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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I've said the same thing. The series has already been written. It's invariably going to be compared to GOT; they should take it head on.
  2. I don't looking for Michael Jackson songs, but if one pops up on the radio, I'm not going to turn it off.
  3. Even if the kids were bratty, it was what a 12, 14 y/o would say. Warner had said that he played Theo in an initial reading that way (overly smirky), and Cosby said, 'do you really talk to your parents like that?' So, he changed his approach.
  4. I thought they were doing a Southern style 'revival' affect.
  5. I think that alone, quality notwithstanding, was important. It wasn't #1 for most of the mid to late 80s without acquiring a wide wide audience. The plots were all fairly run of the mill sitcom, and I think that was the point. Although, 'I got made fun of in school because we're rich'. 'Who's we?' Is a brilliant joke. Warner I think was probably the best actor on the show. I'd go so far as to say the first 6 episode run was the best of the series. That was where Theo did the 'can't you love me for me?' monologue when Cliff confronted him about poor grades. It was live, and the audience started to clap. Cosby waited a beat, and the proceeded to rip up one side Theo and down. There's bits here and there I think were fresh, but the main series run was standard sitcom plots. You wouldn't have been able to do that show in the late 70s. The era really opened that avenue. He also did Picture Pages on PBS/Electric Company when I was a kid. They would cut that in with a Fat Albert episode. I think that kind of sums up our times. Everything is a mess.
  6. Yes, I think this is where the show is always at its best - shining a light on scams and taking advantage of people. I certainly feel more bad for the older couple that lost their house on the PACE episode, but, being a judgmental jerk means you don't get invited to parties, not losing a lot of money. Now, if they don't learn from that, it's on them. If anything, both these episodes show that there's always someone out there.
  7. I don't know that England and Germany really went for it until after 75' though. After the game opened up it was more exciting. England holds their shape in the back well though. I don't see that side of the bracket holding them back. I'm rooting for Belgium, but I think the winner of Belgium - Italy still wins. Belgium probably has the tactics to break England down. Sweden kind of got a break on the goal, but that game was more open. I'm glad Ukraine really went for it in ET after the red card. Waiting for penalties would have been weak. I liked how everyone was so gassed. That's really what I want to see - 1-1 or 3-3, I just want them going for it.
  8. I loved the scrapbook scene. I know she was high, but I like Hayley is just into butts. Black Monday reunion - Corkie and Tiff did voices.
  9. I like the callback to Hayley always in community college. It even looked like the same classroom.
  10. I'm not anti-Dawn by any means, but Mo bought the house on the street she liked, commissioned a painting, and got her birthstone. That's some actual work. They were in a high stress situation, but I hope she takes time to think about that. I don't know how game the actors are for the series run, but I would love it if they ended on causing the 2008 crash to finance Blair's presidential run. If Blair expunged Dawn's record, she can actually trade again.
  11. That's fair, but they did at least address Wolf and Honeybee wanting to do their own thing sometimes, in the one when Beef was worried about them missing game night. Right off the bat they showed that Beef wasn't dealing with the wife walking out on them at all, so it's at least consistent. There were some episodes like the school dance, the avacadoes, and the cake that wasn't just all Tobins. The sasquach episode had a lot of scenes with the kids at school too. They had the episode where Beef went to speed date at the bar, and I think that's the only time we saw the bar/restaurant. It's not like the kids can't go there, and it's probably the only gathering place in town. You'd think they would go back a little more. It's an easy way to world build the characters. There's reasonable criticism in that I don't think they've developed the townspeople as well enough as they did on Bob's, and I think the episodes on both shows where the kids go on adventures themselves are the more entertaining. We've seen plenty of side characters pop up, but they're not super involved in the plots, like a Bob's episode about the mentoring where it was all the kids, but we already knew them well enough. It's refreshing that these aren't cynical characters for a change.
  12. France gave the game away imo. I don't know if France thought the Swiss were just going to quit or what, but once they got into ET France seemed disoriented. I actually like the players, so I'm not trashing them because they're favored or anything, MBappe blew it in ET going with his left foot instead of opening up with the right. I'm curious as to why he went last too. I said before they started he should have gone third. Giroud should have been last. I mean, I can't believe not only 3-3, but the way all the goals were scored - long range, header, breakaway. Even the PKs were killer. I don't know if Hazard is going to play, but I think winner of Italy/Belgium is the champ. I root for Belgium, again, I like a lot of the players.
  13. I still think it's Blair's assistant. I was wondering if they filmed the scenes in order, like a play, since there was only the one big set and they were just sitting around. I don't necessarily feel bad for Mo, but I think it's fair that he never said anything to Dawn once she made the decision to just be friends. However, man, using the same engagement ring? How did you not know that was going to bite you?
  14. It's on in place of the original in the same time slot on my local pbs affiliate.
  15. Same. I thought it was entertaining for a Saturday night. I'm interested enough to check out some of the other movies. I liked the end where they had the real life photos. I vaguely remember the late 70s where possession was a huge fad. I liked Farmiga for years though.
  16. I enjoyed it. Iliza and Margaret Cho played well off each other. And when is Margaret Cho ever not funny. The ending court scene was a little contrived; seeing now that it was personal I get it.
  17. Please tell me someone else is watching these Euro matches today.
  18. I think his point was basically, cut back. Don't drink at 2 pm. I think if people went back to work, it would likely go down. However, on the show they were talking about people working from home more. I don't know how that's going to work then.
  19. Small Wonder ran for four years. At this point, I think Blair will probably kill her or something.
  20. John only said that the rate is low, but - There's a law about their own 'FDA' approving the vaccinations, and they had problems acquiring them because the nation isn't manufacturing them. They're into wearing masks, but there's a whole host of social factors; e.g., all night bars/karoke and the sheer population density in Tokyo. They didn't telecommute until way later either.
  21. People going nuts in Japan over the Olympics is no joke. I watch Japanese news every morning. I knew they didn't have the authority to cancel, but with such a low vaccinated population less than one month out to open it's a huge risk.
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