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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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This particular out of control teen gives me major transgender or gender nonbinary vibes. Wouldn't be surprised if that was contributing to some of this, because these parents don't seem like they'd be super supportive of that. This episode feels even more exploitative than usual because of this.

46 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Sounds like a terrorist organization! Lol! But it' not too late for her to get into porn.

LOL. You never know, she might turn out to be a one person terrorist organization!

Also, turns out she's just 14 this year. So her porn career will have to wait four years. In the meantime, we'll have to do our best to avoid the (c)rap music she's making.

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And she's going to be 50 times more f'd up when she disappears into the abyss of "one time wonders/15 minutes of fame" people. Child Protective Services should be on top of this. And the father...what is his deal that he can't apply for sole custody? He's probably got a new wife and likes to keep his distance. Poor Danielle never had a chance with these 2 f-ups for parents.

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On 12/12/2017 at 3:12 PM, Pondlass1 said:

OMG!! This made me laugh out loud.  But then I felt bad.  The drunken daughter needs desperate help. Hope the dual diagnosis place helps, I'd like to see a follow up on this girl.

I could not watch the episode at all.  Just FF to the last 5 minutes.

18 minutes ago, morriss said:

How many shows now have featured wanna be rappers ???.     That must be the new american dream....lol

Right next to being the next Youtube Star.

Mom didn't have all her marbles and neither did Dad.  It's no wonder the son has issues.

Honest to pete I was waiting for Robyn to start hawking her witchery crème to the wannabe Youtube star.  And because she is so "special" she gets all three jars (designed by mywifeRobyn).  Apparently the whole frickin' audience is special because they too get the three jars (designed by mywifeRobyn) of Crisco.

I also find it weird that his son never performs or comes on the show . Phil promotes himself , his wife and my son jay constantly ( although not as much with jay recently ), but never promotes the other son . You'd think he'd take every opportunity to perform on the show . My guess is that their happy family isn't as happy as portrayed 

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I loved Brooke's theory about why she was supposed to be on Dr. Phil: Because she's been doing such a great job lately. '

After falling off the wagon recently.

And visiting a shady photographer. 

Because that's the bulk of Dr. Phil's guests: people who are really winning at life and deserve a standing ovation. 

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I had to google the ex-NBA player ex-husband Cal.  Not a name anyone would know.  I then found Brooke's names.  Her name is Tamara Brooke, but she's gone by Tamara, Brooke, and now Brooklin.  She's flipped the names around, too.  Found her Instagram, and for all their not saying Cal's last name, she's posted some of the stills from today's show on her Instagram.  Also found several arrest records for her, some where she violated probation.  One in 2013/14 where she and 3 others were in a vacant home (or someone who was away or in jail).  Police investigated and they said oh the owner said it was ok, we could stay here and clean.  Well, it wasn't with the owner's approval, plus they found drugs & accessories one each of them, most of them had meth.

Found an article from 2005/2006 where they interviewed Cal, giving details.  She was in rehab at that time, because she was addicted to heroin and meth.  She was saying how she was going to be all better, was saved (rehab was Christian based).  It said she was planning to live 'the next year' in the rehab.  If she spent a year in rehab, and she's been back using (from what it seemed it has been a long time now), I don't know if any of the usual rehabs would help her.  The place Phil was sending her looked like a women's retreat, not a heavy duty rehab, which I think she absolutely needs.  

Also found that Cal, who ended up playing basketball in Europe, gave up basketball because Brooke took the baby back to the U.S., then went to Hollywood to pursue becoming an actress/model.  He decided family was more important than money and fame.  She has spent a lot of time away from the family, who live on the east coast, while she keeps pursuing acting and modelling in CA.  So, the mom was right in saying he was such a good guy, and deserved to be treated better. 

Assuming her voice was so fried from the drugs.  

Phil did such a shitty job with this one.  He kind of laid this on the mom, that the daughter was misdiagnosed.  The daughter is a full blown addict who shouldn't be around her kids one iota.  She looked high on the show as well.  The segment felt rushed, but he had to get his friend's daughter on to plug her movie.

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Flipping through channels in the middle of insomnia and saw Dr. Phil on OWN was about Liberty and Abigail, the two teens from Delphi, IN, who were murdered. There is a photo of the suspect and a voice recording, but the police have been unable to arrest anyone yet. Since I actually had a positive comment about his show, I decided to log on to PTV and leave it before I forgot since all of my others have been negative, only to realize I haven't signed on in days and have fallen further and further behind in my PTV reading, and I'm wasting a few minutes on this show. ; )

First, an aside: Hanson was big with my niece when they were singing pop music, but I later heard them singing some old R&B, soul and 50s music, and was blown away at how good they were. They were playing a charity event and to see those young men belting out songs by Otis Redding, etc., reminded me of the Jackson 5. 

About the Delphi show:

The good:

-Dr. Phil let others speak and didn't hog all the attention, which is something I think he has gotten bad about lately. I've probably only watched two episodes this season because I think he has become tabloidish.

-The sketch of the suspect was left up on the screen behind Dr. Phil and the guests for a good amount of time, and the audio was played many times, too.

-The show wasn't cut fifteen minutes early for his plastic alien wife to give away her beauty supplies that she apparently can't sell or she wouldn't be giving away so much product.

The bad:

-I don't know if it wasn't as bad on the local channels, but the amount of time dedicated to commercials was almost obscene when put in relation to the topic of discussion. These young ladies were murdered, here is a sketch of the suspect, and now is another commercial for Tyler Perry's show The Paynes which is coming back after five years! There was one segment that was two minutes long, and the commercials that bumpered it were both four minutes. SMH

-Dr. Phil asked a few questions of the family that came across and brusque and accusatory, something that I also think has gotten worse over time. When he would snap at a guest who was lying to him or refusing to answer his questions, etc., I understood why he would get a little biting. I really don't think he means to come across that way to guests like the ones on this episode, but shouldn't be surprised that a man who can't see that his wife is altering her body to an extreme, unhealthy level also doesn't realize his tone can be jerkish to victims. One example was when he asked the grandmother something like, "What happened here? Did you have a predator stalking your community?" and it was in the tone of his "How's that working fer ya?" His demeanor and patience has dropped considerably since he first appeared on television, and I find myself wondering if he wants a break but can't take one because of his family obligations.

Libby looks like a neighbor of mine looked when she was that age, and the perpetrator sketch kind of looks like a former neighbor. So much so, a different neighbor reported his information to the police back when it happened. I live in Ohio and he passed away about four years ago, but had family in Michigan. As far as I know, there is no link to his family and he obviously couldn't be the killer, but it was shocking the first time I saw the sketch which was after my neighbor told me about reporting his likeness to the police. She came over to see if I could find one of his old booking photos to compare them, because her search couldn't. 

Because of that, I've followed the story a bit and Dr. Phil did a fair job, I guess, but not a real thorough one. The point of the show was most likely just to get the perpetrator's sketch, photo and voice out to more people, and that happened. I also liked that he addressed the photos that people claim shows the girls being followed because there is no man in those photos and it has practically become a conspiracy theory for some people. Another conspiracy theory floating around is that the police have a suspect, know who but not where the man is right now, but Dr. Phil only had the LEO say that everyone is a suspect until they are cleared, so now I'm beginning to think there may be something to that rumor. Maybe I'm just wishful that it's the truth because having a photo of the perpetrator in such a rural area, like the one in which I live, and no one knowing the identity is infuriating. I haven't kept up with the case because the gossip and conspiracies became to much to weed through and there wasn't new information being released.

ETA: An article on the most recent rumored suspect. Even though the police are looking at him, his DNA would have been on file and apparently, they collected DNA from the perpetrator, so I don't know why he would still be out ten months after the murder.

Edited by Christina
Added paragraph
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I don't know how a show designated to addicts, crazy families, out of control teens, etc., can be boring.  But Phil has made it so. Even the catfish episodes have become dull.  Maybe he's been on too long or needs a fresh new approach.  I can almost predict what he'll say next.  First  he'll go after whoever is the target, then turn around and blame the family, then he'll tell them all they really love each other and the person is sent off to be dual diagnosed.

The segue to Robin's face cream is often jarring and actually insulting to the distressed family - unless it's filmed when they've left the stage.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Christina said:

ETA: An article on the most recent rumored suspect. Even though the police are looking at him, his DNA would have been on file and apparently, they collected DNA from the perpetrator, so I don't know why he would still be out ten months after the murder.

Thank you Christina for the article. 

I have family in Indiana and am interested in this case too. 

Not that it could hold up in a court of law but as I scrolled down and saw his photo - I got chills on the back of my neck.

If he isn't involved he sure has the unfortunate luck of looking eerily similar to the police sketch. 

3 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Robyn might just fade away she's so thin and her face looks like plastic.  Looking at older pictures of her she was warm and lovely.  What the heck happened to her???  Is there a doctor in the house that can help this woman?

I think you mean "Is there a real doctor in the house that can help this woman?"

On 12/16/2017 at 9:06 AM, PsychoKlown said:

Thank you Christina for the article. 

I have family in Indiana and am interested in this case too. 

Not that it could hold up in a court of law but as I scrolled down and saw his photo - I got chills on the back of my neck.

If he isn't involved he sure has the unfortunate luck of looking eerily similar to the police sketch. 

I had the same reaction.  A question.....where did they get the culprits DNA?  Since no details of the murder have been released, is this saying they were raped? 

Edited by Wings
2 minutes ago, Wings said:

I had the same reaction.  A question.....where did they get the culprits DNA?  Since no details of the murder have been released, is this saying they were raped? 

Let's pray they weren't. They could have found his hair. Perhaps there was a struggle and the girls scratched him so some skin under their finger nails. There are many ways to leave DNA behind.

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On 12/14/2017 at 9:59 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

I also find it weird that his son never performs or comes on the show . Phil promotes himself , his wife and my son jay constantly ( although not as much with jay recently ), but never promotes the other son . You'd think he'd take every opportunity to perform on the show . My guess is that their happy family isn't as happy as portrayed 

Didn't the youngest son's band sing the theme song one season? Maybe that wasn't his band, but it was pretty terrible, so I just assumed it was a nepotism hire. I also seem to remember the son's girlfriend performing at the end of an episode once. She wasn't bad, but it was a sort of awkward ending to the show. Not as awkward as the wrinkle cream infomercials though.

He used to talk about Jordan a lot when Jordan was younger. It was usually when the guests were parents of a young failure to launch kid or something similar, and he'd cut away to some random footage of Jordan doing something totally unrelated to the guests' issues.

On ‎12‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 11:08 AM, MrSmith said:

LOL. You never know, she might turn out to be a one person terrorist organization!

Also, turns out she's just 14 this year. So her porn career will have to wait four years. In the meantime, we'll have to do our best to avoid the (c)rap music she's making.

She could go underground...wink wink!

More tragedies on today’s show but don’t lose hope. The last 10 minutes were devoted to Robin’s miracle serums, creams, lotions and magical potions! Hurray!! She saved the day! Do these people have any idea how much the viewers make fun of them? I guess not or they’d stop this embarrassing nonsense. Phil has sold his soul to the devil (Robin). 

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Regarding follow-ups.... the only one that comes to mind is Todd Herzog, the Survivor winner who became an alcoholic once he won and became semi-famous. Todd relapsed, which is why Phil had him on the show again. I often wonder about him and how he’s doing. The kid drank a LOT of vodka daily. I’m good friends with someone who was on that show and we can’t go anywhere without someone noticing her and wanting a photo. I can only imagine what it was like for Todd, winning all that money and probably drinking most of it.

I’d like to see a show about online bullies. It’s a huge problem, and kids are killing themselves over it. I was bullied online by a group about 16 years ago, it showed me how cruel people can be when behind an anonymous screen. One of them actually called my dad’s home and hung up, many times. I had taken photos of his home and listed it online for him. That’s how they found me, by how my photos were named and where they were saved. Incredibly scary! I did a reverse lookup of the number and figured out it was one of the “gang.”

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2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Saw a rerun on OWN about OCD and it was a legit great episode. Interesting, educational, didn't feel so damn exploitative. Wish Phil would have more episodes like that.

I sure wish they had had a follow-up episode on the young man that they were going to do the treatment on.

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On 8/28/2017 at 3:10 PM, Hockeymom said:

I had hurricane coverage break into today's episode so I didn't see how things turned out. It was the one with Rick, a  middle aged You Tube rapper and Leonard(? I forgot already!), a guy who was supposedly stalking him online for years.

They had never met in person until the show.  Both were super creepy, but Rick was coming out as not so innocent when news coverage broke in.

Did anyone get to see it? How did it end?

Hey, I am the gentleman who was on this episode.

Im so sorry America.

I tried informing the public about what happened, but Dr. Phil  and his staff made a horrible mistake and as a result my life was badly destroyed.

Two years later Dr. Phil put me on stage portraying me as the villain.

Dr. Phil wasn’t even remotely honest, and I actually had sent in so much evidence it made me sick on stage and if you look at my face you can see I’m done.

What all of you must be thinking is, this Lenard guy is really nuts, but the truth is this is just one video Dr. Phil had, in which he didn’t show any of you.

Im sorry that you had to be informed on this thread Four months after the show aired. 

Stay tuned, this is far from over.

On 12/12/2017 at 1:31 PM, farmgal4 said:

Speaking of the Cash Me Outside idiot, is she in prison yet?

Hey do you guys remember the episode that aired August 28, 2017 about the rapper being accused of being a stalker and child predator?

Take a look at these videos and ask yourself, did Dr. Phil lie to the American people!

Then you watch this clip 

Then you will be shocked to know Dr. Phil and his staff had this footage and plenty more just as bad but said nothing during the show and even edited the show where I asked him to play this evidence.

and if that’s not good enough take a look at this 

and if that’s not enough evidence here’s more. 

Oh but wait that’s not enough right 

ladies and gentleman, I Lenard Osborns Jr plan on using my freedom of speech to inform my fellow Americans there is a corrupt television network claiming  a Dr can and will give sound advice.

I just saw "Sexy Vegan" that Dr Phil tentatively labelled a narcissist.

He's waaaay beyond personality disorder.

Is it wrong of me to think he looked better with the cartoony face tats and blue eyebrows than he did before?

He probably has more of a delusional disorder, maybe even schizophrenia.

After I watched the show, the skin on my face felt dry, and wrinkly like silk paper. I longed to hear of potions to find relief from this affliction, but alas! Dr Phil was silent on the matter.

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I delete before Robin comes on.  Even before I hear what facility he chooses to send someone.  I catch her from time to time. Jesus.  It was maybe a year ago I saw her last, until today.  Could be  because I don't see her enough but ......has she had new veneers that are larger than previously?  She had a hard time pronouncing some words that I don't remember.  Talking about her looks is now common, so I apologize.  But seriously, what the fuck?  She is way beyond vaguely attractive.  Scary shit. 

My question is serious.  I am not just trashing.  I want to know.  Is her appearance worse lately?  Very sad, actually. 

Edited by Wings
  • Love 1
18 hours ago, Wings said:

I delete before Robin comes on.  Even before I hear what facility he chooses to send someone.  I catch her from time to time. Jesus.  It was maybe a year ago I saw her last, until today.  Could be  because I don't see her enough but ......has she had new veneers that are larger than previously?  She had a hard time pronouncing some words that I don't remember.  Talking about her looks is now common, so I apologize.  But seriously, what the fuck?  She is way beyond vaguely attractive.  Scary shit. 

My question is serious.  I am not just trashing.  I want to know.  Is her appearance worse lately?  Very sad, actually. 

I watch the show now and then and I think she has really over done it on the plastic surgery.  Strange her hubby, Dr. Phil, who FIXES people can't fix her.  I can only imagine what she would look like if she suddently cut the cord of plastic surgery.  Her waist is about 10 inches.

What kind of lifestyle are the two of them living with him in the helping business and she in the not accepting her aging?  Strange for sure.

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On 12/18/2017 at 4:28 PM, Gam2 said:

More tragedies on today’s show but don’t lose hope. The last 10 minutes were devoted to Robin’s miracle serums, creams, lotions and magical potions! Hurray!! She saved the day! Do these people have any idea how much the viewers make fun of them? I guess not or they’d stop this embarrassing nonsense. Phil has sold his soul to the devil (Robin). 

I did a search for "users reviews and comments" on Robins skin care products. One user stated the shelf life of the skin cream is only  a month or two. After that ""it became the consistency of LARD". Lol!

And when is Dr P going to film a new commercial for his show. That one of him sitting in the audience next to Robin in her animal print shirt has got to be 10 years old. 

And Happy New Year to all my lovely,witty, fellow PT posters!

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I have been watching old shows on OWN.  They are much better. 

I enjoyed watching the Dr Phil House episodes again.  He was 11 years younger, slim and looked good dressed casually which was interesting!

I watch to be entertained so I don't care about the recent controversies.  

Robin's teeth were much shorter so she has had them made longer as I suspected.  

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