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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I found a nice analysis of 5b, and a cool blink and you might miss it image of the last line.
  2. Come for the physics based magic! Stay for the tea pouring. With honey. And the stirring.
  3. I've been thinking about that. I'm not really a rewatcher, but I can't recall a Jesus mention. A quick search shows that Lucifer made a remark in s4e1, but that's it. Another quick search said that maybe TPTBs didn't include him as an actual character because they didn't want to make any specific religion 'legit'. I am assuming they meant if they introduced Jesus as the son of god. There's never been a reference to Mohammed iirc. A quick search of me says that season 6 is basically playing with house money, so throw everyone in there. If Lucifer is the new god, then all the rules are up for a rewrite. Jesus returns from walkabout in the outback, 'what just happened?'
  4. The Wheel of Time - Our Series is Actually Finished!
  5. The actor playing the king was nearly a spitting image.
  6. Well, we've been rebooting the shit out of everything so let's do this one.
  7. That's a double edged sword. Assuming the show is streamlining the more 'quieter' moments in the books, viewers may be bored to tears.
  8. You know what would be a good medical drama? - Mafia doctor. Mobsters always have someone they can go to if they're shot, but you never see it from the doctor's pov. How did they get there? You never see the FBI trying to RICO a doctor.
  9. It airs quite sporadically, but I watched the most recent episode yesterday.
  10. They're airing an episode on PBS tonight with Dick and Angel taking to people on the phone about their own projects. They're doing their own v/o.
  11. I don't think the angels need to be mortal. It's the living on earth that's the key. Lucifer was able to show his worthiness for god for dying, but that's a separate issue. What miracles are in store if angels come and live among humans? I actually hope that Lucifer doesn't have the omni-this and omni-that. Or does, and gives it up because he realizes that was a mistake on dad's part. I mean, nothing really happened at the end to show Lucifer was god except everyone just kneeling. He might not have anything additional except people do what he says.
  12. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I thought Houston did back in the day but that's off the top of my head.
  13. If the rest of these celestials think they're going back to normal, they in for a rude awakening. It was galling to hear them call humans 'animals'. If anything, this 5b indicated the value of living on Earth, and I hope Lucifer institutes some kind of earth internship.
  14. I think it had to be her to put him down finally. Clipping the wings was the right call. I think it's garbage Dan is actually in hell, but it's clear that he'll get (and should) redemption. I think that's a good as reason as any. I do think he burned up, but phoenix like - reborn. I don't think they need to over explain it. I said as much in another thread, and hearing 'fork' kind of sealed that. Overall, I found it a bit silly, but I'll concede that narratively Lucifer becoming god through the means he did is consistent. I was surprised no one would have thought the vote would have to be unanimous. That's why I was hoping Chloe would have been voted god. Again, it makes sense they all voted for him at the end based on the events, but ok. I did say in another thread, I was hoping S6 would be about rebuilding, etc., after the 'war', which I am very pleased to see is likely the case. I'm sure there's a lot of drama to mine with Lucifer wanting to do what he thinks is legitimately right, but finding being god leaves your hands tied in a way. Like, he's not going to be able to eliminate pain, but fixing the rules so someone like Dan doesn't go to hell, should be interesting. Or whether he'll install Maze as warden of hell. I did like the Game of Thrones dig - what are you wearing? Is Winter coming? The Hammer bit was amusing until frustrated Michael said, 'all right, stop', and unison - Hammer Time! Then it became brilliant.
  15. Kevin Bacon posted a 5 second video on his FB saying 'Jackie's back. City on a Hill season 3.' So that answers that.
  16. I forgot to add that Linda would have to be dead to be a saint if they're going by current rules. Otherwise, she's certainly worthy. I do hope the god question is settled this season and not a series ending event. One thing I liked about Babylon 5 (of many) was that there was a whole season after 'the big war' where everyone had to rebuild and figure out what to do next. That's where the real drama is. I'm wondering if they're going to do something next season here like The Good Place where they actually tried to rebuild the afterlife to be more egalitarian (v draconian) in rules, etc. Not that people should be going to hell, but revisiting something like - It's not like Dan had a last minute turnaround. I would think that's how you/we would want it to work - learning and doing better. Obviously, if you're a serial killer or something and repent that's a different story, but that's not really where Dan was. Though I hope he has a more prominent role in this rebuild. The current angels are out of touch, at best. I would find that more interesting than a rehash of angels fighting each other.
  17. Was Linda's run in at the restaurant part of the prank? If not, then no, Lucifer can't control everything.
  18. There's got to be more than this because that's wrong. Why didn't Am go to hell to verify? It's a misdirect here.
  19. That was my first thought because that's just a real poor way to end this character's journey. I'm saying he becomes an angel and casts the deciding vote for Chloe becoming god. To be fair to Dan, he had the more impactful transition though. Linda and Chloe were basically always good. He actually had to pull himself out of where he was. I'll be really disappointed if he is really in hell. It kind of smacks you in the face to even bother trying to change. I actually liked the arrangement and the actors sang really well, bot I can't stand the song. Maybe because I was around when it came out and it was just beaten to the ground.
  20. I needed to see *Ricky Spanish* reading imdb though. I always like Franny outside the family. Chilling with Klaus for chit chat, darts, and pizza was great. And Roger still ate the ice cream cake. I like that the rest of the Smiths knew it was Roger doing his deal. The fake Franny had some bosoms. I loved Hayley progressively drunkening. Of course, Roger is the lawyer.
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