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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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On 4/4/2023 at 8:13 AM, Aymery said:

Even with Willow at home and Epiphany dearly departed, they still have enough nurses to front the opening number: Head Nurse Liz, Bobbie, Felix, Deanna, and Amy.

Re: Liz. For one of the soap sites, Rebecca Herbst did a look back at her GH years on one of her big anniversaries (20th, I think), commenting on photos of herself with co-stars. Her comment on a picture of Liz performing with Lucky, Taggert, and Dara was that performing at the NB was something she didn't enjoy. She said she did a few NBs when she was starting out (I also remember one with Juan and Emily; he sang "Footloose" while the girls danced), but now she prefers to be a spectator. 

Maybe being able to opt out is a perk of seniority.

Here's that number from the 1998 ball. 


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4 hours ago, seasons said:

Hi guys! I seem to remember I stand somewhat alone on looking forward to the Nurse’s Ball, but I’m enjoying it back this year. Any thoughts from you all? 

After watching for about 30 seconds in the beginning, I’m fast forwarding most of the performances. (Sorry.)

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4 hours ago, seasons said:

Hi guys! I seem to remember I stand somewhat alone on looking forward to the Nurse’s Ball, but I’m enjoying it back this year. Any thoughts from you all? 

It’s been ok so far. The ex-lawyer singer was fantastic. I do think Brooklyn’s verbal attack on the sleazy music manager was maybe wrong time wrong place 

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Well, the Nurse's Ball has always been one of those instances which combines equal parts cringe, comedy and the occasional genuine (if raw) talent, which IMO is true to the nature of most community-organized charity fundraisers. (The use of auto-tune does take me out of the moment a bit, because that's not normally available to amateurs.) To me, it's fun to see the cast do something different once a year - I wouldn't want it to be more often than that! - and the show does make sure it's not a total hiatus from the ongoing stories, which are woven pretty well into the ball. Like this year, you have Victor's evil plan, Gladys' gambling issues, Linc's sleazy behavior, and several troubled romances: Sonny/Nina, Spencer/Trina, Joss/Dex, Portia/Curtis/Jordan, Carly/Drew, Liz/Finn, Brooklyn/Chase. 

As for the acts themselves, I can't say I've loved all of them. The opening number was better than the usual nurses' performances - no wonder they stuck TJ in with the nurses (although, having seen him shirtless, he should've been in the Magic Wands - is it really just Dex and Cody this time instead of the usual half-dozen cast members?). I think they missed a trick not having Liesl perform, because she was the showstopper most of the time. This year they sprung for a real singer, and she of course blew everyone else out of the water. Not thrilled by Joss/Trina's song choice, it was a bit too thin, if you know what I mean. Chase/Blaze's song worked for her, not so much him. I always cringe at the little kids' performances, but I liked their bond with Oma Liesl, and I especially loved how it worked into her abduction. I'd completely forgotten Liesl was involved with Victor, even pretending that he was Nathan's bio-dad, so that came as a total surprise to me. Given all the ridiculous obstacles they keep putting in Sprina's path - writing them as if they were a middle school couple, or a gay couple in the mid-2000s, where they're repeatedly interrupted for the dumbest reasons before their lips can meet - I was expecting Victor to throw another wrench into their romance, by kidnapping Spencer as his chosen Cassadine heir, and put a twist on the old "damsel in distress" rescue mission by having Trina and Joss and maybe Esme rescue Spencer instead.

I was relieved that Ned showed up today - I know Brooklyn is a Quartermaine too but it seemed like the major rep for the family was going to be retcons Drew and Austin. Is Laura, the MAYOR, really not going to put in an appearance at the ball? Could they not work in an appearance by characters like Audrey, Monica (even if it had to be a voice message, perhaps over flashbacks?) and of course Robin? They just had Robert and Emma a couple of days ago, couldn't they tape something with them? The one flashback they did air was one of the worst selections they could make. They couldn't afford something for the Stone remembrance? It would be especially poignant given the reason for the ball.

I also agree think they could've put a bit more effort into making the ballroom/crowd look bigger than it was. And those cheap-looking chairs - just cover them with some fabric and add a pretty, sparkly bow made from the ladies' dresses, for crying out loud.

Speaking of sets, I read an interview the other day where the headwriters mentioned they'd been begging FV for a pool set forever, and it took him a while to agree due to the cost. So when they fill it up once, it needs to be used for several days of filming in a row to make it more cost-effective, and that's where FV has to make the budgets and filming schedules work. That's the primary job of an EP, not writing stories or squeezing in personal wish fulfillment, as has been repeatedly implied on this board. 

Edited by Aymery
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1 minute ago, Aymery said:

(although, having seen him shirtless, he should've been in the Magic Wands - is it really just Dex and Cody this time instead of the usual half-dozen cast members?)

Maxie also asked Drew.  and we have the mystery replacement that is NOT Mac.

35 minutes ago, DanaK said:

It’s been ok so far. The ex-lawyer singer was fantastic. I do think Brooklyn’s verbal attack on the sleazy music manager was maybe wrong time wrong place 

But now Chase will know she's not selfish.

Not that this is brand new information, but man, Gladys sucks.  It's bad enough she's stealing money from Sasha.  But, now she's framing an innocent man, and taking away an opportunity for Sasha to move on.

What does Valentin want with Liesel?  

Telling Spenser to wait for instructions from his uncle is a bit unclear. He has so many questionable ones:)

Am I the only one who flashed back to the year Spenser was the Phantom of the Nurses' Ball and complaining about "townies" when he told Dex he was an "employee."  Oh, the horrors.  But, yeah. He's a jerk.  

And, does Link know who Joss is?  Maybe not the best target.

9 hours ago, scarlett said:

He’s not defending Cam or doing him any favors when Cam asked him to stop. He’s angry is on behalf of no one but himself. It makes no sense to think Spencer has the right to defy what people requested of him and harass anyone he wants to. What if people walked up to him mad on Ava, Avery, and Trina’s behalf everyday? Everyone in town has a reason to hate someone for hurting someone they love. He can grow up and handle those emotions like an adult like any day now. 

Plus, Trina doesn't generally defend Joss by attacking other people.  I think Spenser is being ridiculous.  People break up all the time.  Joss and Cam are young.  They weren't married.  They weren't engaged.  Yes, she should have broken up with Cam before having sex with dex, but I don't know that Spenser knows about that, and it's kind of moot at this point anyway. That's not WHY she broke up with Cam.  People who start dating at 17/18 don't usually (not never) ende up living together happily ever after.

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Whatever.  For me personally, Spencer is being thrown under the bus to prop Dex and Jex.  I haven't seen yesterday's show yet, but I'm really pissed they had Sprina have a big fight two minutes after they decided they're a couple.  This is getting old fast.   I don't care who likes or doesn't like Spencer, I'm damn fed up with the writing for Sprina.  Period.

As I haven't seen yesterday's show, so far I liked Trina and Joss's song the best.  I thought they were so fun!

I actually feel that Chase needs to STFU, he has no right to be so demeaning to Brooklyn (who I don't even really like btw), about how she handled Linc.  I find the character Linc to be so gross and I feel like this happens too much in real life, I don't want to see it on my tv.  Meanwhile, everyone is pushing this narrative that Finn is controlling and condescending to Liz, but hello?  Chase if far, far worse.  He better zip his mouth. 

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Nurses Ball thoughts

that is a LOT of sequins....  was there a sale somewhere?  

When Bobbie walked the red carpet, she had practically the same exact dress as Chandra Wilson

Hated almost all the dresses, but loved the ones on Trina, Jordan and Portia

Lucy had a gown and accessories in the safe house?

I am assuming the safe house was the one Sonny moved them to, since Valentin brought that toy piano down and said it must have belonged to Michael or Morgan.  Lucy hired the car from the first safe house.  How did Victor's men find them at the second safe house?

Why were the tables set for three people at this event?

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

Not that this is brand new information, but man, Gladys sucks.  It's bad enough she's stealing money from Sasha.  But, now she's framing an innocent man, and taking away an opportunity for Sasha to move on.


Yes that Gladys sucks for this however Sasha would have many opportunities to move on because she is a beautiful, sweet person. 

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58 minutes ago, MarciNJ said:

I am assuming the safe house was the one Sonny moved them to, since Valentin brought that toy piano down and said it must have belonged to Michael or Morgan.  Lucy hired the car from the first safe house.  How did Victor's men find them at the second safe house?

They had not moved from the original safehouse yet.  It's all the same safehouse.  They were waiting from word from Sonny to move when Lucy admitted she'd gone to the Metrocourt earlier in the day and VAnna figured Victor had seen her and was going to find them, which he did.  

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17 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

They had not moved from the original safehouse yet.  It's all the same safehouse.  They were waiting from word from Sonny to move when Lucy admitted she'd gone to the Metrocourt earlier in the day and VAnna figured Victor had seen her and was going to find them, which he did.

which makes sense, but why was Morgan/Michael's toy piano in the attic?  Were they both Sonny's safe houses?  I'd think spies like Anna/Valentin would have access to their own...

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As a Sprina fan, I couldn’t care less how Spencer treats Dex or how he speaks to Dex. I don’t like Dex. Spencer doesn’t like Dex. That’s fine. What’s not fine is having Sprina have a lame argument about Dex. We had them kissing and confirming their relationship only for Trina to throw a hissy fit about Dex?!?! Come on! 

I also didn’t find Trina’s reaction to be organic or realistic. Why wouldn’t she pull Spencer aside and ask him what his beef with Dex is really about?!? Why couldn’t we see them conversing? Is their entire relationship gonna be Trina getting upset because Spencer doesn’t behave in the exact way she wants him to at all times?!? Who wants to watch that?! I don’t want to see her parenting him. I want to see them in an equal relationship. Too many of GH’s relationships cast one half as the “bad” one and the other half as the “good” one. The “bad” one is always trying to live up to the expectations of the “good” one. That gets boring and puts one half of the pairing on a pedestal. 

I would have preferred them talking and Spencer expressing why he hates Dex so much rather than Trina getting in her feelings and stomping away. That also gave me ChaLynn vibes. I’m not here for the games. If they’re together, show them as together. Trina knows Spencer is a spoiled, rich kid. What made her think that has suddenly changed? Why can’t she just like him as he is?!  Ugh. I’m already frustrated and they are barely a couple!!! 

Edited by lala2
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56 minutes ago, lala2 said:

As a Sprina fan, I couldn’t care less how Spencer treats Dex or how he speaks to Dex. I don’t like Dex. Spencer doesn’t like Dex. That’s fine. What’s not fine is having Sprina have a lame argument about Dex. We had them kissing and confirming their relationship only for Trina to throw a hissy fit about Dex?!?! Come on! 

I also didn’t find Trina’s reaction to be organic or realistic. Why wouldn’t she pull Spencer aside and ask him what his beef with Dex is really about?!? Why couldn’t we see them conversing? Is their entire relationship gonna be Trina getting upset because Spencer doesn’t behave in the exact way she wants him to at all times?!? Who wants to watch that?! I don’t want to see her parenting him. I want to see them in an equal relationship. Too many of GH’s relationships cast one half as the “bad” one and the other half as the “good” one. The “bad” one is always trying to live up to the expectations of the “good” one. That gets boring and puts one half of the pairing on a pedestal. 

I would have preferred them talking and Spencer expressing why he hates Dex so much rather than Trina getting in her feelings and stomping away. That also gave me ChaLynn vibes. I’m not here for the games. If they’re together, show them as together. Trina knows Spencer is a spoiled, rich kid. What made her think that has suddenly changed? Why can’t she just like him as he is?!  Ugh. I’m already frustrated and they are barely a couple!!! 

You really voiced my thoughts and frustrations here.  Thank you!

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1 hour ago, lala2 said:

As a Sprina fan, I couldn’t care less how Spencer treats Dex or how he speaks to Dex. I don’t like Dex. Spencer doesn’t like Dex. That’s fine. What’s not fine is having Sprina have a lame argument about Dex. We had them kissing and confirming their relationship only for Trina to throw a hissy fit about Dex?!?! Come on! 

and the thing is, maybe outside of the whole "you don't belong" here crack. (which is true, he doesn't and i wish he'd toodle off my screen already) - I felt that Spencer was speaking much truth. Why is Dex drinking on the job, when he's supposed to be protecting Sonny? it would be something if it were like I dunno, a Shirley Temple (yum) or something, but like tequila? I think what he said was very much appro. considering all the circumstances. 

and like i said. the Spencer being entitled thing doesn't bother me so much [all the time] - as long as he continues to make strides not to be entitled all of the time. and the thing is, it would be something different if Spencer talked to all the employees like that and Trina had had enough or something. To me Trina's reaction had  too much "this is Joss's boyfriend you are talking to, and you are treating him like crap." vs "Why do you talk to people you feel are beneath you that way." if that makes sense. 

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On 4/6/2023 at 2:17 PM, Daisy said:

Deanna's last name.... is Sirtis?  LOL that just made methink of Marina Sirtis whoo plays Deanne Troy lol

OT- Wow, you're a Trekkie too. Your awesome rating just increased by a factor of 1,000. Question: Kirk, Picard, Sisko, or Janeway, who's your pick?

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4 minutes ago, Winston Wolfe said:

OT- Wow, you're a Trekkie too. Your awesome rating just increased by a factor of 1,000. Question: Kirk, Picard, Sisko, or Janeway, who's your pick?

lol, not even mentioning Archer and the Walking Dead chick Captain, eh? (Sisko then Picard, DS9 was my Trek).

Joss blowing kisses at her super secret boyfriend and then getting ticked off that Sonny calls him to you know. Work. 

just annoys me that everyone knows, so why are they secret again?

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Gladys was a terrible person at the beginning and she’s back to being a terrible person. It’s too bad, because I liked her as a grey character.

NC is great at playing entitled and arrogant, but it’s often over the top because he punches down. With his baby rabies, it combines to make him a very annoying character right now.

Speaking of annoying characters, Lucy you nitwit!!

“A boa, really?” 🤣 Ah! I haven’t laughed at a Sonny joke in a decade. 😂

The Magic Wands were a bit less cringe than anticipated and the audience reactions were great. Strangely, the Dex actor moved better than expected (it would make sense that the character would want to drink a few before that! 😂). The Cody actor (now I understand why he looked so orange lately) seemed to hold his stomach in (I feel bad, clearly he was uncomfortable doing this).

TJ should’ve headlined that performance though, because Tajh was fabulous (fanning myself).


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2 hours ago, CeChase said:

You really voiced my thoughts and frustrations here.  Thank you!

You’re welcome ☺️

Im just frustrated that they would argue about useless Dex. Who cares about him? Why not have them argue over Spencer’s sudden baby rabies?!?!? That would at least make sense! 

28 minutes ago, Daisy said:

lol, not even mentioning Archer and the Walking Dead chick Captain, eh? (Sisko then Picard, DS9 was my Trek).

I noticed that Archer was absent from that list  too! LOL! I forgot all about that new ST show. I couldn’t get into it. It’s supposed to be BEFORE Archer but everything is so sleek and high tech. And their ugly Klingons turned me all the way off!! 🤣🤣🤣

—— But back to Sprina, I couldn’t agree more with you that I would be less bothered if Trina seemed to think Spencer was an entitled jerk to everyone. I would get that, but this seemed more about Dex and I couldn’t care less about him! 

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Besides Nina, nobody seems to care about missing Liesel.  I guess bracelets are more important.

I hope the metro court was much closer than the PD because that's where I would have run. Call me crazy.

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Gladys is stupid. All Cody has to do is 1. check for fingerprints and 2. tell Sasha that Gladys sold Brando's garage to pay her gambling debts, and gave Mrs. Wu the earrings that Sasha gave her. If Gladys had not tried to get Cody into trouble, it wouldn't come out.

Yes Joss, roll your eyes because Dex's boss calls him to work and you can't flirt with him.

Well done show, I honestly thought that Anna is going to die. And calling Robert and Laura to the hospital to leave Esme and the baby alone.

Robert "What does that mean?" re the new heir.  Well Robert, since Valentin is out and Nik is MIA, that only leaves Spencer and the baby.

I love Nina's necklace.

Bobbie taking out the bad guy with a boa was great.

Of course Carly had to be on stage.  But the tribute to Bobbie was nice (and showed that JZ could act without ticks back in the day).

In spite of a missed episode this week, it turned out to be a pretty good Friday cliff-hanger.

13 hours ago, Runningwild said:

And Laura (GF) is married to Will Riker (JF) who in the Star Trek universe is married to Deanna Troi (MS). LOL

When I'm watching JF on Picard and compare him to GF's Laura here, it's such a mental disconnect for me.

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1 minute ago, Katy M said:

Besides Nina, nobody seems to care about missing Liesel.  I guess bracelets are more important.

I hope the metro court was much closer than the PD because that's where I would have run. Call me crazy.

well all 3 cops are at the metrocourt so it does make sense.

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MB looked like he was having trouble staying awake, LOL. I wonder how long the shooting days were for this. In the past, they were pretty epic, IIRC.

1 hour ago, Daisy said:

Why is Dex drinking on the job, when he's supposed to be protecting Sonny?

Why is it any of Spencer's business? As @Desperado noted, Spencer is punching down when he goes after Dex.

9 minutes ago, Desperado said:

Gladys was a terrible person at the beginning and she’s back to being a terrible person. It’s too bad, because I liked her as a grey character.

Same here. She was good when she first came on, squeezing Sonny for everything she could get for the idiotic Dev lie, but then she sort of folded and started nagging Brando about joining Sonny's mob (WTF, Gladys?!), then she got kind of cool when Liam died and Sasha had her breakdown and Brando died and she became Sasha's conservator; but now she's back to messing with people's lives she has no business messing with. UGH.

And seriously, she's framing Cody for the robbery? As if he's dumb enough to stash the bracelet in a coat pocket. 

17 minutes ago, Desperado said:

The Magic Wands were a bit less cringe than anticipated

No one looked like he was actively counting steps, hee. Jordan should watching through her fingers—her son is up there!

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1 minute ago, dubbel zout said:

Why is it any of Spencer's business? As @Desperado noted, Spencer is punching down when he goes after Dex.

truthfully, if I knew my Uncle got shot at and had heightened security because of an unknown threat, and I saw his bodyguard drinking something that could diminish his capabilities of protecting said Uncle, chances are I would probably have said something myself. 

it's not taking away from the fact that he's spoiling for a fight or whatever  - but again what he said to me was very accurate. he did go over the line with 'you don't belong here." but he was there mostly for work.  that's how i see it anyway. 


(for example if Dex wasn't working at all and Spencer went at him, i would very much be hush. and just ignore him period). that's where i see it coming from anyway

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7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

No one looked like he was actively counting steps, hee. Jordan should watching through her fingers—her son is up there!

Jordan was shown hiding behind her hands at some point, but it seemed more like the actress’ reaction than the character’s.

JZ looked surprised and emotional during the “Nurse Bobbie” tribute. Maybe it was truly a surprise for the actress.

”Your hair hasn’t been really red in… 100 years!” 🤣

Someone should’ve explained the concept of “panty lines” to the Wands. I think there was just one thong in the bunch.

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51 minutes ago, Daisy said:
1 hour ago, Winston Wolfe said:

OT- Wow, you're a Trekkie too. Your awesome rating just increased by a factor of 1,000. Question: Kirk, Picard, Sisko, or Janeway, who's your pick?

lol, not even mentioning Archer and the Walking Dead chick Captain, eh? (Sisko then Picard, DS9 was my Trek).

Heh. I'm a big Scott Bakula fan, but Entrerprise just wasn't my jam until the last four episodes. And I haven't seen any Trek after that except Season 1 of Picard. But as far as faves go we're on the same page, Sisko first, then Jean-Luc. DS9 rules!

Back on topic - Mistah Sheffield running off with Liesel means that Sonny wil probably get to play the Hero in this S/L when it should probably be Robert or even Laura. #justiceforluke

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10 minutes ago, Daisy said:

truthfully, if I knew my Uncle got shot at and had heightened security because of an unknown threat, and I saw his bodyguard drinking something that could diminish his capabilities of protecting said Uncle, chances are I would probably have said something myself. 


Of course!  So would I

8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

When does Spencer care about Sonny unless it's to get something from him? He changes allegiance whenever it makes things better for him, so Spencer can shove any concern he might have.

I don't view Spencer this way at all.  Sonny is his Uncle and he has always treated him as such. 

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1 hour ago, Winston Wolfe said:

OT- Wow, you're a Trekkie too. Your awesome rating just increased by a factor of 1,000. Question: Kirk, Picard, Sisko, or Janeway, who's your pick?

Kirk all the way! TOS is still my favorite and The City on the Edge of Forever is still my favorite episode 

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7 minutes ago, Daisy said:

truthfully, if I knew my Uncle got shot at and had heightened security because of an unknown threat, and I saw his bodyguard drinking something that could diminish his capabilities of protecting said Uncle, chances are I would probably have said something myself. 


Uncle was fine with his bodyguard taking a big chunk of time to be a Magic Wand, so I don’t think he saw his life as being on the line much that night. 😉

Also, if Spencer was truly worried he should’ve told Dex to come clean to Sonny about the drink or he would go and tell him himself. Pretty sure if Dex had said “boss, I needed a shot before stripping for charity”, he would’ve understood. 😛 Spencer yelling at Dex in public did nothing to protect Sonny.

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4 minutes ago, Desperado said:

Uncle was fine with his bodyguard taking a big chunk of time to be a Magic Wand, so I don’t think he saw his life as being on the line much that night. 😉

Also, if Spencer was truly worried he should’ve told Dex to come clean to Sonny about the drink or he would go and tell him himself. Pretty sure if Dex had said “boss, I needed a shot before stripping for charity”, he would’ve understood. 😛 Spencer yelling at Dex in public did nothing to protect Sonny.

Spencer made a different choice  Personally, I don't care how Spencer speaks to Dex.  Maybe Spencer should tell Trina he thinks Joss cheated on Cam with Dex, and Trina can ask her about it.  Maybe Joss's stank should be exposed so Trina can express "concerned face" towards her, instead of us constantly being subjected to Joss's concerned face towards Trina re Spencer.  


Edited by CeChase
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24 minutes ago, Daisy said:

truthfully, if I knew my Uncle got shot at and had heightened security because of an unknown threat, and I saw his bodyguard drinking something that could diminish his capabilities of protecting said Uncle, chances are I would probably have said something myself. 

But it was also known that he was going to take a break and go back stage and change and then dance and then change again. So, was he Sonny's only, or even main, protection?


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4 hours ago, MarciNJ said:

which makes sense, but why was Morgan/Michael's toy piano in the attic?  Were they both Sonny's safe houses?  I'd think spies like Anna/Valentin would have access to their own...

The first one was a police safe house that Robert got them. We're supposed to ignore the sudden switch to a Sonny safehouse (which didn't happen on the show) because we're thrilled to have Valentin sing on a toy piano?

5 hours ago, CeChase said:

Whatever.  For me personally, Spencer is being thrown under the bus to prop Dex and Jex.  I haven't seen yesterday's show yet, but I'm really pissed they had Sprina have a big fight two minutes after they decided they're a couple.  This is getting old fast.   I don't care who likes or doesn't like Spencer, I'm damn fed up with the writing for Sprina.  Period.

It's so stupid that everything has to be about a Carly, in this case Joss. It would make more sense that if Spencer and Trina have to have a fight it be about Ace or Esme. But no, it has to be Trina defending Joss' secret boyfriend.

I liked the white lab coats on tbe Wands. It reminded me of Semmelweis and why white lab coats were worn in the first place.

[Sisko, Kirk and then Archer for me. The testosterone in TNG & Voyager choked me.]

Edited by statsgirl
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6 hours ago, Katy M said:

we have the mystery replacement that is NOT Mac.

That seems to have been forgotten. There were the guys we know: Milo, Drew, TJ, Cody, Dex; a guy who might have been a glorified day player doctor that we've seen maybe twice (who was sitting next to BLQ at the end); the clearly professional dancer whom I briefly mistook to be Finn (heh; as if), and I think that's it?

Jordan asking for a grandchild within the year was super gross. This show's relentless obsession with babies will never not disgust and anger me.

Nice montage of JZ's years on the show. I was hoping we'd get a clip of Bobbie with Elizabeth after the rape, because JZ was so good in those scenes. And of course, even today I get choked up at the BJ's heart scenes.

Lucy falling through her picture was apt.

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8 minutes ago, Katy M said:

But it was also known that he was going to take a break and go back stage and change and then dance and then change again. So, was he Sonny's only, or even main, protection?


that, i don't know. but for me it's the drinking. I'm old woman brain now - but i really can't ever remember Max or Milo drinking on the job, nor Frank. regardless of how many unfaced bodyguards Sonny might have. being part of the show is great - don't have the issue with that. I do have the issue (barely because I do agree) lol with Spencer saying Dex doens't belong there. because that was over the line. but saying that basically on the clock and drinking hard liquour can prevent him from doing his main job seemed accurate to me. 


(but again i also own like unlike most people, I don't have a massive issue with Spencer's entitlement mostly because as he even stated tonight he's working on it).  - like i said before - if Spencer talked to everyone like that all the time, like "go on peasent" i could see where Trina was coming from. but how it read to me was, Trina was upset that Spencer was talking to Joss's Boyfriend like that and it was like all day of him talking to people like so and it was just kind of like, really, Trina? (but i will totally "each their own" this, and again, not really a hill i'm prepared to die on either LOL)

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4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

That seems to have been forgotten. There were the guys we know: Milo, Drew, TJ, Cody, Dex; a guy who might have been a glorified day player doctor that we've seen maybe twice (who was sitting next to BLQ at the end);

Milo was the secret replacement. They had the scene of Maxie thanking Milo for coming back and leading the other guys through the routine. The guy sitting next to BLQ is Yuri (Terri's boyfriend and Valentin's bodyguard who was protecting Bailey when he thought he was the dad).

Huge, cute baby was almost ready to say his first words today.

11 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Lucy falling through her picture was apt.

But thank god, she didn't end up in her underwear.

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Spencer was flexing his entitlement but Dex should not have been drinking on the job. There us a difference between taking 20 minutes off to be in one of the acts and being alcohol-impaired when your job involves using a gun.

Has Spencer thought about the implications of his trip with Victor? Even if he doesn't know about the murder and attempted murder charges coming, Victor has kidnapped Ace (and presumably Liesl) and Spencer is now an accomplice. So much for his relationship with Trina if he can't show his face in Port Charles again without more prison time with uncle Cyrus.

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20 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

That seems to have been forgotten. There were the guys we know: Milo, Drew, TJ, Cody, Dex; a guy who might have been a glorified day player doctor that we've seen maybe twice (who was sitting next to BLQ at the end); the clearly professional dancer whom I briefly mistook to be Finn (heh; as if), and I think that's it?

As far as I'm concerned, also forgotten was whatever Joss and trina were rehearsing.  there's no way rehearsing what they actually performed would make trina so winded and sweaty.

22 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Lucy falling through her picture was apt.

I was surprised her dress stayed on.

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35 minutes ago, statsgirl said:


It's so stupid that everything has to be about a Carly, in this case Joss. It would make more sense that if Spencer and Trina have to have a fight it be about Ace or Esme. But no, it has to be Trina defending Joss' secret boyfriend.


Yes!  If Trina was telling him off about living with Esme and his baby rabies, that would be interesting.  This Joss and Dex think is soooo stupid.  Why would Trina start crying because Spencer thinks Dex is a little bitch?  Why wouldn't she take him aside and ask him about it?  Why would be stand against him publically before speaking to him while Joss smirks?  Come on!  It's sooo stupid. 

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25 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Nice montage of JZ's years on the show. I was hoping we'd get a clip of Bobbie with Elizabeth after the rape, because JZ was so good in those scenes. And of course, even today I get choked up at the BJ's heart scenes.

The BJ scene made it dusty in my house too. 

However, this has been bothering me for the last 24 hours: the only person to blame for the loss er,  disappearance of the bracelet is its guard. How in the heck did Gladys manage to leave the room without him following? If nothing else, almost everyone has seen Ocean's 8; those guards followed the jewelry to the bathroom.   The guard was sleeping on the job. (Yeah, I know the necklace in the movie still got stolen, but that was the point of the caper.  It wasn't a spur of the moment idea.)

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2 minutes ago, rur said:

The BJ scene made it dusty in my house too. 

However, this has been bothering me for the last 24 hours: the only person to blame for the loss er,  disappearance of the bracelet is its guard. How in the heck did Gladys manage to leave the room without him following? If nothing else, almost everyone has seen Ocean's 8; those guards followed the jewelry to the bathroom.   The guard was sleeping on the job. (Yeah, I know the necklace in the movie still got stolen, but that was the point of the caper.  It wasn't a spur of the moment idea.)

Gladys escaped during BLQ/Blaze's me too moment and the guard didn't realize that she had left until a good minute or two after

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Gladys is trash. I like the actress, the but the character is pretty terrible. I thought that the character was turning a corner with the deaths of her grandson and then her son. But nope. Gladys will Gladys on. I hate it when a character makes me root for a character I dislike and I'm sure is why this scene with Cody was written.

I'm fine with Anna dying. I know she won't. But I'm fine if it did. She should take Valentin with her. I know there are Vanna fans, but I find that her pairings since Duke's return have just ruined the character. Of course there was Petah there.

The Magic Wands are still embarrassing, but it was better than the first time. 

I genuinely don't understand the writing for Lucy. She takes off from the safehouse knowing that Victor was with Anna and Valentin. Then she has to fight off one of his henchmen. And she's still not calling for help. Instead, she gets pissed at the things Bobbie was saying, which tells me that she has selective hearing. 

The Bobbie flashbacks were nice, but I still hate her Carly ass. 

I was impressed the the Yuri actor kept the chest and the back hair. And where was Terri? She was missing at Epiphany's memorial, she's missing from the Nurses' Ball. She's the chief of staff. Shouldn't she be present? 

And Victor kidnapped both Spencer and Ace, plus Leisl. I wonder who else he has on that boat.

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52 minutes ago, nilyank said:

Milo was the secret replacement.

Oh! That was anticlimactic (for me), given we saw him at Pip's memorial service— and he was the one who started the stripper thing in the first place. The intro for the act should have played up his return more.

37 minutes ago, CeChase said:

It's sooo stupid.

This is probably the one thing we can all agree on, regardless of how you feel about Spencer's attitude toward Dex. Heh.

18 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

There were the guys we know: Milo, Drew, TJ, Cody, Dex;

Was Drew there?  I saw Milo, TJ, Cody, Dex and Yuri, as well as a couple of extras.  

No Drew. Brain fart on my end. And Yuri! That was the guy I thought was a random doc. Sorry, Yuri! He's the Kurt of the group for me. (/Sound of Music ref)


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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

But the tribute to Bobbie was nice (and showed that JZ could act without ticks back in the day)


And they had actual good hospital stories!!!


1 hour ago, rur said:

The BJ scene made it dusty in my house too


It always does!😓


1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm fine with Anna dying


I am too since her plans have been so stupid lately.


1 hour ago, nilyank said:

Milo was the secret replacement. They had the scene of Maxie thanking Milo for coming back and leading the other guys through the routine.


I also thought that would be a given that he would be there. I am guessing that random guy who was the good dancer was the choreographer of their routine so danced with them too .  I thought it was a nice surprise to see Yuri there.


1 hour ago, nilyank said:

Huge, cute baby was almost ready to say his first words today.


Yes weight bearing on his legs when he is what, 1 month old??

But at least we get to see Spencer having to look after him 😆 unless Victor has kidnapped a nanny as well.


2 hours ago, Desperado said:

Someone should’ve explained the concept of “panty lines” to the Wands. I think there was just one thong in the bunch.


It is probably some network think that they cant dance around in underwear without wearing underwear.


2 hours ago, Desperado said:

Z looked surprised and emotional during the “Nurse Bobbie” tribute. Maybe it was truly a surprise for the actress.


I thought the same thing, that was nice!!


3 hours ago, Desperado said:

A boa, really?” 🤣 Ah! I haven’t laughed at a Sonny joke in a decade. 


I was hoping Lucy would have said "well you hit him with your old man cane "😆

Edited by Blackie
grammer and spacing
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1 hour ago, texastornado said:

Seeing Esme on the floor seemingly unconscious, I wonder if a possible conk on the head will reverse her amnesia?

It worked on Fred (or was it Barney?) on The Flintstones.

Edited by ciarra
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10 minutes ago, ciarra said:
1 hour ago, texastornado said:

Seeing Esme on the floor seemingly unconscious, I wonder if a possible conk on the head will reverse her amnesia?

It worked on Fred (or was it Barney?) on The Flintstones.


It happened to Sonny!! Didn't something bonk him on the head during the Tan-O fire and that is when he got his memories back.  Or I could be confusing Sonny with Barney.

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