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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I was dying. They had monster trucks, fights, and a rave. I liked Aisha Tyler's line readings for Lana's increasing drunkenness. The animation had her head swaying more after the shots too. There's a bar near me that does those car races. They have a league. Archer trashing the kids was hilarious. I didn't get why they pushed the truck into the ocean though. They could have just weighed the body down and tossed him in. I thought they were going to take out the boat that was there. Nice way to work in the weekend at bernie's move to sneak the prince out.
  2. I watched on Hulu. Did they bleep out the f bomb on FXX? Because that was brilliantly delivered. I liked that they're addressing Archer's coma though. I did like Pam calling out Archer on messing with Cyril. I don't think it's all on Archer though. Cyril could stand up a little more. Credit to Archer for copping to some of it.
  3. That's totally right. To be fair, Bill has talked about food deserts on the show before. Like they were saying, the government could push nutrition just using the bully pulpit for starters. I don't think so. Nothing I make takes more than a half hour to an hour at most. It takes a little more planning. But when you do have time, you can makes things and just freeze them too. There's lots of little things you can do that's not going to be hours in the kitchen. But it is definitely true that the cost is a huge factor.
  4. I don't know if that's technically correct. The show was billed as Mr. Chips to Scarface, so they kind of knew where they were going, as opposed to Lost, where they 'threw everything at the wall to see what would stick' and no idea where they were going. They don't necessarily have to reveal the mystery, but they have to have a handle on it in terms of storytelling in order to be consistent within that mystery. The fact that Locke could walk or the lady's cancer went into remission in and of itself is fine and doesn't require explanation. The island itself can't basically do whatever it wants all the time. You can tell when they decided on an end date with X episodes remaining that the story got way way tighter.
  5. I haven't seen any Marvel movies except the first Iron Man, but I agree. Don't punch down. You have your movie made. They have theirs.
  6. We can thank Lost for this. Arguably, the greatest pilot in TV history, and not arguably the best ending line. But that meant they had to up the ante from there, but had no idea how.
  7. Farscape was good at taking the usual scifi tropes and putting them through a meat grinder.
  8. It's the first. It's when they go back in time and make such a mess that when they return, literally everyone was slaughtered.
  9. Doctors Ten and Five did a scene together. It was nice. You want bad time travel, I give you Farscape, Different Destinations.
  10. I don't recall aliens being a serious thing on the original show.
  11. I'm crossing my fingers really hard that Dan is playing the angel. He should know well enough the disdain celestials have for humans by now, and hopefully is playing on that.
  12. It's fair because god-god just left and didn't say anything about the transition, and they all had a huge 'war', so everything is really a mess now. I can buy, well, wtf now? I feel like Lucifer needs to achieve a higher level of enlightenment or something.
  13. I don't either because all I can think of is Back to the Future. I don't get why the trope of the fake bf/gf not knowing/preparing how they met is funny. There are actual, funny tropes. It's funnier to me if they made up completely whackadoo stories - we met after when he threw up on me at the carnival after a pie eating contest. -It was blueberry. Not my fave. I felt so bad I asked her out to the laudrymat. The rest is history. Our favorite song is Tiny Bubbles on Lawrence Welk. The actual plot is absurd because it literally never happens in real life. I mean, I had friends that just needed a +1 to go with them somewhere because they didn't want to go alone, but that's different. So you might as well just play up the farce of it. One of my good friends and I pretended to be cousins so dudes wouldn't think we were together when she wanted to hook up but wanted me to go out with her so she wasn't by herself.
  14. I don't know either. Clearly, once they got up and running, I'm sure weddings are pricey, and they're quite busy during wedding season. I don't know how France works, but I assume you could get a loan. They could have had a business plan, schedule for making the money, etc. Like it was said, we don't know how much they had up front to plunk down. 5% is not even $20K. It's not like they're fresh out of uni. They could have easily had that in savings.
  15. That was what was so great about that episode I mentioned. Alex had these deep, detailed stories to those typical questions. It went totally the other way.
  16. The audience groan at the Bud Light made the episode worth it.
  17. I don't think anyone should be slapping anybody, but the Sam and Diane slapping seemed more screwball inspired than actually people in the workplace assaulting one another.
  18. With Lee making it out on his own, though with Lucifer's encouragement, I'd say it's a strong case for free will.
  19. I was thinking the same thing. Chloe specifically said she didn't know what to do with all the time on her hands, and I immediately thought 'idle hands.' On paper, yes. Lucifer is more emotional. I think that's the intangible. I don't think Ami would have spared Michael either. I'm going to agree that another angel against Lucifer isn't really compelling unless we're having it be part of Dan's redemption. He did say here flat out he feels guilty for it. I'm hoping he's running game on this red angel. I do like that they've 'won' and are basically, so now how do we actually do this? Tom Ellis just seems to be having a blast. The musical number was just great, and for some reason his thumbs up to Lopez just cracked me up. It's tough being a new character in a final season, but I like Carol and the actor is doing really well. Their Supercop routine on Niles was great.
  20. I thought Lucifer said he created the purgatory Dan was in. He specifically used that word. Unless it's a subset of hell. That's fine, but I just didn't get that as a takeaway. nbd. I agree it's up to Dan. He can't go through Lee's door. I do think it's fair, as I was saying, that Dan's hell, isn't hell-hell. Per se.
  21. That's fair, but I still would suggest Bill know something about the song's history in the first place. It sounded like he was just learning about it. I don't necessarily think it's that divisive a song. Playing both seems a little much. From the article, it just seemed like it was a one time thing. tbh, the real question is why the national anthem is played everywhere for everything all the time to the point if someone wants to sing something else than we're commenting on whether it's divisive or not. Bill actually had a new rules monologue to that point not so long ago, but Will missed the mark way way wide there. The follow up question within Will's context would be that if that black referee at the Georgia game will have a harder time voting than the quarterback.
  22. That's fair, but his discussions with Lopez showed he's realized he's got to step up, and it's legitimately daunting. What I liked about the end of last season and what I got this episode was 'ok, I won? What now?' That's a really interesting space to explore. And that's the same with Maze, 'ok you asked to rule hell go ahead'. She's not sure how that works. I was (pleasantly) surprised that get got to Dan right off the bat. It's fair that he's not in an actual loop, but Dan shouldn't be blaming Lucifer either. He's got to work it out.
  23. I have no problem with my house being the awfulness of the 70s. My couch in my den is the burnt orange. Right next to a drum table.
  24. That's basically what I was trying to say. We should be learning lessons from the pandemic; one of them is we collectively need to be healthier. But we really need to put this virus down now. Bellantoni was also correct - Michelle Obama tried to get kids to eat healthier and literally was called a Nazi. So just getting people healthier is not going to be easy either. I also have wondered when Bill has last been on campus too. What does he think most students are doing at college anyway?
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