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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I was talking just in terms of probabilities. If you're playing across rules, the auction can bleed people dry and you can pick up the reds under value too.
  2. That's about as good as a pitch as any. Isn't that the plot of Breakin'? They had a Battleship movie. I want a Hungry Hippos movie. I don't think that's the easiest way although it has merit. The slum areas don't have the highest probability of landing. It's the orange/red/yellow because they are after getting out of jail or before go to jail. If you're rolling doubles to get out of jail, you're guaranteed to hit them.
  3. I think the point of the scene with god and Maze was that the actual miracles aren't his per se, or he left 'rogue code' out there like the One in the matrix, and that living on earth with the actual humans is why/what they happen.
  4. In my case, they sent an email when I had already went to bed. So the guy who was supposed to fix the *doorbell* (really pressing issue) just entered in like he was supposed to. Not his fault. My bedroom door was closed, so he had no way of knowing. My trusty doggo woke me up. I let him finish the job. I have no idea why the landlady came in later. She's nice enough that I didn't get pushy and just asked for notification earlier in advance. One of the problems I have with rentals is when the landlords don't even live in town, let alone nearby. Things like this happen. Also it's absurd to have to mail in the rent and not have a dropbox. I don't really care she got an eyeful because she's taking on the risk coming in unannounced.
  5. I'm amazed Chloe didn't find out about the prank on Dan yet.
  6. Oh ok that makes sense then. Blair said, 'oh see I told you the glove wouldn't fit' would imply he didn't know what was happening yet. Counting down to 1990 seems too obvious. There's nothing really groundbreaking about 1990. When did the San Francisco earthquake happen?
  7. I thought it was 1989. When did they jump to 1992? I'm glad Blair didn't quit politics. It's a good plot. I must be some people because I always laugh when I hear ATM.
  8. So, Chloe is going to become the new God then.
  9. Did they name an angel handjob? It's hilarious that Lucifer thinks he could be god. His issues aside, no way he has the attention span.
  10. This was clever, but I don't like hapless Dan though. I would have liked better if he either figured it out or came to a different ending than planned. I can buy that Dan was really pulled around to stop and think. If everyone was in on it, then Dan seriously got injured. I could also buy that Dan wouldn't want to drag Ella in and didn't mention the poison, but I would have called UCLA first thing. I also wondered about the Easter eggs from past adventures. The kgb joke was brilliant. Great f bomb though.
  11. Ella being into boxing totally makes sense. Wow they are really running with the puns. God being human is a good idea, but putting the sting at risk was just juvenile. I like how Dan is processing everything. I'd be asking a lot of questions too. I don't like him being kind of a punching bag. I was psyched to see the devil face. I always like Trixie/Lucifer because he doesn't condescending her. I liked the weird monologue from the Colonel about the lack of diversity in drugs. Blink and you'll miss - the boxing gym had a Diablo poster. One thing I do like about the move to Netflix is you get a good scene like at the train station. Network would have had that edited due to time constraints. About time Maze got a soul. She's the only one on earth or if the celestials that hasn't benefitted from living on earth.
  12. I liked Dan's number. I'm not seeing he did anything wrong though. He was in a consensual relationship and basically lied to. Plus, the actual Charlotte earned redemption and Dan should be credited with some of that. The running gag about the coffee killed me. Just the two of us was a good choice too.
  13. I like the take on god so far. He speaks calmly and looks nice, but he's always doing the question answer, and talking around everything and kind of being a jerk. I think it makes sense. Lucifer had to get his pride from somewhere. Rachel Harris has been straight killing.
  14. I was NOT expecting Chloe to chew out Dad. Good narrative direction. Wow Debbie Gibson too! I figured the reason for the singing would be thin, but I think it was fair for the show. I liked Lucifer rolling his eyes over it. I also liked how the actors were allowed to sing and not overproduced. So far. I was expecting more Chloe relationship drama, and I'm pleased she's being actually adult.
  15. I call it manufactured drama and lazy writing in an otherwise enjoyable episode. They could make them a couple. There's plenty of drama to mine.
  16. Rachel Harris is such a scene stealer.
  17. Please tell me someone else here watched Brimstone.
  18. It's typical here that doors have knobs on both sides for both apartments and proper houses. Landladies apparently need to peek.
  19. Even with the door locked, my land lady came in with me starkers. She didn't even tip for the show.
  20. Oh, nine? What are they counting down to?
  21. Any takeaway from the Champions League final? I was rooting for Chelsea, but they kind of just hung on in the second half. I thought they would have countered more. Sweet goal though.
  22. Bill seemed more pissed about missing a show for the first time in 28 years. To be fair, if I was vaccinated and taking all precautions and still got covid, I'd be pissed too.
  23. You know in the actual Monopoly rules, if you land on a property and choose not to buy or can't buy, then it has to be auctioned off?
  24. Are we missing episodes? My tivo called this E12, but the PBS site calls it E8. I thought it was a bit abrupt the Crown Prince was voted in Defense Chief. What did FDR die of?
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