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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I imagine it was hard and dirty business back then, with no electricity and having to keep the house warm in winter.
  2. It depends if you're in a high metro area taking subways/buses/trains. You might actually have to run.
  3. Since you don't have a point of comparison, I don't know what you're friend gets out of it. tbh, the series sports a massive amount of filler. Cutting out the tea stirring alone. I mean, one book covered six days and we had to wait a year for it. Even then, half of it was Dashiva going nuts. And I actually liked him. I really hope the tv show streamlines the overall plot, or at least seriously edits the side plots down. The good thing is, they have the complete series to work off. So for plotting, they already know if something seemingly minor actually will pay off big later. I think that will help.
  4. I used to have a small sugar in my coffee, but I long since cut out added sugars as much as I can because it's in *everything*. At home, I'll add a pinch of nutmeg or bitters. If you're having good coffee, you're kind of missing out on some of the subtleties by adding anything tbh.
  5. I don't know how much dramatic license there was in the Chicago 7 trial movie, but there were a lot of courtroom shenanigans.
  6. I got the replay of the xmas episode last night. I think that was the first one I saw. They went to an outdoor market which really looked nice. There were so many outdoor markets when I lived in Japan, it's my jam.
  7. Maybe not ten minutes, but it's really not that hard. My friend has a lockpick set.
  8. Is he going to go down? Because I'm totally rooting for him. Again, the show did cheat, but it's a fair cheat - they said Jackie basically does what he wants because he took down the crime family a while ago. No, that's not realistic, but the show copped to it right off, so it's enough of a buy in for me.
  9. Yeah I shred it into a bin then it goes in the garbage. I don't get bills anymore so it's all junk mail.
  10. None of it. I don't know if it's the sickly color or texture. If it happens to be in a deli sandwich with other meats, I'm not going to whine about it, but I'm going for the salamis.
  11. Nice. I tend to think the NFL doesn't want a compress calendar and wants to eventually sprawl right up to March Madness.
  12. As a huge fan of the bonkers Starz show, I feel they made this for me. There's not much here that I didn't know, nor do I care.
  13. I don't know that Lisa wanted to ruin it because she let it go until he wanted to do the spelling bee. She knew he was going to be completely humiliated. She clearly seemed pained in having to reveal the truth to him.
  14. I liked the quick style of the previouslies. It feels like the show hasn't been on since 50 years. I liked, 'do you want to be right or happy?' I always say, 'If we lose on principal, we still lose.' I don't mind Jackie being out of control. They already said a bunch of times last season that because he put away the crime family years ago that he could basically do what he wanted. Obviously, that account isn't limitless and it should be fun to see what happens. Fleet Bank too! It was my first account. I'm actually hoping they don't go down the Bulger route. That's been done enough.
  15. I liked the quick style of the previouslies. It feels like the show hasn't been on since 50 years. I liked, 'do you want to be right or happy?' I always say, 'If we lose on principal, we still lose.' I don't mind Jackie being out of control. They already said a bunch of times last season that because he put away the crime family years ago that he could basically do what he wanted. Obviously, that account isn't limitless and it should be fun to see what happens. Fleet Bank too! It was my first account.
  16. Do you not know Linda? Everything is a show. Don't forget though, when she was on the phone in the kitchen, getting the booth was a promotion for them because for previous fairs they were behind the scenes taking out the garbage or something. Anyone notice the tv/radio unit in the kitchen? We had one in like the 80s. Such a perfect detail for the show.
  17. Even better. My parents will be visiting so I'm planning on making one of the dishes.
  18. We've had a few family centered and Gene centered episodes, but I think we're due for just a kids' adventure episode again.
  19. I know. I was blown away they just laid out the plot of the movie like that. I mean, maybe someone was watching the show and thought that would be a good idea for a movie.
  20. I can't believe Regular Sized Rudy didn't have at least one zinger in the entire episode though.
  21. Tina wasn't actually bad a spanish though. The teacher said her quiz scores went down, and she said it was because she was in a funk. I can buy taking the extra hour a day, plus she was invested in Rodrigo to bump her skills. I mean, I took spanish in 8th grade. It's really basic. She wasn't reading Don Quixote.
  22. Arrogant Frond was fantastic. I did like Linda wanting the booth to be cool. I mean, you might as well have fun. Tina was a little sad, but in the end Rodrigo helped her.
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