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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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14 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I think Harmony was put on contract (not that means much in daytime) but I’m thinking she’ll need a transfusion or body part and Willow won’t be a match.

But no one cares about Harmony, so I think Fainting!Willow will need something.  Harmony will be dead or jailed, and Carly will eventually have to fess up, after months of lying, of course.

Sasha did the right thing. And now Carly will bravely and compassionately tell Willow all the things her mom was keeping from her ...except the shit that benefits Carly to cover up.  

And today Brando threatens to murder the reporter. Next stop, Wyndham's Department Store to pick up a six-pack of black crew neck t-shirts. 

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Joss, please take several seats. Encouraging your mother to tell Willow that Harmony isn’t her biological mother TONIGHT because ‘can it really get any worse?’ Or whatever the hell she said. Well yeah it CAN and it WILL. There’s no reason Willow has to know right this very second. Harmony is in surgery fighting for her life. What exactly is the point of telling Willow? Unless she plans to tell Willow that she suspects Nina is Willow’s mother. Which you know isn’t going to happen.

I kinda liked Brando explaining the first amendment to Smoltz. Not so Much about the threats though…but at least he did it quietly and got his point across. 😀

Gladys seems to suspect that Sasha is using again. Amazing how decent writing can make me like a character I had absolute no use for.

does Trina suspect that Spencer is onto Esme or did she just want to watch him profess his love for the psycho? I don’t get why She hung around?

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I know that Alexis is a temp recast, but I did not find it remotely funny that they just sent had Sam take her home and I'm not sure that NLG's Alexis wouldn't have been sent home too so that Carly can 100% take over the storyline. And I can't begin to state how much totally and completely this sucks. I get why Carly has to be part of the storyline. They made sure there were stakes for Carly in it. But Harmony befriended Alexis after she murdered her boyfriend. And beyond the Neil and Brendan murders, I think that Alexis would want to stay to see if Harmony will make it through surgery or not. This shit is totally shitty.

I've had my fill of Nikolas and Spencer and their storylines which are circling the drain. What Nikolas is doing is even worse. At least Spencer is trying to catch Esme in her lies and manipulations, but Nikolas is just so very incredibly dumb. Ava touching his cheek and telling him he was wrong about Esme leaving and taking all the problems she has created with her was basically the equivalent of "oh, you're so pretty!" You'd think Nikolas was some guy with very little life experience. Watching him makes me cringe and roll my eyes. 

And where in the hell is Uncle Victor? It feels like he's been off screen for a while now.

I thought the way Brando handled Schmuck was fine after his initial outburst. He didn't shout, he didn't wag his finger in the man's face. He didn't punch him in the face either like the dumbass who was standing behind him. 

I've actually been wondering if this article series that what's his face is going to write isn't gonna end up blowing up in Michael and Willow's faces after what Harmony just did.

The scenes between Willow and Sasha were not badly acted. Sasha actress has this "breathy" way of delivering her lines, like she's running a marathon while she's speaking and it always takes me out of her scenes. But I thought it was pretty sad when Willow asked her if she thought that Harmony threw herself in front of the car. 

Edited by YaddaYadda
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50 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

And today Brando threatens to murder the reporter.

I wish someone would. The character and actor are both terrible. The First Amendment lesson was extremely welcome.

47 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

I don’t get why She hung around?

Her bag was still in that main space, I think. She was putting away some papers.

30 minutes ago, jacourt said:

Why isn’t dumbass Michael with willow?

Because Sasha asked to talk to Willow alone.


  • Love 3
28 minutes ago, jacourt said:

Just saw the last 15 minutes. Why isn’t dumbass Michael with willow?

because Sasha wanted a moment alone to let her know it was she who hit Harmony.


33 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

But I thought it was pretty sad when Willow asked her if she thought that Harmony threw herself in front of the car. 

i was wondering why Willow asked that (I didn't watch yesterday), but Carly was saying how Harmony jumped in front of the car too - so is that the yarn she''s spinning? or that's the assumption since Harmony had a mental break maybe that's what happened?

1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

here’s no reason Willow has to know right this very second. Harmony is in surgery fighting for her life. What exactly is the point of telling Willow? Unless she plans to tell Willow that she suspects Nina is Willow’s mother. Which you know isn’t going to happen.

Even then it can wait until they find out if Harmony is going to be OK or not.  Willow doesn't need more stress and stuff to worry about right now.  I question if she even needed to know that Sasha was the one that hit her "tonight."

15 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Even then it can wait until they find out if Harmony is going to be OK or not.  Willow doesn't need more stress and stuff to worry about right now.  I question if she even needed to know that Sasha was the one that hit her "tonight."

she didn't. Sasha's coming off her high  (and upset) so she's not thinking straight. Carly and joss are just dipsticks so of course they dont think about Willow's actual needs just stuff that will make them feel better

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Daisy said:

she didn't. Sasha's coming off her high  (and upset) so she's not thinking straight. Carly and joss are just dipsticks so of course they dont think about Willow's actual needs just stuff that will make them feel better

Yeah, I 100% give Sasha way more of a pass than Carly (or Joss).  Also, if Carly weren't being a busybody in the first place, everyone could have been home sleeping:)  

Did Joss say she would want to know immediately?  Can you imagine her flip out if she found out Carly wasn't her mother? 

  • Love 7

I only caught Brando threatening that reporter live, and I loved the scene! Brando is on a roll this week, AFAIC. Anyone who trash talks Michael is all right in my book, and I loved the cool, calm way he threatened the reporter. The actor did a great job. Go, Brando!! He is definitely the next enforcer! Poor Brando! LOL! 

I caught the Spencer/Trina/Rory scenes on YT. Loved yesterday and today. I like the new actress, and I think she has good chemistry w/both those actors. I'm ready for the triangle. 

I have given up on trying to understand Esme. Does she really love Spencer? If so, I don't think seducing and/or sleeping w/his dad is the path to go down? If she doesn't, why does she care if he and Trina like each other? I really wish we could get to the point of her and her story already. It feels like it has been dragging out forever. The idea that Esme is doing all this so Ryan can "win back" Ava is so monumentally dumb to me. I just can't get into this story. I wish I could skip to the end of this arc. 

As a Nava fan, I have been skipping any and all Nava and Nikolas scenes until this mess is over. I refuse to watch Nikolas be stupid for Esme. Just not interested. 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Writers, please decide what Esme’s end game is or toss her over the parapet at Windermere. I’m absolutely worn out with her character. Be done with her.

This stupid sex tape makes no sense and she could have done something more dastardly but it feels like they wanted to do something "modern".

Oh no! Michael and Brando can't find their way back to the shire! (At least, Hobbits are what I think of when I see them together. Tall Hobbits,  but hobbits.)

  • LOL 4
3 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Wait does Carly even know about Nina being Willow’s mother?  I thought she only got as far as Harmony not being her mother...

I think that she puzzled it out. She knows that Harmony worked at the clinic where Nina was while in her coma and Harmony told her that she owed Nina. That the first thing she thought about while she was in the hospital, that Harmony owed Nina. She even went as far as to ask Harmony about that. It's just a matter of her asking Harmony to confirm her suspicion, which I doubt Harmony will.

  • Useful 1

Did they ever do any type of DNA testing to confirm Nelle was indeed Nina’s daughter??  Now I’m starting to think maybe Willow was the daughter all along and Nelle was a red herring. She did have the necklace though.

Even though it would be ridiculous that Nina’s had two maybe-daughter fake outs  I feel like it would be more plausible than her having twins and that never being known by anyone. 

Edited by mostlylurking
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3 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

Did they ever do any type of DNA testing to confirm Nelle was indeed Nina’s daughter??  Now I’m starting to think maybe Willow was the daughter all along and Nelle was a red herring. She did have the necklace though.

They never did a DNA test on Nelle to prove that she's Nina's. But when Neil's brother confronted Harmony and started blackmailing her, he said that Nina had twin daughters. One was sold on the black market while the other was given to Harmony. So Neil's documents seem to confirm the twins part of the story.

Phyllis was taking care of Nina. How in the heck was she not aware that her patient was pregnant with twins? 

  • Love 11
9 hours ago, superdeluxe said:
17 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

And where in the hell is Uncle Victor? It feels like he's been off screen for a while now.

Charles Shaughnessy had hip surgery.

Geez, the older cast is keeping the orthopods in LA in business.

7 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Phyllis was taking care of Nina. How in the heck was she not aware that her patient was pregnant with twins? 

Those pesky plot points!

  • LOL 3
2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Phyllis was taking care of Nina. How in the heck was she not aware that her patient was pregnant with twins? 

That’s what I’m saying!  I know ultrasound and stuff wasn’t as advanced as it is now but even if she didn’t know before the birth no one ever told her after the fact??  I was told in no uncertain terms that Phyllis was not present at the birth, but you mean to tell me she never asked anyone hey how did the delivery go??  Then again, this is the same Phyllis who never once questioned Sonny’s past even though he was wearing a wedding ring, so there’s that. 

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1 hour ago, mostlylurking said:

I was told in no uncertain terms that Phyllis was not present at the birth, but you mean to tell me she never asked anyone hey how did the delivery go??

Phyllis doesn't even need to ask how the delivery went. Madeline handed the newborn over to her, then put her on a bus to Florida where she met with Frank Benson and gave him child. 

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On 4/29/2022 at 3:01 PM, mostlylurking said:

I absolutely love when Ava goes IN on Nikolas.  She didn’t hold back.  He deserves all her venom and more.


I love everything Ava and Nikolas. Those two have mad chemistry. Which I attribute mainly to Maura— the woman is a walking Bunsen burner.

Also: FakeAlexis is very weird. I wish Harmony had bopped her on the head and put her into a temporary coma until Nancy could return. 

Edited by 30 Helens
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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I love everything Ava and Nikolas. Those two have mad chemistry.

Too bad more often than not Nik is a giant dunce who thinks with his penis more than his head. I'm not much of an Ava fan—though I appreciate MW's skill; she knows who Ava is and doesn't compromise—but she deserves better than dumbo Nik.

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On 4/29/2022 at 9:26 AM, jsbt said:

Rory is a very cute guy and I support any and all AAPI representation on soaps, but he's pretty green acting-wise, and I don't think that's the heat or the story for Trina besides playing the spoiler. That said, TA continues to impress me as she has since Day 1, she remains a superior recast IMO and thank God they let her hair down. She looked incredible in the gallery.

I disagree. Whoever was in wardrobe apparently decided Trina needed to have no neck whatsoever so that was a super unfortunate look emphasized by having her hair down (no problem there - looks great with a different top altogether in this case). And I still see the NuTrina as someone acting the part as opposed to the entirely natural portrayal of the previous actor, sorry. This one is just too earnest and deliberate - not at at all the self assured young woman that SM played.

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Today on Mothers & Daughters Hospital:


Also "Wylie keeps asking us why we won't be there to tuck him in tonight and he doesn't understand why we won't."  Seriously Michael? Most kids of 3 are used to their parents taking an evening away, especially if their regular nanny is there for bedtime.

The ease with which Sam lies to the doctor (:I am Harmony's niece and this is her sister") is frightening. And WTH closure is she talking about when Harmony is unconscious? Alexis could just as usefully be talking to a tombstone.

Nina/Liesl/Britt supporting each other scenes were nice.

Is Felicia thinking of having another baby? Medical science does wonders these days.

Liz/Finn makes much more sense than Anna/Finn.

Shut up Sonny. I cannot describe how little interest I have in a Spinelli/Maxie/Austin triangle.

I'm sure there are lots of ways to fanwank how Trina got that manicure. My question is how does she type her papers with them? She's a student at end of term and there are lots of papers to type. (Dictating them is too hard for a neophyte.) It's a sloppy error.

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10 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The ease with which Sam lies to the doctor (:I am Harmony's niece and this is her sister") is frightening. 

Why? Sam was a con artist for like half her life. That's what con artists and grifters do, they can lie with ease, otherwise they'd suck at being cons. It's not something that's easily forgotten, plus she's an offscreen PI, so it stands to reason that she lies in her job too. 

As much as I love Mac and can deal with Felicia on a good day, a pregnancy is not needed, nor is it required. I'm guessing that Felicia is currently pregnant.

Makeup gave Alexis a gash on the forehead, then the gash healed quite quickly. So I kept looking for the gash to see if it would reappear. I thought the temp did better today than she did in the previous days. She seems to have somewhat settled in. But I still wish it was NLG playing those scenes.

I realized on Friday that all of Willow's dresses look exactly the same. Faux wrap, v-neck, ruffle. There are other dresses that look better than that, wardrobe.

I can't even remember the rest of the episode. I was watching Ozark during scenes and characters I didn't care for, although I did see Michael trying to flex with Britt. Yes, Michael, you're a regular scary guy. I'm shocked you didn't threaten to call your grandmother to your rescue, puff fish.

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5 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

As much as I love Mac and can deal with Felicia on a good day, a pregnancy is not needed, nor is it required. I'm guessing that Felicia is currently pregnant.

That's what I was afraid of.  She's older than me, for cying out loud.  Can't they have some age appropriate pregnancies?  Next thing you know, Monica will be pregnant.

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28 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Is Felicia thinking of having another baby? Medical science does wonders these days.

Dear god no.  We have already had many middle aged women on this show who in reality would probably be near menopause popping out kids like it ain’t no thang, and now Felicia wants to be added to the mix?  Let’s just not.

Michael yelling at Britt was just such a jerk move, like is this little twerp ever not an asshole??

So I usually give a lot of leniency to temps because it’s gotta be really hard to just step into an ongoing story, but TempAlexis?  Very bad.  I’m not familiar with the actress but she’s just…very not good.  She doesn’t have any emotions at all.  There was a reaction shot last week with her and Carly and LW as usual is giving it her all and this lady was completely blank.  NLG can’t return soon enough.

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8 minutes ago, Katy M said:

That's what I was afraid of.  She's older than me, for cying out loud.  Can't they have some age appropriate pregnancies?  Next thing you know, Monica will be pregnant.

It's not even about age appropriate. Women are having children later in life. But what is the use of this new baby? I always thought that Mac should have a biological child, but that ship sailed and the writers are not doing it for Mac. Maxie has three children she barely takes care of, let Mac and Felicia adopt them or something.

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25 minutes ago, Katy M said:

That's what I was afraid of.  She's older than me, for cying out loud.  Can't they have some age appropriate pregnancies?  Next thing you know, Monica will be pregnant.

It’s really insulting to people who have had fertility problems as well.  Like women in their late forties (or early forties for that matter) having kids is possible, but also highly improbable without some sort of intervention.  It doesn’t help matters when it’s presented like this is normal and easy.  And how old is Felicia anyway?  She’s gotta be late 50’s.  I’d say they could do an adoption story but she specifically said Mac might want a bio kid.

Make Molly pregnant or something, that would be more interesting and realistic.

Edited by mostlylurking
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48 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

"Wylie keeps asking us why we won't be there to tuck him in tonight and he doesn't understand why we won't."  Seriously Michael? Most kids of 3 are used to their parents taking an evening away, especially if their regular nanny is there for bedtime.

Everything Michael says about that kid is ridiculous and over-the-top.  


And how old is Felicia anyway?  She’s gotta be late 50’s.  

Yeah, KW is 59, so Felicia can't really be much younger than that, if at all.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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The show does not need a new baby. But at least this one would not have Corinthos/Spencer/Quartermaine genes and so be a potential love interest if the show is still around when he/she/they grow up.

I'm missing NLG in the big scenes (soon to be taken over by Carly) but it looks like the temp actress has been watching old Alexis scenes because she used some of NLG's gestures today.

3 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Everything Michael says about that kid is ridiculous and over-the-top.  

I'm beginning to think that Michael knows nothing about Wylie. The kid is just a prop for him.

  • Love 7
56 minutes ago, statsgirl said:


Also "Wylie keeps asking us why we won't be there to tuck him in tonight and he doesn't understand why we won't."  Seriously Michael? Most kids of 3 are used to their parents taking an evening away, especially if their regular nanny is there for bedtime.

That whole exchange was hilarious. Michael shrieks that Britt not having information isn't good enough. Do you want her to lie, Michael? And that idiocy about Wiley. HE DOESN'T CARE. Just tell him Mommy will be late. FFS. The way that stupid kid is catered to is appalling. Too bad the writers won't lean into that and SORAS him into a real asshole of a kid. It's what Michael and Willow deserve and have only themselves to blame for.

28 minutes ago, Katy M said:
35 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

As much as I love Mac and can deal with Felicia on a good day, a pregnancy is not needed, nor is it required. I'm guessing that Felicia is currently pregnant.

That's what I was afraid of.  She's older than me, for cying out loud.  Can't they have some age appropriate pregnancies?  Next thing you know, Monica will be pregnant.

We don't need age-appropriate pregnancies any more than we need age-inappropriate pregnancies. NO MORE BABIES. Even if it means Mac never gets a bio kid.

Just because a woman can get pregnant (whatever method that takes) doesn't mean she should get pregnant. It's still stress on the body, and the older the body, generally the greater the stress. And I don't need a story where Felicia is pregnant but loses the baby. Ugh.

The lighting today was so unflattering in too many scenes: the chapel, Harmony's hotel room, the Savoy. 

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Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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