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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show

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Time is Running Out for Prison-Bound Dad: Did His Wife Blackmail Him into Embezzling $300,000?

This was just sad. Totally, deeply sad. I've known kids who had to take on the role of parent when their parents were fuckups but this family made me cry. And made me mad. The wife is a flaming bitch, in my opinion. Totally in denial. Lying about everything. All that money embezzled (and not very smart about how they did it) and blew it on stupid stuff.

The mother needs to go to jail too. Just to keep her away from society.

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She is the poster child for someone who blames everyone and everything else on her own problems, and cries the victim cry.

I'll bet you money she's back at the bar the day after. She isn't admitting she has a problem, why would she agree to sober up? I felt so sorry for her kids, pleading with her.

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What was her temporary job?  I cannot imagine any employer allowing her to come back to work after seeing her on the show.


I hate how she sees herself as the victim when she is the perpetrator. The dad is no prize either. They blame each other. Their children deserve so much better.


I doubt that we will see her as a follow-up in a Dr. Phil show several years from now. I see her staying sober only long enough to have all eyes on her then she will be back to her old ways.

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The woman that sent 1.4 million to Nigeria must have really valued poorly written love letters.

I watched and was just amazed that someone could spend that much money on someone who she's never met!!!  And she really didn't seem to be convinced that she was being scammed.  I think she just told Dr. Phil that just so she could end the intervention. 

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The woman that sent 1.4 million to Nigeria must have really valued poorly written love letters.

Yes! I can't believe anyone could be so gullible! It seems like it's always the chubby older women who fall for the notion some model gorgeous guy is head over heels for them. Ladies, if it seems to good to be true, it's time to bail!!

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Yes! I can't believe anyone could be so gullible! It seems like it's always the chubby older women who fall for the notion some model gorgeous guy is head over heels for them. Ladies, if it seems to good to be true, it's time to bail!!

Too True!!!

He must have sounded fantastic on the phone because the letters were so poorly written.

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OK, so millionaire lottery winner dude is beyond any help.  Why is she still with him?  They obviously had to have issues before "he" won the money, because I can't see his attitude being turned 180 degrees just by winning.  He was a class A a-hole before the money. He's an alcoholic with anger issues and $1.6 mil didn't have anything to do with his destruction of her property.  His disgusting way of "getting back at her" by wiping his ass all over her makeup tells me their is no fixing his effed up brain. So what if he hid what ever money left after he bought all his toys, just cut bait and get out.  He will not change and honestly he didn't seem interested in changing. Get the best lawyer you can lady and get out. 

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Ok, the Dr. Phil show is on now and it is on the lottery story BUT before doc starts the story he goes on this rant about the odds of winning and the statistics. He is right in his information. I have a problem with a rich person trying to discourage poor people from playing and his almost judged way. No, definitely judged way. It just bothers me regardless of the couple's story. Am I petty?

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BusyOctober, the episode is dtill on so I don't have an informed decision yet, but, that marriage seems to have been doomed before the money. Furthermore, for some reason I can relate to the wife and how she might feel about his sneakiness with the money, but I still don't like this wife. I feel like she is a piece of work. The husband seems so removed, over it, done, checked out, disgusted...

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OK, so millionaire lottery winner dude is beyond any help. Why is she still with him? They obviously had to have issues before "he" won the money, because I can't see his attitude being turned 180 degrees just by winning. He was a class A a-hole before the money. He's an alcoholic with anger issues and $1.6 mil didn't have anything to do with his destruction of her property. His disgusting way of "getting back at her" by wiping his ass all over her makeup tells me their is no fixing his effed up brain. So what if he hid what ever money left after he bought all his toys, just cut bait and get out. He will not change and honestly he didn't seem interested in changing. Get the best lawyer you can lady and get out.

He put poop on her makeup!!! He wants a Divorce but the money has him trapped. You see all that bullshit he bought?!

Edited by announcergirl
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A little late, but the woman who sent over $1 million to the scammer -- I wonder if she would have kept it up if she had actually earned the money.  It was inherited, so it probably didn't feel as "real" to her.  Don't misunderstand, she's an idiot, but I think if she had actually had to work for her money she might have been a little more tight fisted with it.

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The woman who sent over 1.5 mil to Nigeria needs her ass beat. She actually sold an apartment building to send $550k to him. You are probably right about if it were her money that she worked hard for. I stopped watching when I heard her daughter was getting married and she couldn't help. What happened after that? Is her money gone? Someone in Nigeria is living like a king off her misery. No judgment only sadness for the loneliness in world.

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Isn't it a crime to deliberately do something that could cause a person to become ill (wiping his butt with her lip gloss)?


Why was the wife so invested in the marriage?  Is she one of those people who just can't stand to lose or fail that she'd stay in such a toxic relationship, even when her moron husband had made it clear that he despised her?


Why didn't the husband file for divorce long ago?  Yeah, if he dumped her after winning the money he'd have to give her some money, but was it really worth the torture of staying married?  This guy is the new poster child of passive aggressiveness.  He wanted out but he wouldn't file for divorce, he was doing everything possible to make her file instead.


Maybe he secretly enjoyed being miserable, so he could blame her for anything that happened that he didn't like, and put his misery on display so he could get sympathy.  Then, when he'd finally driven her to divorce him, he could enter a new stage of being traumatized by an awful marriage and the final betrayal of her leaving him.  Poor widdle thing.


Maybe the marriage had devolved into some kind of horrible contest where each party is too committed to the game to realize that there's no possibility of actually winning.


I switched channels to a children's cartoon show when it appeared that Dr. Shill was still trying to 'save' this marriage, so apologies if there was finally an explanation of what had gone wrong and what would happen next.  Did he send them to a friend's treatment center for dysfunctional relationships?  Give them one of his books? 


Or did he tell them "There's nothing to be saved here.  You need to divorce.  If you all want to see who'll give up first, then go to the courthouse together and file mutual divorce paperwork at the same time.  I'll pay for a years counseling for each of you to help you figure out why you two put yourselves in such a position, and if you apply yourselves but need more counseling after that, we'll talk and I'll see if I see enough improvement to pay for more help." 


Being Dr. Shill, the counseling would be over the phone by one of his 'friends', he'll insist on the copies of the counselors notes to be forwarded to him for use in his next book, and if further counseling was needed he'd require one or both of them to appear on another show for an update.


Robin, the amazing plastic wife, will be smiling maniacally in the front row and waiting breathlessly for the good doctor to take her by the hand and lead her once again backstage, because all the botox in her face has also managed to migrate to her brain and she can't remember where to go.

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Those last two episodes on Dr. Phil made me emotionally invest big time. That poor woman was extremely sad and lonely. Did it ever occur to her to do something beneficial for those close to her? Wasn't it selfish to squander money she could have given her daughter and future son-in-law to start their future? Dumb as a freakin rock and selfish. When does the self preservation kick in for these people???? I think most of us would initially be intrigued but when it gets to the point of sending thousands of dollars to someone you'd never ever seen and didn't seem likely to see where is the light bulb?


Then there is only one point that I agree with on the lottery guy. Yes, most states recognize that assets gained during a marriage are community property but really, whose name was on that check? It was his so it was his money. Now.... the fact that he didn't want to share was incredibly immature. But I suspected that they didn't like each other to begin with. I agree he should have just let her have some and then gone away to play with his toys, in his own rented house and far away. What's so hard about that? Yep, it's hard to make decisions like that when you are not mature enough. She was as bad. What was she hanging around for?

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March 2 - March 6, 2015

"My Wife Chose Her Boyfriend over Her Children"

George says his estranged wife, Rachel, once was loving, fun and honest, but after 19 years and six children together, he claims she has become a liar, cheater and an unfit mother who puts boyfriends ahead of her kids’ needs. George claims Rachel has had sex with a boyfriend while their children were home, and on another occasion she even gave their youngest kids melatonin to make them sleep so she could go out partying -- all of which Rachel denies. Rachel admits she had one affair during their marriage but claims it happened only after she discovered George had a girlfriend -- and she blames him for neglecting her and their family. With a divorce imminent, the estranged couple face each other on Dr. Phil’s stage. How has their fighting affected their children? Don’t miss Dr. Phil’s advice and words of warning for the separated couple. Can they calm the chaos and learn to peacefully co-parent?

Young, Jealous Love

Ilene, 20, says her boyfriend of two years, Matt, 20, is destroying their relationship with his jealous and controlling behavior. She says he constantly accuses her of cheating on him, and nothing she has done to prove her faithfulness has eased his suspicions -- including quitting her job, deleting her social network profiles and passing a lie detector test. She says Matt’s lack of trust in her has turned to anger, and he often calls her demeaning names. She says he even cheated on her in retaliation and sent her an audio clip of the act. With a 1-year-old child together and another on the way, how can Ilene convince Matt she has been faithful? Matt admits he makes Ilene prove herself all the time but claims he is certain she has cheated -- and he even doubts that the baby she’s carrying is his. What’s behind Matt’s trust issues? Tune in to hear Dr. Phil’s theory. Can this relationship be saved?

Adoption Nightmare: "I Want My Baby Back"

Kristen, 22, says two years ago, she feels that she was manipulated into placing her newborn for adoption with her ex-stepfather, Adam, and his new wife, Stacy, who took her in while she was pregnant. Kristen says the two promised her she could be involved in the child’s life but claims they kicked her to the curb a week after her daughter was born, and she hasn’t seen the child since. She calls Stacy “evil” and “psycho crazy”-- and even says she could have been drugged, because she says she has no recollection of signing the adoption papers. Adam and Stacy deny Kristen’s accusations and say she was in no way ready to care for a child -- which is why they stepped up. They are adamant they followed the letter of the law and communicated openly with Kristen. Emotions run high when Dr. Phil brings everyone together in search of answers and a resolution to this adoption drama. Are Adam and Stacy freezing Kristen out? Has she given them reason to? And, is there any hope of fostering a peace moving forward? Plus, Kristen is now pregnant again -- what are her plans for this baby?

"My Daughter Hasn’t Spoken to Me in 7 Years - What’s Wrong with Her?"

Peggy says her daughter, Jen, 38, hasn’t spoken to her in seven years, and she has no idea why. She says she feels Jen owes her an apology for shutting her out -- but Jen insists it’s Peggy who should be apologizing! Jen claims Peggy was physically and emotionally abusive during her childhood and put drugs and men before her children. She calls Peggy a liar and a manipulator, and after decades of drama and pain, she says she simply had enough. Emotions run high when this mother and daughter face each other on Dr. Phil’s stage. Peggy admits she wasn’t always a stable parent but says Jen needs to stop punishing her for the past. Hear from Jen’s sister, Becky, who also was estranged from Peggy for a time -- why has she forgiven her mother? Plus, Peggy accuses Jen of alienating her from her 17-year-old granddaughter. What does her granddaughter say about Peggy? Don’t miss Dr. Phil’s advice for this fractured family. Can Jen and Peggy heal the wounds of the past and move forward?

Is Mom Leading a Secret Life, or Are These Daughters Caught Up in Drama?

Brandy, 24, and Jacki, 27, say they believe their mother, Kimberly, is leading a secret sex life, while maintaining the façade of a happy marriage of 23 years to their stepfather. The daughters say they, along with their younger sister, Hannah, have uncovered Internet ads, emails and text messages full of questionable behavior. As a result, Brandy and Jacki won't allow Kimberly around their children anymore. Kimberly says her daughters are stirring up drama with half-truths and misinformation, and they need to butt out of her business. Dr. Phil looks at Brandy and Jacki's "evidence" and has some tough questions for Kimberly about her behavior. Can he get to the truth -- and help put this family back together?
(Original Airdate: September 17, 2014)

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I simply do not understand why people are willing to go on national TV to air their dirty laundry.  The only ones that make any sense at all to me are the ones with out of control kids.  If the parents have tried things that haven't worked, Phil can give them more resources.  When you are hanging by a thread, you grab onto anything you can.  But the ones who have bad marriages or other family relationships just don't make sense to me.  I'm all for getting therapy, but not for an hour on TV from Dr. Shill.  

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Nothing beats the guy who proposed to a girl he met online without ever meeting her, then she supposedly died and texted him from heaven. Oh, and she was a Kennedy. The man is able to find a woman online but cannot Google to do a little research on the Kennedy family?

I will never forget Phil showing a map of the US and the various cell carriers. Then pointing upward to where her carrier was.

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That's one sick grandma.  Any news on how her granddaughter felt about it?  What if Grandma pissed off some guy with her antics, and he tracked her down, except he took his revenge on the granddaughter by mistake?

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The mother of the girl, crazy grandma's daughter, was really pissed when she found out. In fact, they blurred the girl's face on the show. The mother didn't come on the show, they talked to her via phone. In fact, I don't think they showed anyone's faces at all. Which they should have, with grandma, so people could be aware of what a whackjob she is. This man's wife was in a hospital, dying of cancer. He was busy getting it on with his new phone sex girlfriend, and proposing to her, and literally abandoned his wife. His daughters were mad at him, and barely speaking to him, until all was revealed and then he broke down and I think they began to repair their relationship.

Here's the synopsis of the show, with title, if you want to keep an eye out for it again:

"Our Dad Left Our Dying Mother for a Woman Who Claims to Be a Kennedy Heir"

Trisha and Danielle say they are furious with their father, Ron, who they say abandoned their dying mother -- his wife of 30 years -- to plan a wedding with an alleged Kennedy heiress he met online. The daughters are convinced "Misty Kennedy" is really a catfish, and they want to open their father’s eyes. But Ron says despite never having met "Misty" in person, he believes his fiancée is the real deal and the love of his life. Dr. Phil brings everyone together in search of answers. Who is "Misty Kennedy"?

(Original Airdate: October 6, 2014)

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Thank you.  I remember reading that before, but I don't think I watched the show, because the reveal that 'Misty' was a wheelchair bound grandma using her granddaughter's photo is all new information to me.  Was the man giving Grandma money, or was it strictly emotional manipulation so Grandma could live out a fantasy of being a young, hot, important woman that's loved by this guy?

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I can't remember if he gave her money, but I think he did. She wanted to buy this big mansion in Minnesota or somewhere up north. Definitely emotional manipulation, but this guy seemed so gullible. Who gets the info that the woman has died of cancer, then gets a text message from heaven and doesn't realize something's up? I actually thought a friend of mine had been catfished by the same woman, or a relative, because the stories were so similar. My friend met a woman online, but actually did meet her in person. She also said she was a Kennedy, but her story was that she was the secret illegitimate daughter of one of them. Once she promised him a fishing trip with Ted Kennedy. When he started pushing her, she suddenly went into the hospital and died. Then Caroline Kennedy's daughter supposedly called him on the phone to tell him the news. But, she was saying she was a little girl. I pointed out to my friend that the daughter he thought was a young girl was actually 15 and away at school somewhere. He really fell for the entire story up to that point when I started pointing out the flaws in the story.

I guess the Kennedy family is so large, people think they can say they are a Kennedy and no one will question that.

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Holy crap!  You have a friend who was also catfished?  And it was such a similar scam?  Maybe it was Grendma, and maybe there's some kind of 'school' out there teaching people how to do this stuff.  We've all heard about the Nigerian scams, but people still keep falling for it.  I guess there are other scams featuring the Kennedy family, Howard Hughes, Anastasia Romanov, etc.  Gotta say, while I love the internet, it does provide people of ill intent a venue to do harm to other people without ever having to meet in person.


I'm glad that you were able to help your friend see the light.

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This girl was from Chattanooga, or that area. They actually met, but she wasn't who she claimed to be. He was at a low point in his life and really wanted to believe everything she was telling him. Much like the guy on the show who's wife was dying of cancer.

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Geez, today mother plus one on the way still loves the hobbit who puts her into the hospital on a respirator, from the picture.  Even his own mother disapproved, very nicely I might add.  I'm confused as to why Shill  coddled this guy and told him what he should be thinking (people hurt me).  I managed to last 20 min of this and tuned back in for about 5 min with the mother.  Why?  Oh, to have Robin on.  At least I missed the part where the woman was blamed for being abused and the man was told to man up and be a hero. 

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Today was a doozy!!! It was disgusting. And how did y'all like that opening with the whispering McGraws?


I thought it was a way to tie Robin into what he could not say on TV because this was in Georgia Smiled territory.  They wanted to give more weight to her bit at the end. It would make more sense being privy to the horror of what we did not hear.  

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I initially thought "Oh dear, they're trying to beef up Robin's presence on the show--no no no!" 


But I support anyone trying to help battered women and I bet Mrs. Dr. Phil is doing some good there.  (I'm not buying that face cream, though.)


Did the pregnant woman get set up with counseling or just the weird gift card?  She needs some SERIOUS time on the couch for her own issues.  I'm actually very concerned that her main takeaway from the show might be to hang in there and prove to Matt that everyone doesn't leave him.

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She didn't seem to have changed, did she? Therapy might help if she would accept it.


Sadly, she reminds me of my (only) sister, who is estranged from 3 of her 4 sons. All of them are messed up, but the most messed up one is the only one who occasionally speaks to her, and lives on the other side of the country. She and I have a love/hate, on again/off again relationship. It's been off for two years now. I don't speak to her because she is mean as a rattlesnake, and very cutting and sarcastic. She has addiction problems that I've tried to help her with, but thinks she's being attacked and always hits back below the belt. I had to cut her off for my own well-being. Her wimpy husband won't get involved at all. It's very distressing to our elderly mother, who just wants peace in the family.

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Doc Phil always has to get in that plug for "Dr. in Demand" that his son Jay and him set up.  Meanwhile, if you or I called it, the cost would be sky high (unsure of the cost), and are these really certified docs? and how would I bill my insurance company?  Sure Doc Phil, now you plug it everyday, and continue to plug that crappy diet book (20/20), which I saw in the thrift store for $2.00 last week (someone didn't like it, or maybe an unwanted Xmas gift).

Edited by hawk09
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The shilling is awfully boring, isn't it?  At least he discloses he's making money off of it as a consultant. Yes, they are certified docs and it's not available in all states. 


I decided to look it up (anything to avoid doing taxes) and it is $40 for 15 min and the phone app is free.  You need a smart phone and it looks like you have to use Skype of Facetime.  I read some Amazon reviews and people really like it for minor things like sinus or bladder infections.  They can call in prescriptions for you but nothing involving pain meds.  One reviewer was upset he was told to take over the counter cough syrup that wasn't helping and was told anything stronger would contain codeine and they couldn't do that.  Nobody mentioned spending more than the $40 and I doubt health ins would reimburse that even at an out of network rate but I could be wrong.  You're supposed to factor a potential copayment in to determine if DOD is a good deal for you. Most people mentioned the time they saved.  I've had strep throat twice and I tend to let it go until I realise I have a fever and am basically nonfunctional.  I wonder if they could diagnose that over the phone since they can't look down my throat let alone run a strep test.


What's distressing now is he's pushing it for mental health issues which we know will take more than 15 min and probably multiple phone calls.  But if you don't have ins it may be worth it and at least you're talking to a doctor and getting good advice.  OT I called the suicide hotline last summer, they're supposed to be counselors with degrees and I was treated very, very badly.  Shortly after I got ACA ins and tried to make an appt for a physical asap and was told they were scheduling 3 mos out I pretty much broke down and begged for an apt even just to check my hbp that hadn't been treated in 5 years.  I was told if I felt that badly to go to the ER and "we can't help people like you".  Seriously.  I wonder if I'd have called DOD if I had the $40.


Today's show was a rerun but I remembered it very clearly.  Everyone, even the subject of the show, seemed very well spoken.  The poor brother who was told their father had died...omg.  But the exchange was awesome.  "You told me I was a piece of shit and will always be a piece of shit if you think so why are you here?"  "Because you're a piece of shit who needs help."  The dad seemed to suggest she was trying to scam money for supposedly having to pay half  the cremation fee. 


In fact, the show seemed almost too well scripted to me and I started wondering if the lady who feels it's easier to tell elaborate lies than to deal with real problems is an actress. Phil managed to get that out of her early on and he did well today.  If it wasn't scripted.  She didn't get shipped off to one of Phil's pals but was told to rebuild her history, one of honesty and accountability since he dragged out that old platitude "The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour."  Which is BS because my first thought is that if Shill doesn't think people can change what does he think he's doing on this show?  Which is probably why for the first time I remember he added the qualifier "relevant" past behaviour. 


Don't get me started on "I don't care how thin you make a pancake there are two sides".  Sure, Phil.  Nevermind who's telling the truth, right?  And maybe there are three sides:  Yours, mine and the truth.  Maybe there are several sides based on goals. Ugh.  Which brings me to "perception is reality" but I'll take it to the platitudes thread.


Build a new history is sticking with me.  Common sense but good advice. 


ETA $30 goes to the doc $10 goes to DOD.  I'm pretty sure the doctors would have to be licensed to practice medicine in your state and that's why they're not available in all states.

Edited by QuelleC
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Insurance companies are continuously looking for ways to cut costs and reduce the amount of time that patients can be in front of a doctor. DOD is just another way to erode healthcare. It won't be long before you are required to Skype a doctor who may be in another country and be required to have preauthorization to see a doctor in person. Online mental health is already available but I don't believe that DOD is a substitute for sitting across from a therapist. Dr. Phil needs to stick with hosting a talk show and stay out of our healthcare.


I cannot take anymore "When Georgia Smiles" shows. Robin McGraw's mother tolerated a husband who had a gambling addiction (IIRC). Apparently, she made a fuss when someone tried to collect her furniture as payment. Not exactly a role model for victims of domestic violence.


I am struggling with what happens to the children of parents of domestic violence who appear on this show. Are we to believe that no abuse happens between the time that the show airs and Dr. Phil is able to get the family into counseling? It is like putting bandaid on a huge gapping wound.

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The abuse shows may have some impact on viewers going through this.  If you hear often enough that there is help and many others going through it, you may reach out.  I don't watch those or addiction episodes.  That does not leave me with much!  I love a good catfish expose.   

Edited by wings707
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March 9 - March 13, 2015


In Sickness and in Health: "Should I Get a Divorce from My OCD Wife?"

Brian says when he married his wife, Laura, and vowed to stay with her “in sickness and in health,” he never expected 10 years later to be married to her OCD, too. Now, he says his wife’s condition is taking a huge toll on their relationship and family, to the point he’s considering divorce. Brian says Laura’s compulsions began six years ago, after the birth of their second child, and have become all-consuming -- she even sleeps with a mask on and won’t let Brian touch her, for fear of contamination. Brian says he loves Laura, but he feels frustrated and alone, and he also worries about the effect her disorder is having on their children. Laura says she has a list of 91 different fears and rituals, which have turned her life upside down. She worries she is losing her family but says she doesn’t know what to do. Dr. Phil sits down with the couple in search of a way forward. What is driving Laura’s compulsions? Plus, Laura says her parents have no idea how bad her OCD has become -- how will they react when they learn the truth? How can Laura manage her OCD and reclaim her life?


"Our 7-Year-Old Son Threatens to Kill Us!"

Kim and her ex-husband, Ryan, say they’re terrified of their 7-year-old son, Rylan, whom they adopted when he was an infant. They say Rylan has a fascination with knives, talks to an imaginary friend named “Bleeder” -- who tells him to kill his entire family -- and has even sent two teachers to the hospital. Desperate for help, the parents turn to Dr. Phil. What might be causing Rylan’s aggressive behavior? Could information about their son’s birth parents provide some clarity? Plus, Dr. Phil reviews home video of Rylan’s interactions with his parents and the police. Is he as dangerous as his parents fear?


  Exclusive: Bobbi Kristina’s Boyfriend, Distraught and Out of Control: The Nick Gordon Intervention

In a national television exclusive, Dr. Phil conducts an emotionally-charged intervention with Nick Gordon, boyfriend of Bobbi Kristina Brown, the 22-year-old daughter of singer Bobby Brown and the late Whitney Houston. With his mother, Michelle, at his side, Nick expresses to Dr. Phil the mental anguish he says he has been suffering since Bobbi Kristina was found unresponsive in a bathtub in January, as well as from the tragic loss of Whitney Houston three years ago. Why does he say he has not been able to visit Bobbi Kristina, who remains on life support in an Atlanta hospital? And, why does he blame himself for not being able to save Bobbi Kristina or Whitney? Michelle says she fears for her son’s life, as he battles drug and alcohol addiction and has become increasingly self-destructive. Will Nick accept Dr. Phil’s offer of help?


Is Mom Leading a Secret Life, or Are These Daughters Caught Up in Drama?

Brandy, 24, and Jacki, 27, say they believe their mother, Kimberly, is leading a secret sex life, while maintaining the façade of a happy marriage of 23 years to their stepfather. The daughters say they, along with their younger sister, Hannah, have uncovered Internet ads, emails and text messages full of questionable behavior. As a result, Brandy and Jacki won't allow Kimberly around their children anymore. Kimberly says her daughters are stirring up drama with half-truths and misinformation, and they need to butt out of her business. Dr. Phil looks at Brandy and Jacki's "evidence" and has some tough questions for Kimberly about her behavior. Can he get to the truth -- and help put this family back together?
(Original Airdate: September 17, 2014)


"Get Out of My House:" The Ultimate Mother vs. Nanny Feud

In early 2014, former live-in nanny Diane Stretton made headlines and was dubbed the “squatter nanny” when she refused to move out of Marcella Bracamonte’s home. Tensions run high when the women come face to face on Dr. Phil’s stage. Marcella, a mother of three, claims she fired Diane for failing to perform the live-in nanny duties they had verbally agreed upon, but Diane alleges Marcella had grown overly demanding and that she was harassed and tortured during her employment. Who’s the victim in this mother vs. nanny feud? And why was the law on Diane’s side when the Bracamontes' tried to kick her out of their home?
(Original Airdate: September 12, 2014)


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I want to smack the OCD woman and her husband into next week.  Her husband should have sought serious help immediately.  We have google now, you idiot.  She is going to therapy and how is that working for you?  It isn't!!  That is not going to do anything and you would know this if you had done some research!  And you, little lady with your OCD, you better work with the team Dr P sets up.  None of this "if it is the right team" shit.  And you are qualified to say it is not the right team?!  


I know someone (acquaintance) who started exhibiting OCD symptoms.  She immediately sought help because she knew where it could lead.   It starts slowly.


Okay, all done now.  LOL! 

Edited by wings707
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