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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Maybe its the actress but I cannot stand Kristina. I find her so unsympathetic. The Molly actress is really good. So much better than HP. 

She begged to be their surrogate and then wanted to get SOLE custody and visitation rights to TJ/Molly. Ridiculous. 

I find that Alexis/Sonny coddle Kristina so damn much. 

Of course Sam is awol during this family stuff. 

LW and KM are similar in that I dont find them very warm or sympathetic in their portrayals of Carly and Kristina. So cold.

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Color me shocked, and I mean this honestly and not sarcastically, that Anna is still against Mooby and will work to take him down. I thought with the loss of Mulcahey, she would change her mind.

That said, gee Anna, first step would be to do something about the TWO fucking statements against Mooby by Cyrus and Piece of Wood known as Dex where Mooby nearly beat them to death. Well, Cyrus at least. Instead of putting them away for a rainy day.

I hate, absolutely HATE that it was Jason lobbing those truth bombs at Anna about how compromised she is, with her DVX past, Faison, and Valentin. It should have been Robert (minus the Valentin, because he doesn't know about that) or Mac. She has no moral ground to stand on anymore. And please, just STAHP with the tears already.

I haven't warmed up to either actresses playing Kristina or Molly. There is something cold about both of them. With the original actresses, the Coven was a thing-you could see the love between all the sisters and their mom. It's broken now.

And I was on the barge when both were cast, but I have noticed that the actors playing both TJ and Molly don't even kiss. Is that a choice by them or what? Even during this whole surrogacy debacle since I started watching in March, nuthin'.

And why wasn't Portia there with Curtis yesterday? Shouldn't she have been there as his wife and partner? Not that I care, mind you.

Now I am really scared for Jonathan Jackson. I hope, pleasepleaseplease, that after the debacle of his last stint, he made sure there wouldn't be a repeat and that Lucky wouldn't be more trashed and/or destroyed like Anna has, or like they've utterly DESTROYED Jagger.

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2 hours ago, backhometome said:

Maybe its the actress but I cannot stand Kristina. I find her so unsympathetic. The Molly actress is really good. So much better than HP. 

She begged to be their surrogate and then wanted to get SOLE custody and visitation rights to TJ/Molly. Ridiculous. 

I find that Alexis/Sonny coddle Kristina so damn much. 

Of course Sam is awol during this family stuff. 

LW and KM are similar in that I dont find them very warm or sympathetic in their portrayals of Carly and Kristina. So cold.

I think Kristina was always annoying, but I also think this actress is making it worse.  

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18 hours ago, threebluestars said:

don't get this story line. Kristina and Molly are fighting over something that no longer exists. It's like fighting over air. There is no payoff for the audience aside from Ric showing up and he SHOULD have shown up to support Molly waaaay before this. They don't need this storyline for him to come to town!

If that’s who Alexis was talking to on the phone yesterday, I’m side eyeing Ric already because it didn’t sound like he had any plans to show up until Alexis called him and told him he had to be there for once.  

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I had come around to liking LA's Kristina. She was barely on the show so when she would show up, I wasn't offended or anything. Her last memorable scene - to me - was reading Sam for filth about Jason. lol That was hilarious. I liked Lexi. I'm not sure why they fired her. That said, I have no issue w/Kate either. I know she ticked off a bunch of ppl on SM recently but I wasn't paying close attn so I don't know about any of that. As far as her acting is concerned, it's fine to me. I buy her as Kristina. I also think KV is a great Molly. 

For me - the issue is the OOC writing both characters have rec'd since the recasts. They went out of their way to suddenly make Molly weirdly judgmental and hateful to Kristina. I thought they had toned down on that when KV was cast, but it resurfaced at various times throughout this surrogacy story. They also made TJ hate Kristina. Since when? Tolly behave like Kristina is beneath them. They have no respect for her and act like she's a complete loser. None of that was consistent w/what we had seen. The sisters never had any issues w/each other. 

Then, they have Kristina acting like she doesn't know her dad is a mobster who hurts people. That whole thing w/Dex was wildly OOC and pointless retcon. I thought KM did a good job w/the material, but the material was lame and unbelievable. And maybe I just had too much faith in the Kristina of old, but there is no world where I believe Kristina would really take the baby from her sister. Why? Because Tolly had a fight? Kristina who grew up in a single-parent household for the most part suddenly doesn't understand single parents? Kristina literally begged Molly to do this! And they could have had her tell Alexis she wasn't going to take the baby but she doubled down on it. Why? I understand the need for drama, but I don't understand why Kristina has to be destroyed for it. 

I was happy the baby died b/c I didn't want the custody battle, but GH seems determined to ruin the sister relationship and make those characters fight. It is what it is. I could think of other dramas for them, but that is what we'll get. I'm even less interested in this new thing. I'm all for Tolly and Kristina going their separate ways and being involved in different plots for awhile.

ETA: I don't think Lexi would make this material better. It's crap. What Kristina intended to do was awful, and there was no excuse for it. None. The show didn't need to go this route w/them. 

Edited by lala2
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3 hours ago, backhometome said:

LW and KM are similar in that I dont find them very warm or sympathetic in their portrayals of Carly and Kristina. So cold.

Weirdly, I find LW a warm presence, even if Carly isn't usually. KM is a cooler customer, but I also think Kristina has been written mostly adversarially since she took over the role, so it's appropriate for that.

1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I hate, absolutely HATE that it was Jason lobbing those truth bombs at Anna about how compromised she is, with her DVX past, Faison, and Valentin. It should have been Robert (minus the Valentin, because he doesn't know about that) or Mac.

Anna was railing at Jason about his choices, so I think he had standing to push back about hers. But yes, no more tears about this from Anna. Ugh. Who is telling FH to make this choice? It makes no sense (TFGH).

6 minutes ago, lala2 said:

For me - the issue is the OOC writing both characters have rec'd since the recasts. They went out of their way to suddenly make Molly weirdly judgmental and hateful to Kristina. I thought they had toned down on that when KV was cast, but it resurfaced at various times throughout this surrogacy story. They also made TJ hate Kristina. Since when? Tolly behave like Kristina is beneath them. They have no respect for her and act like she's a complete loser. None of that was consistent w/what we had seen. The sisters never had any issues w/each other.

I guess they wanted to amp up the drama for the surrogacy story? It didn't work—everyone, for different reasons,  comes off unhinged.

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Why was Anna on the verge of tears when she said "I'm going to take Sonny down, and I hope you're not standing by his side when I do"? The quivering emotional voice kind of took the authority out of it. If I had never watched before, I'd think she was supposed to be in love with Jason.

My question is purely rhetorical. I know the answer: ever since at least the #justicefordewk era, the only times Anna's not on the verge of tears are romantic scenes and cute-little-kid scenes. Finola is stuck that way now. 

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Honestly I’ve heard that they don’t much direction these days so I think it’s just a poor acting choice being made by FH. Maybe she thinks it makes Anna look more layered but her being teary eyed at the drop of the hat just makes her look weak and kind of naive. Like it’s one thing when it was something involving her family or a LO but now they have her crying over crap about Sonny and Jason?


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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I am really scared for Jonathan Jackson. I hope, pleasepleaseplease, that after the debacle of his last stint, he made sure there wouldn't be a repeat and that Lucky wouldn't be more trashed and/or destroyed like Anna has, or like they've utterly DESTROYED Jagger.

I read an excerpt from his tv guide interview. He said he’s on a long term contract and credits genie being on screen as one of the reasons he agreed to return. The only thing that troubles me is he also said he’s ‘more like Luke than ever before.’ I still have some hope but that will end quickly if he starts crying! 🤣

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I always loved Lexi as Kristina but IMO she just wouldn’t work anymore. She’s supposed to be older than Molly by several years but LA looks very young, and KV would look older than her. I think KM is doing an admirable job in the role, but as has been said before, the writing sucks. And I don’t much care one way or the other if she pisses off people on Twitter. She ought to be more careful but I’m not holding it against her as an actor.

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Damn, talk about destroying the sister relationship!!! Over the baby's dirt grave, in front of her dad and all their family, Molly accuses Kristina of "sacrificing my baby" to protect her criminal father. She's outraged at the way Kristina sorrowfully spoke to the grave. She's glad Kristina is devastated. 

(The alt Sam actress is on for this episode.)

Preview: Jordan tells Curtis that Alexis and Kristina were planning to steal TJ's baby. 

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2 hours ago, Sake614 said:

I still have some hope but that will end quickly if he starts crying! 🤣

Well that was one of the reasons he left last time. But if there's crying when he hugs Genie/Laura, I won't mind, because HELL. When was the last time THOSE TWO were together onscreen?

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No one should not be comfortable with noted bigot Natalia being in Deception, but I guess everyone has forgotten about Natalia being a noted bigot. I HAVE NOT.

What happened to KeMo that Lindsay Hartley is pinch-hitting?

I'm surprised Drew isn't at the funeral so he and Willow can eye-bang in church.

Rick Hearst! Welcome back, you silver fox.

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Curious why they bothered temp recasting Sam for this episode. Yeah she should be there but it’s not like she had any substantive to do. They could have just as easily said she was sick or Scout was sick and she had to stay home. They do that all of the time when other characters are missing from big events 

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Wasn't Kristina concerned that TJ would take the baby full custody if he and Molly broke up, and she was getting the papers together because she was genetically the mother and could at least file for sole so the baby stayed with the Davis clan? I vaguely remember a conversation with her and Alexis about this.

Not that I think she didn't want custody herself, but I think when she brought it up it was so that Molly could then adopt the baby from her? Or am I totally misremembering?

(And like ... Kristina, you really think TJ wouldn't let Molly have access to the baby if they split up??)

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Ooh i saw the previews. Ric looks so dapper and silver! I LOVE IT

that's all though. can't really see the show anymore. [not like i'm missing anything but still]. 


5 minutes ago, threebluestars said:

Wasn't Kristina concerned that TJ would take the baby full custody if he and Molly broke up, and she was getting the papers together because she was genetically the mother and could at least file for sole so the baby stayed with the Davis clan? I vaguely remember a conversation with her and Alexis about this.

it really sounded like some dumb convoluted reason - but i think honestly if the show had any kind of brain it would have been more of, TJ was becoming more and more .... however he's acting right now, and and Kristina's actions was to protect the baby and Molly, but from what i saw it was really more of she was starting to fall in love w/the baby and she wanted the baby. 

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I had to laugh at the minister. No one thought beforehand to clue him in beforehand who's who? TJ and his family are supposed to have such a strong faith—don't they have a regular clergy?

Cody, you suck for letting James ride without a helmet. So much for safety first.

Lois stepped in for Lucy on TV when all Lucy could do was yammer on about how she created Deception. By all accounts it was a huge hit, so everyone should not be acting as if this is the first time.

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8 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Molly rolling her eyes at Kristina's loud sobbing had me 😂

Same. I don't care if that means I have a shriveled walnut instead of a heart. This story is so galactically stupid (and badly written). 

Looks like we might see JJ tomorrow, or at least be teased that Lucky is on his way to PC.

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24 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Adela and Irene are both horrible baby names. (no offence to anyone named that) Both such old lady names. 

it's not so much "old" - it's more classic. you basically get nicknamed to death anyway so Adela is Addie, and Irene could have been Ren or whatever. I know if I were to have a child in this day in age i would go more classic then whatever is in the top 100 popular baby girl names because everyone would have that name.  but that's just me. (like my name is popular now but when i was growing up - I think until I started college in my 30s, my name was still pretty unique. outside of me being 10 and being ticked off that i could never find my name on pens or pencils like my friends - something my mom made up for by having custom named stickers etc for me :D best mamma ever!!) - i loved being the Only Me, and not Sara A, Sarah B and Sara C. 

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Naming the baby Irene, a person neither TJ nor Molly ever met, whom neither is biologically related to, but who is treated like a saint by the Ashford family  members who knew her, reinforces to me the idea that TJ and Molly were and are living in a fantasy about the baby.  I'm sure that they would have put her down for the most prestigious preschool but did they think about childcare beyond Molly taking some time off work? (I know a couple who had 2 children while she was a medial resident like TJ and he was a graduate student. They managed because they alternated taking a year off to take care of the kids.)

Ric's tears, all these people at the funeral overwhelmed by grief.  Okay, they can feel sad that a baby died but the only ones who I think should have real grief are Kristina, Molly,  TJ Jordan and Alexis. And Willow who had all her old feeings brought up.  Ric wouldn't even have come if Alexis hadn't called him.

Tracy seems to be the only one working at Deception who has any awareness of marketing or business. Maxie is getting there but she's still too willing to accept what people tell her.

Lois just seems to be a waste of time, although not as much as Natalia.

4 hours ago, lala2 said:

I thought KM did a good job w/the material, but the material was lame and unbelievable. And maybe I just had too much faith in the Kristina of old, but there is no world where I believe Kristina would really take the baby from her sister. Why? Because Tolly had a fight? Kristina who grew up in a single-parent household for the most part suddenly doesn't understand single parents?

I love your whole post. To address this issue: they had Kristina afraid that Molly and TJ would break up and TJ would take sole custody of the baby because Kristina would have given up custody and so TJ would be the sole biological parent.  Molly may have adopted the baby but if TJ fought her for custody, it's likely that he would win. He would let Molly see the baby but he and his family would be raising it.  Didn't Ric try to take Molly away from Alexis?  Kristina said that she wanted the baby to be raised by the Davis coven.

It's a stupid plot point but I have no time for TJ or Molly any  more. They treated Kristina like she was an vending machine producing a baby for them, a baby the was all theirs and that they had every right to.

"You're the reason she's dead."  Molly, Kristina is also the reason she was alive.

The baby is dead; mourn and move on.

38 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I had to laugh at the minister. No one thought beforehand to clue him in beforehand who's who? TJ and his family are supposed to have such a strong faith—don't they have a regular clergy?

This seem par for the course for TJ. He's this far away from a diagnosis or narcissism.

1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Preview: Jordan tells Curtis that Alexis and Kristina were planning to steal TJ's baby. 

Is everyone in this story unhinged?

Edited by statsgirl
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6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And I was on the barge when both were cast, but I have noticed that the actors playing both TJ and Molly don't even kiss. Is that a choice by them or what? Even during this whole surrogacy debacle since I started watching in March, nuthin'.

Now that you've mentioned it - have they even had a love scene? There's no warmth or chemistry whatsoever. Almost seems like a business partnership.

I wonder if today is the last we'll see of Ava? Also betting that either Cates or Mooby has Scott locked up somewhere.

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7 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Didn't Ric try to take Molly away from Alexis?

He didn’t just try- he did get primary custody and Alexis barely saw her all the while battling cancer. He only gave Molly back to Alexis after a year and a half because his dad came to town and he thought Molly would be in danger around him. 

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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Naming the baby Irene, a person neither TJ nor Molly ever met, whom neither is biologically related to, but who is treated like a saint by the Ashford family  members who knew her

but the thing is - TJ might not have not met her but she was his grandmother until he realized he wasn't related to her. but that doesn't trump the years he knew and loved Grandma Irene. She meant something to him. a lot of people keep bringing this up - so maybe it's just me and i'll own that. but i truly don't understand how TJ/Molly naming their baby after TJ's grandmother [i know. not blood related] means they were romanticising the baby (i'm all eyes and ears if someone wants to explain it). 

But to me it makes more sense for TJ to name his child Irene, than say Future Trina having a baby and naming her Irene. [or Curtis & Portia having some kid - please don't]. like in the same sphere. i am more upset (still) that Skye named her daughter Lila-Rae. (but i have Skye issues lol)

12 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Is everyone in this story unhinged?


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3 hours ago, Sake614 said:

I read an excerpt from his tv guide interview. He said he’s on a long term contract and credits genie being on screen as one of the reasons he agreed to return. The only thing that troubles me is he also said he’s ‘more like Luke than ever before.’ I still have some hope but that will end quickly if he starts crying! 🤣

Him being more like Luke is actually what I'm hoping for. Lucky's been through a lot, he should be coming back with an edge, looking to kick ass without taking names - with Uncle Cyrus being at the top of the list for putting Lulu in danger in the first place. Ideally, he's back as an WSB Agent looking to clean up Port Chuckles once and for all.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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I'm so over Kristina and Molly and I want this storyline over and done with. It's like they've taken over the show and not in a good way.  Nothing against the actresses, but I hope they fade into the background of the show and are only brought out at Christmas.

ducks tomatoes

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41 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Is everyone in this story unhinged?

Pretty sure it's a rhetorical question, but just in case, yes, yes. They are all unhinged.

That baby didn't stand a chance. She would have been a neurotic cyborg. I'm certain Jordan is a robot.

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I'm not surprised at Ric or any of the grandparents crying at the funeral. It would rip my heart out if my adult children were grieving for their baby.

I do feel bad about Kristina, but I just know if I were in Molly's shoes I'd be biting my tongue off when she gave a surprise eulogy and seemed to rub in the fact that she got to physically carry the baby.

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45 minutes ago, lilabennet said:

Lucky is exactly like Luke already: They are both abusive losers who somehow rarely get held accountable for anything due to their dubious "charm".

When we first met him, Lucky was a good kid with a good heart. When his world fell apart as a teen - acting out was understandable. What I ended up loathing Luke for was the way he seemed smugly satisfied with Lucky's self-destructive behavior. 

And it ended up being a waste anyway, since Luke was more captivated by his con man son Ethan. 🤮

Eta: I actually kind of liked Ethan as a character, who should have been Robert and Holly's son. 

Edited by tessaray
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I didn’t think that Kristina was rubbing it in that she got to carry  the baby. She was merely trying to explain , that the baby was living while inside of her so she had a life. 
The way Molly looked at Kristina when she burst into tears was rather harsh IMO. Kristina is flooded with hormones right now which tends to make some women extremely emotional. They are both grieving just in different ways. 
yes, Molly saw those papers in her mother’s briefcase but hasn’t had any sort of explanation. 
I hate stories that involve infants. 

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That is the first time I ever laughed at a baby's funeral. It was like a scene out of a UK comedy like Absolutely Fabulous or something. I was waiting for Krissy to start crying out.. "My baby! My baby!"  and then Molly would seethe.. "No! MY baby!!!" Then they start tussling and tumble into the casket. 🫣

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9 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

That is the first time I ever laughed at a baby's funeral. It was like a scene out of a UK comedy like Absolutely Fabulous or something. I was waiting for Krissy to start crying out.. "My baby! My baby!"  and then Molly would seethe.. "No! MY baby!!!" Then they start tussling and tumble into the casket. 🫣

Oh My God, Yes! Especially when Kristina suddenly started wailing! Took me back to Sabrina’s wailing and falling to the floor when Robin showed up alive.

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59 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

That HAS to be Lucky!!!!!



Not Lucky in chains, I hope!!!!

ITA about Ric Lansing. If only my Gray hair looked so distinguished.😌

With Micheal E. Knight seemingly out of the picture, GH could have had the market cornered on Silver Foxes.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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Kristina was just eye rolling today. As much as I’d like to see her go off on Kristina, I’d prefer Molly target Alexis with some of her anger, especially about her knowing Kristina wanting to keep the baby. I hate the whole dead baby story, but I’d rather see everyone pissed at Kristina than Kristina and TJ “bonding” over their lost biological child leaving Molly to watch/suffer in the background. 

I like Lois, but I was disappointed that Tracy didn’t jump on stage to help her, eventually becoming the Face of Deception. Also, Lois should have cracked a joke about her broken nail (“Some people say break a leg, but our motto is break a nail”). 

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Kristina made a remarkable recovery from a 3 storey fall that left her with only three tiny scratches on her face, but pancaked the baby she was carrying. 

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Sonny should have been at the funeral. 

Didn't Ric and Sonny leave on ok terms even he left last? 

 Kristina speech was good & right, she carried the baby, she knew the likes, the dislikes, she went to the appointments and walks. We never saw Molly care that much, she was always working or debating Kristina food choices with TJ. But no connection to the baby. 

Kristina was biological mother.  Kristina was the one doing everything for the baby. She was her flesh and blood. She also almost just died, she had the right to mourn and cry as much or more than anyone. 

Nice that Michael showed up for his sister and the scene with him, her and Dante was good. Even Joss showing up was good. 

Ava is an idiot.  

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18 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Sonny should have been at the funeral. 

To be fair, Alexis mentioned Sonny wasn’t there because Molly flipped out on him and partially blames him for the baby’s death so I think his presence would have made it worse

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12 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And I was on the barge when both were cast, but I have noticed that the actors playing both TJ and Molly don't even kiss. Is that a choice by them or what? Even during this whole surrogacy debacle since I started watching in March, nuthin'.


6 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Now that you've mentioned it - have they even had a love scene? There's no warmth or chemistry whatsoever. Almost seems like a business partnership.

They do kiss, just not often. Yes, they had a love scene - two months or so ago? - when TJ apologized to Molly for how he'd behaved. They started making out on the couch. They both took shirts off and it went from there although I don't recall if they were actually shown in bed together later. I remember it because people were speculating that Molly really would get pregnant with miracle baby, from the make up sex. 

I think there was a sweetness with HP's Molly and TJ, that just doesn't exist between the characters since the Show cast KV as Molly. I see warmth between Molly and Alexis and Alexis and Kristina so that I find the mother-daughter relationships believable, but I just don't buy that Molly and TJ are madly in love at this point in their relationship or that Blaze and Kristina were madly in love. 

@GHScorpiosRule Yep, pretty sure those ankles in chains in the preview is the intro for Lucky's return. I figure seeing his face will be the Friday show's cliffhanger.

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Lol at Ric saying it was good thing he showed up because he found Molly outside in tears and alone. 🙄 Umm when is the last time you were there for her? Alexis has been there non-stop. And sometimes people need a minute to themselves in these situations. Geez. I mean they may keep in touch all the time off screen, but still. 

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Just now, pinkandsparkly13 said:

Lol at Ric saying it was good thing he showed up because he found Molly outside in tears and alone. 🙄 Umm when is the last time you were there for her? Alexis has been there non-stop. And sometimes people need a minute to themselves in these situations. Geez. I mean they may keep in touch all the time off screen, but still. 

I RME at him. It’s nice that he was there to comfort her but it’s canon that he was a deadbeat to Molly. She’s said numerous times how she’s only had Alexis and we heard Alexis call him and demand he show up because Molly needed his support. He obviously wasn’t coming on his own so I’m going to be beyond annoyed when he plays parent of the year 

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5 hours ago, PatsyandEddie said:

I didn’t think that Kristina was rubbing it in that she got to carry  the baby. She was merely trying to explain , that the baby was living while inside of her so she had a life.

I thought that it was rather interesting. For everyone else, they were mourning the idea of the baby and what she would be like and how she would grow up. For Kristina, it was an actual being, something that would react to the foods that she ate and kick her when she wanted to be rocked. That shared her body and affected her life.*

*When I was pregnant, I had hypoglycemia and fainting spell.s After the baby was born, baby had hypoglycemia and I have been off the hook ever since. For all that they considered the baby theirs, Kristina was closer to the actual baby than either Molly or TJ.

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4 hours ago, StaceyNotStacie said:

Kristina was just eye rolling today. As much as I’d like to see her go off on Kristina, I’d prefer Molly target Alexis with some of her anger, especially about her knowing Kristina wanting to keep the baby. I hate the whole dead baby story, but I’d rather see everyone pissed at Kristina than Kristina and TJ “bonding” over their lost biological child leaving Molly to watch/suffer in the background. 


1 hour ago, Artsda said:

Kristina speech was good & right, she carried the baby, she knew the likes, the dislikes, she went to the appointments and walks. We never saw Molly care that much, she was always working or debating Kristina food choices with TJ. But no connection to the baby. 

Kristina was biological mother.  Kristina was the one doing everything for the baby. She was her flesh and blood. She also almost just died, she had the right to mourn and cry as much or more than anyone. 


This probably sounds mean but Molly's grief over the loss and now anger toward Kristina just leaves me cold. Yes, some of her reaction toward Kristina in the cemetery was fueled by seeing the petition, but I think more of it was due to resentment both for Kristina going to confront Ava but also because Kristina "knew" the baby while she didn't. That was very clear from the eulogy. 

Not once in the almost 9 months of Kristina's pregnancy did Molly try to feel the baby kick, talk to Kristina's stomach, eagerly ask for and show off sonograms to family, etc. Same with TJ. Aside from TJ getting offended during one early appointment when Kristina said she did want to know the sex of the baby, he hasn't shown any interest at all in the baby's development. He only ever looked for reasons to criticize their surrogate. 

TJ and Molly wanted the funeral and burial to be "their" day of grief; instead Molly got to realize Kristina really loved and was connected to this baby while she, the intended mother, never made the effort. When TJ was crying to the dirt that "Daddy loves you", I thought not once did you ever look excited about Kristina's growing belly or want to feel a kick. This baby was a vague dream/fantasy to you two whereas she was very real to Kristina.

Alexis is in an impossible situation. All she has done is love both daughters and encourage them to use good judgement. She absolutely did not encourage Kristina's thinking of keeping the baby. These two young women chose not to be smart about this surrogacy situation, and that's their fault. Yet I don't see Molly and TJ being the types to own up to their own mistakes. 

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2 hours ago, jacourt said:

And no one has seen the baby.  TJ works at the hospital. He didn't go to see her?

I imagine the show decided it was more discreet to skip it. (Not to mention cheaper. Does GH even have a morgue set?) But it might have humanized TJ a bit if we had seen him do the bundle of blankets scene or breaking down over a sheet covered doll.

Not that I mind. I'm still depressed over the way Sasha lost Liam.  

Edited by tessaray
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