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Everything posted by legaleagle53

  1. Based upon the fact that Prince Neal's name was announced at what was referred to as his coronation, I'd say that Snow and David will follow the traditional rule that the first legitimate male heir is automatically the next in line for the throne regardless of actual birth order. Therefore, Emma is a princess who is next in line after Neal (although she would probably rule as Regent if something were to happen to Snow and David before Neal came of age).
  2. Maybe it's because I grew up in the 1970s, but I remember a time when it was women who were treated with disrespect in commercials from that era. Does anyone remember the "ring around the collar" commercials for Wisk? A husband and wife would be out someplace and someone would point out to the husband that he had "ring around the collar," whereupon he would give his wife a dirty look (of the "if looks could kill" variety). What was her reaction? Instead of telling her husband that he could shove his death glare and do the laundry himself if he had a problem with the way she did it, she simply groaned about the fact that her powdered detergent didn't work! And then there were the Folger's commercials where the husband was always either criticizing his wife's coffee or else comparing it unfavorably to someone else's. Feminists used to holler bloody murder about these commercials, so perhaps the spate of commercials that today show women as emasculating bitches and their husbands as castrated, incompetent nimrods is simply considered payback for the years of commercials that showed women as cowering simps.
  3. And, of course, there's the probability that Henry might never have been born at all, since Emma wouldn't have met Neal on the streets as a runaway if Snow had been around to raise her.
  4. The latter. If it hasn't aired on the show yet, it's considered a spoiler.
  5. Isn't it obvious? The reason that Peachy (as we called him at TWOP) hates Fairplay and will never consider the dead-grandmother gambit good strategy is that it made a fool out of him personally -- and nobody makes a fool out of Jeff Probst.
  6. Actually, he didn't keep his memories. He didn't regain them until Emma introduced herself to him in Storybrooke -- it was hearing her name that broke the Curse for him.
  7. I can answer the second question. The show never aired in the US. Those of us who watched it in the US did so via YouTube.
  8. Surely you wouldn't go all Hope Solo on him, though?
  9. I just wonder now whether Jake will put in an appearance or two.
  10. I wondered about that as soon as I noticed his last name. Well, I will say that he's better looking than his cousin, so maybe not everything is in the genes.
  11. Yeah, the one where the Doctor created a holographic family was a tough one to get through -- especially since it had such a soap-opera cliché ending.
  12. And the show gets two new trainers. http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2014/06/30/new-trainers-jessie-pavelka-and-jennifer-widerstrom-join-nbcs-the-biggest-loser/278163/
  13. This was a fairly popular thread on TWOP (may it rest in peace!), so I thought I'd start it here. Let's pretend that DWTS had a contest for one regular viewer (OK, two -- one male and one female) to win a chance to compete on the show against the celebs with the pro of his or her choice. You're the lucky guy (or gal) who won. Now, which pro would you like to be paired up with, and why? As a guy, I'd probably pick Anna or Kym if either is available. Kym is very patient and knows how to work with her students to maximize their abilities, while Anna is great at motivating her students. Besides, I'd love to floor Anna with a bit of Russian and to show that I really do have the work ethic to get her to the finals. Of course, if neither is available, then I'd pick Sharna or Emma, for the same reasons as I would pick Kym. That's just as a guy, though. As a gay guy, my real pro pick would be Louis or Tristan (in my ideal scenario, same-sex pairings would be allowed on DWTS). Both are patient, open-minded, and can really come up with great routines. I can also promise you that I would not try to go for a showmance with Louis -- I'm too old for him, for starters! *LOL* OK, now it's your turn. You're the lucky viewer who won -- which pro would you request for your partner?
  14. To piggy-back onto what stillshimpy said, my own advice would be to check with your doctor before starting anything, BizBuzz. He or she would be in the best position to let you know what he or she thinks your body can and can't handle, so as long as you've got his or her OK, you should be good to go with pretty much any workout routine you feel comfortable doing. After I had a pacemaker upgrade last year due to congestive heart failure, the first thing I did was make sure that my primary care physician, my cardiologist, and my electrophysiologist were all on board with my starting a workout program before I actually joined a gym and did one (by the way, gym memberships really don't have to be that pricey; my gym is YouFit, and it's only $19.99 a month (or only $10.00 a month if you don't mind getting a few fewer perks). It's worth it to me, even though I must confess that I'm not always as consistent as I should be in my workouts -- but I'm making more of an effort nowadays. The best thing about gym memberships is that you can always find someone there who will be glad to help you, make exercise recommendations, or just give you incentive by letting you watch him or her while doing your own workout. And it's not always a member of staff, either -- other, more experienced gym members can also be very helpful and are usually quite approachable. They won't judge you because you're a newbie, either; in fact, I get very strong encouragement from the gym members that I have taken the time to chat with on occasion.
  15. Since it's not airing on FOX, it should stand a better chance than New Amsterdam did.
  16. Just tell the Swan Queen shippers to please leave their weapons of mass destruction at home.
  17. Remember, though, that it was David who insisted that Snow use his heart to enact the Dark Curse. That would have to mitigate any residual guilt that Snow might have felt over doing the deed. It's not as though Snow just told Regina to rip out his heart without so much as a second thought -- he offered it to her.
  18. Apparently, someone is trying to make a ONCE Con happen for the future. I just saw the announcement on Twitter yesterday. I have a feeling that this show is eventually going to be the Star Trek of the new millennium, if you know what I mean.
  19. Well, and there is the old (and really somewhat inaccurate) feminist chestnut about how Ginger had it harder because she had to do everything backwards and in high heels. The high heels part may be true, but it's inaccurate to say that she always had to do everything backwards -- male dancers have to move in just as many directions as the female ones do, and they also have to lead (which is not to say that following is necessarily easier; a weak lead for a female dancer can easily leave her floundering on the dance floor if she's not familiar with the dance steps, whereas a female dancer who can't follow simply wears out her male partner even when he is a strong lead).
  20. But that wouldn't explain how Henry was able to rip his own heart out and give it to Peter Pan, if that skill had a genetic component. He couldn't have inherited it from either Regina or Cora (hell, I'm surprised that he even knew the technique -- I don't think he'd ever even seen Regina or Rumpel do it, and it's not something that they would have taught him).
  21. I also believe that Louis Van Amstel choreographed a couple of the numbers for Meet the Top 20. He tweeted this yesterday: Is it July 2 yet?
  22. Oh, and the other secret? Not more than about 30 seconds of rest between sets, and only enough time between exercises to set up the next one after I've finished the third set of the previous one.
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