. 

Ned should have drowned says ago and really Olivia acting like the devoted wife? Huh, she treated Ned the worst her friends and Carly all came first.  This acting like a life saving wife now doesn't erase years. Keep Lois instead! 

I liked Anna slapping Valentine and pointing out she wouldn't have shot if she knew her stalker was a child. 

Edited by Artsda
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Good golly, Miz Lizzie.  What's with the righteous indignation about gun-toting people?  At least Anna is law enforcement.  I remember one of your baby daddies carrying a gun at all times, even Halloween!  Around children!  And he was working for the mob. 

As for this Anna being terrorized by Charlotte in order to split up Vanna, this is the same story they did with Spencer/Esme going after Ava to get her away from Nik. 



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Spencer is basically have a breakdown and the keyword he used was "abandonment".   If Esme moves out Spencer will be abandoning Ace.  This is all because his father faked his own death while Spencer was still a child, and abandoned him.  I can see Trina not picking up on this.  Because of romantic jealousy she is fixated on Esme.  But really Joss should pick this up.  She knows him since childhood.  She should absolutely realize what is going on and how badly he needs professional help.  

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Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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