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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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26 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, more Hatman stupidity. It's not unreasonable for him to hate mob bosses, but why does the show insist on dragging this crap out? Just spill it and get on with it. FFS.

It's not unreasonable, but the undercurrent is Hatman doesn't know Sonny, he just assumes he is a certain way, so let's have him discover Sonny and all his virtues. Oh, look, Sonny was there for TJ when TJ needed someone. Sonny bought Charlie's so that Phyllis had her own place after she lost the Tan-O. 

The episode wasn't bad. Did they dust that phone for fingerprints? There should be two different sets of prints to begin with. I don't think they're making Jordan gullible on this, though, like she believes that Trina had anything to do with this.

Harmony went all the way to the basement to find a stain remover for carpets. I know Alexis doesn't have this stuff in her home. Alexis doesn't cook and I'm sure she doesn't clean either. So how fortuitous!

Harmony was all chummy with Madeleine. Pretty sure good old Magda gave Harmony Willow and told her to disappear. 

Esme is going to live at Kelly's now. 

I don't remember the rest.

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41 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I found today's episode pretty boring. Hatman/Curtis, people anti Harmony, Esme crying to Nic, the sex tape, Nina propping Sonny to Scott ... I care about none of these stories.

I did enjoy Scott's disregard for the wonders of Sonny. Too bad he didn't divulge some of his reasons. Maybe that would have woke Nina up. 

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15 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Esme is going to live at Kelly's now


haha not Esme's first choice, I'm sure if she couldn't be "lodged" at Windemere she wanted the MetroCourt. But Kelly's will put her close to Cam.

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22 minutes ago, jacourt said:

OK  Not a techie here but when you get a phone is there an identification number attached to it? Seems like a simple enough solution but I know soapland.  I was glad Joss stood up for Trina.   


Can't Spinelli bang on his keyboard for 34 seconds and solve this?  I'm ready to move on to the portion of the storyline where Joss becomes a PC folk hero for standing up for her rights. 

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48 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

. . . but why does the show insist on dragging this crap out? Just spill it and get on with it. FFS.

GH does this a lot! I hate it. They drag stuff out for so long that the story/plot loses all momentum, and no one cares anymore by the time they do reveal it! We are just now (somewhat) getting to Esme's purpose/plan, and she's been on for nearly a year! And it still hasn't been fully revealed! 

I expect Hatman to drag out telling Curtis the truth for another 6 months before all is revealed! GH really needs to do better! 

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On 3/26/2022 at 9:45 PM, Desperado said:

I also appreciate the more subtle and healthy Sonny. MB still has acting tics that annoy me but I mute him less now. 

Like when Curtis went to him for help of the shady kind…..old Sonny would be ecstatic to stick it to some dude who dared to question him.  New Sonny is just like eh, the guy is entitled to his privacy.  

I’m reserving judgement on New Trina.  Spencer was a little rough in the beginning but he is one of my favorite characters now, so we’ll see.  It takes time to get adjusted.  She has some big shoes to fill though.

Mistah Sheffield stood up when Ava left the table on Friday….add him to the old school chivalry group!  When he’s not murdering and stuffing his own son in a trunk;)

I enjoyed the Cam and Spencer scenes…they were very real and also had moments of levity.  “My baby could be born in prison!”  “Ok that’s a lot.”  Ha!

I don’t think Esme is actually pregnant but I wouldn’t be surprised, it has been like 5 seconds since we had someone pregnant on the show so it’s time.

Edited by mostlylurking
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53 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

It's not unreasonable, but the undercurrent is Hatman doesn't know Sonny, he just assumes he is a certain way, so let's have him discover Sonny and all his virtues. Oh, look, Sonny was there for TJ when TJ needed someone. Sonny bought Charlie's so that Phyllis had her own place after she lost the Tan-O. 

Oh, I know. Sonny is the good mob boss. What I hate is that Hatman doesn't directly connect Sonny to whatever it is in Hatman's past that has him hate Sonny specifically. I mean, I don't care, but I cannot watch this dancing around stuff anymore.

54 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Esme is going to live at Kelly's now. 

Maybe. I'm sure she'll manipulate her way into Windemere somehow.

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3 hours ago, Blackie said:


haha not Esme's first choice, I'm sure if she couldn't be "lodged" at Windemere she wanted the MetroCourt. But Kelly's will put her close to Cam.

If they go the Cam/Esme route eventually (and I hope they do because the actors have a nice chemistry) I hope they let Esme me more than just an insane villain. Let her actually want to be decent to Cam, while still being willing to screw everyone else over. And let Joss date someone Carly doesn’t approve of so we can finally get some tension there. 

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Maybe. I'm sure she'll manipulate her way into Windemere somehow.

But kudos to Nic for not letting himself be manipulated right away.

💓to Scott. He must be the only person on the show who doesn't praise Sonny unqualifiedly.

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Glad Nik didn't fall for Esmes manipulation. She needs to be locked up. They use the word revenge porn every episode, but will they ever have Esme really pay?

Harmony knows Nina's mother, but lying about it. 

They're going to just arrest Trina based on that? They let all the other criminals get away with everything. 

Edited by Artsda
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Dear Dante, when you take the phone down to forensics, have them remove the cover and check for fingerprints.  Even if Jordan got her fingerprints all over the phone, the ones under the phone case should still be good.

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7 hours ago, ciarra said:

Dear Dante, when you take the phone down to forensics, have them remove the cover and check for fingerprints.  Even if Jordan got her fingerprints all over the phone, the ones under the phone case should still be good.

I had the same reaction. Esme was all over that phone and we didn't see her wipe her prints or anything. I'm assuming the forensics team turned the phone on, saw the video on it and were like yup, you got your perp! Job well done!

One thing I did wonder about is if Jordan isn't playing the long con on this and setting up Esme. She and Dante aren't buying this Trina did it business and Esme very much underestimated that Trina has a village supporting her.

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9 hours ago, ciarra said:

Dear Dante, when you take the phone down to forensics, have them remove the cover and check for fingerprints.  Even if Jordan got her fingerprints all over the phone, the ones under the phone case should still be good.

Even ON the phone case. Esme wasn’t wearing gloves when she popped the case onto the phone. Or when she slipped the phone into Trina’s bag.

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17 hours ago, rur said:

I did enjoy Scott's disregard for the wonders of Sonny. Too bad he didn't divulge some of his reasons. Maybe that would have woke Nina up. 

I doubt it. It's the wonders of Mike that have her in thrall. And Sonny, to my surprise, hasn't completely shaken off the Mike personality since he regained his memory. 

On 3/27/2022 at 4:08 PM, 30 Helens said:

“I like Trina.” “Interesting that Trina was recast as Black.” “Not feeling Trina.”

I was curious to see how people reacted to Sydney Mikayla’s Trina in her early days (she started in February 2019), so I did a search. The comments above were pretty much it. I didn’t see anyone remarking on her superb acting skills until the following July

Moral of the story is, it takes time to inhabit a character.  It’s especially hard to follow an actress as beloved as Sydney. NuTrina may not have all the nuances down yet, but I expect she’ll get there. She seems more than capable.

This. I like Tabyana Ali. Trina does seem like the same character to me, although the voice is softer. Sydney grew on people.

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This is more of a general thought but I’m annoyed that not that long ago, most of the canvas was single and they squandered the opportunity to chem test characters across the canvas. Most of them seemed predestined for their new pairing, which in most cases are just as lukewarm or even worse than their previous ones.

I also don’t see what’s stopping most of them from getting together so the angst for these slow builds is very plot pointy. Lime what took so long for Sante to hook up or what’s taking so long now for Liz/Finn or Chase/BL other than all of these adults are suddenly acting like middle schoolers and they don’t know what to write for them as an established couple. Pretty much the only exception to this has been Sonny/Nina where I can see at least the obstacles though I wonder why Nina hasn’t just given up and walked away. 

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Today was pretty good, Sam excluded.

Sonny dragging in Esme with set up Nik to defend her. 

Why is everyone getting to go in and talk to Trina though, that seems dumb.

When Spencer asked her "Why did you do it", I imagine that is a fake out, Probably "why did you not blame Esme"

Not interested in the Harmony " snuck in to kill Neil in the dark, now she knows her way around the whole house" story

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That was a pretty good episode today.

Oooh, Harmony is connected to Neil's death~

Victor, for all he's a villain, was utterly charming figuring out how Spencer could get out of Ese's pregnancy. Add him as a possible to the list @Grinaldi complied on the previous page of cold blooded killers whose actors were too charismatic to kill off.

LOL at Esme's champagne tastes -- she can't afford a place to stay but she goes the Charlie's for breakfast. Buying a meal for me was a treat I gave myself Friday after a long week at work, I don't understand this millennial thing of going to restaurants or having food delivered.

Sonny's smile when he replied "Faint praise, low bar" to Ava telling him that Trina's better than either of them was actually cute.  Nicely done with the Don Corinthos scene at the end too. although the rictus smile was very creepy.

I really like the village (Portia, Taggert, Ava, Laura, Carly, Sonny) gathering together to come to help Trina.  I will be very disappointed if it's handled in the end by Sonny or Carly

Carly and Sonny vying for who is going to make Esme pay -- such a perfectly matched couple.

I know he's St. Jaysus but how in the world could Jason possibly figure out how Esme created and uploaded the video? He's not a genius much less a tech genius.

Edited by statsgirl
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Trina, get a lawyer, you nimrod!

I loved that Laura gently teased Spencer about being "inside" for a month.

Victor, Spencer is hardly the prodigal son, so no lamb need be slaughtered. Maybe get him a cookie instead, hm?

Shut up, Sam. Your mother doesn't have run her decisions by you. Ugh.

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Gosh, Maura West has such beautiful skin - on her face, neck, chest area.

She just glows.



And I really am enjoying young Nicholas Chavez as Spencer. 

Nu Trina needs to settle in but she is pretty good. But those shoes from Sydney are big ones to fill. I still miss her. 

I love seeing Ava going after Esme and standing up for trina. They have forged such a great relationship.

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I know he's St. Jaysus but how in the world could Jason possibly figure out how Esme created and uploaded the video? He's not a genius much less a tech genius.

I’ve long stopped pretending to understand Carly. In her mind, Jason is god and a genius who can solve anything. Meanwhile real post accident Jason could barely string 2 sentences together. 

Where are they going with the sex tape SL anyway? They’ve already established that everyone with the exception of Nik, and maybe Spencer after today, are convinced it was Esme who was behind it. How was that evidence enough to not only arrest Trina but to keep her in jail overnight? Jordan flat out said the tip was too convenient. 

Edited by ffwbe
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Why did Sam stop by Alexis's if she didn't know Harmony was living there?

Are we sure Esmé isn't some long-lost daughter of Sonny's? Her "why won't people forget that I terrorized Ava?!" act is very much what he'd do.

Oh, Carly, threatening to make a teenager "pay" is not a good look for an adult. How about you make sure she's prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law? Oh, right, the law is for rubes. You know what's best for the world.

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6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Oh, Carly, threatening to make a teenager "pay" is not a good look for an adult. How about you make sure she's prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law? Oh, right, the law is for rubes. You know what's best for the world.

It makes me uncomfortable that the show thinks this is a good look for its matriarch.  

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2 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

It makes me uncomfortable that the show thinks this is a good look for its matriarch.  

I already thought her feud with Nelle too much due to the age gap. This is why Carly’s children should be fighting their own battles 

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I thought the first words out of Ava’s mouth at the PD would be LAWYER…better yet, she should have called Scotty from the car. When will people ever learn you NEVER speak to the police without representation….maybe having Taggert as a dad has made her too trusting of law enforcement. 

22 minutes ago, seasons said:

Gosh, Maura West has such beautiful skin - on her face, neck, chest area.

She just glows.

She does. Genie Francis has amazing skin too. I’m 42 and recently updated my skincare to deal with years of sun worshipping in my 20’s and 30’s…these ladies  are goals and I would love to learn their skincare routine. 

Edited by mostlylurking
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5 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

This is why Carly’s children should be fighting their own battles

Not only should Carly's spawn be fighting their own battles, but Esme should be Trina's battle. But this show truly can't wrap its head around Joss being a secondary player in the teen scene.

Edited by Melgaypet
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Gia should definitely be in on this (a recast, obviously) and Portia and Tags should get back together.

Disney Greeter Curtis, Jordan the fembot who has never had a purpose on this show and Curtis' creepy dad who has one strange facial expression at all times and that hat can all bounce. (We can also lose about 30 white characters, to be clear)

If this show wants to impress me they need to say Esme's mother is none other than Dr. Rachel Locke.

Edited by jsbt
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Esme is awful, but I'm not a fan of Sonny kidnapping an 18 year old girl to terrorize her. Although I'm sure that by the end, she'll manage to also outsmart him. Not that it would take much of an effort on her part. I wonder if Ava's still there.

It was a good episode. 

I see that Victor's outlook on non desired Cassadine babies is the same that Mikkos had. You're pregnant? No big deal. Birth it, we'll forge a birth certificate, a death certificate and find a grifter to take care of your child.

Dear Carly, what would Jason do if he were around. Morse code his feelings? Blink stare blink stare stare stare stare blink *count to ten* blink blink blink staaaare blink? Jason was useless and completely overrated as a character. But you'd think he walked on water or turned it into wine or something. 

The number of times Jason's name has been mentioned since he "died" has been so off the charts that I'm on the verge of proposing a drinking game. Stop it, already, show! That loser is not the show. Thanks.

Why is Spencer asking Trina to convince him that she had nothing to do with the recording? What changed between the moment he left Laura's house and his arrival at the PCPD?

Harmony did kill Neil, then. I'm gonna go ahead and speculate that this might have had something to do with her protecting her Willow secret. At this point, I wouldn't even be surprised if Phyllis knew Neil as well. She knows everyone.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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1 hour ago, mostlylurking said:

When will people ever learn you NEVER speak to the police without representation….maybe having Taggert as a dad has made her too trusting of law enforcement. 

She wasn't trusting of law enforcement during the very special woke episode where Trina spoke of being afraid during a traffic stop.

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I wonder if they would bring the Neil actor back for flashback scenes with Harmony. 

Also someone who pays attention to the show. Wasn't Alexis sleeping where Neil was and vice versa when she found him dead or am I misremembering this?

The scene struck me as wrong in the flashback.

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So I have no idea why they are rewriting Harmony like this. I was enjoying the version of Harmony where she knew she did shitty things, she paid/was paying for her crimes, and was trying to move on. I also stopped watching for a substantial period of time so surely I missed something. Can someone please explain this to me like I’m Sonny….why would she want to kill Neil?!

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10 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Also someone who pays attention to the show. Wasn't Alexis sleeping where Neil was and vice versa when she found him dead or am I misremembering this?

I think you're right.  the show is correct.

ETA: I looked on YT, apparently he was on that side of the bed.



Edited by Cheyanne11
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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

LOL at Esme's champagne tastes -- she can't afford a place to stay but she goes the Charlie's for breakfast.


Why wasn't she eating at Kelly's ?


2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Sonny's smile when he replied "Faint praise, low bar" to Ava telling him that Trina's better than either of them was actually cute. 


<i just can't believe sometimes I like Sonny now!

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9 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

So I have no idea why they are rewriting Harmony like this. I was enjoying the version of Harmony where she knew she did shitty things, she paid/was paying for her crimes, and was trying to move on. I also stopped watching for a substantial period of time so surely I missed something. Can someone please explain this to me like I’m Sonny….why would she want to kill Neil?!

She was working for Cyrus. I don’t know why Cyrus would have wanted him dead but when Cyrus first found Neil ODed, he called someone to find out if they were behind it or if his drugs were so I guess they had some connection that I missed. 

Edited by ffwbe
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Alexis should have realized Harmony’s story was bullshit right away. Kristina wasn’t living with Alexis when Kristina became interested in DoD. She was living with Sam, and her relationship with Alexis was strained. 

Harmony suddenly having a past with Nina/Madeline doesn’t make sense with the boho drifter character that was introduced back in 2019. I also find it annoying that Phyllis knows everyone and has been everywhere. I like the actress, but I’m tired of the character doing nothing except doling out advice from behind the bar. 

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I'm lodging an official complaint that Sonny ( via the writers) up and stole that, they bring a knife, we bring a gun line from The Untouchables.

And that's a fairly famous line, are we really supposed to think it's something Sonny 'always' says. 

And I'm worried that the constant Jason mentions is because they are anticipating SB's return. 

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20 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

And I'm worried that the constant Jason mentions is because they are anticipating SB's return. 

They haven't stopped saying his name since his ass was "crushed" under those boulders. If only it were true. 

Absolute hate! Not even gonna hide this.

The best thing about Jason being off canvas, this time and the last, is that Jason is not a character that's needed, no matter how much the characters cry and moan about him. He brings nothing that the show needs. He's just there blinking and dispensing wisdom when he talks or telling people it's their decision and their choice so that he can wash his hands off any sort of responsibility. 

I wish he'd stay gone.

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2 hours ago, ffwbe said:

She was working for Cyrus. I don’t know why Cyrus would have wanted him dead but when Cyrus first found Neil ODed, he called someone to find out if they were behind it or if his drugs were so I guess they had some connection that I missed. 

Oh yeah, I forgot about her working for Cyrus. But yeah, why did Cyrus want Neil dead?  Ugh. I’m just not a fan of this whole Harmony is really evil (again) story. 

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Gawd I have been thinking and thinking about how I can like Sonny/MB now.

Sonny/MB has looked a little better lately. He looked rough when he was "off his meds" I guess he was supposed to and now they have styled him different so he looks better than Mike and better than old Sonny.

hmm The writing and the story have been so/so to not great. The scenes between Sonny and Nina have been repetitive and boring. Sonny really hasn't done anything to win Nina over IMO. I thought it would be a nuanced story that required nuanced acting that MB can't do. So it is not the writing of the story per se.


The only thing I can think of is that Carly, Michael, Willow and Joss and everyone else came off as so vindictive and crazy and Sonny/MB has mostly been playing it calm. (It is when he goes all "barware flinging" that I really don't like him. ) He has been more reasonable with Ava and able to actually connect and make a joke with her.

So I think it is just the fact that his wife and kids are so unlikeable, he seems somewhat likeable now.🤷‍♀️ 

ETA: probably helps that Jason is no around, if they bring Jason back I am sure I will go back to hating Sonny

Edited by Blackie
hit post too soon by accident
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3 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I wonder if they would bring the Neil actor back for flashback scenes with Harmony. 

Also someone who pays attention to the show. Wasn't Alexis sleeping where Neil was and vice versa when she found him dead or am I misremembering this?

The scene struck me as wrong in the flashback.

I rewatched the scenes and Neil was on that side of the bed but they must have either filmed this flashback recently or had Alexis separately taped and superimposed into the shot because there were no scenes of the 2 sleeping in bed together. Those scenes were really strangely blocked with Alexis on the other side of the room or the foot of the bed for the majority save a brief second where she climbs on top of him and they’re about to kiss. It aired fairly soon after the show came back from covid shutdown so I think they were being more careful. 

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6 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

Call Aunt Gia!

I would love for Gia to come back with a secret Cassadine kid (from some long ago night she and Nik reunited). 

Since everyone knows Esme is guilty I don’t understand the point of this storyline. There’s no tension, unless somehow Nik falls for her innocent act. 

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