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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I think it's going to be tight the whole time.
  2. I would put hockey on the same par with baseball in terms of active nations. I thought baseball was popular when they did have it. I'm not opposed to sports like swimming or biking, but I fail to see the logic in including what amounts to pickup basketball, when you have actual basketball. You've got all the world-class players in it, so it's hard to see how it could be showcased more.
  3. For an in-show excuse, the rest of them might think that seeking out another therapist and 'breaking them in' with everything might be too much work, or the new therapist might have them institutionalized. Best not to push their luck.
  4. Denmark had no hops after maybe 105'. They basically packed it in and let England try to break them down. That's fine if you're going to counter, but they couldn't even run out to the circle. It's tough to call a penalty in ET, but I didn't look to me that either defender got anywhere near the ball. It's not like Sterling immediately took a dive either. After the first contact he still beat the defender and push the ball ahead. The second guy basically just whiffed and got him in the leg. Still - you had plenty of time to tie it up. On a neutral field, it may have been a different story. I'm giving the edge to England on Sunday.
  5. I would insist, nay, demand that ladies fair be in attendance waving colorful handkerchiefs. That would include baseball. There's enough nations that a World Cup for baseball can be mounted. I don't have a problem with the addition of skateboarding or whatever, but it's an odd omission. You'd think the inclusion would promote the sport internationally. I have no idea how cricket played except you can call people a sticky wicket, but I'd be more likely to tune into that. Same for rugby.
  6. I'm watching where Mary throws a party for Johnny Carson/Ted's anniversary, and they lights go out. I thought it was funny, but then it was just clips of all her other parties. It's a great gag to not show Carson.
  7. To be fair, Cosby had a hand in casting the children too and the initial direction of the show (not just cute kids) was his vision. Is that the bit where they give him the monopoly money as his 'monthly salary'? They take it away as they go through monthly expenses. At the end Cliff asks if he's going to have a gf, and Theo says 'Of course!' and Cliff proceeds to swipe the rest of the money from him. I think the show lost something when the kids just aged because naturally they'd be leaving the house. The theme of parenting was basically over.
  8. It's the perfect Franny line. I totally buy it. I was satisfied with the level of jack jokes. I liked the unseen plot of Hayley getting wasted with Denuta at the Pickle Palace because she was banging all the bartenders. Wow that was one plane crash.
  9. The stretch for me that Hayley was up at 5 am.
  10. No, it's the jumping over the gates and things like that.
  11. I called BS on it when Ami said he wasn't in the Silver City. The only thing they never said there were any other places than the two, and they made a point to show that Lee was the first person who actually got out.
  12. In S7, they don't really have scenes with her out on dates as much either.
  13. They lost something when they had to move. The old place was a place where neighbors were dropping in. With the giant apartment complex, people just don't do that. They seemed to have run out of stuff for Sue to do as well.
  14. Looks like they may be using some revisionist history on his age.
  15. I'm rounding out the series, and I can't say the back half of season 7 is particularly strong. I'm on the one where the guys imagine being married to Mary. The concept doesn't really hold up. However, the third segment where they were all dressed up old was hilarious. It seemed like the actors were just having a blast.
  16. Well, more serious fantasy coming out post LOTR. Except for the first book. You have to throw him in there somewhere.
  17. Don Cheadle is in an HBO movie called, No Sudden Move.
  18. Not if the Great Danes take them to penalties. Denmark is going to have to come out throwing haymakers and make England chase. That's a tall order. I can't see Italy beating them though. The Germany game showed England can be patient.
  19. I may have to revise my prediction. I've been impressed with Italy, but quick strike England might have something to say. Granted, they have to deal with Denmark, and they shouldn't look past them. I'm not seeing if England are playing with the lead that they're going to squander it.
  20. I'd say Donaldson bridged that Tolkien to GRRM/Jordan gap with Thomas Covenant.
  21. I would have lost my shit if I got to roll up on an elephant.
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