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S01.E04: Family Ties

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Two weeks until a new episode? Rude.

Dex smashing Artie’s car at the beginning was satisfying, even if he had a change of heart at the end. When he was telling Dex about why he really stole the money, I wasn’t certain that he was being honest. Fool me once and all that. 

Grey is in some serious trouble now that Kane has him. 

So Ansel was once taken away to foster care, probably as a toddler since Dex was surprised he remembered. Really curious about what happened there. 

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23 hours ago, incandescent said:

One crying mother is all it took to flip a time-worn sleaze bag like Harvey Bullock Lt. Murphy  Artie Banks? Sure, 

23 hours ago, phalange said:

I wasn’t certain that he was being honest. Fool me once and all that. 

I got a sick feeling in my stomach when, near the end, Artie showed up at the home of the woman with her recently returned baby and said, "I'm sorry" because I was sure that was going to be an I'm-sorry-I-have-to-take-your-baby-away-again "I'm sorry."

Young people and young-at-heart viewers, let me be clear: IRL people do not change. They just become more of who they already are.

I mean, if a basically good kid fell in with some bad gansters/skin-heads/terrorists/bad whatehaveyous, that kid or adult might eventually find their way out of the terrible life. But that is not changing. 


I am pleased with the way the brother is being developed in that he actually has qualities I appreciated in a young man his age who I knew who was developmentally disabled. For instance, he has a sense of who is trustworthy and who is not. And the young actor conveys that.
And in this episode he expressed being happiest when he was doing tasks that others appreciated and that he enjoyed doing. The young man I knew loved washing dishes, especially loading dishwashers, and here we see Dex's brother glad to be able to make their friend's bar/restaurant look clean and orderly.
He was not happy about being sent home for a "vacation" for a couple of days, both because he sensed it meant something was wrong, and because it took away from the meaning his life has.
So, kudos to the writers and TPTB for authenticity and not just using him as a "prop." 

Edited by shapeshifter
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I have an uncle with Down syndrome and while he is less fortunate than Ansel (he can't speak), he is caring, he enjoys jokes, and his memory is amazing -- if you give him a calendar, he will write the birthdays of everyone in the extended family on the proper dates. I also appreciate that Ansel is a realistic character and not a prop.

I'm still entertained, although I thought Banks flipped to the good side way too quickly. Surely he's screwed over at least one other young mom in all his years of not giving a shit. I do enjoy his dynamic with Dex, though, so if he sticks around as a recurring character/reluctant sometimes-partner, I'm okay with that.

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While I understand that Grey was trying to keep Ansel out of harm's way, he's known Ansel long enough that he should know that Ansel would not see staying home as a reward. Ansel likes his job and he doesn't see it as work. He is not one of those people who dreads dragging himself into work because he genuinely likes what he does. He should have given Ansel a special task that couldn't be done at the bar (I have no idea what, but I'm sure he could have come up with something). Are there any other employees at the bar? If it's just Grey and Nick, people are going to notice their absence pretty quickly (unless Nick's kidnapping ends up being only a few hours long).

I couldn't believe that Dex opened the door for Artie after she slammed it shut in his face. I have a difficult time believing that he would not only have such a sudden change of heart but have the maturity and emotional honesty to verbalize it to Dex. Maybe this is all part of a long con to get even with her?

What is the age difference between Dex and Ansel supposed to be? I'm guessing he was in foster care after their parents died and she was barely 18 so she had to get her ducks in a row (get a job and prove she could support him) before she was granted custody? Or was she in foster care too? Who took care of him when she was in the military?

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On one hand I'm glad Artie was being sincere, on the other I have more fingers (ba dum dum CHING! I will be here all week) But seriously folks the change of heart was sudden but needed since Dex fell for it again. I would have never trusted her instincts again had he been playing her once more. When he ran off and left her in that truck I said DAMN he did it again but I was wrong. Then when they got cornered I thought I was right again. I personally don't need a half of season of him getting over on her so I'm fine with him being on her side so quickly.

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9 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

What is the age difference between Dex and Ansel supposed to be? I'm guessing he was in foster care after their parents died and she was barely 18 so she had to get her ducks in a row (get a job and prove she could support him) before she was granted custody? Or was she in foster care too? Who took care of him when she was in the military?

Well, I think they said last episode that Dex is in her early 30s, so there's probably about a ten year age gap? So I guess Ansel would have been about six or so and that would be about the right age where I could see why Dex may think that he might not have remembered (or hoped he wouldn't). But who knows? I'm sure we'll get more answers soon enough. 

I like that Ansel didn't seem to buy what Grey was selling him when he gave him the time off. Ansel's definitely a smart guy so I'm glad he didn't buy Grey's story. He's know Grey long enough where he SHOULD know when he isn't being entirely truthful.

Meanwhile, Grey has really gotten himself in some trouble. I wonder what he's going to be forced to do. It can't be anything good and Hoffman shouldn't be very happy with his frenemy. Speaking of, Hoffman and Grey got a little more to do with each other. I also liked Hoffman's role in this episode. We've gotten a little more on him, which is great.

I like Artie, but yeah, I had a hard time believing his story. I think it's because of what he did last episode that made it difficult for me to believe him, and rightfully so. I am glad him and Dex have sort of made up. I'm cool with Artie coming around in a recurring capacity. I do have to laugh that he just signed her 1500 hours and she already has her PI license. But I honestly think that I would have had more fun watching her train under different PIs. 

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There is most certainly a licensing exam that has to be taken after the 1500 hours are completed.  Usually, folks start taking classes and studying for it while getting their hours.  If they show somebody just handing her a license after paying a fee, that's crap.  Here are the Oregon requirements:


I still can't stand Donal Logue and hope Artie Banks is gone for good.  He came off as a scumbag and I'd never believe anything he said, even the sob story of his "daughter".  Nope, don't buy a word of it. Nada.  

Otherwise, a good episode.  Kane has got ME scared.  

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I enjoyed this one.  I agree the turn from Artie was sudden, but I'll roll with it.

It was good to get more of Camryn Mannheim and Michael Ealy this episode.  I hope we are going to get to a point where he can be happy, because I miss seeing him express other emotions than worry and anger.

I did like the scene between Grey and Hoffman.  It was honest, and fairly open considering where they started.  It's a good stepping stone to getting along with each other, and even working together.  I hope they can build on it next week.

Grey's not a great liar, but I understand him wanting to keep Ansel away and unaware of the real reason.  I'm guessing Ansel is going to express his concerns to Dex, and kick off her investigation of Grey's disappearance.

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8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I do have to laugh that he just signed her 1500 hours and she already has her PI license.

The hours alone, if she worked regular 40 hour weeks with him, would require almost 10 months to complete.  I think the PD license bureau would be highly suspect.

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5 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:
14 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I do have to laugh that he just signed her 1500 hours and she already has her PI license.

The hours alone, if she worked regular 40 hour weeks with him, would require almost 10 months to complete.  I think the PD license bureau would be highly suspect.

Even if he stated on the form that she was his apprentice for months rather than days, according to  https://privateinvestigatoredu.org/oregon/#requirements she must also


Have no felony convictions or other convictions involving crimes of moral turpitude

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

Even if he stated on the form that she was his apprentice for months rather than days, according to  https://privateinvestigatoredu.org/oregon/#requirements she must also

He has no felony convictions.  He was allowed to resign without charges filed.

I think moving Dex to full PI is a mistake.  If you’re going to do something commit to it, and if you’re making Dex a novice PI who needs to be licensed then commit to that change.

23 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

Doesn't Dex get arrested every single episode?

Arrests =/= charged filed, nevermind conviction or plea deal made.

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Artie's turn to good was so quick I got whiplash! I was totally thinking that his story about his daughter would turn out to be another fake sob story, but I guess this one was true? I like Artie so I am alright with it more or less, but I wish we would have had some more build up. 

Anyway, I liked most of this episode a lot, especially Dex teaming up with her almost mother in law. I can imagine she wouldn't want drugs in her community and would be pissed that someone was bringing them in, and through a school no less. I like her relationship with Dex a lot and she is a really interesting character. 

Ansel definitely picked up that Grey was trying to get rid of him, and we in the audience know that he is trying to protect him, but Ansel will probably think that he did something wrong. I like how they are portraying him so far, he has his own scenes and character moments and is generally a realistic character. 

Two weeks until the next episode? Not cool. Play a sad song on the car tape!

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I felt they were deliberately using several songs OUT of the car to minimize the distraction of the "Magical Mix Tape" on the viewing audience. 

Each time I'd hear a new song, I would say to myself "OK, they are NOT in the car" or "They ARE in the car".  There were very few car songs, as I recall.  Of course, my memory isn't really great.  *LOL*

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Things that remind me that I’m watching formula network TV- strong central cast and weak guest characters. The 2 actresses playing the ex wives look so...LA. Not that they need to wear flannel or be “unattractive” but their look and cardboard lines and flat delivery detract. The standard music (not the real songs) during emotional and action sequences Is so cheesy. Love Michael Ealy, Jake Johnson, Camryn Mannheim, and Tantoo Cardinal- they keep me tuned in. 

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4 hours ago, Mars477 said:

Arrests =/= charged filed, nevermind conviction or plea deal made

But most like the stupid mixed tape, arrests even if they don’t results in charges is not something that look great for Dex.

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On 10/17/2019 at 2:53 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Speaking of, Hoffman and Grey got a little more to do with each other. I also liked Hoffman's role in this episode. We've gotten a little more on him, which is great.

Part of my problem with Hoffman previously was that he didn't seem to "fit" in with the other characters.  It felt like he served his purpose in the first few episodes.  Now that his story is intertwined with Grey's, I'm actually finding myself a little more invested.  I still think he has a ways to go though to make me care about any potential relationship he may have with Dex.

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Add me to the list of folks who got whiplash from Artie's turnaround. If he stays around he'll probably end up with the mentor-who-has-to-die-to-complete-hero's-journey-to-destiny-card. I'm sure there's a better term on TV Tropes but I'm afraid to go looking.

I wonder what Grey's skill-set is that makes him so valuable for the Big Band. Was it mentioned?

And yes, Ansel did definitely pick up that something was wrong. So far the show has done right by the character and the actor.

Not my favorite episode but they can't all be winners.

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Sue Lynn Blackbird is badass. Shady as hell, but badass. You can tell she reluctantly has a soft spot for Dex.

I'm excited to see where they Grey/Hoffman plot goes. I would like to see those two come around to a begrudging respect/friendship. Also interested to see how Dex eventually ends up involved in it. 

Hopefully we don't see Donal Logue for awhile. Like others have said, the whiplash back and forth with his character was a bit too much. I think it would have been better played out at least over a 3-episode arc. Now that the Candace case is wrapped up I hope we don't see him for a bit, though I wouldn't mind seeing Banks and Dex bump into each other again in the future.

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On 10/18/2019 at 3:10 PM, biakbiak said:

But most like the stupid mixed tape, arrests even if they don’t results in charges is not something that look great for Dex.

I lost count of how many times Jim Rockford was arrested by Lt. Chapman....granted that was in CA....but he never lost his licence.

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Just now, paigow said:

I lost count of how many times Jim Rockford was arrested by Lt. Chapman....granted that was in CA....but he never lost his licence.

But he had his license, she doesn’t have one so the bar that might cause her to not get her license Is different than what causes one to be stripped of a license. 

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On 10/17/2019 at 5:08 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

What is the age difference between Dex and Ansel supposed to be? I'm guessing he was in foster care after their parents died and she was barely 18 so she had to get her ducks in a row (get a job and prove she could support him) before she was granted custody? Or was she in foster care too? Who took care of him when she was in the military?

Since he's working in a bar, Ansel has to be at least 21, right? So if there's a 10 year gap (which seems reasonable per @Lady Calypso), then if their parents died when she was 18, he would have been 8 - I would expect an 8 year old to remember that experience, and I think Dex would. So I'm guessing they were both taken into foster care earlier than their parents death, possibly because their parents were in some way incapable (or incarcerated). I mean, a mother who names her kid Dexedrine has got to have something screwy going on.

On 10/17/2019 at 2:53 PM, Lady Calypso said:

I like that Ansel didn't seem to buy what Grey was selling him when he gave him the time off. Ansel's definitely a smart guy so I'm glad he didn't buy Grey's story. He's know Grey long enough where he SHOULD know when he isn't being entirely truthful.

He seemed to pick up that Grey's now dead compatriot was pretty shady. So he knows something's off.

On 10/17/2019 at 5:13 PM, leighdear said:

I still can't stand Donal Logue and hope Artie Banks is gone for good.  He came off as a scumbag and I'd never believe anything he said, even the sob story of his "daughter".  Nope, don't buy a word of it. Nada.  

Otherwise, a good episode.  Kane has got ME scared.  

I, on the other hand, love Donal Logue, and I hope that his speedy turn around is real - but I think he's really good at playing complicated and/or shady characters, so either way is okay with me.

22 hours ago, jabRI said:

I guess I'm in the minority, I like everything Donal Logue: Terriers, Life, even his SVU stint

Grounded for Life is where I first saw him. But man, I loved Terriers. It was one the best single season series I ever watched. They said it was because the name didn't draw viewers. Weird.

17 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I’m still mad that Terriers was canceled!

Me too!

Edited by Clanstarling
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I have loved Donal  since the Tao of Steve and I keep a TiVo despite no longer paying for the service because among other stored shows every episode of Terriors is on jt: Not a fan of his character here but I managed to check into SVU, a show I hate, just to see his arc so would gladly watch him being an untrustworthy ass on this show. 

Edited by biakbiak
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I like Donal even though I hated that his character became Sarah Shahi's love interest in Life Season 2 (I also hated that they cranked up the sex appeal with Shahi's character to 11 in Season 2).

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On 10/28/2019 at 8:19 AM, biakbiak said:

I have loved Donal  since the Tao of Steve

. . . where his character was named Dex.


I hope Dex got her markers back from Sue Lynn.  (Although I doubt she would orphan Ansel by having Dex potentially imprisoned.) Still, that debt was paid off and Dex should get proof of that.

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