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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And that's within the last four or five months. I consider that to be "lately."

Four or five months is forever. It's usually forgotten or forgiven in the soap world unless it has something to do with Ava.

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Did someone say 'We haven't seen enough of the Corinthos family lately, let's make them more prominent on the show again"? 

Yes, we all know that Russian drugs enter the US through Canada. Because the Canadian law enforcement is incompetent. Do they know that this show airs in Canada too?

"Because Sonny is not going to let you take Avery."  That's great, Jason. Sonny's sense of possession trumps his kid's safety.

I'm not buying Jax pining for Nina. They've played that note too often with too many women. That's the problem with having a character on a soap over so many years.

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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

I'm not buying Jax pining for Nina. They've played that note too often with too many women. That's the problem with having a character on a soap over so many years.

And what's to pine over? This mewling, whining, wishy-washy character who can't stick to a decision? Turning this supposed smart woman into a weak-minded bubblehead who can't decide what she wants? I'd rather he pine after Brenda.

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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Yes, we all know that Russian drugs enter the US through Canada. Because the Canadian law enforcement is incompetent. Do they know that this show airs in Canada too?

They haven't exactly portrayed U.S. law as competent either.

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26 minutes ago, xfuse said:

Four or five months is forever. It's usually forgotten or forgiven in the soap world unless it has something to do with Ava.

Not really. People still bring up Tracy Q and the heart pills, and that was forty years ago. And by people, I mean viewers, when they want to wave away some stank their fave has done, by comparing that stank to Tracy's. Obviously they do it to make their fave look less revolting. Oddly enough, I think bringing up one person's sins to defend another's almost always backfires. But I also know characters have done it as well. It always strikes me as odd that characters randomly know stuff about others that they really shouldn't know. Like Nelle knowing Alan dropped a roof on Monica also about forty years ago. How would Michael know, it's hardly something Monica would tell. And it's not pillow talk stuff, so why would Michael tell Nelle ? It is not like it was general public knowledge that Alan caused the "accident" that hurt his hand. 

I like Finn, but I never have and never will see chemistry between Michael and Kelly. Two low energy actors equals boredom for me. And I think Finn's words were wasted on Sam. If she hasn't cut Jason off for good by now, she never will.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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8 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

I mean viewers, when they want to wave away some stank their fave has done, by comparing that stank to Tracy's. Obviously they do it to make their fave look less revolting. Oddly enough, I think bringing up one person's sins to defend another's almost always backfires.

That just kind of annoys me in general.  One thing I hate is when I complain about a character X doing something shady that I don't like. I don't even mention Character Y, but some other poster will say, "What about Character Y?"  I'm not talking about him/her.  I'm talking about Character X and I ought to be able to do so without comparisons.  

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14 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

It always strikes me as odd that characters randomly know stuff about others that they really shouldn't know. Like Nelle knowing Alan dropped a roof on Monica also about forty years ago. How would Michael know, it's hardly something Monica would tell. And it's not pillow talk stuff, so why would Michael tell Nelle ? It is not like it was general public knowledge that Alan caused the "accident" that hurt his hand. 

Yup. It made no sense that she knew that or that Carly hired Brook to mess with Lante. The writer was just thinking about showing that they knew stuff instead of thinking if it would make sense if the character knew.


Edited by ulkis
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17 minutes ago, Katy M said:

That just kind of annoys me in general.  One thing I hate is when I complain about a character X doing something shady that I don't like. I don't even mention Character Y, but some other poster will say, "What about Character Y?"  I'm not talking about him/her.  I'm talking about Character X and I ought to be able to do so without comparisons.  

Yes ma'am !! ITA !

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14 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Yup. It made no sense that she knew that or that Carly hired Brook to mess with Lante. The writer was just thinking about showing that they knew stuff instead of thinking if it would make sense if the character knew.


IKR ?? Gaza did it years ago with Sam knowing about the heart pills. And this was early days JaSam. No reason Jason Morgan would have any knowledge of that.  Just careless writing.

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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Did someone say 'We haven't seen enough of the Corinthos family lately, let's make them more prominent on the show again"? 


"Because Sonny is not going to let you take Avery."  That's great, Jason. Sonny's sense of possession trumps his kid's safety.

1. Whoever made that decision should be fired and we should bring back the stocks just so I can throw rotten fruit at him.

2. I was torn on this one. On the one hand, why the frig would Carly think she can just take Avery? CARLY IS NOT AVERY'S MOTHER!!! On the other hand, anything that pisses of Sonny is good with me. On the other hand, anything that makes Carly happy annoys me. Just give Avery to Ava and Nik to raise.

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Be sure to give Jordan a head's up before you start that mob war, Jason and Sonny.

Geez, Julian. Doping up your son-in-law isn't going to help your son or grandson. 

Carly, Sonny is being targeted because he's the biggest, most dangerous gangster on the East Coast. Duh.

What time was it that Sam and Finn were in Kelly's yesterday? Sam is wearing the same clothes she wore in yesterday's ep, but I guess it's a new day?

Jeff Kober is a VERY good choice to play Renault. Too bad he'll lose against Sonny, because Kober blows MB off the screen.

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4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

What time was it that Sam and Finn were in Kelly's yesterday? Sam is wearing the same clothes she wore in yesterday's ep, but I guess it's a new day?

I was very confused by that scene. Sam was just with Finn who had come back from spending the night at the hospital. He then went home, had his argument with Anna, left, dropped off Violet at school/kindergarten, then went back to Kelly's. Meanwhile, Sam left to drop off Scout wherever she dropped her off, then went back to Kelly's to meet with fucking Spinelli, then he left and Finn came back.

Writers can't even keep track of their what's going on in their scenes.

Julian learned nothing from tampering with the breaks, did he.

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Glad Finn is putting his child before Anna's stupid moopy tears about her criminal son. Maybe he can get back together with Hayden eventually. 

Are they trying to make Julian completely irredeemable again. And if so, why?

No words for Sam's hypocrisy. 

Free Jax. I cannot do months of lovelorn Jax and stuttering Nina. 


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I really enjoyed Finn pushing back against Anna, putting to light her BLIND HYPOCRISY  out of misplaced guilt. And I didn’t feel one bit sorry for her.

I wanted those scenes with Alexis and Jax to last longer, dammit.

Mooby is really some Big Shit. I 😂😂😂😆😆😆😆 over the fact he did such a lousy job of keeping track of Renault, and it never occurred to him that he was behind the hit. And also 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 That Jason could find all that information on him on his cell phone

At least Brad didn’t drink the doctored coffee.

So. Nelle is planning on getting enough money so she can leave town with her son. That’s going to end well.

Im bummed this is all we got of Tracy:for her to return just to ensure Ned would decide to take the reigns at ELQ. 

Oh Jeff Kober! You’ll soon join the ranks of other, better enemies of Mooby. Why do such good actors agree to come on just to lose to that petulant man-boy?

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I think it was the same day wrt Sam's shirt. Finn did the overnight at the hospital and then dropped in to Kelly's before going home. Sam was there with Scout, because everyone except the Quartermaines apparently eat breakfast out. Finn left Sam and returned to Anna's, disagreed with her, took Violet to school and returned to Kelly's to think things out.

1 hour ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

2. I was torn on this one. On the one hand, why the frig would Carly think she can just take Avery? CARLY IS NOT AVERY'S MOTHER!!! On the other hand, anything that pisses of Sonny is good with me. On the other hand, anything that makes Carly happy annoys me. Just give Avery to Ava and Nik to raise.

Jax may not know about that Ava has part custody of Avery. Knowing how CarSon steals children, maybe he thinks Sonny has sole custody.

It would make sense for Avery to go to Ava especially since she now lives on an island but you know Sonny is never going to allow that.  The only person who can take Avery away to safety is Carly. (Jason will be too busy being Stone Cold.)


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37 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Anyone blows MB off the screen!

Even the barware ! That's why he flings it, out of jealousy !

J/K. Sort of. I don't dislike Mo as much as most here I don't think, but I cannot really abide Sonny, so I rarely watch his stuff when  I check in to GH. I do think he's done some good stuff with Mike/MG, from what I've seen.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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God, Sam is so annoying as she tries to get Spin to do her dirty work and nag Finn into helping her get the goods on Peter.

The scenes with Nina and Jax are pointless because they don't really have any chemistry and their characters are showing little to no longing for each other.

Michael should play hardball and lower his price each time Nelle rejects his offer.

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1 minute ago, nilyank said:

Michael should play hardball and lower his price each time Nelle rejects his offer.

And what would that accomplish? Nelle would still have the shares. And he, along with the rest of the Quartermaines, want them back. He’s got no leverage.

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Just now, GHScorpiosRule said:

And what would that accomplish? Nelle would still have the shares. And he, along with the rest of the Quartermaines, want them back. He’s got no leverage.

She sort of has the shares but with the two wills the Qs could tie up those shares in court for years. Nelle has no money, no job or prospects, no family and no friends except Brad. The Qs could wait her out and circle the wagons against her. While 5% of the shares is significant, if the Qs banded together in making decisions about ELQ, it wouldn't matter what Nelle tried to do as she try to curry favor with the various voting members of the Board who all happen to hate her.

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Nelle (and Harmony) certainly dress well for just having been released from prison.  Maybe Nelle got a cash advance from Foghorn Leghorn?   But she sure built her wardrobe in a hurry.

Take your kid and move out, Finn.  I'm sure you can afford a nice house somewhere.

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Rhetorical Question: In what world is a preschooler (or maybe kindergartner) ready for school early enough that she has time to play several rounds of Kill the Bad Guy before getting on the bus? In what world does a kid-watching adult get so involved in playing that the kid misses her bus? 

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My thing is, I don't buy that Carly wouldn't be able to leave Avery if she had to. Unless if it meant leaving Avery with Ava, then yeah, maybe I would think "oh Carly couldn't leave Avery behind . . . with Ava."

1 hour ago, ciarra said:

Nelle (and Harmony) certainly dress well for just having been released from prison.  Maybe Nelle got a cash advance from Foghorn Leghorn?   But she sure built her wardrobe in a hurry.

Take your kid and move out, Finn.  I'm sure you can afford a nice house somewhere.

He can't cause Anna's giant ridiculous house has taken over the town!

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If I were Ava and/or Julian right now... I would leverage Brad and Wiley onto Spoon Island and then use their presence and the current threat to get more time for Ava with Avery.  Nik might not even notice all the additions to the household.  It keeps Brad where Julian can keep him under control, and Wiley away from Nelle, while providing a safe place for Avery to stay with family and out of the mob stuff.  

In my dreams...

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14 minutes ago, ulkis said:

My thing is, I don't buy that Carly wouldn't be able to leave Avery if she had to. Unless if it meant leaving Avery with Ava, then yeah, maybe I would think "oh Carly couldn't leave Avery behind . . . with Ava."

Jax wanted Carly to take "the girls" to safety.  Since this is Jax, he would care about the safety of a child of Sonny even one whose mother wasn't Carly. I don't think Sonny would do the same for Jax's child.

Carly cares deeply for those people that she considers part of her tribe. I think at this point that extends to Sonny's children: Avery now that they have taken her from Ava; Dante; and maybe Kristina.

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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Carly cares deeply for those people that she considers part of her tribe. I think at this point that extends to Sonny's children: Avery now that they have taken her from Ava; Dante; and maybe Kristina.

Definitely Kristina. After all Carly is Kristina's godmother as well as stepmother, and we had seen Michael/Morgan and Kristina/Molly were all close growing up together.

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1 hour ago, nilyank said:

Definitely Kristina. After all Carly is Kristina's godmother as well as stepmother, and we had seen Michael/Morgan and Kristina/Molly were all close growing up together.

I don’t think that means that Kristina and Carly are close since she is only her godmother because Sonny forced that issue for whatever reason. I’ve never got that impression from their scenes together.

Also, Sonny and Carly split up over her knowing about Kristina’s paternity so they weren’t together for most of Kristina’s life. Not that that would make a difference because after Kristina was sorased, they established Sonny as being mostly absent from her life. I think her interactions growing up with Carly would have been more as Jax’s wife/Michael and Morgan’s mother than anything else.

Edited by ffwbe
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1. Sasha: "Every time I see Nelle, I'm going to whisper "boathouse" in her ear and watch her jump".  Heh - I like her a tiny bit better now.

2. If Renault is a crime boss from the Pacific Northwest, why was he transferred to Pentonville, a NY state prison???

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17 hours ago, ulkis said:
17 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Yes, we all know that Russian drugs enter the US through Canada. Because the Canadian law enforcement is incompetent. Do they know that this show airs in Canada too?

They haven't exactly portrayed U.S. law as competent either.

The WSB: Saved the world from being frozen 30 years ago. Now exists only to prop Sonny and Jason and their much-more-technologically advanced spy and security outfit (thanks to Spinelli and ESPN Guy).

20 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

And as annoying as Gladys is, the smug, hostile way they treat her is disgusting. They expect her to do something illegal and not expect to be compensated and the fact that she demanded money for doing it somehow makes her the lowest of the low.

Originally, Sonny just paid off Gladys to play along and keep her mouth shut. They reconned her into demanding money.

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39 minutes ago, MarciNJ said:

If Renault is a crime boss from the Pacific Northwest, why was he transferred to Pentonville, a NY state prison???

I want it revealed that Spinelli is working for him and then, in the only time I won't conmplain about him, for Jason to have to "eliminate the problem." 

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44 minutes ago, NutmegsDad said:

Originally, Sonny just paid off Gladys to play along and keep her mouth shut. They reconned her into demanding money.

Did they retcon it, or did she get greedy and want more, so demand more, and demand to do more?

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18 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

It always strikes me as odd that characters randomly know stuff about others that they really shouldn't know. Like Nelle knowing Alan dropped a roof on Monica also about forty years ago. How would Michael know, it's hardly something Monica would tell. And it's not pillow talk stuff, so why would Michael tell Nelle ? It is not like it was general public knowledge that Alan caused the "accident" that hurt his hand. 


18 hours ago, ulkis said:

Yup. It made no sense that she knew that or that Carly hired Brook to mess with Lante. The writer was just thinking about showing that they knew stuff instead of thinking if it would make sense if the character knew.

I didn't mind this, actually. The Quartermaines are the prominent, eccentric family that's been in town for generations, with all sorts of scandals (before most of the family died off). It makes sense that stories get around about them. Also, Nelle had Carly's trust for months, and Port Charles has no bigger blabbermouth or shit-talker. She's always bringing up other people's bad behavior to make it seem she, Sonny and Jason are as good as anyone. Any ancient history that Carly heard from her mother, or from AJ, or from Quartermaine arguments she heard when she was living at the mansion, would plausibly become the knowledge of anyone Carly knows.  

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13 hours ago, Sake614 said:
15 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Kober blows MB off the screen

Anyone blows MB off the screen!

LOL, I wouldn't go that far. 

2 hours ago, MarciNJ said:

2. If Renault is a crime boss from the Pacific Northwest, why was he transferred to Pentonville, a NY state prison???

Jason was checking with their guy in Albany. If Sonny has pull, Renault does, too. I'm sure he was transferred so he could make his move on the biggest crime boss on the Eastern Seaboard. 

2 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

Originally, Sonny just paid off Gladys to play along and keep her mouth shut. They reconned her into demanding money.

It wasn't really a retcon, though. Didn't Sonny want more from Gladys, and she decided that deserved more money? For once, someone didn't just take was Sonny was offering. Where is that Gladys?

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35 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

would plausibly become the knowledge of anyone Carly knows.  

Eh, why would Carly tell Nelle she hired Brook to break up Lante? When would that come up? Did Rick, Alan or Monica ever tell anyone about Alan trying to kill them? Why would Bobbie tell Carly? I can buy some stories and gossip being circulated but some things are a stretch.

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3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Eh, why would Carly tell Nelle she hired Brook to break up Lante? When would that come up? Did Rick, Alan or Monica ever tell anyone about Alan trying to kill them? Why would Bobbie tell Carly? I can buy some stories and gossip being circulated but some things are a stretch.

Because that's the kind of gossip SheBeast would relish. There's nothing she likes better than to trash talk the Quartermaines. 

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18 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Eh, why would Carly tell Nelle she hired Brook to break up Lante? When would that come up? Did Rick, Alan or Monica ever tell anyone about Alan trying to kill them?

The house-dropping is something I'm fairly sure has been referenced once or twice in Quartermaine arguments, those scenes where several of them were yelling at each other in the living room. I've never perceived it as a family secret they take care not to bring up, more like something terrible that has become "colorful lore" with the passage of time. I'd be surprised if the likes of Carly and Michael (both of whom were close to Nelle) didn't know about it, as one of the big events in the A/M love-hate relationship.  

I agree that Nelle's knowing about Brook being hired to break up Lulu and Dante is more of a stretch, because when Brook was between actresses and out of town, the characters on the show seemed to forget about her as quickly as most viewers did. But in general, I can hand-wave a character like Nelle knowing about things that went on in town before her time. Especially when she had the confidence of someone who runs her mouth all the time. Dante overlapped with Nelle for a couple years. It isn't that tough for me to imagine him showing up at Sonny and Carly's for a brief visit, and Carly monologuing to Nelle about her whole history with him, how she hated him at first, et cetera. The only thing she loves more than the sound of her own voice is a rapt audience.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Because that's the kind of gossip SheBeast would relish. There's nothing she likes better than to trash talk the Quartermaines. 


49 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

The only thing she loves more than the sound of her own voice is a rapt audience.  

LOL - you guys sure do have her number.

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Come on, guys, it's obvious that Nelle was surfing on Spyder-Finder, came across a site called "Port Charles Celebrity Dirty Laundry," and learned all the ancient Quartermaine and other history!

Edited by TheMediaHo
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15 hours ago, nilyank said:

God, Sam is so annoying

I just wanted you to realize this is correct, you didn't actually need a longer explanation.

13 hours ago, ulkis said:

My thing is, I don't buy that Carly wouldn't be able to leave Avery if she had to.

Carly decides she isn't able to leave a child if she is actively working to withhold someone else's child from them because she deems only herself and her partner at the time as the "safe" choice. When it's her own kids, she's not concerned about it unless someone else decides to go for custody for the kid's own safety. For example, she voluntarily left Morgan at boarding school for how many years? She never, ever referenced missing him or going to see him and then SORASed 19-year-old Morgan said he rarely or never saw his parents. Josslyn was out of the picture indefinitely "visiting Jax" in the past and Carly had an out of sight, out of mind attitude. I have joked before that Carly could text Joss angrily wondering where Avery's toy is and Joss would be like "Mom, I have no idea. I've been living in Australia with Dad permanently for a year now, since the judge wanted to make a decision about custody and you never responded." 

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2 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Dante overlapped with Nelle for a couple years. It isn't that tough for me to imagine him showing up at Sonny and Carly's for a brief visit, and Carly monologuing to Nelle about her whole history with him, how she hated him at first, et cetera. The only thing she loves more than the sound of her own voice is a rapt audience.  

I don't know. Unless Carly wanted a favor from him, I don't even think it would occur to her to talk about him with Nelle. Carly is self-absorbed but she's not a huge blabbermouth like Maxie.

But @TheMediaHo is probably correct, heh.

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8 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

God, Sam is so annoying

What does she do all day, besides talk to Jason on the phone?  I thought she wasn't supposed to contact him (other than about his kid).  What's the difference between not being able to see him face-to-face as opposed to calling him repeatedly? 

Harmony has to get a job, but Sam doesn't even have to PI?

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I would genuinely like to see Sam try to PI without Spinelli and without having a gun. She probably would have no idea what to do.

Who thought it was a good idea to have Finn talk to Sam about someone being so inured to their personal danger that they don't realize that people close to them could be hurt with zero irony?

MB was so out-acted in the prison scene.

What kind of a hospital lets someone who just woke up from a two month coma to have 7 visitors at once?

Why would Taggart and especially Jordan lie to Curtis? That's so stupid and unnecessary.

13 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Also, Sonny and Carly split up over her knowing about Kristina’s paternity so they weren’t together for most of Kristina’s life. Not that that would make a difference because after Kristina was sorased, they established Sonny as being mostly absent from her life. I think her interactions growing up with Carly would have been more as Jax’s wife/Michael and Morgan’s mother than anything else.

Plus Carly hates Alexis. She may be fond of Kristina but she'd gloat if Alexis' daughter got hurt.

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Nah, Carly wouldn't gloat, especially since it would take focus away from her and her kids.

Besides Avery, Carly doesn't like or dislike other kids. She's friendly with them, that's about it.

Edited by ulkis
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Emma can go right back to California if she's only here to raise her pom poms for Uncle Peter. It kills me to hear Anna portray his mistakes as all being long in the past when he was younger, when it has barely been two years since he deceived everyone of his true identity and held Anna herself at gunpoint. I don't expect Anna to turn her back on Peter but she definitely needs to be realistic about who he is and what he's capable of.

Curtis getting so preemptively suspicious of Jordan and Taggert was rewarded by their dumb lie about when they ran into each other. That was just really unnecessary and only served to set up Taggert as an obstacle between Jordan and Curtis. And it's not surprising that Jordan and Taggert share some sordid secret; anybody who's anybody in this town either knows where the bodies are buried or personally did the shoveling themselves, so my pearls aren't exactly clutched.

Dammit, Lucas, REMEMBER! Remember and release me from this Wiley hell. The timing couldn't be more perfect, since Wiley has already been scooped up by Michael for a sleepover (not caring that he's leading him exactly to where Nelle is, I guess) and Willow is learning the definition of the word "boundaries." What good is a months-long coma if you can't blow shit up with an important revelation upon your return to the waking world, right?

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