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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I knew the dancing was the same. That's kind of an iconic music video. I knew Mila spoke Russian, so that's what I was thinking. I thought it was a good gag.
  2. Louise is always going to be dragging Rudy to high school parties, but Rudy is going to be conning the bouncers to get them into bars when they're 19. By then, he'll know what hat to wear so he'll look older.
  3. I like when Brian does dog stuff so I was dying when he was talking smack to the squirrel. I liked the gag with Doug just saying 'this many'. Was that Mila singing?
  4. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    No, they were competitive in the 90s. But like it was said, they're barely a 500 franchise.
  5. Rudy needs to make sure he keeps those hats around. He's going to be cool - uncool-cool in junior high. Call back to Ken! I like that Rudy and Louise ride bikes together. And Teddy and Linda totally text. To be fair, Rudy wanted the bridge to show up at his mom's house by magic, and that happened.
  6. What surprised me was that Dick found the root cellar and just walled it off. For either of them not to transform it into something else.
  7. No, I didn't mean either or, but there's still times when you need to stay in the pocket and fire off 5 to 7 completions and get down the field in a hurry. Sure, it helps if the play breaks down that you can scramble for 5 and get out of bounds. I just don't see the end of a pocket game any time soon.
  8. It's not just the list. The schedule has a time line on it too.
  9. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    They weren't that hot before then either though. The only way they got to the Finals was because Jordan had 'retired'.
  10. Any party/event planning comes down to the details. All of them. You either have a knack for that, and you work on it, or you really don't. Angel clearly does. What I actually quite liked was a while ago, they had the staff together, and she made a spreadsheet to hand out that covered *everything*.
  11. I feel like the 'death knell' of the pocket passer comes around every so often. You're still going to have to consistently get down the field quickly with 2 to 3 minutes on the clock to win that 10th or 11th game to get you into the playoffs, or to get an FG in the playoffs before the half, where points are going to hard to come by, and running around just isn't a high % plan.
  12. There's plenty you can do to speed up the game while maintaining the 'game.' I wouldn't put a clock out there, but you can have the ump give a warning and a five count or something. I wouldn't want to a clock because it's fair that a pitcher may throw over to 1st to hold a runner. And you still want to give the coach or catcher some time to make signs. There's plenty you can do to keep it around 3 hours. Going 15 innings is exciting and I wouldn't want to change things just to make it end sooner. The problem is if the first 9 is like 6 hours long, then, yes, people are going to be tired. And really though, way too much commercial time between innings. I'm sure you've all been to games that have been on tv, and everyone is out there ready to go just waiting around.
  13. I'm actually surprised there's never been any talk of a Murder, She Wrote reboot. Psych also did a great off the cuff on all the murderings. When a new chief was appointed (Anthony Michael Hall) he was ranting about all the changes he was going to make, including, 'what the hell is going on here with over 150 murders in the last 5 years.'
  14. If tonight is going to be Rudy-heavy, I'm going to be most pleased.
  15. I felt this past season spun its wheels for the most part. It was middling at best. I find it troubling that sexual assault is such a go-to plot device that I have questioned whether the author had issues that she's working out. I am interested in the pov of the American Revolution from the south. I also want to see how this fire is going to play out. I'm convinced Claire will Claire it all up and the fire will be cover for them faking their deaths. It would be cool if Jamie is one of Washington's spies. Once you get through the revolution though, I'm not seeing what else there is to tell here.
  16. Chess takes too long. I bought a double six domino set for $20 and my friend comes over to play on my porch. To be fair, there is strategy, especially if you're playing fives. And it looks cool with all the bending around. Plus you get the demure, 'checkmate' in chess, or you can smack down that last bone with a 'dah min NO muthafucka'. Which would you really rather do?
  17. I could see merit in adding a runner later on, like the 12th. Just from my own pov, when something doesn't hit me as well thought out, or decisions are being made out of expediency, then you lose me. The home run derby just seems like it's going implode. And I'm not a 'this is how we've always done it so we're doing it this way' guy. Asking how to improve is commendable.
  18. Actually, I think I'd be more inclined to give a Seth show a look.
  19. I'm not really seeing FDR as a buffoon. He's not the main character, so when you see him with Martha, he's basically taking a break from being the president. His monologue about being 'tired to his chair' was good. I don't mind it's fictionalized. Sure, Martha probably didn't have those conversations with FDR, but it's not like we didn't know FDR wasn't angling for a way around neutrality either. Martha is getting dumped on right and left. All of a sudden everyone is expecting her to be a career ambassador. Her FDR impression was hilarious.
  20. This is what makes me sympathetic to Anton. Going out to shoot Decourcy was just really dumb though. For someone who does his job well, he should know the city will just assign another ADA to the case. I can't really call OOC though because the initial shooting that got the little girl was at least just as reckless. He got his mama ego for sure. I don't think there's any doubt about it. I'm dumbfounded how the US Attorney is so dumb tbh. Jackie flat out said he was the big celeb FBI guy that the public knows. She had to have known his case rate and rep before coming into the position. It seems like everyone on the show are smug sobs who think they're better than everyone, and Jackie, who is a real sob, is grounded enough to know himself. I'm rooting for him and Decourcy, and it looks like Dee got knocked down a peg from the shooting which is maybe what he needed to 'get back' as he's been saying. Even after blowing the case, he's been smug still. I was commenting last night as I watch the scene. My more extended opinion was that I meant the obligation to recuse isn't on her, not that she couldn't if she personally felt the case was a conflict. In a situation with spouses as opposing counsel, I think it looks worse for the state, as we say now, 'the optics', to not pull Decourcy off. My take on the situation is - If Anton is convicted, your average Taxpayer McGillicuty down at the Blarney Stone after work isn't going to care that a drug dealer went to jail because spouses were on different teams. Maybe Anton can track down a Dershowitz to appeal on the 6th amendment. Other way around, and Anton walks, McGillicuty is going to be screaming how his taxes paid for a killer to go free because Sib swallowed all weekend. The Boston Globe would be tearing into the DA's office for malfeasance and you're looking at a possible DOJ investigation. They may not have the resources to put anyone else on the case, but in the episode the DA only asked Decourcy if he could not be conflicted. They didn't make any other excuses. But, like I said, it's tv. I think they could have done a little better on this one. It's silly that Jackie can run around and do whatever cases he wants, but they did at least offer some excuse.
  21. The lack of curiosity on how the stones work always bothers me, but they said in Season 1 about the 200 years, and it's been consistent on that.
  22. I don't remember when Steve was in B12. My second cousin was into those dolls and they creeped me out. Typical Stan going off the trails though. I lost it when Stan dyed her hair. Roger's characters paying taxes was a great gag. I can't believe no one said it yet - *Ricky Spanish*
  23. You have to laugh at everyone crowing to Jackie about leaving. Sure. I did like that they told us a little more about Jackie actually closing cases. I assume that Sib is working for a private firm, so it's not really on her to recuse. I would think the city would pull Decourcy because of that. I mean, it's tv though. You'd think someone would argue about not having a fair trial. I did like them arguing in court though. Didn't see either of them being wrong. I have zero interest in the Irish lady. And she's not doing the younger one any help because she's worried about her rep. Even when she bailed him out, it was all about her. I was hoping we'd be Cathy-free. I don't remember Jimmy naming Anton too her, but ok. I still have some mild interest in how she's selling it all. I don't like Decourcy being antagonistic to Anton. I mean, offer the plea. I kind of feel bad for the guy, like product of the environment and all. He's guilty, he's got to do time, sure. I find him sympathetic. Probably not from Decourcy and Sib though. Wow was that dumb.
  24. I'm relieved that it's not just me. It's not that some of it can't be funny, but in the interview, it was relentless. If you hate that much of all things, stay home and out of my way. Most of it wasn't particularly funny either. It's largely punching down, which any comedian will tell you is just poor quality. Bagging on your server at the restaurant who likely can't pay rent and needs the job about the plexiglass isn't particularly erudite, and it's actually wrong about the smoke v virus anyway.
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