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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. iirc, she stroked out and he called his buddy at the hospital and dumped her there. I'm not defending him, but it was correctly pointed out here that he also wasn't forcing her to do drugs either.
  2. I liked that Jackie said what we all have been saying - Holly snorted too much coke. The Cathy plot really didn't add anything to the season overall. I thought it would have eventually tied in. I guess Grace got hers with both the sons dead, but not really.
  3. I have to give Sib credit for telling off Grace. She had it coming. I don't see that Grace worked hard to give them better options though. She worked on her rep. Though I agree with Sib and Decourcy about Kelvin. We've said as much here this season. Once again, Jackie was right about the IRA lady. You'd think people would listen to him once and a while. For sure, but also the show is really Jackie + Decourcy. They waited too long with only 8 episodes to get them uneasily on the same team. Can you object in an opening statement? I'm not seeing that calling out Sib in the trial was out of bounds. Decourcy struck me as naive. Dirty win? Does he not remember last season?
  4. Not to overdo it, but I think it's fair Cynthia said she was concerned about lowering the value of the property due to the trash can. We do have public art around here, but I would imagine that each artist would have to apply for a permit. I also would assume there would be a list of materials that could and not be used too. They didn't really cover that. The council could have voted to move the can too. I mean. We are talking about a pretzel shop. That's a big deal.
  5. He does not. That at least would play up the irony for fun. He plays it straight.
  6. You're also coaching adults too. I know college players are adults, but they aren't ten year veterans either.
  7. The funniest thing about the mom was the blog. She wasn't posting on Facebook or Twitter. It was a blog.
  8. No. No. It's a brilliant joke. Just no.
  9. What was the second serve? No on Freddy Mercury joke. I mean, it was good, not its a joke where you go, no. No.
  10. Wow. They scooped the censors tonight. Came in my ass. My mother gave me a little head. I can't keep up. Balls in the can.
  11. I can buy that. They blew the end song. Lin should have said, shake her can with the can.
  12. I liked the low key FU to nextdoor. I only post for escaped dogs. Cynthia wasn't wrong though. I mean, you're talking Pretzel Kingdom. I do like how Lin always just conks out. Look, I like the restaurant, but there's no way there is wifi. I liked the guy who was psyched about the permanent yield sign.
  13. It was great that Honeybee's parents came up, and they seemed to like the tour. Wolf was right though. You can't go into your wedding on a lie. My friends met on fark and talked about it in their vows, so I liked this.
  14. I can tell you all the nuclear plant map is accurate.
  15. That's kind of what I was thinking of. I would say he's successful. It's just the college head coach straight to pro head coach doesn't seem to work.
  16. I am all for organizations taking risks because trotting out the same coaches over and over just guarantees consistent 8-8 seasons. However, given the rarity of translating from college to head coach, I don't see why. Has there been a college coach that went to a coaching *staff* first for a while and then had success?
  17. You all have no idea the burning urge I have to piss myself whenever he puts it on. On. A. Zoom. Meeting. Problem is the guy has kind of an attitude. I'm in a tangential position of authority so discretion/valor and all that. If he was likeable I wouldn't really have a problem asking.
  18. I liked the PBS masterpiece version in the 80s. What I think is essential to Sherlock is the quirkiness of the cases. It's just too weird for the police so they have to call him in. It doesn't matter the era, olden times or modern (and I do give the BBC version credit for using phones, etc., in a modern era), but the cases have to have that out there character. I do prefer an older time because you don't have easy access to phones and information. I'd say Monk probably worked well because he isn't the person who would use a phone. I liked the BBC version because the leads were fantastic together, and I prefer competent Watson to the bumbling version. I don't mind that they made him unlikeable, though they could veer a little too much there. The first series was probably the most even in that terms. I think adaptations are fine because Watson was the original narrator and he doesn't say much about Sherlock at all. You can create so many characterizations. He's smart and remembers a lot and is hyper observant. That's really the essential traits. They obviously do run into problems with not a lot of women in the stories, so adaptations can run into trouble there. Again, BBC had the coroner be a woman, so you can do things like that. I mean, they could make Lestat a woman too for a modern version. I don't know about Watson. I suppose. Nowadays writers aren't good enough to hold off on the will they/won't they. I suppose Watson could be a second cousin though. With Moriarity always somewhat in the background in the books, they could easily make the character female. It could be a cool reveal if played right. Maybe you have her in disguise as a guy a few times and then the big reveal. Totally Tatiana Maslany could pull that off.
  19. That's always the key part. She could have said, 'oh I misspoke, you know sometimes with only 280 characters on twitter you can put your foot in your mouth. Trans people should be protected equally under the law like anyone else. Sorry. My bad.' Same with Carano, and now she's out a job. Not because of what she said. Because of tue doubling down. Everyone would have moved on. I'm continually amazed at how people can't put a modicum of effort into an apology. That's all you need. Of course, Rowling still cashes checks, so she probably doesn't care. I'm not going to make a dent in her wallet, but I've never spent money on her and won't.
  20. There's way more stone to the construction than your average house nowadays, so I can see how they were relying on that for support to the beams.
  21. He also said a lot of people that got severe cases had pre existing conditions too. I know he can beat on the issue too hard and can be smug about it, but I never really had a problem with the stance that we don't eat healthy enough. Sure, he can be more diplomatic about the topic, and not every person who is obese is eating chips for breakfast. But obesity is a root cause for a lot of health issues. And he was right - my doctor never brought up nutrition. I broached the topic to talk about it. If anything him getting the virus (if it's not false positive) is even more reason to make sure everyone get vaccinated and tries to maintain good health.
  22. It's not really from FDR's pov, so I'm ok. He did have a conversation with Martha about how he was talking publicly about isolationism while telling her he knew they were going to have to get into it. And Lend Lease was covered well enough.
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