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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I want a 50s stove to cook ALL THE SOUFFLES. Seriously though, I'm getting pushed into getting the induction stove bs, and I want a retro so bad.
  2. I'm glad they covered animation, though I think that could have been its own episode. Something like the Boondocks isn't necessarily escapism. The Ann Coulter bit kills me every time.
  3. I'm not looking too sideways at a buffet coupon either, but I'm not trashing on people at work. Who don't deserve it. I don't get why Steve was so down on it though. There's a place in town here that had a great soup and salad lunch bar that shut for the pandemic. The restaurant is open, just not that. It was a good lunch deal. Musical horse camp sounds fantastic. I need to know why there's 96 rules for the strip club buffet. Wow I wasn't expecting what was in the room. I thought Monte Cristos were just a ham and cheese sandwich, but the bread was french toast.
  4. You just never see a good souffle plot anymore.
  5. I miss the 70s and and the hijinks over cooking the souffle. I don't even know what one actually is or know anyone that ate one, but they cooked them all the time.
  6. Facebook - now everyone from your high school is qanon. Brilliance.
  7. That's correct. There is a case that getting on the internet is easier with a cell phone, as you point out, and there are a lot of people around the world who only access the internet with a cell phone. I think it may be a larger context than Bill intended. However, I think his point is salient - Can you imagine going to dinner with a friend and they read a magazine? That's a fair criticism. With a lot of what he said, that ship sailed a while ago.
  8. They basically just put out on social media that they were having the benefit for the monkeys and that they wanted him to dj. Bri had past experience in hyping events. They finally got a the dj on FaceTime and Sophie roped him in.
  9. Max did push back when Bill was saying he didn't want a booster. Max basically just shut it all down and said we need to get vaccinated and that's it. Right at the end before New Rules. He was really good though. I'm hoping they get more people like this on the show in terms of civil servants who actually work the government. Some of the congresspeople have been good, but they're more hit and miss.
  10. It's kind of funny movies/tropes - wise that in 1666 that we didn't have Goode give a 'villain speech'. It makes total sense there that Goode blamed god and took it out on the pastor. His late wife said that she was convinced they could farm the land. The other comment about removing the pastor, in 1666 Great Awakening, because he had all the power, and would create a vacuum, is also legitimate. Was Goode thinking strategically, just out for revenge, or just as self-entitled as his incel cousin, and thought the world owed him? They left a lot on the table in these movies. Certainly, there's a ton more to mine.
  11. Unless it's after a big heist. Then you can let the water run down while you laugh.
  12. That's fair, but I think you can split that down the middle. It's really about people in a far off rural place thrust into world politics and a world war. You can chalk some of it up to naiveity and kind of write around the rest. Maybe Elayne has turned down a lot of suitors. Maybe the queen is being overly protective. Something like that.
  13. I didn't realize they were that young in the actual books anyway. That Dragon Reborn is kind of how I thought of Rand. It's a cool artwork. The other TV problem is if you cast 6'6" Rand, and he's half Aiel, then you need a boatload of giant actors when you get to Rhudien. Lots easier to do a casting call just 6' and up. I'm surprised the Perrin actor is as tall as the Rand. I always thought him like short and stocky.
  14. That's entirely a valid point too. I think what Bill was getting at was everyone is talking about how the recall is ridiculous and there's all these whackadoos running, but if Newsom does get recalled, Elder could be governor with about 20% of the vote. You don't have to win a majority. That's only 8 million people. So, yes, it's ridiculous, but CA citizens need to get out and vote against this recall. Sure, after that, point out very loudly how close everything got to going sideways, and say, listen we can't be walking this tightrope. Let's look at the bigger picture here.
  15. I really liked Bill ranting on the CA recall. The next governor could appoint a senator, possibly tipping the senate and giving scotus a super majority for possibly two generations at least one, for sure.
  16. I got up late today. You beat me to it. Look, I'm mostly, like 90% at least, with Bill about cancel culture, but I don't think it's nearly as much of a problem as he thinks because you can tell people to stfu. It works. Throwing in the Universities though, no. Have an actual professor on. There's so much garbage to get out of the way week to week that when you finally get a chance to do actual work, wokeness and whatever is the last thing on your mind. And I'm going to tell you, class is the last priority for most. That's about 1 percent why your hired. Berkeley, fyi. Not to be that guy. Sorry.
  17. I first bought The Dragon Reborn in London, and I don't recall Rand being jacked in the cover art. I don't object to the actor at all, and I'm rooting for the entire cast. It stands to reason that Rand would be built because he grew up on a farm though. I guess because of him naturally taking to the swordfighting and archery that I thought he'd be more lithe than jacked. No big deal though.
  18. I'm going to love all the dudeflake whining about this. My head Rand is much more slight than the actor. Not weak or thin per se, but I guess more lithe? Like a cyclist or swimmer.
  19. Isn't the Logain a flashback? Or really early when the kids see it before they really know what's going on? iirc, he's supposed to be shielded, no? That looks right with the two of them staring him down.
  20. I had forgotten to mention that. Ironic that everyone thought she was cursed by the witch and in the process of freeing her of it, they learned the truth and unraveled the whole Goode plot. That's a good point about the pastor. There's some forethought on Goode's part. I think the original point about the 'choosings' was that Olde Goode said, 'you have to invite the devil in' when Deena/Sarah in 1666 thought the blight was caused because of her being a lesbian, and he was adamant that it was not. I made the point that the pastor wasn't necessarily totally good to begin with, so having 'the devil invited in' isn't a stretch for me. This begs the question of selection of all the future victims. It could be as simple as Sam 'seeing' the witch was the 'invitation', but there's still the rest. That's why I posited that the rules of being an invitee could be just ridiculous as to the point where it is in fact just up to the Goode - you're not a virgin before marriage, you smoked, drank, etc. Real old testament, Great Awakening, everything is a sin. Which, fits, if you look at 1666, where everything was 'the devil' and you sinned this and that. It was laughably easy for the incel to convince the rest of the town that Sarah was a witch. So here's the key point. We know Shadyside is an economically depressed area which basically breeds vice. How this split was originally done is a critical missing piece of information. By establishing the town as the 'wrong side of the tracks' it just breeds people who are potential invitees. Of course, Goode did genuinely like Sarah, and, given he had all this occult knowledge at the time of the scene, that we did not know yet, he could have just been calming her down because he knew she wasn't responsible. I kind of lean toward the selection of the people to not being totally random; there had to have been legitimate good people in Shadyside. If a Goode can pick literally anyone over there, it's kind of bleak. If Ruby's mother uncovered the cave and located the hand and the tree, why not name her and get rid of her? Why name Tommy? Strategically, he's a poor choice.
  21. I'm all in on this episode because it's leaning in to my actual job. You know how when you get a new car, you see that car all over the place? It's the same with these events. The sheer variety of targets, as John pointed out, is staggering because of all the data out there. Don't lose that key! Good work there. He wanted $10, but I talked him down. I don't know why, but the way the v/o guy said 'beach business' so derisively killed me.
  22. I have a price point, and I'm there. I'm not getting another streaming service. I do have cable. There's actually a lot more I watch now because I'm more apt to look for something and discover a new program. I've made it a thing to watch a Saturday night movie, so I'll look for things to watch that I might not have considered. And I get ideas from here. I like the flexibility and portability because I can watch outside on the porch of when I want to watch things too. I mean, you missed Cheers on Thursday, that was it.
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