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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I don't know if the show is going to hew to actual history and throw in all the bonkers talking with rabbits within those guidelines. So far, the real Romans did invade in early 40s AD. As we all know, Britain was a Roman province until the 400s. It may be that Aulus is really Lokka and the real victory is banishing Lokka to the underworld and the Celts and Romans live peacefully until they leave. That's kind of banal for this show though.
  2. Chloe's smirk after 'full cocked' tells me they're just going all in on the final episodes. Why not? They're playing with house money at this point. I like the direction, or what I take as the direction for the final - it seems Lucifer is figuring out how exactly he's supposed to be doing his 'new job'. I hope they have enough time to tackle changing the 'rules' too. This looks suitably bonkers.
  3. I would think the GED would be much more efficient than going back to HS and dealing with all that BS. I enjoyed that. Or the little kids whose first time it is. It's fun to see your neighbors. I'm not a candy person either. The kids would go nuts because I always let them pick their own and they could take more than one.
  4. I think they're trying to establish who these people are so you can buy in whether you'd think they would go for something like that. I wouldn't either, but look at these people.
  5. "Divis starts a new job and soon learns that he hates it." (hilarity ensues)
  6. Is that August 25th on Sky? That trailer is making the case for Cait being Boud.
  7. I like giving out the candy. Lately, they've been doing this trunk and treat garbage where they all go to some parking lot and everyone just goes car to car. I'm not buying a bunch of candy with no one coming. One year I ran out with 300 pieces, the next year less than 100.
  8. No, S2 came out on Amazon. They must have a deal with epix because the Amazon production card is included at the start of the show with the Sky production. It looks like epix may have just bought it from Sky.
  9. I would say it would be a way to launder a little bit of cash, and I would also say in a post-Gotti mafia, some of them do like the attention. That's how I describe tenure.
  10. I think that's correct, though I only watched the show once. It's still kind of condescending, but as I said earlier, I think Nance was pissed from the jump that he was paired with Shapiro. I would question as to whether he knew who the other panelist was ahead of time if he would have booked the gig. It's hard not to condescend when you get really riled up seeing the same playbook over and over and over passing for legitimate discussion, and I'm not excusing him, but it must be exhausting.
  11. It's so common, there must be some playbook or field manual their working off. It also indicates that you're not interested in engaging in dialogue. Yes because then he said, 'the first 1000 or so that got to the capitol first forced their way in,' but there were 40,000 people there who organized and rallied to 'stop the steal'.
  12. I think that's a fair criticism, but to be fair, from S1-4 of B5, it did hold up as an overall narrative. You can't plan for actors mental illness or wanting to leave. Certainly, he has the chops to plan a 10 - 13 episode narrative, a la Bad Wolf or Saxson/Master.
  13. I tend to agree. I don't think Bill had him on because he believes anything he said. Right from the jump Bill went after him because of the book. To be fair, he graduated from Harvard Law School. It's not like the people who espouse his garbage are all living in the mountains with 20 million guns and a dixie flag. They're people like this that are driving the right wing narrative. I don't think he's in Coulter's ballpark because he actually believes his own bullshit. I wouldn't go that far, but saying 'your show sucks' doesn't help either. I think Nance was pissed he was on the show with this guy. He didn't let Shapiro go on any screeds though and shut him down, which was appropriate. There were a few times where Shapiro just fell flat and looked like a dumb-ass, like when he said if Nance went to jail because of the book, and he retorted that he was taken off the air for three weeks because of a letter from the Trump administration. So, I think he shouldn't have been condescending, but at the same time, I didn't have a problem with him shutting Shapiro's shit down. You can only talk so much; while you want to understand why right wingers think that way, when it's clear it's just a whatabout screed, then you shut it down and don't qualify it as a legitimate argument. I don't know if it's still because of covid, but I prefer the two person panel. I would like a mid show guest to return though. Sometimes they don't add much, but sometimes there's surprisingly good discussion after you plug their book.
  14. If he's the showrunner, and you have the producers, directors, etc., who are Brits, then I don't see why not? It's not like anyone isn't aware of his achievements.
  15. I'd actually say that 'not having skills' to work in Congress is a good thing. You want a former bartender, a lawyer, doctor, electrician in there. I know that's not the overall point. Sure, it applies to both parties, but I think Bill's fundamental point is that there's too many people just going to Congress for these perks and not an honest motivation to make policy. The example of the woman from the Citadel summed it up well. One thing sorely missing in our modern age is the slamming of the phone down on someone. A lost art.
  16. Bill missed a good opportunity in the opening interview. She certainly had a different pov than you get, and that's probably why they invited her. But she didn't have room to get a word in. I really wanted to hear more because trans athletics is a really important issue. I was expecting Bill to be more terfy and glad he wasn't. Shapiro is worthless to me, but I will cut Bill a sliver of slack. It seemed Bill had him on to debate him on his book. I wouldn't have bothered myself, but Bill was clearly prepared. Moreso than last month. It's his show if that's what he wanted to do. I would agree that Carlson going to Hungary isn't good. To dismiss it because he's not an elected official is naive or deliberately misleading. Malcolm had NO TIME for that noise though. Shapiro just hammered the whatabout whatabout parsing words playbook. I had a good laugh when Shapiro asked him if his book got him thrown in jail and he was like, no, I got kicked off the air because of the administration. Crickets. My state has been going BONKERS over CRT. I'll give Shapiro credit that he defined it correctly, but they all missed the point - it's not being taught in K-12. It's a legal theory taught in graduate school. What is colloquially called 'CRT' is a political football tossed around as part of these so-called culture war. Credit to Bill - if CRT means this or that, I'm for/against it; teach history unvarnished, etc. Which is fine, but that's not what CRT actually is. That's the real problem. I think they missed it here.
  17. So are they going to end the deal with HBO Max and all South Park content would be on Paramount?
  18. And all the walkabouts. I like walking, but it seems a bit much.
  19. To be fair, the show doesn't really pop unless it's the whole cast together, and they didn't really have enough of that this season. If they're going to continue, they all need to be in on whatever the next venture is. Actually, I said cable before, but cable news might be better. I was thinking running something like a Compaq like isp, but it seems to narrow for this show.
  20. Crocodile Dundee said the frogs have teeth down under. And Men at Work said vegamite was poisonous.
  21. Mo can't trade legally anymore. Dawn can, so she'd have to have a company. Not that it's a big deal, but I don't think hiding Mo from the feds is anything new. I think you're retreading ground at that point though. I guess you could get into the dot com bubble, but again, you want something new. Cable is just becoming a thing. They could run a new network. I totally forgot Tiff's recount of her murder being a huge Culture Club pun.
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