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Everything posted by legaleagle53

  1. Oh, I've no doubt that he forgave her and moved on. He doesn't really seem to have ever been the type who would hold a grudge. It's just that I'm sure she's going to have a much harder time forgiving herself even though she knows that his death had nothing whatsoever to do with her. It's why she said in her blog that she couldn't even watch their 1-on-1 date knowing what eventually happened to him.
  2. In any event, I wonder how she'll feel watching it tonight knowing that his last memory of her will be her going off on him and angrily kicking him off the show.
  3. And I thought I was the only one who had "I'll Make Love to You" stuck in his head today!
  4. I personally think he looks better with the short hair. He looks much more mature that way.
  5. Charlie got a makeover! https://twitter.com/Puffs/status/473474010777681920/photo/1
  6. So did I, especially since he was the only one who didn't butcher Boyz II Men. "I'll Make Love to You" is one of my favorite songs (for some reason, I always imagine it being played over the closing credits of some maudlin romantic comedy from around 1997), but I was almost ready to yank my hearing aids out and hurl them across the room during the closing credits of tonight's episode.
  7. I was only kidding -- there's no way they could ever really do a cross-over!
  8. Supposedly, this is going to replace Once Upon a Time during that show's winter hiatus. If that's the case (and if ABC promotes the hell out of it this summer and fall), it just might be the hit of the holiday season. Bonus points if we somehow get Regina, Emma, Rumpel, or Hook to show up for an episode -- they'd all be saying "WTF kind of curse is this?"
  9. You'd think so, since Frankenwolf was such a popular ship at the time.
  10. That must have been some awfully good Kool-Aid the Outlaw Queen shippers were chugging!
  11. I know what you mean, Aliasscape. My parents, God willing, should be around for another 15-20 years, but it's already hard for me to see how old my mother has gotten (she's only 74, but she looks a good 20 years older than that -- I guess raising four boys as as a divorced mother will do that to you). I prefer to remember her as she was when she was young; I always thought she was quite beautiful then, and she had the most beautiful soprano voice. She also had a real knack for reading stories to my brothers and me; I still remember the expression she would put into her readings.
  12. What will help most is wrapping yourself up in your good memories of her -- and it sounds as though you have a lot of them. That's what helped my family after my youngest brother died unexpectedly from pneumonia back in 2007. He would have been 46 on the 14th of this month, but I still remember the day my mother brought him home from the hospital. He was such a cute baby that we actually DID baby him for a lot longer than we probably should have, but he had a heart as big as all outdoors, and the most offbeat sense of humor, so we just couldn't help ourselves. The thing I remember most about his passing (aside from the shock when my mother told me) was just being there for my mother at his funeral; I actually didn't mind that I wasn't asked to participate in the funeral, because I felt that as the oldest, my proper place was at my mother's side, which I never left the entire time I was there, and it was I who held her in my arms as she turned away from the casket as it was being closed at the funeral home -- it was the one thing that she said she couldn't bear to watch. Even almost seven years later, my brother is never far from my heart, and I still think of him especially at this time of year.
  13. Don't get me started. I've been ranting about the gadawful music selections ever since the "Eye of the Tiger" Paso Doble and the Tango to "Toxic" in Season One.
  14. Well, at least Regina and Zelena didn't try to steal him. I wonder if Ginny and Josh had a sense of déjà vu when Ginny gave birth.
  15. I also want to send my condolences to you and your family, Cindy. It sounds as though you were really close to your mother-in-law and that your son was close to his grandmother. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he decided to skip the get-away just for that reason. It makes me glad that I got to talk to my grandmother one last time before she died a few years ago. My grandfather had called me on my 50th birthday, and I asked whether my grandmother, who had been extremely ill and had been suffering from severe arthritis for many years, would be up for chatting for a little while. She came to the phone, and one of the first things I did was thank her just for being my grandmother and for the many things that she had taught me over the years (I was the first grandchild on that side of the family, and I remember that while my grandmother was rather no-nonsense, she definitely adored and cherished all of her grandchildren, especially me, since I was so much like her). It was during that conversation that I said my goodbye to her, since we all suspected she wouldn't be around much longer, so when I finally got the news a couple of months later (just before Easter, in fact), I was not only relieved that she was finally done with her suffering, but I also didn't feel the need to attend her funeral (which was in another state and would have been impossible for me to attend in any event due to the lack of finances on my part) because I had already said everything to her that I had wanted to say in that phone conversation on my 50th birthday.
  16. The really weird thing being that Tristan originally auditioned for SCD but was rejected, which is why he ended up doing our show in the first place.
  17. So, how many on here are going to move to London to follow Tristan? :-) Actually, the BBC puts the Strictly dance clips up on YouTube, so you can save the airfare. But does this mean that we're trading Tristan for Artem as a pro? I could live with that.
  18. We're all here now, though. Even though TWOP is dead, its spirit will always live on in our hearts, if not in our posts! *Group hug for all the mournful refugees*
  19. Yeah, I think TWOP is officially dead now. In fact, it's not only merely dead, it's really most sincerely dead. :( RIP, TWOP.
  20. Thank you -- and hell to the NO. I work out 4-5 days a week, and I want to wear stuff that's going to flatter the body I'm trying to build, not make it a laughingstock!
  21. No kidding. I think the worst offender was Carl (I think that was his name). He was one of the darker-skinned men who wore a hideous checkered dress shirt with an even uglier neon green patterned tie. That horrendous combination alone would have made me send him packing!
  22. You're right about that. It will never happen because it's believed that nobody will tune in to see people bundled up in parkas and furs. It's all about the skin shows and the eye candy, folks!
  23. Again, though, that presupposes that men have the same attitude about being objectified that women do, and the truth is that most of us don't. We're taught by and large to determine our self-worth by how bedworthy we're considered, so to us, it's actually a compliment to be considered an object of sexual desire. What we don't like is being considered money objects -- i.e., being pursued solely for our wealth. To us, that's being in it "for the wrong reasons." Tell us you think we'd be (or are) good in bed, and we're putty in your hands. Hint to us that you're more interested in the size of our bank account -- and nothing more -- and you're dead to us.
  24. Yeah, that to me just points up one of the biggest differences between men and women. it's true that a stunt like that on The Bachelor would raise all kinds of hell with the viewers, but it won't raise so much as an eyebrow here because men don't generally mind being considered sex objects -- hell, most of us think it's a compliment, which is why we have a hard time understanding why women get so pissed off when we make sexually charged comments to them that sound perfectly innocent to us.
  25. This. It is so tragic to watch this guy who was so clearly full of life and love and had so much to offer and to live for, all the while knowing what ultimately happened. I wonder what went through Andi's mind when she learned about his tragic death and what she felt while watching the 1-on-1 date unfold. I know what you mean. I'm a gay guy (thanks for the group date, by the way, Andi!), but I kept thinking, "Put the girls away, Andi -- you're really not impressing anybody!"
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