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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. They could film those future scenes simultaneously anyway. I do think Moraine is important to sealing the bore because Rand wouldn't have trusted anyone but her and Nye to use the glass sword. Also only those two would have gone along with such a bonkers plan anyway.
  2. No one actually knows that. I'm saying what Jackie should be arguing. Again, the woman didn't have to snort the coke.
  3. It's really a credit to the actor because on paper Jon Snow really does no nothing. Except the one thing. I mean, it's great that he's an earnest person so people will believe him when he talks about what he saw beyond the wall, but he loses battles left and right.
  4. Or they could pull the Big Moment in the penultimate episode.
  5. I didn't know any of that, but it's a smart narrative choice. I don't know what the opening scene is going to be, but they probably should get to Suian and Moraine present at the foretelling of Rand being born sooner than later. That might help too.
  6. That's what a lot of us have been saying when the plot has popped up. He even specifically brought her to a hospital where he knew he could get discretion. While I'd concede that federal officials probably shouldn't do coke, these were two consenting adults. Of course, this is a case where the cover up is worse than the crime, and they've been looking for a chance to get rid of him. He might have been better off copping to it and taking a suspension. Assuming he fights it, the court hearing could turn out very brutal. They might be better off letting him resign and keeping his pension in exchange for him not singing like Sinatra. What would be interesting would be if Jackie ran for Boston DA or something. But the EPs aren't idiots. They know Bacon is the star, and the actor looks like he's having a total blast, so I wouldn't see him walking away from a third season.
  7. I meant era than setting re - the prior discussion about 1991 LA. That's a new setting.
  8. I don't care for Rowling, so whatever, but I don't have a problem with GRRM. Him and Jordan were contemporaries. They're going to be influences. I don't see it a big deal. It's not like the 'reincarnated jesus person who does magic' is a completely new concept. This is a huge hurdle because you're going to have the AS come off as shrew bitches if you're not careful. They should really play up Suian and Moraine as actual friends who liked to joke around. Also, no spankings ffs. I don't know if I'd say successfully. I'm sure many of male channelers would have words. Throwing their weight around is different than being pushy bitches, but there's a fine line that is going to take good directors and actors to play that. Some are just terrible people. You need to show more Moriane and Lan alone together that maybe isn't in the book to start because she's just ice cold for most of Eye of the World.
  9. It's a reboot. They not so much recreating any magic as banking on the nostalgia of original. Choosing a new setting would be too much of a challenge.
  10. Bastards were also kind of culturally acceptable, with specific names; 'snow', etc., so Ned going off and taking a mistress who had his bastard son wasn't really a out there act.
  11. Jackie told Decourcy at the bar that he's got a lawyer and he's going to fight it. Of course, he tossed his badge so he might have changed his mind. tbh, I found the hearing rather weak. They only were firing him for doing coke with the assistant US DA. He already told the US DA if he got fired he'd 'sing like Sinatra'. I've said it many times, but he wasn't forcing her to do drugs, and he wasn't in a position of authority, job-wise, where she might have felt pressure due to a power imbalance. I think they're making more of a problem for themselves and they seriously underestimate his cunning.
  12. I thought it was when she faked giving up the baby dragon and then said, oh I also know high Valarian. You're done. You basically detonated a nuke and got away with it. There's no descalation from that. When you own all the nukes. And they are all multiuse. I don't think the Sopranos as a show was making the characters out to be sympathetic. Chase was always subversive in what he was doing. It's not comparable to the Godfather. It's undermining that.
  13. I give them credit for that, but otherwise, the only reason I enjoyed the end is because TPTB basically copped to the "GRAND PLAN" narrative that was so very obviously false from the jump. All the actors were quite good on the whole. The show certainly had some WOW moments. They pulled of the "We have to go back!" brilliantly. He's one of the authors. I just checked.
  14. I watched a handful of the original Wonder Years and never got the appeal anyway. I probably wasn't the target demo.
  15. I don't really care that much about the ending, but it reads to me like Chase got a little too full of himself and 'arty' or whatever. What I did like, and agree with is the figurative sword over Tony's head every second of every day, so he can't even just relax and get onion rings with his family. It really underscored Tony as a tragic figure, and you can see why he'd have all this anxiety. But he knows this and still goes out for onion rings. They just as easily could have ended with Meadow sitting down and Tony pushing the basket over to her. Because people would say, 'that's it? They just ate onion rings?' That's the point. I do agree with Chase that viewers screeching for Tony to be whacked says more about them than the show. I do recommend The Sopranos Sessions by two journalists from the local newspaper shown on the show. They covered the show in the paper irl during its run. They have an extensive interview with Chase about the ending.
  16. That would be smart. You'd want new viewers to pick up the books. Well, it should be interesting.
  17. I don't like any of the characters in Sherlock too be buffoons. They weren't really in the books.
  18. I thought Grace was a terrible person tbh. I mean, her son got arrested and she made the reverend have a night rally to 'save face' and another kid got killed in the process. She condescended to Sib about her choice to 'leave' the community and then had the audacity to demand her help after Anton shot her. So I don't really think my conclusion is unreasonable. She got her sons killed from my pov.
  19. Just taking within the context of the show, I think part of Olav being pissy is that he's been largely ineffectual he knows it. They put Martha in Washington and she made the most of it for Norway and he's complaining.
  20. The best part of the joke is that Franny has his phone number. And it's a real phone. It was a nice touch that the Smiths wore different clothes. Klaus needing just the right amount of water was hilarious.
  21. The line reading of 'you always shit on my dreams.' by Stan killed. I loved the whole dude ranch thing. And Stan crashed the car into the gate.
  22. I can go half and half on it from that pov. He also found the priest is in on it too, and that would crush her. She's dead, so what's the point? Jenny would probably see it at Jackie rubbing it on her face.
  23. I can't really provide context, but they're one of those people that always have an excuse for everything and I'm responsible for a decent amount of people, so if you don't want to do your work, I can't be chasing you down.
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