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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Porsha is so immature and soooooo loud! I think she left the show because her new rich man is shady and they don't want any of that exposed. I have no receipts on that, just my opinion. The guy is creepy. Hell has officially frozen over because I am liking Kenya. She was sweet with her daughter picking out her clothes for her trip. Brooklyn is a doll. Kenya was spot on giving Ralph shit about what a colossal a-hole he is. She didn't raise her voice but made her point comparing him to Marc. Even Drew appreciated it. Todd doesn't need that place in NJ. They should fix it up and sell it. They (Kandi) are wealthy people. Stay in luxury first class hotels when in NY and get waited on during your stay. Todd wants to be able to do his thing, I don't trust his motive for wanting to keep that trash box. Surprise, Margo admitting she can't afford to live in Buckhead like Kenya and Sheree. That was unexpected. Her lot looked like it was in the middle of a not so great area. Again, Kenya was nice and respectful when looking at the floor plans. Where the HELL is Kenya??
  2. Holy s--t! That's 250K more than they sold the other one for. I don't understand where all their money is coming from. The only scenario I can think of is that the money he made when he was a minor and on the show was put in to a trust for him and the other kids plus what he and Tori are making for being on the show now. They have to know that gravy train is gonna end some day. I hope they are good savers and investors.
  3. Jax unfollowed Stassi and Beau on social media. I wonder what his beef is with them. Britney still follows them. Jax is probably jealous AF that Stassi had another successful book and he and Brit can't seem to do anything except hawk stupid shit on IG so they can pay Jax's back taxes. I think this whole VPR friends circle is slowly breaking away from each other.
  4. Who cares if it's 45 minutes or 2 hours to Zach's new house! Hubs and I live in South Carolina and our son recently moved to Washington state in Roloff country. The opposite side of the country from us. Best case scenario is that we get to see him once or twice a year. I was not thrilled about it but he has a job that required him to move. So step daddy Chris needs to grow up and stfu about the distance. As if he really cares anyway.
  5. She was so awful! endless laughing, talking over Andy, going on about how happy she was because Christine (the other guest) was getting a lot of negative comments instead of her, sliding down in her seat like some drunken idiot. Is she trying to come off this season as carefree, single, happy, Erika that is only looking for good dick? I wonder who sat her down and said "So, who do you want Erika Jayne to be this season?" I hate her and I hate Kyle, Rinna and Dorit for standing by her no matter what.
  6. The others paid around 1.2M. Jax, Tom and Tom all bought in Valley Village in LA. I remember this because they all are within minutes of each other and bought within weeks of each other. Stassi waited a little longer and didn't want one of those farm house looking tract houses that all looked the same. I will give her credit for being different and having her own taste. I remember back in the day she said her dad was paying the rent on her apartment so he has some money. Not super rich but pretty well off. I heard Jax and Brit were moving to Florida. Don't know if that's true because they haven't made any statements about it on social media and we all know Jax is a social media whore. Also, Katie posted a pic of all the boxes packed in her house ready to go. I guess she's making a move, too. Heard she and Schwartz were selling. I know too much about these people because I'm constantly fascinated how so many losers with no talent managed to amass some type of wealth in spite of their stupidity.
  7. I can definitely see 60 year old Flagg with a 25 year old twink that will use him for his money. Then again, he could end up like George Clooney or Warren Beatty and get married (again) late in life and have kids when he's in his 50's. At least George and Warren had enough sense to stay single until they were really ready.
  8. Stassi paid 1.7 million for that house. Right before she was fired. I imagine she paid for the wedding with her proceeds from her book deal. Maybe her dad, father of the bride helped?
  9. Omg. Sooooo thin. https://www.instagram.com/p/CdZ9AP9sbrn/
  10. My prediction is that after Louie and Tre get married and life settles down and they stop filming for a while things will become very mundane. They will stay married for a few years with Louie becoming more and more disillusioned with Tre as time goes on. He will be the one to leave her. She will be devastated, especially when he walks away with half of her earnings. By the way, how many believe Tre when she said Louie has more money than she does and that's why she doesn't care about a pre nup? It's possible I suppose.
  11. I see Chris has a new edit this season. He's upset Zach, Tori and kids are moving 45 minutes away. Since when has he become such a family man with kids and grands around all the time. I thought he loved his quite life living alone. Now he's all in. Ok, Chris. I like what Caryn said about the difference in her family and Matts. In her dysfuntional family they fight alot but get over it quickly. In Matt's they fight and it drags on and on and on.....
  12. Tracy and Flagg are all over Insta together. They are really pushing this friendship. It's becoming monotonous and already boring. What happened to Flagg's bestie Altman? The other agents leaving was a mistake.
  13. On a lighter note, Dressing Kevin in the dad sweater cracks me up. Something cool celebrity Kevin would never wear. He's gorgeous no matter what. Beard, older, dad sweater and all. Mandy Moore is stunningly beautiful.
  14. So did Max cheat? Is that the big secret? Girl, you moved away. He wasn't totally on board with that. The fact that she doesn't help clean the house pisses me off. Who does she think she is? Ethan and Olivia have the strangest relationship. I don't see an ounce of chemistry between them. Micah has a weird living arrangement. Looks like a real flop house dump he's living in. He can do better. He's still my favorite, though. Kim with the dance studio. In Cairo. She hasn't danced in at least 25 years. Let's see how that works out.
  15. Marysol shut up. Just eat your lobster and stop trying to stir shit. I like that Lisa said she didn't really care about what Nicole said about her, it wasn't that big a deal. Good for her. Adriana is disgusting. Showing her fake boobies every chance she gets. I was hoping she would wash her hair when she was in the tub. It always looks greasy and dirty. I'm getting tired of Alexia and all of her rich people problems.
  16. Matt + Zach= both assholes. Zach went in to the meeting with an entitled attitude and it pissed off Matt from the start. Tori has gotten used to the good life. She's a brat. Interesting to see the dynamic between Tori and Caryn now. They were such buddies before. Bet Amy is loving the divide. Speaking of Amy. Marriage sure looks good on her. She seems very happy and so does Chris even though her family is falling apart. Zach must be doing very well financially since he can buy the new house and still own the old one until it sells. That's some hefty mortgages to carry. Oh, and I don't believe for a minute that the seller turned down an all cash offer and went with Zach's offer unless Zach went way over asking price and the other buyer backed out.
  17. Well, it did add something. Confusion.
  18. Well, then, she must take after the Dad because she's fug. Inside and out.
  19. Who ever wrote it was trying to start shit. Otherwise, it would never have been said. Kandi knows that. Oh, and how convenient Kandi was the first one to pick out a peice of paper and it happened to be about her!
  20. I think it's a rental house. Loving Kaory. Telling Ed to be quiet. Catch a clue, Big Ed. You're about to blow it for the 3rd time.
  21. Perfect name for him! Emily is horrible, bossy and spoiled. I blame her dad. Grandma said it best. They do what ever Emily tells them to do. Scary and sick. I also blame Ari's parents. They are paying 3 months rent, deposit and set up utilities. Why can't Ari go to work for her dad again until she finds something else? Dad is looking old, maybe he's retired now? Mohammad expects Yve to cater to him. She has a son to cater to and he comes first. Such a sweet kid, too. Did these two not discuss anything before deciding to uproot him from Egypt or was it strictly dickly for Yve? Not defending Mo at all but Yve could have arranged to take the next day off to make Mo feel more comfortable. Your KING just arrived to a foreign country! Instead she has to throw pots and pans on the counter, show him where the frige is and run out the door. She must have known the guy can't cook! Maybe wake up early and make the guy breakfast before work just for that one day, explain to him on work days she won't be making many breakfasts but they will eat as a family on her days off.
  22. That was all production's idea and was so fake. They thought Hmmmm how can we stir shit at this kids party? Kandi was way too chill about the "tea" that was said about her. Damn, that was nasty. Was it ever revealed who said that? Where were all the kid games, birthday cake, gift bags? What a crap party. $10,000 my ass.
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