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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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22 minutes ago, gp1999 said:

The mob was around in the 80's too 

Your statement wasn't about mobsters in general - it was that without Sonny and Jason specifically, the Show is nothing. However, GH definitely more than survived when either MB or SB chose to leave at various times in the past.  Also, as some on this board have pointed out, GH was a thriving soap way before SB was ever cast as teenage Jason, and before the Mob character Sonny Corinthos was ever created.

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19 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Your statement wasn't about mobsters in general - it was that without Sonny and Jason specifically, the Show is nothing. However, GH definitely more than survived when either MB or SB chose to leave at various times in the past.  Also, as some on this board have pointed out, GH was a thriving soap way before SB was ever cast as teenage Jason, and before the Mob character Sonny Corinthos was ever created.


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I think something might happen between Maxie and Dante too but it seems like a ridiculous amount of angst unless they are dropping all this WSB stuff. 

I don't think Lulu will be away that long. I think if she were they wouldn't have sent her off in a day, but that is just my guess.

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On 11/30/2020 at 2:16 PM, Linny said:

Sam, sweetie, forget the "normal" life you had with Patrick Drake. You had that life much more recently with DREW, and you REJECTED it in large part because you deemed it stifling. Ugh, I hate that they're suddenly making Sam have a crisis of conscience when absolutely all the decisions she's made have been in deference to Jason and his lifestyle. The show does remember the whole thing with her parole officer keeping her from Jason and how Sam acted like that was a fate worse than death? This about-face is dumb. She knows who he is and what his life requires.

Exactly! Like, please go ahead and break up JaSam, but the writers could put a little more effort into the reasoning. This sudden change-of-heart came out of nowhere. Sam's been preaching the opposite vehemently since SB's return and just sold out Scout & Danny's ELQ shares just so she could live with him... I feel like it could have worked better if Danny had been seriously injured in the explosion at least (but even that assumes Sam cares about her kids which is never reflected on screen). It's just very dumb.

I really liked Tracy's return, especially when she showed up for Laura. JE adds such a beautiful vibrancy to the show.

Usually, I can't stand Sasha, but I think she has chemistry with Brando. If she has to live, I hope they keep going that direction instead of putting her in a love triangle with Michael. He doesn't need one chemistry-less love interest, let alone two.

I thought the goodbye scenes for Lulu were well-done, and yet again, Valentin was one of my favorite grey characters on the show. I wonder how his change of heart about how he raised Charlotte with Lulu will impact how he's a father to Brook Lynn's child (assuming she does come back pregnant). Laura was lovely and the flashback to Lulu as a baby was a sweet touch.

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10 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

It's so jarring to see her jet black hair, LOL.

It looked more like a very dark brown than jet black to me. Baby Emma? She had the jet black hair. I wanted more flashbacks, honestly. But I suppose they couldn't with Nik, as Tyler was Nik during Lulu's baby years.

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On 11/30/2020 at 4:12 PM, LexieLily said:

The minute Sam learned that Drew and Jason were separate people should have been the game-changer for her, and the impetus for an ultimatum talk between Sam and Jason. It is unfathomable to me that a mother of two young children (Scout was toddler-aged) wouldn't have told Jason straight out that your brother was able to re-prioritize his life and choices for me and our children, I'm not comfortable with Danny being with you unsupervised if you can't or won't do the same. 

It would have saved all of us years of Sam pretending Jason loves her and his son/his niece when 99% of the time he looks actively annoyed by their presence.

I remember during that period when everyone was trying to confirm whether Returned Jason was Real Jason. Elizabeth and Drew had a little sit down with Jake in the park to tell him what was going on. He was all, "Oh, shit, I hope that guy's not actually my father," and they were like, "I hear ya, buddy." 

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5 hours ago, nilyank said:

Yeah, he may have pronounced it phonetically correct, he sounded unnatural and awkward. Jordan sounded better when she spoke those few Spanish words but then we wouldn't have a scene in which Curtis pretended to ream out Jordan for bein competent. If only more people actually did that.

This is the first time EVER that I was doing the "speed it up!" hand motions during Curtis dialogue. 

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11 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

It's a shame Port Charles' other journalists weren't given a chance to say goodbye to their golden star...

In the Port Charles journalistic community, it will go down as "the day the writing died." 

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3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Second day in a row where Genie/Laura, and also Jane/Tracy had me bawling.

Genie was absofuckinglutely AWESOME with that slap, eyes expressing rage and grief. Just...*Chef's Kiss*

And Kober was also very, very good. If I didn't already know that Cyrus was the EVUHL, and that he was behind the bombing, he did a very good job of conveying his good wishes. I mean he was trembling and I could have sworn there were tears in his eyes. Which, doesn't make sense, considering he was well aware that there would be a number of casualties. And more importantly, he was behind it all.

And the way Laura broke down...no sound...silent...then breaking down again in Kevin's arms. I know this is unpopular, but if Geary could have been there, it would have been icing on the cake. Those two always shone in emotional scenes together.

Oh! Oh! and that flashback! To remind us how Baby Lulu was the most adorbs of bebes with dark hair!

So someone tell me why Laura couldn't go with Lulu to see her safely settled at the facility? That she had to say good bye at the elevators?

The Hypocritical and Ridonkulous:

For Cyrus, Mooby needs HARD PROOF to take any kind of retaliatory action, but with Julian, the flimsiest of excuses will do. Yeahsurefine. Just proves Mooby is afraid of Cyrus.

I don't know about that, but Frank Smith and his ilk were always background and didn't eat up the show; nor were they treated like the saviors or "heroes" of the show. The heroes, during the beginning of this soap until roughly mid-90s were the doctors and the cops!

So no, this show does not NEED the likes of Mooby and Jaysus.

Sort of relevant to the above: I had a middle school flashback when Laura ran into Cyrus at GH today. I was reminded of the earliest Frank Smith days, when he had Joe Kelly's father killed. Joe encountered Frank in the hospital just after saying goodbye to his father, and Frank expressed his condolences as if it was nothing to do with him. The dynamic was very similar to today. It's just an example of how the mobster was clearly the bad guy on GH, and honest dreamboats like Joe were the good guys, in the late 70s/early 80s.    

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1 minute ago, Auntie Velvet said:

Sort of relevant to the above: I had a middle school flashback when Laura ran into Cyrus at GH today. I was reminded of the earliest Frank Smith days, when he had Joe Kelly's father killed. Joe encountered Frank in the hospital just after saying goodbye to his father, and Frank expressed his condolences as if it was nothing to do with him. The dynamic was very similar to today. It's just an example of how the mobster was clearly the bad guy on GH, and honest dreamboats like Joe were the good guys, in the late 70s/early 80s.    

Where is Doug Sheehan these days?

I kid, I kid! I don't want him returning/reprising his role, because sure as sun rises in the East, HACK!FRANK! will massacre his character.

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Really good show minus Sonny & Jason. A couple of murdering thugs discussing the misdeeds of someone. Hypocrites much?! Nice again, Genie Francis brought her A game. She is so good. I want t crazy about Ava wanting (needing) to kill a Julian. At least, he got to jump off the parapet. It’s a very popular place. So many people have either fallen or been pushed from there. Although, I think he’s the first to (sort of willingly) jump. That said, I still think both DeVry & Rylan being written out but not killed off is odd. Unless, they are replacing Rylan I’m not sure why she was canned. As for, Devry I guess the show thought they had too many over 40 year old male villains?!?! The show is actually very watchable and I’ll be back tomorrow.

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On 11/30/2020 at 8:09 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

And again with the Braniac cap! I guess Burton has it written in his contract that they can only slap a white bandage on his temple each time Jaysus has brain surgery?

Well, presumably the christmas lights are there to monitor/stimulate/whatever brain activity and Jason has none so....

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It amuses me that Jake isn't somebody anybody needs to keep safe.  Presumably becaus Jason doesn't think about him enough for Cyrus to think he's somebody Jason might care enough for Cyrus to consider a target.   

Tracy said she slept at Kellys... okay, it isn't like your son lives in a mansion in the same town as the hopistal/Kelly's.  But whatever...

Not sure why Rocco is too young to know what's going on with his mom when Charlotte isn't despite their being like a year's age difference between them.  I hope Rocco gets to be pissed about that among other things when he "grows up".  

They could have made Luke/Lucky less deadbeats by saying they were flying in from overseas and would be at the facility when Lulu arrived to make sure she got settled.  

They could even say that Lucky was with Aiden for the thanksgiving Holiday so that Elizabeth didn't have to worry about Aiden (not that she would) while Franco was going through his own Christmas hat story.  


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7 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Tracy, I love you, girl, and I love Monica.  But a big reason why Monica is no longer Chief of Staff and Britt is is because Monica DID SOMETHING COMPLETELY UNETHICAL AND GOT CAUGHT!!!!!!

That's not really the reason, though. It's just the excuse Cyrus used because he needed her out of the way. Plus, it's not like Tracy cares that much about ethics or would care about what Monica did.

7 hours ago, gp1999 said:

The mob scene has been around even before Sonny stepped foot in Port Charles and I don't think Robin introduced him to Sonny didn't Sonny meet him outside Jakes or something? And you also have to keep in mind that soaps are a dying genre so these two aren't the reason for the ratings being down and the show almost being cancelled. GH was just lucky not to meet the fate that both OLTL and AMC met.

All soaps (I think - I don't pay attention to the CBS soaps) are going through ratings issues, but I think a big reason for GH's decline is because they turned the show over to all things Corinthii and made them not only the leads, but somehow, the moral center of the show. I think a lot of fans were disgusted and left so now most of what's left of the audience are Corinthii fans and people who have been watching for ages and can't quite quit the show.

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I've enjoyed a lot of the past two episodes. I got teary-eyed several times, especially with Genie Francis' performances but there were things that definitely annoyed me. A lot of people already mentioned the utter ridiculousness of MB continually poking that waiter in the head during yesterday's episode. Him doing it once would have been stupid enough, but he did it like three or so times. Who told him that came off intimidating in any way?

Why wasn't there any explanation of why Olivia et al. didn't show up to the hospital with Rocco? Why was Charlotte allowed to say goodbye, but Rocco wasn't. There could have been some line about him talking it so hard and they didn't think he could handle it, but there was no explanation.

As someone who actually (mostly) loved the Maxie/Lulu friendship, I was ticked that she found out about Lulu taking a turn for the worse off-screen. When she showed up at the beginning she didn't seem like she was upset. She was carrying on a casual conversation with Brando and then Cyrus. I thought she didn't know what happened, so I was shocked when it turned out she already knew.

I'm not buying Valentin's sudden about-face regarding Lulu nor Martin suddenly being the ogre pushing for Nina to get custody and being so awful that Valentin fired him.

I don't know if the actor who plays Curtis knows how to speak Spanish. It seemed like he'd just learned his lines phonetically and was desperately trying not to mess up.

Like I said, Genie was definitely the MVP. The way she took a second and then collapsed there at the end. Amazing. I have no use for Cyrus, but yeah JK was really good in the confrontation with Laura. I have no idea why he was so concerned about Lulu. That didn't seem like an act. Charlotte might be annoying, but I liked her little wave to Lulu. Maxie telling Lulu she was going to have someone take care of Lulu's skin was so Maxie and felt like something she would do and felt real.

I'm all for a show chem testing newbies and not just throwing them into relationships right away but they need to pick a lane with Brando already. I don't know how long he's been on the show but it's been a while now. At first it seemed like they were testing him with Sam, then definitely Molly. Now, they're testing him with Maxie and Sasha. Get on with it.

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For me the stupidity was not Rocco being there but Charlotte there. Rocco just went through this and now his mom is being sent away. It would have made more sense for them to say they would have the kids visit her later but I guess they wanted to get Charlotte and Valentin in there.

Yeah the stuff with Maxie was odd. And I think the lane they should pick with Brando is sending him away, heh, but yeah if they aren't, do something already.


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23 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

I've enjoyed a lot of the past two episodes. I got teary-eyed several times, especially with Genie Francis' performances but there were things that definitely annoyed me. A lot of people already mentioned the utter ridiculousness of MB continually poking that waiter in the head during yesterday's episode. Him doing it once would have been stupid enough, but he did it like three or so times. Who told him that came off intimidating in any way?

Why wasn't there any explanation of why Olivia et al. didn't show up to the hospital with Rocco? Why was Charlotte allowed to say goodbye, but Rocco wasn't. There could have been some line about him talking it so hard and they didn't think he could handle it, but there was no explanation.

As someone who actually (mostly) loved the Maxie/Lulu friendship, I was ticked that she found out about Lulu taking a turn for the worse off-screen. When she showed up at the beginning she didn't seem like she was upset. She was carrying on a casual conversation with Brando and then Cyrus. I thought she didn't know what happened, so I was shocked when it turned out she already knew.

I'm not buying Valentin's sudden about-face regarding Lulu nor Martin suddenly being the ogre pushing for Nina to get custody and being so awful that Valentin fired him.

I don't know if the actor who plays Curtis knows how to speak Spanish. It seemed like he'd just learned his lines phonetically and was desperately trying not to mess up.

Like I said, Genie was definitely the MVP. The way she took a second and then collapsed there at the end. Amazing. I have no use for Cyrus, but yeah JK was really good in the confrontation with Laura. I have no idea why he was so concerned about Lulu. That didn't seem like an act. Charlotte might be annoying, but I liked her little wave to Lulu. Maxie telling Lulu she was going to have someone take care of Lulu's skin was so Maxie and felt like something she would do and felt real.

I'm all for a show chem testing newbies and not just throwing them into relationships right away but they need to pick a lane with Brando already. I don't know how long he's been on the show but it's been a while now. At first it seemed like they were testing him with Sam, then definitely Molly. Now, they're testing him with Maxie and Sasha. Get on with it.

I totally agree about the Brando being shopped around on GH. I’m not really sure who they want him with. Heck! At the beginning it looked liked they were going to pair him with Laura Wright. I’m not sure what the problem is. No sparks with any of the actresses? They’ve  been somewhat successful with other men. The writers don’t know what to do with him?  Of course, he’s good looking but maybe he isn’t romantic material. I’m really at a loss with his casting since he’s been on the show. 

Edited by ByaNose
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9 minutes ago, ulkis said:

For me the stupidity was not Rocco being there but Charlotte there. Rocco just went through this and now his mom is being sent away. It would have made more sense for them to say they would have the kids visit her later but I guess they wanted to get Charlotte and Valentin in there.

Yeah the stuff with Maxie was odd. And I think the lane they should pick with Brando is sending him away, heh, but yeah if they aren't, do something already.


Yeah, I can see why Rocco wouldn't be there but I would have liked some explanation and it didn't make sense that one kid was there but the other wasn't.

I don't really have an issue with Brando but wouldn't cry if he disappeared either.

8 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I totally agree about the Brando being shopped around on GH. I’m not really sure who they want him with. Heck! At the beginning it looked liked they were going to pair him with Laura Wright.

I was going to mention Carly as one of the characters he was chem-tested with since their interactions at the beginning did seem like the type that could lead to romance but, unfortunately, I don't see this show breaking up Sonny and Carly any time soon so I don't really know what that was about.

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7 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

All soaps (I think - I don't pay attention to the CBS soaps) are going through ratings issues, but I think a big reason for GH's decline is because they turned the show over to all things Corinthii and made them not only the leads, but somehow, the moral center of the show. I think a lot of fans were disgusted and left so now most of what's left of the audience are Corinthii fans and people who have been watching for ages and can't quite quit the show.

Yes. Now I think they're trapped in it. There are only a few soaps left, and organized crime is GH's "lane," like it or not. I know there was a long and rich GH history pre-Sonny, but we're approaching the point when he can be said to have been there for literally half the series' life, and right at the center for most of that. Look at what even dissatisfied fans write on social media. I can't count the number of times I've seen people saying they don't enjoy the show as much lately, but when they give examples of the "good old days" they pine for, it isn't Luke and Laura on the run or a triangle for Alan/Monica/Rick.  It's Sonny's war with the Zaccharas or the Alcazars, or Sonny's romance with Brenda, or Sonny and Jason's big falling out when one was romancing the other's sister -- most likely what was going on when they first got hooked on it.

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8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I totally agree about the Brando being shopped around on GH. I’m not really sure who they want him with. Heck! At the beginning it looked liked they were going to pair him with Laura Wright. I’m not sure what the problem is. No sparks with any of the actresses?

Wouldn't he be in about the same general age group as Michael? If so, it's probably hard to pair him with anyone and have fewer sparks than Michael. 

FWIW, I really liked the rapport between Brando and Sasha. Maybe they could just become good friends.

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13 hours ago, Laur said:

Exactly! Like, please go ahead and break up JaSam, but the writers could put a little more effort into the reasoning. This sudden change-of-heart came out of nowhere. Sam's been preaching the opposite vehemently since SB's return and just sold out Scout & Danny's ELQ shares just so she could live with him... I feel like it could have worked better if Danny had been seriously injured in the explosion at least (but even that assumes Sam cares about her kids which is never reflected on screen). It's just very dumb.


It shows the couple have no other options for "angst", i.e. a 3rd party keeping the pleather idiots apart, romantically.  That well has been dipped into more than once in the past.  Alexis and Elizabeth weren't available to be the whipping post this time around so the writers had to resort to internal couple conflict.  It amuses me greatly seeing this.  

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9 hours ago, bybrandy said:

They could have made Luke/Lucky less deadbeats by saying they were flying in from overseas and would be at the facility when Lulu arrived to make sure she got settled.

It's interesting that despite the fact that they gave Luke and Lucky shout outs, since fans would likely be questioning it, but they also very clearly made it sound like both are in fact, deadbeats.  Tracy says she's trying to reach Luke but he's off the grid, so even she can't get a hold of him.  Assuming they haven't broken up, where are you Luke, that your significant other can't get a hold of you during a family crisis?  And the other day, when Nikolas asked Laura about contacting Lucky, she gave a shake of her head and this hand waving thing and said they couldnt' wait that long to deal with the issue.  I'm not sure if it was in the script of a Genie-ism, but it really gave the impression that she was dismissing Lucky, that he can't be counted on to be there during a crisis as well.  

I love the fact that Lucas has a new profession to go along with his new face.  RC's Lucas has been an ER trauma surgeon from the get go, but now, he's suddenly a neurosurgeon.  Sure.  I guess they figured with the number of brain injuries this town gets,  they needed someone to take over Patrick and Griffin's spot.  I mean, Jason alone keeps the division in business.  


Edited by perkie1968
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10 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:
18 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Tracy, I love you, girl, and I love Monica.  But a big reason why Monica is no longer Chief of Staff and Britt is is because Monica DID SOMETHING COMPLETELY UNETHICAL AND GOT CAUGHT!!!!!!

That's not really the reason, though. It's just the excuse Cyrus used because he needed her out of the way. Plus, it's not like Tracy cares that much about ethics or would care about what Monica did.

Tracy wouldn't care, especially because the shenanigans involved Nelle, but the point is Monica wasn't fired willy-nilly. She really should lose her license for what she did. Getting fired is a pretty tame punishment. It's not as if the reason was ever made public. 

10 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

people who have been watching for ages and can't quite quit the show.

*guiltily raises hand*

55 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Assuming they haven't broken up, where are you Luke, that your significant other can't get a hold of you during a family crisis? 

You'd think he'd have a number or someplace to leave a message, if you couldn't contact him directly.

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I don't think Laura or GF was trying to make Lucky seem like a deadbeat, but just saying that even a day or two would be too long to wait, since Laura was rushing lol.

@FilmTVGeek80 MB said FV told him to do the finger pointing. I think FV might want him to look stupid lol.

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Kudos to Maura West, who sold her torn feelings over killing Julian and Genie, who really nailed the grieving mother. 

And, I know it wasnt meant to be funny, but Cyrus inadvertantly breaking the news of Sasha's overdose to Maxie-- and her reaction-- was really funny. Maxie's demand for answers seemed to flummox Cyrus, and then her *sigh* I knew she was having a hard time, oh well, guess we'll have to cancel the trunk show. Sometimes Maxie's single mindedness is a blessing.


Put me down for a big fat NO to anything romantic ever happening between Maxie and Dante, I know it would makes sense for soapy reasons (he reveals the truth about Peter, Maxie's devastated and the two bond while Lulu is at The Facility that Jax Found until a recast), but one of the things I always liked about the Maxie-Dante dynamic is that she really only tolerated him for the sake of Lulu and Nathan. Lulu and Maxie started out fighting over guys (first, Maxie was mad at Lulu for 'stealing' Dylan from Georgie, then they sparred over Logan, Johnny too at one point, I think). I'm hoping that as grown-ups with kids, we can avoid those two catfighting over a guy.

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@gp1999, I'll extend an olive branch of sorts over Sonny and Jason. I really do think that both of them, together and separately, did make a huge contribution to the 90s and I do believe that Sonny and Brenda came to define that decade in much the same way Luke and Laura did in the 80s. 

With that said, JFP & Guza, with active encouragement from Frons, focused almost solely on Jason, Carly and Sonny for over a decade. GH, unlike Days (at least Days in the aughts) was able to avoid the prat fall of having everyone related directly or indirectly like some sort of 1700s colonial town. Their obsession with the trio, everyone now seems marginally related to each other, something GH largely avoided by bring in new fleshed out, unrelated characters, (and keeping them that way) to put "some chlorine" in the GH gene pool. Despite SB's Jason being off the canvas for 5 years, my Jason fatigue has set right back in. Probably because they were telling Jason stories through Drew before he was Drew. They keep recycling the same storylines. Is Mike with Alzheimer's that hugely different from Stone has AIDS, except Sonny being a bigger jerk? The sun still seems to rise and set out of Michael's ass.  The only difference is that they have more kids and grandkids. Jason doesn't even dress differently after 20 years.

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I'm not a fan of any of Sonny/Carly/Jason/Sam (Jason is the one I'm most likely to enjoy, when he's interacting with people outside that bubble of four), but it's cool when people who feel differently about them, such as @gp1999, speak up here. I hope no one ever feels shouted down or that they shouldn't say anything.   

15 hours ago, Laur said:

Like, please go ahead and break up JaSam, but the writers could put a little more effort into the reasoning. This sudden change-of-heart came out of nowhere. Sam's been preaching the opposite vehemently since SB's return and just sold out Scout & Danny's ELQ shares just so she could live with him... I feel like it could have worked better if Danny had been seriously injured in the explosion at least (but even that assumes Sam cares about her kids which is never reflected on screen). It's just very dumb.

Come to think of it, all of Jason's major love interests post Robin have done this two-step, haven't they? "I know who you are and I can handle it / I can't handle The Life." We've had versions of it with Sam, Liz, and Courtney. Even when there's some event that causes a reversal, it never really feels organic.

Sometimes I think the only kind of woman who would work long term with Jason would be a lady mob assassin. Maybe they really should have pursued something with him and Ava in the "Patient Six" period.

1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

And the other day, when Nikolas asked Laura about contacting Lucky, she gave a shake of her head and this hand waving thing and said they couldnt' wait that long to deal with the issue.  I'm not sure if it was in the script of a Genie-ism, but it really gave the impression that she was dismissing Lucky, that he can't be counted on to be there during a crisis as well.  

That's interesting. It didn't really register until you described it, but that rhymes very well with the way Laura acted a while back when Lucky came up in a conversation with Liz.  I can't remember what they were discussing, but it involved one of The Boyyyyz. (Cameron's kidnapping by Shiloh? Aiden's bullying?) Whatever it was, I thought Genie played the scene as if Laura were slightly embarrassed that her son was so little support to Liz and her sons anymore. 

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Re: the mob being part of the show.

Mob stories may have predated the Sonny/Jason era, but those stories a) didn't dominate the whole freakin' show, and b)involved the mob being the enemy. Root-for characters like Luke and Duke (I have a hard time calling them heroes) struggled to get out. Mob bosses were bad guys and everyone knew it.

Awhile back someone - I think it might have been @TeeVee329? - made the excellent point that it wasn't so much that the mob is necessary to the show as it is necessary to Sonny and Jason; because if it was former, there would be a new generation coming up.

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Jason said that he was cool if Danny and Jake wanted to follow in his footsteps and be mob enforcers and all the illegal stuff that comes with it. Ah, such a good father.

I'm not surprised that Rocco wasn't at the hospital. Unlike Charlotte, he drives no storyline (here Valentin acknowledged Lulu's importance in Charlotte's life after years of vowing to get her out of it entirely) and I'm pretty sure the current actor was cast because he looks like a combination of ER and DZ and not because he has any acting ability (because he really doesn't).

12 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

That's not really the reason, though. It's just the excuse Cyrus used because he needed her out of the way. Plus, it's not like Tracy cares that much about ethics or would care about what Monica did.

Tracy may not care about ethics but she does care about appearances. Monica and Bobbie left the hospital open to a very expensive lawsuit and as someone whose family has had to bail out GH again and again, Tracy should care about that.

It could just be to get Monica out of the way and put someone else in but that would be less interesting.

12 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

 I have no idea why he was so concerned about Lulu. That didn't seem like an act.

Two possible reasons: first that Laura is the mayor and he might be able to use Lulu to maniplulate her, and second that there is personal history between them (Laura got him put into solitary in the prison; possibly Laura killing affected him personally) and he wants revenge on her.

3 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

I love the fact that Lucas has a new profession to go along with his new face.  RC's Lucas has been an ER trauma surgeon from the get go, but now, he's suddenly a neurosurgeon.  Sure.  I guess they figured with the number of brain injuries this town gets,  they needed someone to take over Patrick and Griffin's spot.  I mean, Jason alone keeps the division in business. 

But if a mob war starts, they're going to need a trauma surgeon again.  That's really the only reason to have a trauma surgeon on the show, there aren't enough car accidents to keep one on staff for.

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14 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I forgot that Finn had been shot, LOL. His story was dropped for ages.

Right?!!! Took me a good few minutes to remember that he'd been shot and hospitalized.  I mean, since then we've had the Millow/Chasha reveal and her overdose and then a giant explosion and the fallout and Thanksgiving.  

Am I the only one who thought they were getting rid of Dev's things awfully quickly.  I mean, they haven't even had the funeral yet, which Carly was organizing and the girls are already putting his stuff in boxes.  Geez, people at least wait til the body is cold.  

1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

But if a mob war starts, they're going to need a trauma surgeon again. 

Unless everyone just shoots each other in the head.  But yes, it just goes to show how few doctors this "hospital" show has, that they have to move one from trauma to neuro.  Then we have Portia who's supposed to be chief of internal medecine but seems to be doing all the trauma that Lucas should have been doing.  We have Britt, who supossed to be OB/gyn on a show that loves to give it's women babies, but is chief of staff and Finn, an internal disease specialist (because we need so many of those/ironically we could use one in 2020!!)

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19 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I know this is unpopular, but if Geary could have been there, it would have been icing on the cake. Those two always shone in emotional scenes together.


I kind of think that's exactly why Geary was not there. He has made it very clear he resents that his success/fame is eternally tied to "L&L." He did the emotional scenes with GF back when JJ left the role during the "Lucky died in a fire" storyline.  Coming back to the GH set during a risky situation like a pandemic, and getting attention for his work with GF yet again for essentially doing a repeat of scenes (albeit for their younger child) they did in the late '90s likely does not appeal to him. 

14 hours ago, bybrandy said:

They could have made Luke/Lucky less deadbeats by saying they were flying in from overseas and would be at the facility when Lulu arrived to make sure she got settled. 

Absolutely. I felt so bad for Laura, that she has zero support from either Lulu's father or the brother she grew up adoring, at such an awful painful time.

13 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Why wasn't there any explanation of why Olivia et al. didn't show up to the hospital with Rocco? Why was Charlotte allowed to say goodbye, but Rocco wasn't. There could have been some line about him talking it so hard and they didn't think he could handle it, but there was no explanation.

Yes, that was a fail, especially after Olivia specifically said Dante had asked for a traditional Thanksgiving for Rocco because Lulu is in a coma. So...did they leave Rocco and the other kids to be alone with the nanny on Thanksgiving when they showed up to love and support to Rocco's maternal grandmother? Then he'll hear from his sister at some point about seeing Mommy in the hospital before she was transferred for long-term care? How does any of that make the holiday special for him?!

4 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

It's interesting that despite the fact that they gave Luke and Lucky shout outs, since fans would likely be questioning it, but they also very clearly made it sound like both are in fact, deadbeats.  Tracy says she's trying to reach Luke but he's off the grid, so even she can't get a hold of him.  Assuming they haven't broken up, where are you Luke, that your significant other can't get a hold of you during a family crisis?  And the other day, when Nikolas asked Laura about contacting Lucky, she gave a shake of her head and this hand waving thing and said they couldnt' wait that long to deal with the issue.  I'm not sure if it was in the script of a Genie-ism, but it really gave the impression that she was dismissing Lucky, that he can't be counted on to be there during a crisis as well.   

All of this.  Tracy said "my stepdaughter," which to me means they are (re-)married now.  She sounded like a delusional woman in love when talking about Luke's love for Lulu, at her bedside.  Her line "don't make him wait too long" would make a stranger think she believes he is a regular, devoted presence in Lulu's life who just happens to not be reachable in a moment when he's really needed.  Does she have no idea that Luke abandoned Lulu to be raised by Lesley, during the years Laura was in a catatonic state? Lulu even told Dante, back when she decided she had to be a part of the "rescue Lucky" L&L (part of TG's retirement) storyline, that she wanted to feel important to her father. 
I would have rather Tracy just said, "I'm sorry your father isn't here. I love you very much and I can't wait for the day I see the smile in your eyes again."

As for today: No, Sonny, Julian almost killed your grandson's mother who is in a coma, and did kill a teenage boy who was living with you. The fact that he wants to focus on telling Sam to make her hate Julian more when Danny wasn't at the FL instead of the actual victims is so gross. Instead of doing whatever he can to support Laura and Dante and Rocco, he's implying to Jason that if Ava had protected Julian/taken his side in this, she'd either be killed or be punished with losing Avery. 

So the only way Carly even acknowledges that Lucas still exists, or that she knows how serious Lulu's condition is now, is in a brief line or two of thanks to Trina's mom.  She appears to give a damn about Lulu as much as Sonny does. Ugh. Hey Josslyn, you can have a normal life in Port Charles - by moving in with your father.  I'm amused because Carly is clearly miffed that Josslyn is honest with Sam, but not with her, that Josslyn's not totes happy and comfortable with the bodyguard life she has thanks to Carly and Sonny's life choices.  I'm also rolling my eyes that Carly's like, of course you can lie to your kids for their own good, I've been doing it for years and you can too and you totally should because Jason's such a great dad. 

The signs made by Violet were cute, but GHScorpiosRule is going to hate the Henrik/Peter "Mom" moment.  But the storyline is going in the direction of Franco's buried Drew memories exposing Peter, so there's that.

Cyrus reminds me of Sonny in that he seems to think he's always the smartest guy in the room. The two of them facing off in Sonny's office makes me roll my eyes. Contrast that with Trina being so genuine and flashing her gorgeous smile at her mother.



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That conversation betwen Carly and Sam today was all kinds of WTF-ness.  It went basically like this (I'm paraphrasing, of course!)

Sam:  Danny almost died because of Jason

Carly:  Yep, shit happens

Sam;  That's not good enough

Carly:  Suck it up buttercup

Sam:  But what do I tell my children that Jason does for a living now that Danny's been SORASed and can count

Carly:  Nothing.  Or lie.  That's what I do.  

Sam:  I don't want to do that

Carly:  Fine <heavy sigh, like she's talking to an idiot> tell them that you love them and you'll protect them and their father loves them and he'lll protcte them, yada, yada, yada.  Geez Sam get with the program.  


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7 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I kind of think that's exactly why Geary was not there. He has made it very clear he resents that his success/fame is eternally tied to "L&L." He did the emotional scenes with GF back when JJ left the role during the "Lucky died in a fire" storyline.  Coming back to the GH set during a risky situation like a pandemic, and getting attention for his work with GF yet again for essentially doing a repeat of scenes (albeit for their younger child) they did in the late '90s likely does not appeal to him. 

Oh, I know that, and I always side-eye him for that, because every time that Genie has returned, he, or rather Luke just lights up! There was the fake wedding to celebrate Luke & Laua's 25th Anniversary for the viewers, where Laura woke up, but then it was retconned it was only temporary; and then when Laura came back, engaged to Scotty, around the time that Lulu was recast, I think. That moment, when Luke is sitting down, hears footsteps, sees that it's Laura? I could literally see Geary light the fuck up and then Genie's smile. Despite his bitterness, those two still have IT.

And I understand, trust me, I do, why he wouldn't risk doing it. Wish they could have zoomed or Skyped both Luke and Lucky.

7 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

The signs made by Violet were cute, but GHScorpiosRule is going to hate the Henrik/Peter "Mom" moment.  But the storyline is going in the direction of Franco's buried Drew memories exposing Peter, so there's that.


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2 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

That conversation betwen Carly and Sam today was all kinds of WTF-ness.  It went basically like this (I'm paraphrasing, of course!)

Sam:  Danny almost died because of Jason

Carly:  Yep, shit happens

Sam;  That's not good enough

Carly:  Suck it up buttercup

Sam:  But what do I tell my children that Jason does for a living now that Danny's been SORASed and can count

Carly:  Nothing.  Or lie.  That's what I do.  

Sam:  I don't want to do that

Carly:  Fine <heavy sigh, like she's talking to an idiot> tell them that you love them and you'll protect them and their father loves them and he'lll protcte them, yada, yada, yada.  Geez Sam get with the program.  



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Why is Sam still on this show? They spent three years of her acting like fool, not caring about her kids and now are suddenly reversing it? Everyone knows this will lead to pretty much no where. Meanwhile Danny didn't even't get hurt.  I am sick of this character.  Stop trying to fill her screen time with garbage plot lines and just pull the plug already.

Edited by Hater
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Carly was so angry that Sam was talking to Joss. How can she keep her children in a bubble of lies if someone actually talks to them? Also why is Joss the one packing up Dev's things? It's not like she was close to him and it's traumatic for her to do this. If Carly doesn't want to do it herself, I'm pretty sure that she has staff who will. Those bathrooms don't clean themselves.

"Sam, your kids have a father who loves them and would do anything to protect them." EXCEPT LEAVE THE MOB, Carly.

Wow, Curtis bought a clue. "Mr. Grey".

"Sam has to know about Julian." No Sonny, Sam doesn't need to know, it's your black soul that wants to rub it in. I find it bizarre that Jason is not only more humane than Sonny is, he's smarter than him and yet Jason is content to spend his life propping up Sonny.

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7 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

That conversation betwen Carly and Sam today was all kinds of WTF-ness.  It went basically like this (I'm paraphrasing, of course!)

Sam:  Danny almost died because of Jason

Carly:  Yep, shit happens

Sam;  That's not good enough

Carly:  Suck it up buttercup

Sam:  But what do I tell my children that Jason does for a living now that Danny's been SORASed and can count

Carly:  Nothing.  Or lie.  That's what I do.  

Sam:  I don't want to do that

Carly:  Fine <heavy sigh, like she's talking to an idiot> tell them that you love them and you'll protect them and their father loves them and he'lll protcte them, yada, yada, yada.  Geez Sam get with the program.  

That makes sense to me though lol. That seems in character.

But the thing is in this instance just living in Port Charles almost got Danny killed. Even if Jason wasn't in the mob there was a bomb so he could have gotten killed like Dustin. Sam should question residing in town at all lol.


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22 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Tracy said "my stepdaughter," which to me means they are (re-)married now.

Maybe, maybe not. It's an easy shortcut to explain the relationship.

16 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Carly:  Suck it up buttercup

I can't disagree with Carly here. Sam does need to suck it up, or else she should cut Jason out of her life for good. She can't have it both ways.

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Violet can write really well for a 5 year old. She's up there with Avery's drawings. And I'm sure Charlotte can paint like Monet. Please, show. Nobody believes that this is a 5 year old's writing. It's fine if the letters are crooked or turned around and the margins are out of whack. Also, I'm so glad they didn't trot her out. 

I think Finn knows that Anna was spinning with all those questions Maxie and Peter. Anna is a wimp. Let's all pretend we're this big happy family with two weddings coming up and a baby on the way. If I keep lying, then maybe everything will become true.

Sonny about Ava and telling Jason Ava knows what would happen to her if she basically stepped out of line . . . No, Sonny, please tell us what will happen to Ava. This is the hero of the show and the man we are supposed to root for. Him and his thug. 

STFU, Carly. Michael was shot in the head because of your life choices. Morgan was blown up. Dev just died. When is enough enough? 

And please, Sam, stop pretending like Scout is Jason's daughter. She's not. 


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I feel like I should know this, since I've been watching since 1979 (David Hamilton was my first storyline), but who is Laura's bio father?

ETA - I looked it up - Gordon Gray, I know, but I still have no memory of him.  Was that prior to 1979?

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4 minutes ago, MarciNJ said:

I feel like I should know this, since I've been watching since 1979 (David Hamilton was my first storyline), but who is Laura's bio father?

A quick wikipedia search says that her biological father is a man named Gordon Grey who was married to a Florence Grey??? 

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