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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Oh, good catch. She knew both she and Dan would see it specifically. That makes more sense.
  2. It was kind of dumb that they all just whomped down in the middle of the World Cup though. You'd think they would contact the UN. I fully support the use of Richard Splett. This is entirely appropriate.
  3. They built the episode around the baby saying Norm and had to figure out how to back the setup out of it.
  4. Those shows also had upwards of 25 minutes of actual show rather than 19-20 now because of all the commercials. So it may seem like the show is better because you're putting in an extra scene. That's a lot of character building that's left on the table nowadays. I don't know if there's as much of a 'reset' with the characters as there is now either. Taking away the material back then that obviously isn't right (making fun of minorities, etc.), shows were really PG 13 and not watered down. Obviously, Three's Company centered around sex jokes. Jack and Larry were supposed to be hounds, but even on something like Mary Tyler Moore, you're not really getting a Sue Ann character on tv today. Beyond the sex jokes, they were going out drinking all the time or at lunch (which I've revived you're welcome). I don't think you're going to see much of that. Or even a Johnny Fever character.
  5. I just love the use of McDLT as an analogy. It's perfect. And two veteran 80s actors guest starring! I don't really know why Alvin and the Chimpmunks would sing Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, but it seems people liked it. This one kind of was 80s sitcom tropes all over the place. The actors played it to the hilt though. Cool touch with the jazz rap bit. iirc, Guru was doing that 1989 to early 90s. Dalmatian! Hahahahaha
  6. I'm going to fanwank that last part. The only reason the high school kid got involved was because the cancer guy was the only person who actually collected a spike from killing one of them. Richard analyzed it and came up with the ash from China, leading to the volcano kid. It's thin, but fair within the context of the show. I agree that it's ridiculous that you wouldn't have some sort of NSA time travel team in the present day trying to undo the war, as Muri was trying to do in the future. I suppose you could argue that it would be hard to coordinate internationally with all the chaos, but no way none of the major superpowers didn't have teams on that.
  7. I don't think they escaped a lab. When they found the crashed ship in Russia, the whitespikes were suspended in pods. So the alien masters were taking them somewhere. It looked organized. From what I got, in 2048, when enough ice melted, it was warm enough that they woke up, likely hungry, and got out, but with no alien masters they went all out with no control - and then we had the movie. It would seem short sighted on the alien masters to let them out to clear a planet and then they essentially destroy each other. That would be like renting goats to clear out overgrowth and then killing them all when you're done instead of collecting them to clear another field. I'm going with there's some controls that the alien masters use with the queen to send the 'drones' out and recall them. Plus, they have her to reproduce when needed. I don't think she's supposed to leave the ship. They were all just too mindless in the movie to not have some control over them if their function is to clear out planets.
  8. These 8 to 13 episode seasons are really still fairly new imo comparatively, which is why you see more 'movie stars' on tv.
  9. You have to know as an actor, with a good team around you, that you're going to be getting consistent work if you want variety. You could also negotiate a reduced appearance per season so you can work on other things too. Or really only focus on short seasons to free up time for other projects. A tv show employs a lot more people than just the cast and the directors. So if you're running a show and you want it to go 20 years, why not? I mean, L&O is on constantly forever, but they were hiring from NYC pool so those actors could get their cards - which meant guild health insurance.
  10. They're still going to run into the same problem if they eat *everything* + reproducing so fast. You'd think the alien masters/handlers would have some kind of regulation on that. Or, maybe the queen isn't supposed to be released. She got out because no one was there to control them, so just went on reproducing. Now that I'm thinking about it, the alien masters probably didn't let them all out at once either.
  11. I do agree with many of the comments about the type of movie it was. But - that's the movie they made. Taking the movie universe as it is, though, I was surprised there were no aircraft carriers. I can't imagine they'd be overrun. Second, when they did get to the ship, yes, definitely get Charlie to record video and get back to the plane to send it out. It wasn't an imminent threat. They had till 2048. I was calling bs on the aliens being so mindless and being able to fly ships, so that was a nice twist that they explained it Finally, they didn't recon the whole ship. They could have made more toxin, brought more people in. I think the president would have at least sent a covert recon team to Russia. Other than that - I sat out on the porch and watched. It's summer. The whole mano a mano with the queen at the end was good though.
  12. I suppose some of them could have been, but they didn't really show much of their family units. My question was if they eat all the people, then what do they eat next? Or would they just die out? I did have a good laugh at the volcano kid coming through. I had pinged earlier when they said that they didn't see any ships, but I was guessing they were some proto earth species. I like the not so subtle climate change message.
  13. Here's a wild idea - kick the ball! All these hoppings up and down and standing there for 5 minutes don't score goals.
  14. I totally just checked here as soon as I caught it. The show has been consistently Who. I think this one was far enough that it wouldn't be obvious.
  15. I'm getting more that Wyle is using his Dark Skies voice than a New Orleans accent.
  16. I just watched a documentary on the Boston art heist!
  17. I was pleased when I heard he was cast because of the Librarians. He gets the vibe of the shows. I thought it was interesting that they run a whole bunch of crews now. That's a lot of high crime. I did like that they're taking their not-so-ill gotten gains and doing some good things.
  18. That was fun to be sure. I don't know if maybe it would have been better if maybe Murray or Lou retired, Lou went somewhere else, or Mary was promoted type of life goes on. Or, Mary takes a promotion as full producer somewhere else like a Cleveland or Springfield IL. A big city like NYC or LA would have been a bit much, but a city like that where it was clearly a good career move for her, but moving on is still hard. I know the show is a sitcom, but it seems like more resources would be needed to hire a new editor, head writer, and producer, than to find a good looking guy who can read the news.
  19. And that's a wrap! It's kind of a slap in the face that the entire news room got fired as a way to end the show. I'm more of a 'life goes on' as a slow ender than jarring events end a show. It was a nice surprise that Rhoda and Phyllis showed up though. I liked Mary's monologue at the end. I think it still holds up. However, I really liked Lou's last line right before - I treasure you people. I certainly didn't feel I wasted time watching the show. I get its importance in the cultural landscape, and there was just a ton of great gags. The zingers, the absurdity. It's my kind of comedy. I'll see you all on the way to Tipperary.
  20. I didn't know 3x3 was a thing until here. I mean, just put like Durant, Curry, and Paul on a team and forget it. Oh, looks like they have baseball this year with six teams.
  21. I think it's going to be tight the whole time.
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