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S16.E05: Breathe Again

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Maggie is no Cristina Yang. Her waxing poetic about having done a quadruple bypass and how surgery is her truest love... like just stop. 

Also, it was super weird with Meredith talking to Maggie about Deloser like we and they are supposed to forget that Maggie and him used to f**k. Finally, Meredith and Koracick have scenes together for the first time since like the beginning of last season, and those few minutes of simple interaction were much more appealing than the totality of Meredith and Deloser's very forced and weak pairing. 

Not enough Alex. Never enough Alex. Such a waste. 

Gemma might be nuts and Debbie Allen may be legendary, but I just don't care about Catherine and wish Richard would cut his losses. I miss Adele. 

Ben's reaction to Miranda being pregnant was cute. 

  • Love 15

Well, I will say that Jo's therapist Carly was one of the best therapists we've had on this show, which is a plus, since there's been a lot of crappy ones and maybe only one actually good one (one of Meredith's old therapists). 

I liked the flashback scenes to Jo getting the help that she obviously needed. I like that she's not all better, BUT she's getting there. We had her backslide a little but also show what she learned in her time away. That end scene with her and Alex was super cute. 

I guess Ben's reaction to the baby was cute. But now I'm DEFINITELY more worried about Ben and Bailey's baby. I could easily see a miscarriage situation on our hands, just with how on board they are with the new baby, while Link/Amelia are obviously more hesitant. 

The Richard/Gemma/Catherine stuff is going to get messy. Gemma is awful and is a definite predator. Richard had every right to tell her off. But, judging with how he DIDN'T block Gemma's number at the end of the episode, it seems like she was partially right about him and how he will probably end up cheating in the end. And I think Catherine will see right through him. 

Meredith....is going to jail. Finally. She deserves it. Yes, she had an actual medical emergency and she did the right thing in sticking with Zola. However, maybe she shouldn't have cried Medical Emergency so many times before an actual one popped up. If she had actually saved her Medical Emergency card, the judge probably would have been more lenient. 

I hope that Meredith's realization about Deluca is a sign that they aren't going to last too long. 

  • Love 14

I really liked all of the scenes between Bailey and Jo.  For some reason, those two bring out the good qualities in each other.  Rachel Bay Jones, unsurprisingly, was great as Carly.

Richard's telling Gemma that her behavior was not sober behavior and that she needed to go to a meeting was exactly right; she was being predatory with him after he explicitly said no, and he had every right to say what he did.  I still think he's going to fuck her, and I don't care because I hate Catherine.

I burst out laughing at the very end when Our Lady of the Sun's lawyer was basically like, "The judge thinks you're full of shit, and you're going to jail."  The confused look on Meredith's face – like, what did you think was going to happen after blowing off everything you were supposed to do to stay out of jail, you entitled asshole?


I'm so relieved Zola's OK because she's so adorable, and I actually enjoyed the scene with the Three Sisters.

This was a pretty enjoyable episode, actually, and I realized while watching the preview for next week that the reason this episode was good is that there was no Owen, no Teddy, no Jackson.  

Contacts and Hellmouth are both pathetic.  Jesus.

  • Love 11

Rachel Bay Jones!

This is the Koracik that we had in previous seasons who I liked - he firmly told Amelia that she would not be doing surgery on Zola because they're related and he reassured Meredith that he would take care of Zola (even though five minutes earlier he was nagging Deluca about how to get Meredith to fix Sloan Grey's PR nightmare).

I also like this Amelia who is supportive of Meredith but calls her on her illogical Deluca opinions. How crazy of him to think you would go to court when you're supposed to be there because you skipped out on your community service! How ridiculous of him to think you might need emotional support when your daughter is having surgery! How dare he?

I'm totally fine with Jo throwing shit as a healthy way to deal with her anger, but my mom always taught me never to throw things in the house. As an adult, I still wouldn't because if the ball bounced and broke something, I would just get mad at myself.

There used to be a company called Smash Shack. They would give you coveralls and safety goggles, let you choose whatever music you wanted, and then let you throw glass at a wall inside their building. You could choose specific pieces of glass (plates, cups, bowls) and write on them (like FUCK YOU, CHAD - I HATE YOU!) or you could bring in your own glass to throw. They would donate all the broken glass to schools and art places to make mosaics. I wish they were still around!

3 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Maggie is no Cristina Yang. Her waxing poetic about having done a quadruple bypass and how surgery is her truest love... like just stop. 

ITA - when Cristina would go on and on about how surgery was the most amazing thing in the world, I believed it. When Maggie does it, I just don't buy it. Heh, I mean, I buy that surgery makes her feel better than being with Jackson, but I still don't believe her acting like surgery is her one true love. Now with Cristina, I totally believed it. I knew that every guy, no matter how much she loved him, would always come second to surgery.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

There used to be a company called Smash Shack. They would give you coveralls and safety goggles, let you choose whatever music you wanted, and then let you throw glass at a wall inside their building. You could choose specific pieces of glass (plates, cups, bowls) and write on them (like FUCK YOU, CHAD - I HATE YOU!) or you could bring in your own glass to throw. They would donate all the broken glass to schools and art places to make mosaics. I wish they were still around!

Something very similar to this was on 9-1-1 the other day - it looked kind of fun!

  • Love 1

Meredith your lawyer can you get you a new date if there's a medical emergency but you have to talk to them

3 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I've legitimately come to the point where I can't stand Meredith. She's just as crotchety and hard to be around as her mom once was.

People can keep calling Deluca a loser all they want but he's actually one of the few functioning adults on this show. He could do better.

we call him deloser because he wasn't functioning until they decided to make his Meredith's love interest...he was not showering, sleeping on a couch and playing sad man guitar

  • Love 5

I'll take everyone's word that the Jo/Therapist scenes were great.. I skipped them.. As I do most Jo related things... I did like Ben and Bailey at the end... I liked the sisters telling Meredith she was being ridiculous.. I also liked Meredith owning.. She was being ridiculous.. But waiting for her gut to tell her.. That.. While annoying does kinda ring true.. If she takes the plunge with this guy he will be around her kids while they are turning into real ppl and she admits he's great but still isn't sure about him... So at least she knows its her issue... I hope they don't have Richard cheat... Because thatcher and adele were the aggrieved parties and  Ellis was a shell by the time the show started  Richard has had to take the brunt of the cheater mantle... I don't have much of an issue with Catherine... And I def don't want her cheated on... Not much else to say but this epi

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

I burst out laughing at the very end when Our Lady of the Sun's lawyer was basically like, "The judge thinks you're full of shit, and you're going to jail."  The confused look on Meredith's face – like, what did you think was going to happen after blowing off everything you were supposed to do to stay out of jail, you entitled asshole?

And even in the preview for next week she's telling the guard/cop she needs to get her kids Halloween costumes or something. Like, seriously?

I didn't think of this until this morning, but it bugged me that they just assumed CO poisoning must have been a suicide attempt.  I mean, I get why Jo would go there (and yes, she never should have been involved in that case in the first place and Bailey should had pulled her off it as soon as she said how she knew her), but Bailey should have been more objective (especially since she was just found in her home, and with her husband being a firefighter...I mean, the fire department responds to things like that all the time. At least twice one of my neighbors had their CO alarm go off and the fire department responded (as well as someone from the gas company, who then checked the other units in the building; there was not actually a leak, thankfully).

6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'm totally fine with Jo throwing shit as a healthy way to deal with her anger, but my mom always taught me never to throw things in the house. As an adult, I still wouldn't because if the ball bounced and broke something, I would just get mad at myself.

Me too; I was waiting for them to break a lamp or something. They need to find one of those places where you can smash stuff. 

6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

There used to be a company called Smash Shack. They would give you coveralls and safety goggles, let you choose whatever music you wanted, and then let you throw glass at a wall inside their building. You could choose specific pieces of glass (plates, cups, bowls) and write on them (like FUCK YOU, CHAD - I HATE YOU!) or you could bring in your own glass to throw. They would donate all the broken glass to schools and art places to make mosaics. I wish they were still around!

'k, I wrote my last sentence before I read this paragraph. I didn't know they donated the pieces for art projects. That's great. 

Edited by ams1001
quoted wrong bit
  • Love 2
6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'm totally fine with Jo throwing shit as a healthy way to deal with her anger, but my mom always taught me never to throw things in the house. As an adult, I still wouldn't because if the ball bounced and broke something, I would just get mad at myself.

Heh. That's why she got Alex to turn away from the light he almost broke to throw things at the door instead. Progress!

7 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I've legitimately come to the point where I can't stand Meredith. She's just as crotchety and hard to be around as her mom once was.

Same. She's definitely gotten worse over the last few years. I laughed when she was completely shocked that she was going to jail. When you skip out on work days for no good reason, judges tend to frown upon it because it shows that you don't give a shit about what you did wrong, and that means the community hours isn't working. 

So, damn right I'm cheering for Meredith being in jail for a few episodes. Unfortunately, I don't remember how many hours she had left, but I hope she's in jail for at least a couple of weeks.

6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

This is the Koracik that we had in previous seasons who I liked - he firmly told Amelia that she would not be doing surgery on Zola because they're related and he reassured Meredith that he would take care of Zola (even though five minutes earlier he was nagging Deluca about how to get Meredith to fix Sloan Grey's PR nightmare).

As it turns out, when Owen and Teddy (and Jackson) aren't around, Tom reverts back to the Tom that we've seen for two seasons and the guy that I really loved in season 14, in particular. This is the guy that has proven himself to be an excellent doctor...not whatever the hell that guy was last week pretending to be Tom. 

34 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

I'll take everyone's word that the Jo/Therapist scenes were great.. I skipped them.. As I do most Jo related things..

I think that it's worth a watch. I felt like I also got a mini therapy session with their scenes. I'm definitely going to start throwing (soft) things at my wall when I'm upset. 

35 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

I hope they don't have Richard cheat... Because thatcher and adele were the aggrieved parties and  Ellis was a shell by the time the show started  Richard has had to take the brunt of the cheater mantle... I don't have much of an issue with Catherine... And I def don't want her cheated on... Not much else to say but this epi

It would be in character for Richard to cheat, but I don't think it's necessarily a strong storyline. But don't forget that Richard also cheated on Adele with Catherine, so it's definitely  a pattern for him. 

But Gemma is an outright predator. I don't even like Catherine but I'd feel bad for her if Richard cheated with Gemma. Catherine had CANCER, Richard. Of COURSE she's not all concerned about you. She's gone through hell in the last year, and yet, he's whining about how she's not there or whatever? When this storyline has gotten me feeling bad for Catherine, the woman who enabled Senior Avery's sexual assaults, then there's a problem. Richard and Meredith are both now on the same level of irritation for me, if not downright disgust for their inability to take responsibility and see that their situations aren't all about them and their pain. 

  • Love 5
30 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Richard and Meredith are both now on the same level of irritation for me, if not downright disgust for their inability to take responsibility and see that their situations aren't all about them and their pain. 

And poor Maggie shares DNA with both of em... I'm surprised all she is,  is emotionally stunted

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, UNOSEZ said:

I'll take everyone's word that the Jo/Therapist scenes were great.. I skipped them.. As I do most Jo related things... I did like Ben and Bailey at the end... I liked the sisters telling Meredith she was being ridiculous.. I also liked Meredith owning.. She was being ridiculous.. But waiting for her gut to tell her.. That.. While annoying does kinda ring true.. If she takes the plunge with this guy he will be around her kids while they are turning into real ppl and she admits he's great but still isn't sure about him... So at least she knows its her issue... I hope they don't have Richard cheat... Because thatcher and adele were the aggrieved parties and  Ellis was a shell by the time the show started  Richard has had to take the brunt of the cheater mantle... I don't have much of an issue with Catherine... And I def don't want her cheated on... Not much else to say but this epi

They were okay.  The therapist seemed good at her job.  Jo was Jo.  

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, dmc said:

Meredith your lawyer can you get you a new date if there's a medical emergency but you have to talk to them

we call him deloser because he wasn't functioning until they decided to make his Meredith's love interest...he was not showering, sleeping on a couch and playing sad man guitar

That's great. It just so happens that every single character on this show has their low points, their annoying points and a point where they need to grow as a doctor. It doesn't make them losers. And his character needed a change and growth whether he was with Meredith or not. It's not a bad thing at all. None of this makes him a loser.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

That's great. It just so happens that every single character on this show has their low points, their annoying points and a point where they need to grow as a doctor. It doesn't make them losers. And his character needed a change and growth whether he was with Meredith or not. It's not a bad thing at all. None of this makes him a loser.

well I think the word loser is in the eye of the beholder...but you don't have to feel the same

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Racj82 said:

Yep. That's goes for every thought here. For me, the deloser stuff is like trying to make fetch happen. It never will and never really made sense to me in the first place. 

Well yeah people have different thoughts or perspectives.  I don't think there is any pressure to have the same perspective.  We all just like discussing the show

  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

Yep. That's goes for every thought here. For me, the deloser stuff is like trying to make fetch happen. It never will and never really made sense to me in the first place. 

He was the one who introduced the nickname last season when he was giving some faux-sob story about his high school days. So, for some us, it's stuck. And for some of us, it fits! 


  • Useful 3
  • Love 5

I thought the episode was ok. I have a healthy respect for judges. It wasn't just some scheduled hearing. It was a response to her not complying with her agreement. That's the kind of stuff that lands you in jail. It also nicely demonstrates why you follow the rules--so you can get some grace when facing a true emergency. I'm ready for this storyline to be done with so we can go back to surgery.

  • Love 9

Why is Meredith so mean to Helm?

How did Jo figure out Carly was diabetic because she was eating almonds?   People who aren’t diabetic eat almonds all the time also.

I was annoyed with the sisters talk.  It’s so heavily scripted it comes off as fake.  Who talks about how they don’t know their significant other by saying “I don’t know if he likes breakfast for dinner, or his favorite color”.   Why not ask him?  It’s just “writers trying to be clever” contrived banter.  And Bailey’s freak out monologues are annoying.  “I’ve got mad skills”. Ugh.

On a shallow note, Meredith looked so skinny yet frumpy pacing around the waiting room.  Sometimes I think she looks pretty, like when her hair is down and she is happy and smiling, but not yesterday.  

Edited by Laurie4H
  • Love 5

I've been trying to think of a TV character I dislike more than Meredith and have come up empty.  She is playing for sainthood and that doesn't work for me.  So entitled and apparently really bought into Cristina's "You are the sun" foolishness.   If she does spend time behind bars, we need to be prepared for her treating everybody in her cell block.

  • Love 13
45 minutes ago, Laurie4H said:

How did Jo figure out Carly was diabetic because she was eating almonds?   People who aren’t diabetic eat almonds all the time also.

I think part of it was that she said she doesn't share her snacks, I guess to ensure other people don't eat them in case she really needs them. (I don't know why almonds, though. My type-1 friend carries Starbursts for when she needs a quick hit of sugar.  She also keeps them in a cough drop bag so it looks like medicine in case she goes somewhere that doens't allow food. She has an insulin pump, though, so it'd be pretty easy to figure out she's diabetic.)

  • Useful 1
5 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I think part of it was that she said she doesn't share her snacks, I guess to ensure other people don't eat them in case she really needs them.

So she can maintain stable blood sugar levels. To do so, she needs to accurately account for her food/energy intake, along with her exercise/energy output. This helps her avoid swinging between hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia throughout the day.  Also, almonds are said to help protect against heart disease -- a frequent complication of diabetes -- and are a good source of calcium. 

Most people with type-1 diabetes carry a sugar snack to counter the effects of a blood sugar crash from too much insulin, too much time between meals, or unexpected exertion. 

  • Useful 2
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I'll take everyone's word that the Jo/Therapist scenes were great.. I skipped them.. As I do most Jo related things... I did like Ben and Bailey at the end... I liked the sisters telling Meredith she was being ridiculous.. I also liked Meredith owning.. She was being ridiculous.. But waiting for her gut to tell her.. That.. While annoying does kinda ring true.. If she takes the plunge with this guy he will be around her kids while they are turning into real ppl and she admits he's great but still isn't sure about him... So at least she knows its her issue... I hope they don't have Richard cheat... Because thatcher and adele were the aggrieved parties and  Ellis was a shell by the time the show started  Richard has had to take the brunt of the cheater mantle... I don't have much of an issue with Catherine... And I def don't want her cheated on... Not much else to say but this epi

This! ^^^ Plus the actress who plays Jo is atrocious. Almost unwatchable. (and she drags Alex down with her -- he seems a nonentity when they share scenes.)

I didn't mind the "sisters" talk. I make no secret that Mere is still and by far my favorite character and I like that she can be a bitch. I thought it was funny owning her shit. And yeah. I have been saying all along -- she has fun with Deluca-- he makes her laugh-- he likes her children and is good with them -- but that "feeling" that "knowing in your gut" just isn't there.

But I sure didn't see any kind of attraction or chemistry when Mere and Koracik had their scenes together. Hm? *** shrug***

I have no problem if and when Richard decides to cheat. Cheaters gonna cheat and this show knows it's a glorified soap opera and cheating on ones spouse is seriously soap 101. Go for it show! I dare you.

Do not care about any of the pregnancies. Nope.

  • Love 6

I think the show has over estimated my interest in Jo.

I don't dislike Meredith and don't want to dislike her, but boy this show is really throwing her under the bus. She hasn't taken this seriously at all, it's as though on some level she just doesn't believe she's ever going to jail even though she's been told by everyone around her that's a real possibility. She just keeps flaunting the rules with abandon like there are never going to be any consequences. Cripes, does the show actually want us to see her as some kind of self-involved beneficiary of white privilege? 


ITA - when Cristina would go on and on about how surgery was the most amazing thing in the world, I believed it. When Maggie does it, I just don't buy it.

For me that's largely because Maggie sounds like a little girl playing doctor. I've never been able to buy Kelly McCreary in this role. She just doesn't have the gravitas to pull it off. She would have been fine as a nurse or something but they tried to slip her into the Cristina role and she's not a good fit.


I didn't think of this until this morning, but it bugged me that they just assumed CO poisoning must have been a suicide attempt. 

I didn't get this either. They didn't find her in the car with the garage door down, why would anyone think it was a suicide attempt? The only thing I can think of is that there was a miscommunication somewhere between the ambulance and the intake. 

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I didn't get this either. They didn't find her in the car with the garage door down, why would anyone think it was a suicide attempt? The only thing I can think of is that there was a miscommunication somewhere between the ambulance and the intake. 

As soon as the immediate mention of suicide, was when I just knew it wasn't a suicide.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't dislike Meredith and don't want to dislike her, but boy this show is really throwing her under the bus. She hasn't taken this seriously at all, it's as though on some level she just doesn't believe she's ever going to jail even though she's been told by everyone around her that's a real possibility. She just keeps flaunting the rules with abandon like there are never going to be any consequences. Cripes, does the show actually want us to see her as some kind of self-involved beneficiary of white privilege? 

I would almost dare to suspect that they're doing a Lori Loughlin storyline.

  • Love 2
Just now, kariyaki said:

I would almost dare to suspect that they're doing a Lori Loughlin storyline.

oh right! That makes sense.

I don't care how they write Mere -- I will never hate her character. I actually like how Ellen is playing her totally in denial -- totally flippant and dismissive of the consequences of her actions. Pride goethe before the fall--- they say.

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, taanja said:

This! ^^^ Plus the actress who plays Jo is atrocious. Almost unwatchable. (and she drags Alex down with her -- he seems a nonentity when they share scenes

Jo's been behind the 8ball with me from the day she beat a black man she was dating to a pulp and somehow hes the one who lost his job( we later learned some mitigating circumstances but still)  and she had no consequences... And she's the "friend" of Stephanie who threw her under a bus called her a liar and had to rationalize a reason that steohbwas further along as a doctor... So yeah Jo can go be I a corner for all I care.. Also show stop whatever it is ur doing with Helm... Its creepy.. We already lost Quadri... Parker may be a ghost... And contacts isba screw-up... We need proper interns... Hell bring Shane back from Switzerland 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, dmc said:

Well yeah people have different thoughts or perspectives.  I don't think there is any pressure to have the same perspective.  We all just like discussing the show

I think I've made it clear that this is my perspective. I'm not telling anyone how to feel anything.

3 hours ago, funnygirl said:

He was the one who introduced the nickname last season when he was giving some faux-sob story about his high school days. So, for some us, it's stuck. And for some of us, it fits! 


I'm sure he did. It's not something that stuck with me is all. 

I was never super high on Deluca or anything. I much more prefer the more self assured character we have now so I feel no need to complain about the change up.

I also honestly don't think anyone will ever match up with Derek in the grand scheme of things. Not saying that anyone is asking for Deluca to have the same chemistry but every love interest will live in that shadow. I don't think it will ever measure up personally. All I ask is for less manufacturered drama. Drama and and issues that makes sense for the characters sure. But, otherwise, I don't have much complaints.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, catspjs said:

Does calling him childish make it better, because that is how he acts a lot of the time 

That's fair. But the question I would ask is how many characters on this show aren't usually childish. It's a small group of people. 

I think, at least recently, he's been better than most. He's not a great character or anything. He's just not one of the people who makes me grind my teeth when I see him. Progress.

  • Love 6
41 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

That's fair. But the question I would ask is how many characters on this show aren't usually childish. It's a small group of people. 

I think, at least recently, he's been better than most. He's not a great character or anything. He's just not one of the people who makes me grind my teeth when I see him. Progress.

Hahahaha.  I am happy to hear that for you. I guess we all have those characters, and all have our opinions, we will like some characters, somewhat like others, and hate some of them (Deluca and Thatcher are those for me). And we can just have fun discussing them here. I don't want to change anyones mind, just stating my opinion. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, taanja said:

oh right! That makes sense.

I don't care how they write Mere -- I will never hate her character. I actually like how Ellen is playing her totally in denial -- totally flippant and dismissive of the consequences of her actions. Pride goethe before the fall--- they say.

OMG you're right

1 hour ago, Racj82 said:

I think I've made it clear that this is my perspective. I'm not telling anyone how to feel anything.

I'm sure he did. It's not something that stuck with me is all. 

I was never super high on Deluca or anything. I much more prefer the more self assured character we have now so I feel no need to complain about the change up.

I also honestly don't think anyone will ever match up with Derek in the grand scheme of things. Not saying that anyone is asking for Deluca to have the same chemistry but every love interest will live in that shadow. I don't think it will ever measure up personally. All I ask is for less manufacturered drama. Drama and and issues that makes sense for the characters sure. But, otherwise, I don't have much complaints.

No one said you were.  I'm saying I'm not trying to convince you he's a loser.  But I still think he is.  Also I hated Derek too.  Deloser isn't being compared to Derek, he sucks on his own to me...not by comparison.  

Edited by dmc
  • Love 1
7 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I think part of it was that she said she doesn't share her snacks, I guess to ensure other people don't eat them in case she really needs them. (I don't know why almonds, though. My type-1 friend carries Starbursts for when she needs a quick hit of sugar.  She also keeps them in a cough drop bag so it looks like medicine in case she goes somewhere that doens't allow food. She has an insulin pump, though, so it'd be pretty easy to figure out she's diabetic.)

It may be because almonds are a good snack for a diabetic because they are low in carbs and won't convert to sugar in their bodies.

6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I didn't get this either. They didn't find her in the car with the garage door down, why would anyone think it was a suicide attempt? The only thing I can think of is that there was a miscommunication somewhere between the ambulance and the intake. 

Yeah, it was a weird assumption. Wouldn't people normally just assume it was a gas leak? There are stories about houses full of people dying from leaks.

  • Love 4

Grey's is not know for its portrayal of psychotherapy, or rather it's not known in a positive way. But Jo's "therapist" was horrible. This episode should come with a warning "If your therapist does this, find a new therapist. Or at least get your money back."

  • EMDR isn't to increase your emotional responses,. The 'D' stands for desensitization. The point is to have less reaction to a trauma, not more. Also EMDR doesn't have better treatment rates than other forms of behavioural therapy.
  • If the therapist is eating during the session and refuses to give the client any, it's the therapist who has boundary issues, not the client.
  • Research shows physical expression of anger, like punching a dummy or throwing things at a wall, doesn't decrease the anger, it increases it. That throwing stuff at the wall, not good.
  • Body memory may start before brain memory but it doesn't start at 5 days.  And that wasn't the real trauma Jo is experiencing; it was the adult rejection that they needed to deal with.

Meredith looks down on DeLuca because he thought that she was so cold-hearted as to go to her hearing with Zola is in surgery. Meredith looks down on DeLuca because he was willing to forgo the surgery to comfort her because she and Christina would have been cold-hearted enough to be in the surgery. And if Amelia shouldn't be in the surgery because of her relationship to Zola, neither should DeLuca.

Meredith looks to DeLuca for sex and to help take care of her kids. (She's like a cuckoo that way.)  He's in it for caring and a longterm relationship, and she is in it for what he does for her..

Meredith thought that she could stay with Zola because she's Meredith Grey and the rules don't apply to her. Maybe her time in jail will give her a chance to realize that she's not really the sun. Or knowing this show, probably not.

  • Love 8
16 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Grey's is not know for its portrayal of psychotherapy, or rather it's not known in a positive way. But Jo's "therapist" was horrible. This episode should come with a warning "If your therapist does this, find a new therapist. Or at least get your money back."

I've never been to a therapist, I know nothing about therapy, but even I could see that something was "off" about the so-called therapist.  She acted like she needed some kind of therapy, even more than Jo. 

  • Love 4

How DARE that judge puth St, Meredith of the Sun in jail? Doesn't he/she know that she made mini-livers??? And got the CATHERINE FOX AWARD????! So disrespectful!

Not that I have any firsthand experience with it, but I think I've yet to see a TV portrayal of psychotherapy that didn't make it seem like a load of nonsense. This one wasn't much different. And the show's constant refusal to even acknowledge Jo's mother's point of view is honestly infuriating.

Cheating sucks, but so does Catherine, so I wouldn't really blame Richard too much if he went there with Gemma. Still, I hope he resists the temptation and then dumps Catherine regardless.

Amelia would easily be my favourite character on the show by far if she could only talk like a normal person. I don't mean just her monologues, but the way she emphasizes certain random words/syllables is just so incredibly grating. 

Edited by Joana
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