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Everything posted by legaleagle53

  1. Well, Artem might be a little difficult, since he's evidently going to be a full-time pro on DWTS this fall, and rehearsals with his celeb and for the group pro numbers would start in about six weeks. There's no way he'd be able to do any All-Star partnering this year, I don't think.
  2. I work out at the gym five days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, with Wednesday and Sunday off) for a little over an hour in the morning before I head off to work. I do flat bench press, incline bench press, overhead shoulder press, flat bench dumbbell press, flat bench dumbbell flyes, incline dumbbell press, incline dumbbell flyes, dumbbell curls and triceps extensions, Romanian barbell deadlifts, cable rows, cable lat pulldowns, and then finish with a circuit of kettlebell exercises (deadlifts, goblet squats, and swings). I do three sets of 6-10 reps of each exercise. By the time I'm done, my heart rate is up, I'm breathing just a bit heavy, my metabolism is stoked, and I've worked up a pretty good sweat -- and that's on the days when I'm not feeling particularly ambitious!
  3. The thing is, though, that I've read that she was not considered his best partner from a technical standpoint (I think that distinction belongs to Cyd Charisse), and in fact had trouble keeping up with him in many of their numbers. If that's true, then it was really the chemistry between them that carried the partnership more than her technical ability (or her ability to "get it."). Of course, that's just my opinion.
  4. You're misremembering just a tad. Neither Janeway nor Kate Mulgrew was ever on either TNG or DS9. What you may be thinking of is a similar character, Captain Rachel Garrett, who commanded the ill-fated Enterprise-C on TNG and who was played by a different actress. And personally, I feel that Janeway was the best of the five Star Trek captains. To me, she struck the perfect balance between the stern, impartial commander who refused to put up with anyone's crap and the caring de facto mother figure who would fight to the death anyone who dared to fuck with her ship or (especially) any member of her crew. And Kate Mulgrew was born to play the role, as far as I'm concerned, even if she was the producers' second choice.
  5. Having lived in Arizona for the past ten years, all I can say is "Preach it!" Anyone who wants to find a way to work out will do so regardless of time, weather, or other circumstances. And if you can't afford a personal trainer like Chris, Heidi, or even Bruce himself now, apparently? You can always look up workout demos online via YouTube or Google or follow professional trainers on Twitter or Facebook the way I do. It's all about motivating yourself, which is exactly what Bruce's journey reinforced for me. I personally am glad that the show has asked him to come back as a coach; I think he'll be a great addition just because he's "been there, done that."
  6. The racist, misogynist, and homophobic comments haven't started yet. Those are what will convince me that we're stuck in a time warp.
  7. Especially when he's IN Daddy Mode. He is actually the better parent as far as Emma's concerned, in that he definitely cares for her (and in way, really does still see her as his little girl), but at the same time recognizes and accepts that she is a grown woman who made a life for herself without him for 28 years and respects her need to make her own decisions and therefore treats her as an adult. He's also been much better at bonding with Henry than Snow has (have we ever yet seen her try to connect with Henry as his grandmother?). He's not perfect by a long shot, but he's one hell of a father, in my opinion, because he gets it right.
  8. Right. That was my point, actually -- it's not the flamboyance itself that's off-putting; it's the over-the-top nature of it that is, to say nothing of the fact that he's trying way too hard to come across as hip, edgy, and about 18 instead of 31. The only thing that would be more pathetic than trying to pass himself off as an 18-year-old twink at 31, in my opinion, would be if he were still trying to do it at my age (53).
  9. My first thought when I saw that shapeless dress was, "Is she pregnant again and just forgot to tell us?"
  10. Yeah, "Team America" really just sounds to me like "America's Player" redux -- and I loathed that twist for the most part. Why can't our show just fuck with the houseguests' minds on a regular basis the way the Australian Big Brother does so well?
  11. As I said about him in the episode thread, he'd actually be rather cute if he let his hair grow out a little at the sides and kept the color to a shade resembling something more human. He would also be much less annoying if he dialed the flame-thrower back several notches, or at least acted his age. Dude, you're not fooling anyone -- we all know you're over 30, so quit trying to convince us that you're still a hip, edgy 18-year-old twink. There's suspension of disbelief, and there's hanging it by the neck until it's dead. You seem to want everyone to do the latter.
  12. It would, however, explain why he's in Storybrooke but Anastasia isn't, especially since she also has family here (she's still Cinderella's stepsister, even though she doesn't get along with her mother any better than Cinderella ever did). She would most definitely understand that as his reason for leaving her behind (and would probably give him her blessing, after she gave up trying to talk him out of it).
  13. You just know that one of the episode titles in 4A will be "Let It Go."
  14. Hmm -- Brussels is actually in the French-speaking part of Belgium, although I do know of one Dutch-language television station there (it was where the Belgian version of Dancing with the Stars was taped). I wonder whether anyone will try to speak Dutch there (I refuse to call it Flemish; to me, it's just a dialect of Dutch rather than a separate language).
  15. Yeah, I remember something similar on the Ukrainian Bachelor. While Maks (yes, that Maks!) was out on his one-on-one dates, the rest of the women would be out sightseeing under supervision. It was during those times that some of the bitchiest remarks about the women who were on the one-on-one dates would be uttered.
  16. That is truly awful news. I wondered why Colton had been so silent on Twitter lately -- he must be devastated. My thoughts and prayers are going out for him and his and Caleb's families.
  17. Having Marian fall in love with him would be problematic, as he's already married to the Red Queen (Anastasia) in Wonderland (in fact, they both now rule Wonderland as the White King and Queen). In fact, when we saw his Storybrooke apartment in Wonderland, it actually had something of a shrine to Anastasia in it (and this was before they were married!).
  18. Actually, he'd be kind of cute if he let his hair grow out a little at the sides and kept the color to a shade that remotely resembled something human. That said, he does need to dial the flame-thrower back a few notches -- it's no wonder that gay men are still fighting for respect with walking stereotypes like that around!
  19. legaleagle53

    Iris West

    Never mind -- this was answered better upthread!
  20. Oh, of course there are exceptions. I was only making a general observation based upon my own viewing experience with the show and my personal experiences with men. It was not meant to be taken as Gospel truth that applies in all situtations, which is why I deliberately made it clear that I was speaking in very general terms only.
  21. I had a similar experience during my second trip to Rome in January 2007. I had arrived in Rome both dead tired and severely jet-lagged (it is impossible for me to sleep on a plane), and it was too early for me to check into my hotel, as my room wouldn't be ready for a couple of hours yet, so the concierge let me leave my luggage in the lobby, and I went for a walk down to the piazza a few blocks away from my hotel. I was resting near the fountain at the piazza, when I started a conversation with one of the locals. Of course, being as tired and out of it as I was, it was all I could do to keep up with her, even though I'm fluent in Italian. She noticed that I was having trouble holding up my end of the conversation and after looking at me for a minute, finally said, "Oh, right. You're American, and Italian isn't your first language, yet here I am going on at 60 kilometers an hour!" I still chuckle about it to this day.
  22. Considering that that calendar was actually something of a practical joke that the male crew members played on the ladies (they took nude selfies that they used for the prop calendar -- Bea's "WOAH!" at seeing "Mr. September" was genuine shock), I don't know that that really would have gone for all that much.
  23. For my part, I still prefer the Bachelorette seasons to the Bachelor seasons for the simple reason that overall, there is much less drama with the guys than with the women. Guys may tend to talk smack to and about each other, but at the end of the day, they don't generally tend to take things as personally as the women do or hold grudges for as long. In fact, one of the things that has always impressed me about the men is how well they actually do get along outside the game, and how well they maintain those close friendships once the game is over.
  24. Yeah, it's all too easy to write off the Baroness as an ice-cold bitch who only wanted to make life miserable for Maria, but think about it from the Baroness's perspective: She had been dating Georg for some time, she was definitely in love with him and was really hoping that he would eventually marry her, and now all of a sudden this young novice from the local convent breezes in and steals Georg's heart without even trying? And on top of that, everyone raves about the young woman and the effect that she has on Georg, while the Baroness is apparently chopped liver all of a sudden? Yeah, I'd be seeing just a bit of green myself and doing whatever I could to hold on to my man and my relationship, and my first step would be to scare the hell out of my rival so that she'd run screaming back to the convent. Eleanor Parker sold the hell out of the character, especially after Maria has returned and she sees that she's only fighting the inevitable and accordingly breaks up with Georg first in order to save face. You can see that it's really breaking her heart -- not because she lost, but because she never really had a chance to begin with once Maria entered the picture.
  25. Wait, I'm confused. The required Short Dance is a Waltz, but it requires a Spanish Rhythm? Spanish rhythms are written in 4/4 time. How do you do a 3/4 or 6/8 time Waltz to a 4/4 time tune?
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