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Everything posted by legaleagle53

  1. He'd actually be a little older, physically. He was 14 when he left the Enchanted Forest via bean portal (that was the draft age during the Ogre Wars), so if he spent the 28 years of the Curse in our world, he'd have been 25 when he first met Emma, and 42 when he first went to Storybrooke after learning that the Curse had been broken.
  2. One person's "degradation" is another person's "being comfortable in his/her own skin."
  3. I'd love to see him out and about -- and thoroughly pissed off at Regina.
  4. We were talking about that upthread for a bit before the news about Elizabeth Mitchell's casting broke, selinak.
  5. Have you been eavesdropping on the writers' brainstorming sessions again?
  6. You know, the really sad part is that I think the actors really do enjoy interacting with the fans at the cons; they have never given me the impression that they look at going to cons as something that they have to do (and would rather not do) as part of the job. It's just too bad that certain sects of fandom just don't seem to get it.
  7. Well, at least she's not playing Elsa -- and as insufferable as her character on Revolution became, playing a villain should be right up her alley.
  8. Correct on both counts. Peachy (that is, Jeff Probst) has even admitted as much.
  9. You are correct as to why Emma and Hook didn't go all the way back to Zelena's original target era. Emma had been thinking about how her parents met when she and Hook were sucked into the time portal, and the portal apparently worked the same way that the magic beans work -- it took the traveler to whatever era he or she was thinking about when he or she entered the portal.
  10. But how would she have even known it was Emma? Emma and Hook were still under Rumpel's glamour spell when Emma was imprisoned together with Marian. Besides, Zelena's goal wasn't to go back to the "Snow Falls" era -- her plan was to go back about a generation farther, to prevent Leopold from dumping Cora and marrying Eva (thus eliminating Regina and Snow's existence and ensuring that she herself would be chosen to cast the original dark curse).
  11. Yeah, I never noticed the other two kids, either. I always thought the parents were just the typical first-time parents who can't stand to let their pwecious widdle baby out of their sight for more than five minutes, which is why they've got him there with them in the first place.
  12. Well, he actually did want another parental role in Henry's life. He just wasn't all that bright as a parent (Henry did nearly manage to put one over on him when Henry tried to run away, and he would have succeeded if Emma hadn't clued Neal in).
  13. Of course not. I still remember her reaction to finding out that Neal was Henry's birth father (hence Rumpel's grandson). She was furious that Rumpel had never bothered to tell her that little bit of information, as though it directly impacted her rather than Henry.
  14. Actually, that last would be fun to see, in small doses: David and Snow actually dealing with the care of an infant (and having zero experience because they missed out on Emma's infancy). I mean, Snow said she wanted a second-chance baby -- now she's about to learn the age-old lesson of "Be careful what you wish for."
  15. Since this is the episode that is probably going to introduce Elsa and Anna, I'm going to guess that it has nothing to do with Zelena.
  16. And we now have the title for Episode 04x01: "A Tale of Two Sisters." Here's hoping that it will be neither the best of times nor the worst of times.
  17. Well, he'd be a mega-ringer, for one. The reason that he can dance is that he's a professional dancer, among other things -- he's even done his own dance video. Then again, the "no ringers" rule seems to have been repealed a long time ago, so who knows?
  18. I disagree, for the reason that she's not saying that the other guy would have been a better provider, but that the other guy would have known better than to commit himself and his wife to a new wireless plan without consulting her first. That's what she's ranting about until he points out that he actually scored a fantastic deal that is better than what they had with their old service provider. As for the homophobic part, I'm not seeing that at all. Where is that evident in the commercial in question?
  19. And you just answered your own rhetorical question, slasherboy.
  20. My biggest issue with Titanic (other than it was overproduced, overhyped, and vastly overrated, in my opinion) is that I felt that Leonardo DiCaprio was a total miscast for the part of Jack. First of all, at that point in his life, Leo was known to me as "the actor whom Puberty forgot", so I felt that his Jack just didn't quite have the gravitas that I felt the role demanded. In fact, Jack was one role for which I personally felt Tom Cruise would have been a much better fit from the get-go. To me, the only reason that Leo got the part was that he was the flavor-of-the-month at that time among the teen and 20-something female set. And Jack himself wasn't really that great a character. I remember hearing once that in real life, a woman from Rose's background would never have given someone like Jack the time of day, much less adopted his bohemian lifestyle and gotten into a sexual relationship with him (and no, I really didn't need to see them having sex in the back of that car). It's no wonder that the crew thought Jack was trying to rape Rose even though he was actually trying to save her life at the time.
  21. Oh, Plushy. How can we miss you when you won't go away? Take the hint that your body has been giving you for years. It's time to hang up the skates for good, moi drug.
  22. Yes, I remember that one. There was an even more cringeworthy one where the wife asks her husband whether he thinks he'll keep her. The early 1970s really were not that kind to women.
  23. As Shanna Marie pointed out, Emma would have been first in the line of succession for only as long as no legitimate male heir existed. If Emma had been raised in the Enchanted Forest from babyhood, of course Snow and David would have held a coronation ceremony for her as an infant, as there would have been no one else for whom to hold one. Once a legitimate male heir was born, however, she would have automatically dropped down in the line of succession. Such has always been the law in monarchies in order to preserve the direct royal bloodline, and females aren't counted as part of the direct bloodline because they lose the right to inherit titles, power, and property upon marriage because legally, those are the exclusive province of men (it's why Henry VIII was so obsessed with producing a viable male heir that he married six times in order to do so).
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