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Everything posted by legaleagle53

  1. Being asked to give a eulogy and actually giving it are two different things, though.
  2. There's a workaround for that. If memory serves, Rose never actually gave the eulogy at the funeral. She gave it after everyone got home because the plane never actually arrived at its original destination in time for the funeral.
  3. That doesn't necessarily contradict Sophia's vow never to set foot in Phil's house. She could have simply attended the ceremony at the school and come straight home afterwards.
  4. I wouldn't mind that, since Maleficent really was woefully underused in Season 1 and we still don't know Aurora and Phillip's full backstory with her.
  5. I always did think she was the most beautiful of the Angels (I found Farrah Fawcett to be way overrated), and from what I've seen of her today, she's just as beautiful now as she was then (and I've also heard that she's a real sweetheart to her fans, even if she is a bit shy at first). Lucky you to have had a close encounter of the second kind with her!
  6. Indeed they do. Since Tom's already won one, I wouldn't mind if it went to Cat Deeley this time around if he didn't win again. I'm just glad that the Emmy voters apparently got sick of Jeff Probst and Survivor a few years ago.
  7. I'd feel like crawling into a hole and pulling the hole in after me if that happened to me!
  8. How about an eyeroll followed by "I see what you did there -- groan!"? ;-)
  9. Felix was Pan's second-in-command whom Pan killed to enact his version of the Dark Curse
  10. From what I understand, even she won't be able to save the upcoming season.
  11. Only if he's willing to allow it. The first time she tried that, he figured out what she was doing and that Regina had put her up to it, and he put a stop to it before it could completely destroy his powers as the Dark One.
  12. You were expecting maybe Colin O'Donoghue (who does sing, by the way)?
  13. Well, it is sort of attached to the US, which is what the "American" in "American Express" refers to, not the continent of North America.
  14. Sorry. I meant to reply to the post I quoted. You're right -- Henry would never round up. He'd say that he was 11 going on 12
  15. I wish the mobile version would let me like this! LOL
  16. I believe her show "The. Comeback" is also returning.
  17. And that water is wet and ice is cold.
  18. So,it seems that Ian Thorpe has come out of the closet. Discuss.
  19. In your opinion, of course. Just because Maks doesn't do routines that make it all about him doesn't mean that he's not just as worthy as Ego-Boy Derek.
  20. Was that the one that featured him front and center for 90% of the dance?
  21. You're not entirely misremembering. It wasn't that Jef's family disapproved (but that did, I think play a factor with regard to one of his siblings), but that his parents were at the time engaged in a full-time mission for the Church in South Carolina (as the couple who were presiding over the mission, there was no way they could have left the mission field to meet with Jef and Emily. That would have been seen as a dereliction of duty and not been permitted under the mission rules).
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