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Big Brother Universe: Fashion, Casting, Comps, etc.

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Nah I don't think Will's misleading anyone, he made it seem like the jury was still undecided, that in fact that they are the most painfully chicken shit, can't make a choice people he's talked to yet (which to be fair makes things pretty interesting). I think he was just saying Austin holds no weight with these people and it's nothing we didn't already guess from seeing them react to his pity party over Vanessa voting his ass out on the show. He's only verifying what we already saw, that Austin's attempts to influence others were met with dismissive scorn. I think people will vote how they are gonna vote, but I can't imagine they won't be impacted by their dislike of Austin, which can only hurt Liz in all sorts of ways, since their inextricably linked both in the game and possibly outside it. 


I think people will vote how they are gonna vote, but I can't imagine they won't be impacted by their dislike of Austin, which can only hurt Liz in all sorts of ways, since their inextricably linked both in the game and possibly outside it.

Just because you don't like the guy saying something, doesn't mean he's wrong and you can't vote his way (but you may have  to pretend you have other reasons for doing so).

I think he was just saying Austin holds no weight with these people and it's nothing we didn't already guess from seeing them react to his pity party over Vanessa voting his ass out on the show. He's only verifying what we already saw, that Austin's attempts to influence others were met with dismissive scorn. I think people will vote how they are gonna vote, but I can't imagine they won't be impacted by their dislike of Austin, which can only hurt Liz in all sorts of ways, since their inextricably linked both in the game and possibly outside it.

It's been my own personal impression (especially over the last couple of seasons) the quickest way to get other Jurors hacked off at you is to attempt to keep playing the game in the JH. Generally it's looked to me like most Jurors just want to chill, do their Jury time, show up at Finale, cast their vote, and go home/get back out in the World - and once they're out of the House, they get REAL irritated and/or scornful of anybody who keeps trying to push an agenda for a Game in which they're now only minimally involved. IIRC BB15 Amanda was hated in the JH for precisely this reason; even after eviction, she just couldn't stop playing.

  • Love 4

I think Nicole would have beaten Will if the jury was sequestered and the whole cast did not vote.


Which F2 pairs might have led to a female beating a male? Final HoH vs. 3rd place:
Rachel vs. Adam (13)
Jordan vs. Kevin (11)
Lisa vs. Jason (3)
Alison vs. Robert (4), but the actual winner was Jun, so also:
Jun vs. Robert (4)

I think Robert would have beaten both Ali and Jun since the cast liked him better.

Edited by choclatechip45

I do wonder if his association with Danielle would have hurt his chances even though he was the golden boy. Plus all of Lisa's friends were on that jury.

He doesn't beat her easily, but I think he definitely takes it. As you alluded to, he was the golden boy. He's one of the only HGs I can ever think of where his DRs wouldn't even have caused anyone to be angry at him. Everyone loved that guy. 



Edited by Brian Cronin

I think the battle of the block was killed prematurely as well (thank God! I hope it never returns) and I have this stinking feeling they recycled and tweaked the BOTB comps for veto... 

On a side note, I like new comps... When they repeat the same ones year after year it get predictable and the hamsters have a chance to prepare for them.

Never have another Battle of the Block season.  Despite what CBS says, any fan that I have ever talked to hate BOTB.


I would love to see the producers screw with the houseguests more by doing different twits like they do on the Canadian version of the show.  Maybe not to the extreme extent that Canada does it but more twists every so often would be cool.


For instance I would love to see an Instant Evection where there is no POV.  The HOH has just five minutes to decide who they want to put up, then they have to nominate right away and then vote directly after nominations.  The hamsters would be crapping their pants over something like that.


Speaking of juries I wished they would go back to not having the final 3 last until finale night. I understand why the producers did it for BB11 because of how popular Jordan was, but I really hate it. I wish the juries could ask better questions like they did in the past and sometimes a house guest does not even get to ask a question.


I totally agree,  I miss the individual jury questions because they were more personal.  Now they do those stupid bland group questions.



Whoever cast this season did a poor job.  Jocosta had a sign on her forehead saying, "I am first out."  And Donny wore one that said "outcast."  Why make such extreme choices?  Add a few more odd balls to the mix and not just 2 who stand out.  And some who have never seen BB mixed with fans does not make things interesting.  The playing field has to be reasonably even to get any interesting action.  An even distribution of ages rather that one older person with 20 somethings would be much more interesting. 


All people who know nothing about the game, superfans who are feed watchers or All Stars.   Those would work well, I think.


I would love to see a more even distribution of ages.  When was the last time they had an older houseguest?  Probably season ten with Jerry and Renny.  I also would not mind a more ethically diverse cast. I like to see people of different backgrounds interact.


One more thing, bring back the keys.  I hate that they now just have the nominees show up on the wall.  There was some drama when each houseguest had to wait to see if they were safe.

Edited by BK1978
  • Love 1

Never have another Battle of the Block season. Despite what CBS says, any fan that I have ever talked to hate BOTB.

Agreed. It dilutes the potential for any gaming strategies other than blindsides. Under BotB, blindside is apparently the only game strategy, so far as the last couple of hamster herds have demonstrated. It gets boring.

I totally agree, I miss the individual jury questions because they were more personal. Now they do those stupid bland group questions.

...which satisfy few and bore many. Kind of like tapioca pudding, or John Tesh.

I would love to see a more even distribution of ages. When was the last time they had an older houseguest? Probably season ten with Jerry and Renny. I also would not mind a more ethically diverse cast. I like to see people of different backgrounds interact.

When the "oldest" person in the game is 33-34, you already know TPTB aren't interested in having a which looks like America.

A cast which looks like their target 28-49 demographic, however...? Different story - and different cast.

One more thing, bring back the keys. I hate that they now just have the nominees show up on the wall. There was some drama when each houseguest had to wait to see if they were safe.

Every bit of that - plus, eliminating the Cheese Wheel O' Keys stripped the HoH of a valuable strategic tool; communicating a pecking order to the HGs at large. The order in which keys were pulled was frequently cited as motivation (both positive and negative, depending on circumstances) for many significant game moves, and could be strategically exploited by the HoH - to reward, to punish, to sow dissension, to throw shade. And that's all gone away now. :[

ETA: expanded some stuff

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 1

The only way that you end up with a more diverse cast, to include people who are a bit older and have more traditional jobs, is to pay more. I would argue that if you want someone who is in their 30's - 50's who has a family and works is to agree to pay the equivalent of a years salary before they enter the house and then they get the stipend and winnings on top of that. I would love to participate in some reality shows (not Big Brother) but would never apply because I cannot take off a month to three months. I have a three year old son and a husband and all the financial responsibilities that go with that. I would need to know that I have some financial stability, and a large enough safety net so that I have time to find a job once I finish the show.


You end up with a good number of folks who are working at jobs that they do not see as their career or that they can easily leave because they can afford to do it. You are not going to find too many people who are smart, clever, older and work who will participate. The ones that you do are the ones who have jobs where it is a bit easier to take time off.


There are always exceptions to the rule but I think that the work situation explains a fair amount when it comes to casting.

The only way that you end up with a more diverse cast, to include people who are a bit older and have more traditional jobs, is to pay more.


Echo echo. You'd think considering BB's production costs are dirt cheap compared with, say, Survivor, TPTB wouldn't have too much trouble matching its prize. BB has always done things on the cheap, though.

I am not talking about the prize money, I am saying that the only way you get me to think about applying and paying is if you pay me my annual salary right out of the gate. That amount is going to differ based on a persons job and pay but it would be the only way I can think of to get people who have serious responsibilities to go on the show. You will have your occasional John's and Derrick's who have established careers that are harder to leave but you are not going to find too many people who fall into that category. I am not risking my sons College fund, my retirement funds, and putting additional financial stress on my husband so I can go and play a game for 3 months.

I am not talking about the prize money, I am saying that the only way you get me to think about applying and paying is if you pay me my annual salary right out of the gate. That amount is going to differ based on a persons job and pay but it would be the only way I can think of to get people who have serious responsibilities to go on the show. You will have your occasional John's and Derrick's who have established careers that are harder to leave but you are not going to find too many people who fall into that category. I am not risking my sons College fund, my retirement funds, and putting additional financial stress on my husband so I can go and play a game for 3 months.

First off: Sorry, but I made a mistake in my original response; my brain was thinking "payouts" but my fingers typed "prize", and Brain didn't catch it.

That being said - while I agree the payouts (prizes, stipends, etc.) should be scaled up, I'm not sure if an up-front lump-sum payment would be a good idea from the show's point of view. We've already seen how the tempo of the game can be negatively impacted by HGs who have no other interest than making Jury and getting THAT stipend locked in. From the show's perspective, do you think BB would be improved if a play's safety net of some form of guaranteed payout was moved from Jury eligibility to Day One?

And while I am totally in sync with you in that I couldn't afford to leave a good job for a 1-in-16 shot of a big prize, I doubt TPTB are likely to lay out an extra mil or so on the off-chance it might get a little extra spread in HG diversity. That, plus most "normal people" probably don't meet BB's or Kassting's -ah- aesthetic requirements. Me, for example, I'm pretty sure they would take one look and decide I had a face for radio.

  • Love 2

For me it's not even the money, it's the humiliation, which is primarily due to the "24/7" Live Feed.  You get professional people on the Amazing Race because it is an adventure and that's what the show is about. Big Brother, while primarily a show to outwit opponents, is also an invasion of your privacy.  I don't need my personal grooming habits broadcast on the internet, thank you very much.  And I definitely don't need my coworkers getting to know me in that way. Or my non-household family members for that matter.

  • Love 1

I don't need my personal grooming habits broadcast on the internet, thank you very much.  

Aw, darn. And here I thought there was an absolutely golden opportunity to educate 20- and 30-somethings on everything I wish somebody had told ME about the invasive explosion of nose and ear hair in your later years.

And I definitely don't need my coworkers getting to know me in that way. Or my non-household family members for that matter.

Screw cow-orkers, and screw strangers. What would keep me Steve-ing awake in the wee hours would be wondering what totally innocent comment I might've made which my SO might misconstrue - and then her having TWO MONTHS uninterrupted to brood on it, build it up in her mind, let it fester, etc.

By the time I stepped over the House's threshold, she'd about be likely to be waiting for me with either divorce papers - or a .38 Special - or both.

  • Love 1

I really liked that, despite all the bullshit around the teams and returning players, the opening twist actually amounted to "win a challenge in week one or GET OUT". Unfortunately, between the sandcastle puzzle and the speed stripping, we've already hit our quota of Original Challenge Ideas for the season, so I hope everyone is ready for twelve weeks of all the 'regular' challenges.

2 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

I have a question about the Road Kill competition. After that winner secretly makes his nomination and it is revealed and all three participate in the Veto Competition, if the Road Kill nominee wins and takes her/himself off the bock, has the RK winner secretly provided the name of a replacement to be revealed at the ceremony? 

Is there a replacement or do just two remain on the block? 

I believe what would happen is after the Veto competition, if the Roadkill nominee wins, the Roadkill MVP would probably, at one point before the veto ceremony, get called to the DR to name the replacement. I would assume that there is a replacement nominee. 


I'm seeing notes like this on Joker's...

Nicole, James, Day and Zakiyah considering backdooring Victor

...and it has me wondering - how badly does the Roadkill wrinkle knock a dent in the traditional backdoor?

Historically speaking, successful backdoors have been dependent upon the reigning HoH having total control over (a) who originally gets put on the Block (the 'screens'), and (b) who is named as a replacement nominee when the PoV is played (the 'true target').  With the introduction of BB Roadkill, however, this is no longer necessarily the case.  The RK King of the Road could easily futz up an HoH's planned backdoor in a couple of ways:

  1. Naming the true target as the initial Roadkill nom, thereby giving him/her the chance to win PoV immunity.
  2. Naming someone other than the true target as initial RK nom, then - in the event of the initial RK nom winning PoV - naming a replacement RK nom other than the true target.

This diffusion of the HoH's formerly unilateral power could quite possibly spell the end of the backdoor as we know it.


Edited by Nashville
typed 'blindside' a couple of times instead of 'backdoor'

I would imagine it's just whoever gets the most votes, the same way evictions work on the European-format versions of Big Brother (where three nominees has been the standard since about 2001, and where it's not uncommon to get five or more). The one thing that may have changed, I think, is the tiebreaker rules (which are especially important now that you can theoretically get a tie every week instead of just half the time). If it's a three-way tie it'd be the same as always, but what if it's a two-way tie? Does the Head of Household still cast the tiebreaker vote, or does the third nominee? I think the latter might shake up the game in a far more interesting manner, but given it's this show, that's probably a reason not to do it.

  • Love 1

I posted something like this in the Live thread, but it probably fits better here. 

First, there's been a lot of discussion about Nicole's artfully messy bun.  I like her hair in theory, but she spends so much time messing with it. (Kind of like Da' and her braids.) The nice part about the safety costume is that she has to forego the bun.

James and the flag tanktop: He wore it during during the last two live shows. He kept it on Thursday night, and as far as I can tell, he wore it all day Friday. Does the man own another shirt? (It's better than the rest of the bros, who seem to prefer wearing no shirt at all. 

I've noticed two different HOH bathrobes this summer, a gray one and a red one. Do the HGs get to keep them? I'm trying to figure out why the need to change it up. 

3 hours ago, Porterest said:

I've noticed two different HOH bathrobes this summer, a gray one and a red one. Do the HGs get to keep them? I'm trying to figure out why the need to change it up. 

Pretty sure I said this in the episode thread but half not joking here: the first robe was the grey-blue and Paul wore it 24/7 when he was HoH. I'm kinda surprised that he didn't sleep in it. Hell, he may have. The second red robe came the next week when Victor was HoH. My assumption was that they couldn't wash the Paul out of the first robe without running it through the machine a couple hundred times, so the second robe came out. Victor wore his red one 24/7, too, so maybe next week, there will be a green one when they can't wash the Victor out of the second one?

Edited by Callaphera
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I know some of the outfits were production assigned, but WHAT IN THE HELL were they all wearing last night? Natalie was dressed like an extra from Grease, Victor decided pants, shoes, belt but NO shirt, I don't know WTF Paulie is thinking with those shoes, Corey puts shorts over his outfit (so his balls don't show?), Michelle wears a backless shirt with a huge bra, Paul continues with the pool floatie... I can't even remember what James was wearing.  It was like a talent show in a mental hospital.

  • Love 11
  • Corey's shorts were part of his Patriotard getup.
  • The first time Michelle turned her back to the camera so it could get a clear shot at that big-ass bra strap, I had to restrain an overpowering urge to run after her with scissors.
  • Good thing Michelle chose to wear the denim shirts under that long blouse/short dress/whatever the hell that was.  Initially I considered it a fashion faux pas; if she hadn't, though, Paulie's impromptu dip would have resulted in Yet Another First! for BB's broadcast show.
  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, Porterest said:

Production picks their live show outfits? Really?

Pretty much.  If I'm recalling correctly (which may not be the case), each HG is assigned a "handler" (for lack of a better term) when they enter pre-game sequestration.  Part of what this handler does is vet whatever wardrobe the HG brought with them, and extract anything which doesn't meet a pretty dern strict criteria.  Some of the disqualifying factors are obvious: no commercial logos, college team apparel is ok but not pro team stuff, etc.).  Some are not so obvious - zigzag patterns, some stripe patterns, and certain colors / color combos are verboten.  I believe the general rule of thumb is no licensed commercial stuff, and no colors/patterns which photograph badly.  In any case: once the HG's wardrobe has been pared down - and this may depend upon how big a chunk of the HG's  stuff Production has tossed into a locker - the handler will take the HG shopping to supplement the loss.  Nothing fancy - I believe the normal go-to is Target - but the handler helps the HG pick out some photographically appealing replacement clothes, and the show picks up the tab as a Production cost.  Some HGs have had pretty much all of their brought clothes sidelined in favor of Production-acquired replacements.  Which may also explain why some HGs are so blase about all the clothes-swapping going on; they have little or no personal attachment to the stuff.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 1

I do remember both Gina Marie and Frankie talking about their sparklier items being taken due to the reflection issue. In addition, Victoria was issued a fresh evening gown combo from her collection each week for evictions. She was complaining that they held all her things and weren't giving her the ones she wanted in order, so felt self conscious at finale in an outfit that didn't have much give after the weight gain of the season. There were several repeat pieces in BB16 (Cody/Frankie had the same vest, there were a bunch of tanks and tees and shorts for the guys from Target) so I think that group had a bigger issue than normal with the "wrong" clothes.

  • Love 1

I just realized that I haven't posted in this thread for the entire season. When it comes to fashion, this has been a very uninspiring group of house guests.

I'll probably remember this is as the season of the beards. It all started with Paul, then Paulie grew one, then Victor grew one, then Nicole became one . . .

  • Love 9

Not to bag on Ovi, specifically, but I thought it should be mentioned that his eviction means we've now had seven consecutive "powers" go fizz.  

In reverse chronological order:


Nightmare Power:  Ovi gets backdoored before he can use it; loses Comeback Comp and leaves with it in his pocket.


Identity Theft:  Bayleigh is backdoored onto the block and leaves with the power in her pocket…and blood in her mouth.

The Cloud: There's a reason the season is titled Big Brother 20:  Everybody Sniffs Tyler's Balls.  The "Loveable" Lifeguard is so well-guarded by lackeys that he never feels the need to use his power.  If this were Survivor, he'd have brought the Immunity Idol home to show his mom.

Second Life:  Sam's power eventually force-activates, giving Kaitlyn the chance to return by completing an 8-piece puzzle. Special K of course duffs her chance so thoroughly that her failure becomes iconic and is the basis for a Veto this season that gently mocks Kait, in part by having Kat's puzzle be more than twice as complex as the original. (17 pieces as opposed to 8.)


Tree of Temptation, third iteration:  Nobody took an apple.  IIRC, this is where Jason gave the DR claiming he was going to, then laughed at the idea, since he was so safe there was no reason to put a target on his back, right?  (Of course, the backdoor that took him out of the game was already in motion as he spoke…)

Tree of Temptation, second iteration:  Nobody took an apple, the HGs playing it safe like the good little Paulettes they all were.

Tree of Temptation, first iteration: Mark took the apple, winning the "Save A Friend" power.  Of course, as Mark himself was the obvious target, this was pointless and useless.  Mark had no friends left in the House at this point, and the only person in danger (himself) was the only one he couldn't use the power on.

Nope, that's seven consecutive flops.  The show hasn't had a Power be successfully used since My Girl Jess invoked my namesake, and kept both her and Cody safe from eviction.  

For a whopping one week, of course.  But, by the standards of later "Powers", this was an epic success.  No wonder Nick calls Jess "the Baddest Bitch of All Time".  Man, has the bar for "changing the game" gotten ridiculously low around here, or what?

Edited by Halting Hex
  • LOL 1

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