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S06.E01: Into the Void


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SEASON PREMIERE - While Barry and Iris deal with the heartbreaking loss of their daughter, Nora, the team faces their greatest threat yet - one that threatens to destroy all of Central City. Meanwhile, Killer Frost has a brush with death that results in an unexpected new dynamic that will change her relationship with Caitlin forever.

Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Eric Wallace & Kelly Wheeler.

Airdate: 10/8/2019.


On 10/1/2019 at 3:48 PM, Trini said:

Killer Frost has a brush with death that results in an unexpected new dynamic that will change her relationship with Caitlin forever.

Just merge them into one already. Neither is interesting separately and it seems like a sick, twisted version of a narcissitic relationship with oneself. If he's trying to turn them into Hulk and Banner, it won't work.

Edited by adora721
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Okay, the scene of Iris and Joe standing by the grill in nearly matching hats is adorable. Ah, Sendhil Ramamurthy's here and he's using the Mohinder voice. I loved Cisco sincerely saying "I missed you" when Ralph stupidly mispronounced "yacht."

On 10/5/2019 at 10:38 PM, adora721 said:

Just merge them into one already. Neither is interesting separately and it seems like a sick, twisted version of a narcissitic relationship with oneself. If he's trying to turn them into Hulk and Banner, it won't work.

Ever since they had that moment at the end of season 3, I've wanted them to find a balance. At the beginning of season 4 they could've made it happen. Caitlin was wearing leather and working in a bar being very middle of the road, but no. And I admit, I've liked how they've made Killer Frost her own person who cares about Caitlin but I would prefer a blending. I like that Ralph relates best Killer Frost, and I like his comparison between Frost taking a backseat and him being controlled by The Thinker. We've seen Caitlin's perspective but not Frost's and I think that's a good point to make. 

I really liked this once. It had a nice balance of tone, different skill sets were used well, we saw good combos of characters, a classic wormhole Flash plot, emotional honesty, nice use of The Monitor. God, I wanna see Barry and Oliver talk about the fact that they're both the one who's supposed to die.

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It was obnoxious for Barry to run and grab a tablet for Cisco to get to work on the MAC. Can't enjoy a cookout. Insulted the poor guy in front of his girl.

What a jerk for Ramsey to call his mother coward. How about you working faster on the cure (call Caitlin earlier) or maybe she was at peace with her remaining days and wanted to work on her bucket list.

4 months later and Kamilla earned the right to know Barry's identity! Just hold a press conference and tell the entire city already.

I don't think Cecile had food on her mind her mind when she said " Baby! Let's eat!"

It's a black hole Iris, I doubt Barry could hear you.

I hope Chester is prepared that Natalie might not be available in 4 to 6 weeks. He should have asked her out when he had the chance.

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I enjoyed it. A good balance of characters, a fun backyard BBQ scene, good WestAllen moments. The team all seemed to gel and contribute and not just have a bunch of them standing around in the cortex just to be there. Also no Wells, which I HIGHLY enjoyed. We were allowed to focus on characters and story rather than be distracted by whatever new annoying version of Wells was bumbling about. If this episode set the pace for the season, I’m liking what I see so far!

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49 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

It was obnoxious for Barry to run and grab a tablet for Cisco to get to work on the MAC. Can't enjoy a cookout. Insulted the poor guy in front of his girl.

What a jerk for Ramsey to call his mother coward. How about you working faster on the cure (call Caitlin earlier) or maybe she was at peace with her remaining days and wanted to work on her bucket list.

4 months later and Kamilla earned the right to know Barry's identity! Just hold a press conference and tell the entire city already.

I don't think Cecile had food on her mind her mind when she said " Baby! Let's eat!"

It's a black hole Iris, I doubt Barry could hear you.

I hope Chester is prepared that Natalie might not be available in 4 to 6 weeks. He should have asked her out when he had the chance.

Her husband was in a black hole and wasn't responding to anyone. They were all worried about whether he would be able to get out. I'm pretty sure the last thing on Iris mind was about whether he could hear her in there.

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How come the "scientists" at Starlabs on this show kept calling it a black hole ?  That wasn't a black hole -- while it sucked, it was closer to a Hoover vacuum cleaner than a black hole.  More of a void (ergo the episode name) in fabric of space-time ?

If the "black hole" opened near Jitters and the garbage dump because of Chester's ties to those locations, what exactly was his tie to a big space between 2 buildings exactly ?

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

How come the "scientists" at Starlabs on this show kept calling it a black hole ?  That wasn't a black hole -- while it sucked, it was closer to a Hoover vacuum cleaner than a black hole.  More of a void (ergo the episode name) in fabric of space-time ?

If the "black hole" opened near Jitters and the garbage dump because of Chester's ties to those locations, what exactly was his tie to a big space between 2 buildings exactly ?

I think it was to represent Central City as a whole. 

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Well, all is calm until the next Crisis. Caitlin/Frost identity issues, a post-Crisis Flash supporting character makes his debut, and the return of Sendhil Ramamurthy on a TV show focusing on people with super powers. And natch he's playing a guy who makes a lot of questionable choices. Sendhil is probably a nice guy in real life, but I will always think of his character on Heroes as "D'ohnder." That guy was hapless as fuck.

Iris is right . . . there is no support group out there for parents who lost their child who had come from the future. Or something. At least Nora is missed . . . even if she was a pain in the ass most of the time. I mean, this is Ralph's third season, and he's found a great balance between "credible" and "putz." I'm  sure Nora could have improved as well.

Chester Runk . . . damn, that's a deep-ass cut. Nice idea turning him into a guy who does questionable science stuff online.

Yeah, I'm still tired of the Caitlin/Frost dynamic. I am amused that another guy from England is in her orbit, and he has a more famous role as well. Hey, Malfoy managed to live three seasons ago, so why not D'ohinder Ramsey?

Wait, so Lamonica is offically on the cast? Interesting.

  • Love 5

I thought this was an okay premiere. Queen saved it for me. Honestly, I was tired of the grieving about Nora after Iris' first pensive look. I consider Barry and Iris lucky that they are getting an improved version of Nora. I never want to think about the version from last season again.

I was also distracted by the horrible CGI. Was the budget cut?

And why is Kamilla in Star Labs? Doesn't she have a job to go to?

And there was the millionth reincarnation of the Killer Frost/Caitlin relationship. Why, why? Ugh.

I am already tired of the upcoming crisis. The dramatic pronouncement that "The Flash must die" is eye rolling. Whatever, dude.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, BeautifulFlower said:

COLLARD GREENS!!!!!!!! They finally mentioned a common food that black people eat. 

I’ve never been so excited to see people on TV talk about eating collard greens.

I really enjoyed this episode. Of course Kamilla already knows Barry is the Flash. I like that there were a lot of pairings outside of the group scenes. The WestAllen scenes were good and I like Caitlin’s scenes with Ralph.

 I’m curious to see how things are going to work with KF being around full time. I really hope they’re going to stop modulating her voice since she’ll be in the character full time.

I laughed out loud a few times and it’s been a while since that’s happened. Things seem like they’re off to a good start.

2 hours ago, bettername2come said:

God, I wanna see Barry and Oliver talk about the fact that they're both the one who's supposed to die.

This confused me, because I thought Oliver was taking Barry’s place. But nope, seems like they’re both supposed to die. 


I was also distracted by the horrible CGI. Was the budget cut?

And why is Kamilla in Star Labs? Doesn't she have a job to go to?


They probably took the money from the CGI to pay for the Queen song. I’m not mad.

Kamilla is a freelance photographer. So yes she has a job, but she probably makes her own hours and can hang out in Star Labs whenever.

Edited by BaggythePanther
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God Monitor, read the freaking room! Just come right in and tell the parents mourning their daughter who was destroyed in time travel related circumstances that everything is about to get a billion times worse for them why dont you while pointing and laughing why dont you! If you have to show up at random times and just tell people how screwed everyone is, maybe give them some actually helpful information instead of just being vague and threatening and then just fucking off? The guy is like the Debbie Downer of the multiverse. 

Anyway, I thought this was a good start to the season, a good mix of action, drama, and comedy, and every character got a nice moment to shine. I really liked the focus on Iris and Barry and them dealing with the loss of Nora and what a weird situation it is, and yet is still terribly tragic. It was also just great to see them actually getting to BE a couple, with casual kisses and hugs and talks, as this show so often feels the need to involve everyone on the team in everything, so much that Barry and Iris dont get much time alone or being a couple, so it was nice to see them supporting each other as a pair.

Plus, we finally got the Flash Queen song, which makes any episode a million times better. And Cisco saying that he has been waiting this whole time to use it! Same Cisco. Same.

I loved Cisco very sincerely telling Ralph that he missed him after his weird pronunciation of Yacht. Oh Ralph, I missed you too. Looking forward to meeting Sue, as long as we stay FAR away from Identity Crisis! 

Has Sendhil Ramamurthy still not learned that injecting yourself with creepy serum is a bad idea?! Of course, I knew he was doomed the second he asked Caitlin to go get coffee, because we all know what happens to anyone who makes eyes at Caitlin. 

I liked that we didnt really have a villain of the week, just a comic book science experiment gone wrong. That way we could focus on more fun character stuff, like the BBQ, complete with Joe and Iris in adorable matching hats, and everyone dealing with the fall out from last season.

  • Love 8

Really good season opener. Really like Barry and Iris’ scene about how they gotta stick together and help each other through. There really are no support groups for what they’ve been through. Somebody in the Arrow-verse should get on making a Superheroes support groups. God knows with all the loss, betrayal and other stuff characters go through on the shows there would be more then enough attendance. Leo from Legends of Tomorrow could do puppet therapy!

Really like how much Ralph has been integrated into the group and become a part of the team. Excited to see how Sue plays into the Arrow-verse since, from what I understand, theirs is a pretty iconic story.

Queens Flash should be played over the opening monologue. How epic would that make the opening?

Geez is Caitlin’s friend a piece of work. Who says that about their dead mother?

  • Love 4

Nora's message! No, whyyy? Aren’t they sad enough??

LOL - Okay, we’re in for another season where we never see Jenna. Enjoy your nap, invisible child.

A fake Godspeed mystery? Weird. Maybe this will be connected to another villain later on.

New establishing shots of the STAR Labs exterior! Well, it’s been six seasons, so that’s cool.

Shallowb Did they really put Ralph in a tux because Hartley looks good in a tux? Hee!

You know what I find painful? When two actors of two very different levels of ability have to share a scene. Moving on....

Vibe-uccino!! Yes, Vibe has a Jitters drink! Wallace continues to check off things from my wish list!

With the funeral scene between Caitlin and Ramsey, I thought they could set up something romantic, but then at the Jitters scene I was like, “Nope. That’s going nowhere.” (Plus, they had yet another mention of her OTP, Ronnie. Can’t we get him back somehow?)

Still don’t care about Killer Frost, but she and Ralph make a good team up.

Aw, we got the good lighting for that WestAllen balcony scene. Still sad though. 😭 Grant and Candice can do great angst, but I hope they have some light episodes/scenes too! Of course they will get through this together as a unit.

Haaaa! The Flash Gordon theme! Do we have the budget for music again?

I liked that they had a threat that doesn’t come down to “run faster”. More of that please. I wonder if they bring back Chester again? They love scientists here. Plus, I thought it was a bit suspicious that they specifically said he'd have to be in the chamber 4-6 weeks.

Well, Nora’s suit is way better than having Eobard’s suit on display, so I approve!

Wow, the Monitor is so unhelpful. Also, bad timing!

I thought this was a solid start for Ramsey Rosso/Bloodwork as a villain. And just realized that this is the first time we’ve seen the origin of the main villain at the start of the season. All the others were already full fledged villains when first introduced. This time, we get to see the evolution in “real time”. Good job, Wallace!

Edited by Trini
  • Love 7

It's a good thing that Jitters was way emptier than usual when the blackhole showed up, or it would have been even worse.  Good to know Jitters actually has a slow period.  Of course, I'm guessing it was a case of them losing most of their extras budget on either Sendhil Ramamurthy's paycheck or the rights to Queen's "Flash."

Pretty good opener, I thought.  I like that the blackholes wasn't do to a villainous meta, but a science experiment gone wrong, and Chester overall seemed like a decent dude.  I'm glad that they did save him, even though I understand why Cisco did breach the possibility that they might need to let him die to save everyone.  Of course, I don't ever see the show ever going there, but I'm glad that the possibility was at least brought up.

Not surprised that Barry and Iris are still not over what went down with Nora last season, because even if she could be annoying and did some bad stuff, she was still their daughter, and it would have been unbelievable if they didn't.  Grant Gustin and Candice Patton especially continue to nail it.

Wish we got more of the BBQ scene.  Joe complaining about no one cleaning up the dishes was great.

I really wish they did something more interesting with the Caitlin/Killer Frost stuff, but I still find it tiresome.

A powerless Cisco is still a highlight.  And I continue to be amazed that Ralph has somehow become one of my favorites.

So, the main villain so far is Mohinder... err, I mean Sendhil Ramamurthy's Ramsey Rosso, who has an obsession with stopping death, and isn't against using dark matter to do so.  Yeah, that's going to go well.  And while I'm guessing some of his words were due to grief and unaddressed issues, calling his deceased mother a "coward" and basically inviting Caitlin to "catch up" in order to just pitch her his ideas, really isn't a making him look like a good guy, even before he used himself as a test subject.

I guess we'll have to wait a bit to see what new version of Wells Tom Cavanagh is going to try out this season.

Way to be a buzzkill, Monitor.

Welcome back, The Flash!  I want to be optimistic, but it felt like the past few seasons always start out great, but then go off the rails midway, only to barely stick the landing at the end.  Maybe this will change, finally.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, adora721 said:

So, Barry had on the S5 suit when he captured faux Godspeed and again at Jitters, but had on the new suit when he saved Chester's consciousness. No explanation for the switch at all? Did I miss something?

I thought I missed something too, but I wasn't paying complete attention so wouldn't have been surprised. Sounds like something got cut maybe?

Also, I never read the original Crisis, but I thought the Monitor was supposed to be a good guy. This guy has been acting like the Anti-Monitor since he first showed up. What gives, Fauxbama?

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Good episode. The cast had great interactions. There was an energy there that I think was missing during season 5. All of them were also seamlessly incorporated into the plot.

Chester was fun.

Barry making sure he got back Nora's jacket for Iris was a sweet romantic gesture.

The Monitor knows how to ruin the mood. That's exactly what he wanted.

6 hours ago, adora721 said:

So, Barry had on the S5 suit when he captured faux Godspeed and again at Jitters, but had on the new suit when he saved Chester's consciousness. No explanation for the switch at all? Did I miss something?

I believe Cisco mentioned something about the new suit being almost ready. I don't think this new costume was supposed to be a surprise for Barry so there wasn't much fanfare sorrounding its reveal.

3 hours ago, Trini said:

With the funeral scene between Caitlin and Ramsey, I thought they could set up something romantic, but then at the Jitters scene I was like, “Nope. That’s going nowhere.” (Plus, they had yet another mention of her OTP, Ronnie. Can’t we get him back somehow?)

I felt the same way. Except when they were talking over coffee I feared he was going to catch feelings for her because she reminded him of his mother which is just gross. I was relieved when he pretty much admitted he just wanted something from her.

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, BeautifulFlower said:

COLLARD GREENS!!!!!!!! They finally mentioned a common food that black people eat. 

Not just collards - but YAMS!  And then Cisco's GF asked if there was Mac n Cheese too!  I literally yelled when this happened.  It finally felt like the Wests had some connection to me as a black person beyond skintone.

It was also very subtle and not in your face (well, maybe except for the shot of watermelon in the foreground), but I appreciated it very much.

Now all I need is to see Iris wrapping her hair before bed and all will be well, lol.

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9 hours ago, BaggythePanther said:

Kamilla is a freelance photographer. So yes she has a job, but she probably makes her own hours and can hang out in Star Labs whenever.

So basically Kamilla is just an useless character taking up airtime. Just what this show does not need. She needs a hobby away from Star Labs. 

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

So basically Kamilla is just an useless character taking up airtime. Just what this show does not need. She needs a hobby away from Star Labs. 

Well to be fair, she's going to be working with Iris this season at CCC so I imagine she will have more to do with Iris and reporting very soon.

I just wish Linda Park would come back.  She was a reporter and also a good Iris friend - even though she dated Barry, lol.  But I loved her friendship with Iris in S2.  And it'd be awesome to show Iris stumbling across her and convincing her to join CCC.

Edited by phoenics
  • Love 6
21 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

So basically Kamilla is just an useless character taking up airtime. Just what this show does not need. She needs a hobby away from Star Labs. 

Didn't Kamilla get hired by Iris last season? Iris wasn't at her job either this episode, so maybe they had the day off. Or maybe Iris just didn't have an assignment for Kamilla?

Also, is Kamilla's job at the Citizen full time? Because if not, maybe she's still working at that bar.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

Oh no, Barry has to die to save the world?  Please, they are never going to kill of the lead of the show.  It annoys me when shows do that. 

For realzies. And let's remember, that stupid headline says "Flash Disappears" during Crisis. Not that he was killed, or died, or whatever.

The only thing that had me excited was hearing that scrumptious accent coming out of Rosso's voice, until he turned EVUHL. Sigh....

I can't believe that Joe would throw away what he did. And no, I'm not speaking the name. I had to suffer watching her bratty ass all last season.

And why wouldn't Iris tell Barry why she was at the dumpster? Oh, riiiight. PLOT!

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2 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

Oh no, Barry has to die to save the world?  Please, they are never going to kill of the lead of the show.  It annoys me when shows do that. 

Eh, while I am doubting he will die(or if he does that he will stay dead) I am not as annoyed with a comic book show doing that as comics have had a history of characters dying and others taking on the mantle.

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

I noticed that the Monitor said "The Flash has to die."  We know there are several Flashes on different earths, some of whom are named Barry Allen. So maybe the Flash on this show isn't the one who will die or disappear.

Yes, but then why would The Monitor specifically visit this Barry Allen and tell him he won't survive? I agree they've got some options for not killing him 'for real', but I think it will happen.

I'll go into more of why I think that in the Spoiler thread.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, adora721 said:

I hope they're not bringing back Wally just to have him die in Barry's place. That would be so awful and stereotypical. If it's between Wally and Jay, I say Jay should go; sorry JWS.😪

Much of the reviews are very positive for this S6 premiere. 

Keiynan, Eric, and Candice already confirmed


Wally is not in the crossover

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