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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I figured that, but I meant when, for example, the red haired princess daughter of Palpatine Pellenor went into the tent to talk directly to the general. I assumed that was the vulgar, but not sure how she knows that language. I could buy that the general studied Welsh. Even Pellenor spoke to the Romans in the scene where he spit at them over parley. This is before Britain became a Roman province, so I'm not sure how far Latin would have spread. I'm not a huge nitpicker on languages, I can roll with the Romans are talking to one another in Latin and same, Welsh, I figured with the others. But then you have that scene, and the general and head druid, and whack a doo druid with the Roman soldiers. It's kind of central to the plot that they are able to communicate in these instances, so I would think the show thought of that.
  2. I forgot what year it was, but the Olympics were aired over broadcast and cable on like every NBC outlet, and you could watch *anything*. That's what I liked. The primetime NBC cast was pre selected. Water polo is insane.
  3. I did like when Eliot gave the team ten seconds to rip on him about the Marshal and they just totally unloaded.
  4. I think they were in Boston for a while, and then Portland.
  5. That whack a doo ex druid is just killing it for me. I don't know who anyone's name is. What language is everyone speaking? Latin? The Romans and Celts, Brits, whatever are all chatting it up. Would they know Latin from before?
  6. What's up with the theme song though?
  7. This showed up in my Amazon prime video suggestions. There's only the season 1. I watched the first episode last night, and there is a LOT going on. I'm definitely watching more. I barely could follow it all.
  8. The actor is good enough to pull that off. I'd lay more on the director (which might have been him) to get that across better. I'm talking the difference between a B/B+ though. It didn't ruin the episode. I think the agreement here, which is correct, is that Harry isn't a polished grifter, and shouldn't be.
  9. I think Harry losing it in the one about the apartment tower was a bit much, but the show set up that he was involved in the other building collapse cover up. I'll give the show credit for keeping a reasonable context. He should be rough. When it comes to lawyering, he's polished and knows what he's doing. I'm surprised for working on a big law firm that he isn't recognized more.
  10. I'm interested to see what happens when the FDA fully approves the vaccine. There's a lot of news pieces saying that's when companies will mandate it. I know it's not exactly the same in the NFL. I'm interested in seeing the fallout if a team actually has to forfeit and that's the difference in a playoff spot.
  11. I wrote a short story in HS about a mob hit based on the Owl Creek framing device. It's in a box in my basement!
  12. I don't like the editing. One actor says one sentence and there's a cut to someone else saying something else about a different topic. I'd like to hear an actor actually talk a little about their show and its context.
  13. I guess the mascot would be the bridge guy? Nowadays, you'd think you'd want something you can trademark so you can sell merchandise. I guess they can still trademark the logo, but I'm not seeing it as quite a seller.
  14. Teams is ass, in the technical sense. I had to do teams 4 times this week. I have the monocle guy though. Only the once. He just emails me to make excuses for not completing work from last year.
  15. I kind of have to put the camera on because I have to yell at people.
  16. They at least included what I think is the funniest clip of the show - That is the dumbest thing I heard! You will study, you will clean your room, ... I watched 3 so far. This is right up my ally. I love talking about how social issues influence pop culture (here, the sitcom) or if the issues are being brought up on the show influence our society. Clearly there's a feedback loop that flows in different ways depending on the era. I don't think they gave Golden Girls enough time about that tbh. They covered a lot of interesting issues. Also, it's amazing how those actors had the timing of a Swiss watch - 'how do you know the fly was Spanish Dorothy?' 'Because he was wearing a sombero and a little mushtache' Not really a Friends fan - but I have to call some BS on TBTPs. Fair, they copped to not being diverse enough. I get they started the show based on their real life experiences, and that's fine. However, by year 4 or so, when the show is a certified phenomenon, you kind of need to look around and take stock. Come on. I thought it was interested in the transition from maybe early 80s into the 90s, you see less of the issues, and it's more self-centered and cynical. I don't begrudge Friends or Seinfeld their success, but they are self-centered shows. Then, we have the mid 2000s, and it's kind of swinging back. I'm surprised It's Always Sunny wasn't included yet. I would think it would be in the 'friends' category.
  17. I figured the same. I'm not sure naming after a bridge is any better. I think nicknames are overall silly anyway, so I don't really have any chips on the table here. I'm not sure you want to be saying those letters too much though. It can mean something quite different in certain company.
  18. Actually that's a good point because you can easily see the IP and when we post here. So now you all have to cover for me. I mean, we did have The Librarians that kind of had a library in it.
  19. I live alone, and I love it. I have no alibi unless any of the neighbors see me sitting out on the porch.
  20. Fox has already expressed interest. They want it single cam though.
  21. To be fair, and I'm surprised they don't do this on tv because it wouldn't take too much time, 'oh let me look up my calendar real quick. Oh, we had a lunch meeting then. Looks like it was at Outback.' Now I want to know when Netflix is going to commission "Public Library - Life On The Edge".
  22. I missed how the real Springer got the email. Breanna said they rerouted his email servers. A little bit contrived that he showed up. I felt they could have got to the point a little cleaner. I did like that Pharma bro had zero poker face and Breanna knew something was up after 30 seconds. Springer was kind of dumb. Why not tell Pharma Bro to walk him through the quest for the vault?
  23. No problem with me for a Pharma Boy plot. What great casting for the guy too. He really amped up the smug. I thought 'card game' would mean casino game, so this was a neat twist. And that it was basically rock paper scissors.
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